Here are a few things I'd like to see implemented in PrimeDice.
1 - Being able to change currency.
I don't mean like yen or pesos, I mean the different coins that exist.
IE: mBTC, BTC, Litecoin
Would be pretty cool to have to aim for 1,000 mbtc instead of 1 btc.
2 - A better chat bot. One like would be really cool. The current chat bot is really confusing. More commands, like a profit checker in any currency, !profit 1d usd ~ Checks your profit in the last day, which can be something like
Profit: 1.63 BTC or Profit: -1.63 BTC / Profit: $USD equivalent of 1.63 BTC, you get the point.
3 - Like the guy above me said, profit charts would look pretty cool in our stats or looking at other peoples.
4 - A scoreboard/leaderboard. I think this already exists but I forgot if it does.
Something like a board where you can check everyone's rating on a board, so it shows top 10 on a page for a few different sections IE: Most Wagered, Most profit, Most negative profit in 1 day increments & at the bottom it shows your stats & a number on the left indicating what you are.
5 - Faster betting. Every time I activate the bot it bets like 2-3 times every 10 seconds or something worse which is very bad. I guess even 4 times in 10 seconds would be cool so you can bet faster & make more profit
Besides, it gets really slow once it's loading which ruins the site.
6 - Accept more countries. I'm not sure why you block countries or limit them to the free version IE: Australia/United States but it would be amazing to many people if you allowed these countries on.
7 - A better mobile layout. Not sure if this is exactly needed, but I'm sure that I and many others use PrimeDice on their mobile & the design of the site for mobile is pretty bad and could use some work.
An app would be great
Either way, PrimeDice is my favourite site. Good luck with the growth! Also, you should allow people to invest in the bankroll hehe