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Author Topic: [4+ EH] Slush Pool (; Overt AsicBoost; World First Mining Pool  (Read 4382885 times)
slush (OP)
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April 18, 2011, 08:54:22 AM

I moved back my miners too, but I'd really like to check my balance. I guess I'll have to wait until the web front end comes back online. I tried to check the balance through poclbm-gui but it seems to not work as no doubt it depends on the web/database system.

Yes, poclbm-gui check is based on json API which is not available when site is down. I'm checking current status directly in database and logs and everything looks fine. I'll start web frontend as soon as possible...

I don't believe in any conspiracy theory with MM or so. I think there are some people who can do this just for fun. Of course it can be an action of some other pool, but we simply don't have enough evidence.

I see pool attacks every day, every day there are thousands of malicious requests trying to hurt pool in some way (sql injections etc). They don't hurt anything, but unfortunately this DoS really killed mysql. I believe that website rate limiter will be enough.

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April 18, 2011, 08:57:24 AM

I definitely fancy some conspiracy theory...that and the 110 extra Ghash on the network. I wish I had that kind of power to just turn on. I'd make more than a bitcoin every 9 or 10 hours, that's for sure. Tongue

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For what, I have no idea...
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April 18, 2011, 08:59:37 AM

I definitely fancy some conspiracy theory...that and the 110 extra Ghash on the network. I wish I had that kind of power to just turn on. I'd make more than a bitcoin every 9 or 10 hours, that's for sure. :P
Why do you think it was extra ? People just switched to solo or other pools when this was temporary unavailable.

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April 18, 2011, 09:33:19 AM

Well if it is this botnet bastard, that is stealing millions of peoples computational power and electricity, then they deserve everything that is coming towards them.

They definitely have an incentive and the scruples required (none) to attack a pool(s), ddos or however, when they bring the botnet online.

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April 18, 2011, 11:01:46 AM

If you need any help, I've taken classes in Internet/network security, and I've got connections with IS people at Sabre (Travelocity) and a few other places. I'm sure we could get you secure in the best possible way. Minecraft Server We accept Bitcoin and Dogecoin.
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Eadem mutata resurgo

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April 18, 2011, 11:32:23 AM

Vigilante justice is my preference ... botnets have a centralised structure so they too are vulnerable, once you find them.

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April 18, 2011, 12:07:39 PM

Vigilante justice is my preference ... botnets have a centralised structure so they too are vulnerable, once you find them.

Is that wise? Why not just do the proper thing and report them to the proper authorities instead of partaking in the same illegal activity?

 "Batman has become the villain that Gotham City needs." Minecraft Server We accept Bitcoin and Dogecoin.
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April 18, 2011, 12:14:28 PM

502 Bad Gateway

site is down...

Can someone explain to me why this happens? Is this the bitcoin daemon crashing?

Web site is down but the pool still is sending out getworks and my my miner is hashing them

Look at, slush is contributing nothing.  As far as I can tell, all work being done for the slush pool has been in vane.  I posted this last night so slush should have seen it.  Will all the workers get paid?  Will slush be able to afford it since he clearly isn't earning bitcoins [based on the pie chart]?

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April 18, 2011, 12:16:24 PM

502 Bad Gateway

site is down...

Can someone explain to me why this happens? Is this the bitcoin daemon crashing?

Web site is down but the pool still is sending out getworks and my my miner is hashing them

Look at, slush is contributing nothing.  As far as I can tell, all work being done for the slush pool has been in vane.  I posted this last night so slush should have seen it.  Will all the workers get paid?  Will slush be able to afford it since he clearly isn't earning bitcoins [based on the pie chart]?

Perhaps the Pie chart is showing 0% because network monitoring is currently showing the current hashrate for the pool? Minecraft Server We accept Bitcoin and Dogecoin.
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April 18, 2011, 03:03:45 PM

502 Bad Gateway

site is down...

Can someone explain to me why this happens? Is this the bitcoin daemon crashing?

