I ran DDU in normal rather than safe mode and everything went fine. My XFX 580's went from 26.5 back up to 29.7 like they had been running when I first got them.

I don't think the question is whether or not the drivers are able to increase the hashrate, as everyone pretty much agrees on this point. The question is does it increase the hashrate while maintaining the power saving measures many of us were previously running. These measures could include BIOS mods, overclocking, and undervolting.
So for everyone, the more helpful updates would include not only the fact that your hashrate returned to previous levels, but what was your pre-beta and post-beta power consumption readings and did you need to make any adjustments to return to normal levels.
For example, I have a RX580 8 GB that when I first got it I could get 30 MHs out of it at 122 watts. With the DAG issue it slowly crept down to ~27 MHs while still drawing 122 watts.
I then apply the Beta driver but need to revert some of the previous adjustments to make it work properly. I now am back to ~30 MHs in performance, but when I look at the power draw it is now using 150 watts.
So doing some simple math with the beta driver the card now consumes 5 watts of power for every 1 MHs of performance.
The pre-beta driver state it used only 4.5 watts for every 1 MHs of performance.
And the original state (where we all want to get back to) it required only 4.06 watts for every 1 MHs in performance.
So as you can see from the example, the beta driver (with adjustments to make it run stable) seems to draw roughly 0.5 to 1 whole extra watt for every 1 MHash it generates, which overtime can add up. At 30 MHs this is 30 watts extra per card, and in a 6 GPU rig it is 180 more watts. Since the new driver does not seem to work well with earlier BIOS mods or most overclocking and under-clocking settings most of us had in place prior, this is not really an improvement.