I think people are either not getting the value proposition
or they don't trust the management board.
Unfortunately they don't know us in person, and we don't have a track record of success in the industry to show
We are also noticing that not a lot of people are taking their time to read the whitepaper.
I think we can discuss it a little bit here, because it seems to us there's a problem in the communication part.
What do you guys think?
Let's diagnose the problem, because we have a working product to launch, just need the fuel.
We invested in it so much time, money and effort and everything is ready for it to enter the market.
- Alex, CEO @ Snapup
Could you explain more specifically, how exactly the winner of each round is selected? how much do your actions raise your chance of winning? How many times does one have to participate to actually win the product?
The assignee for a snap is determined by our meritocracy algorithm.
Each action you take on the platform is awarded karma points.
There are 5 expense groups,
10% 12% 15% 17% 20%
The extraction of the assignee takes place in 2 steps.
The first step creates an array of potential winners via a fibonacci sequence
from the various expense groups:
1 Person is extracted from the 10% expense group (1st group)
2 Persons are extracted from the 2nd expense group
3 Persons are extracted from the 3rd
5 Persons are extracted from the 4th
8 Persons are extracted from the fifth group
So at the end we will have an array of 19 potential winners for the event, from the 300 event pool.
This extraction takes into account the karma points.
We have an algorithm that makes sure that the users with the most karma
enter the array of potential assignees, but leaving a chance also to people who just joined.
Then the PIN extraction takes place
Each user that joins the event is asked to create a 3 digit pin
The array of 19 potential winners is populated in a hierarchical way
The first to enter it are the users who belong to the fifth expense group(20%)
And their pin determines their position in the array, so
the first who enter it, get to chose. The further take what's left.
The assignee will be the user that occupies the position correspondent to
the ninetieth modulus of the summatory of the pins of the participants.
This allows the draw to be user determined, based on external and non manipulable events,
and therefore, impartial. Even a 1 unit change in the pin of a single participant can result in an entirely different assignee.
The Karma system allows an healthy turnover in the extraction, since the user karma gets accumulated since one wins an event.
When this happens, their karma is reset to 0
Hope this clarifies