Web site is down but the pool still is sending out getworks and my my miner is hashing them

Look at, slush is contributing nothing.  As far as I can tell, all work being done for the slush pool has been in vane.  I posted this last night so slush should have seen it.  Will all the workers get paid?  Will slush be able to afford it since he clearly isn't earning bitcoins [based on the pie chart]? is showing slush's pool to be contributing nothing because bitcoinwatch utilizes slush's website to pull that information. Bitcoinwatch assumes 0 because the website is down. This reporting error doesn't mean anything about actual mining activities.

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April 18, 2011, 03:42:34 PM

Slush I'm wondering when you intend to bring the site back up. I feel kind of uneasy knowing my miners are churning away but I have no clue what they're earning and what happening from a statistics point of view. Nothing personal. I just think having access to account stats makes miners feel a bit more relaxed.

slush (OP)
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April 18, 2011, 03:46:57 PM

I just think having access to account stats makes miners feel a bit more relaxed.

Trust me that you're not alone who is not so comfortable with current situation. But mining is operating normally, there is no reason to have lower results because site is down...

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April 18, 2011, 03:49:42 PM

For database reads, make sure they go through memcached...

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April 18, 2011, 03:56:50 PM

Slush I'm wondering when you intend to bring the site back up. I feel kind of uneasy knowing my miners are churning away but I have no clue what they're earning and what happening from a statistics point of view. Nothing personal. I just think having access to account stats makes miners feel a bit more relaxed.

A bit more relaxed? Huh
How about a TON more relaxed!   Wink
Personally, I rely on slush's great work and the feedback I get there.
Seeing my miner(s) churning away early this AM when I left the house is little consolation throughout the day...!
I'll be very happy (as I'm sure slush and we all will be) when the site id back up.

I sure hope the fargin bastiches (*) that did this are caught! (anybody else see 'Johnny Dangerously' - LOL).

Thanks to slush, all the best to all of us, and have a good day, in spite of it all!
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April 18, 2011, 04:07:17 PM

Hooray, looking good, the site is back up!   Grin

Thanks, slush!

slush (OP)
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April 18, 2011, 04:11:04 PM

For database reads, make sure they go through memcached...

Including real time stats like last submit time? But the real problems are writes - how to 'cache' site registration or creating/deleting workers? Smiley Of course I'm caching almost everything, but that's not so easy to make everything cached AND make site user friendly. Actually I have quite huge experience with memcache, because I'm running another site with 60GB memcache cluster Wink.

Site is back up with experimental rate limiting feature. I'm looking on it, hope it will be fine...

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April 18, 2011, 04:23:15 PM

Including real time stats like last submit time?

If they are in a database... yes.  memcached is fantastic for stats.  It even has special protocol command such as 'incr' that might be used.

Many large mysql installations wind up using memcached as the primary for all read operations.

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April 18, 2011, 05:12:37 PM

I don't know anything about webcite database managment but how does the performance of an ssd raid array compair to memcache implementations?  How much faster is memcache?  How do you set up a 60 GB memcached array? It sounds like a forest of ddr.

Not relevant to this discussion, as bitcoin is not data-intensive.

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April 18, 2011, 06:12:22 PM

Just FYI, I got a payment just now.  So that at least demonstrates that unconfirmed rewards are getting properly confirmed after the requisite number of blocks.  I see no reason to switch to another pool at the moment.

Tips are always welcome and can be sent to 1CZ8QgBWZSV3nLLqRk2BD3B4qDbpWAEDCZ

Thanks to ye, we have the final piece.

PGP key fingerprint: 2B7A B280 8B12 21CC 260A  DF65 6FCE 505A CF83 38F5

SerajewelKS @ #bitcoin-otc
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April 18, 2011, 06:19:40 PM

A bit more relaxed? Huh
How about a TON more relaxed!   Wink
Personally, I rely on slush's great work and the feedback I get there.
Seeing my miner(s) churning away early this AM when I left the house is little consolation throughout the day...!
I'll be very happy (as I'm sure slush and we all will be) when the site id back up.

I sure hope the fargin bastiches (*) that did this are caught! (anybody else see 'Johnny Dangerously' - LOL).

Thanks to slush, all the best to all of us, and have a good day, in spite of it all!

I missed something.  Where did anybody say that somebody "did something" to cause the site outage?  Yesterday, slush indicated it was because bitcoind hung up (seems like that code needs some refinement I suspect). 

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