Activity: 22
Merit: 0
June 02, 2019, 09:30:19 AM |
WTF,blocks back to 122999 from 123010 
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:02:48 PM |
i switched at least 10 miners to evo yesterday, so it should not be 100% on
some of them going above 123000, some are stucked at 122999 some are 'mining' something, cpu usage is somewhere 100% somewhere ~0% but it shows hps (but lower) one is complaining about abn too low one complaining: error: Could not locate RPC credentials. No authentication cookie could be found, and no rpcpassword is set in the configuration file (/home/capo/.biblepayevolution/biblepay.conf)
I agree, we probably had at least 10% upgrade to Evo that didnt show up in the exec versionreport (every solved block was on classic). And I agree, we didn't force anyone to upgrade to Evo by 123,000 because we never planned for a sanctuary gov quorum to be live before 123,000. ABN is off, so it should not do that, on that node, please delete /SAN -r and restart. On the one with RPC credentials, that means the biblepay daemon isnt running, or the rpcuser and rpcpass is not set in the ~/.biblepayevolution biblepay.conf file.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:05:28 PM |
And no official guide how to change wallet to Evo  where u r guys ?? It was 6 posts before your post.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:12:25 PM |
In my case I also upgraded miners yesterday. MNs were ok but controller wallet was stuck at 122999 like capulo's. I resynced and now it's ok
How is the network status right now? I just looked into my desktop wallet, and it shows only connections to clients with my wallet. All newer wallets have problems, most of them are stuck at 122999 and my clients kills these connections. I have the same block hash: getblockhash 123010 ad6f362c94ff32ebd0875a1686529fb21e5bbb15ab5afc93c8af7310b32bdcc3 P.S.: By the way: Purepool is in maintenance right now, until all is working fine again  Well, the biggest issue right now is all the Evo clients that are stuck on block 122,999 are banning the Classic clients, and those disbanded clients are solving blocks. So, we need to get to the root of the problem on 122,999 in evo First, before changing anything. I still want everyone to upgrade to Evo in the mean time. I have put pool.biblepay.org in maintenance while we solve this.
Jr. Member
Activity: 219
Merit: 3
June 02, 2019, 12:15:28 PM |
So, we need to get to the root of the problem on 122,999 in evo First, before changing anything.
I still want everyone to upgrade to Evo in the mean time.
I have put pool.biblepay.org in maintenance while we solve this.
My Evo client ist a block 123073 right now: geblockhash 123073 94126577117a19fe0b32f68fe327c2095e17875f69f485f15b37dd5376836182 But all my valid connections are to Clients :/
Purepool Biblepay Pool (https://www.purepool.org) Mining How-To (https://www.biblepay-central.org/en/mining-how-to/)
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:16:00 PM |
How is the network status right now?
Yep there is something going on with mined blocks, my controller wallet has rolled back again to 122999 So, the reason we are going back to 122,999 on the Evo side is that is one block before the monthly governance superblock. I created a clone of the classic governance superblock in prod in evo last night, but we don't have any Evo miners to solve the block, so I think thats (Ill be confirming this next) thats why Evo is not advancing, we need an Evo miner to solve the block on the Evo chain (not a classic miner). Im checking into this to confirm.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:18:00 PM |
So, we need to get to the root of the problem on 122,999 in evo First, before changing anything.
I still want everyone to upgrade to Evo in the mean time.
I have put pool.biblepay.org in maintenance while we solve this.
My Evo client ist a block 123073 right now: geblockhash 123073 94126577117a19fe0b32f68fe327c2095e17875f69f485f15b37dd5376836182 But all my valid connections are to Clients :/ Whats your difficulty currently, its probably very low, and when you reindexed you probably cleared the Classic 123,000 block. (Which is another potential solution to this, but then we lose our gov superblock which is baaad). So whats your diff, and also if you do a 'getblock 123000' do a getrawtransaction[0] and see if your node has the 123,000 superblock or is that a regular block?
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:35:28 PM |
i switched at least 10 miners to evo yesterday, so it should not be 100% on
some of them going above 123000, some are stucked at 122999 some are 'mining' something, cpu usage is somewhere 100% somewhere ~0% but it shows hps (but lower) one is complaining about abn too low one complaining: error: Could not locate RPC credentials. No authentication cookie could be found, and no rpcpassword is set in the configuration file (/home/capo/.biblepayevolution/biblepay.conf)
Regarding the inconsistent CPU usage, and some mining and not mining, this is because nodes who believe its impossible to create a block are not mining (if for example you are stuck on 129,999 and cant get the governance info to create the superblock), the node will not be doing much work.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:39:40 PM |
It's possible that we have fixed the problem (I sent out a reconsiderblock command for 123,000 after voting on the Evo superblock), please check your evo nodes to see if we solved the monthly governance superblock.
If so we still have a couple more things to solve. (Like unbanning other nodes, and upgrading etc).
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:44:58 PM |
Hello Rob, you need update the wallet download section with EVO by removing the away please. When i go in the wallet section that version still confusing me which version even effect to new miners.
Hmm, where do we have a label tag on biblepay.org? I only see the Evo download in the Downloads (middle section area), and the Evo download in the menu (and classic download is hidden).
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 12:53:16 PM |
So for now it appears Evo *will* accept the governance superblock at 123,000 if we:
- Upgrade to Evo - Divert hash power to Evo, and become Evo miners - Unban the other nodes your node has banned
Right now I see about 65% are running classic still (using peer info only), so this explains why its very hard for Evo to solve the next block using Evo only hashpower.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
June 02, 2019, 01:21:47 PM |
Hmm, where do we have a label tag on biblepay.org? I only see the Evo download in the Downloads (middle section area), and the Evo download in the menu (and classic download is hidden).
if you bookmarked the /wallet page on biblepay.org it still has the info.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 01:23:20 PM |
Hmm, where do we have a label tag on biblepay.org? I only see the Evo download in the Downloads (middle section area), and the Evo download in the menu (and classic download is hidden).
if you bookmarked the /wallet page on biblepay.org it still has the info. Please be specific. If you mean you saved an old URL to the wallet, yes, that is not a good idea. The web site says "Evolution Windows 64 bit" - but not
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
June 02, 2019, 01:33:19 PM |
http://www.biblepay.org/wallet/still exists, and the download link still works, you should probably remove them. edit: and a google search for "biblepay wallet" goes directly to that page
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 01:49:38 PM |
http://www.biblepay.org/wallet/still exists, and the download link still works, you should probably remove them. edit: and a google search for "biblepay wallet" goes directly to that page Ok, got it, thanks. The confusion came because we have 2 other download areas. Ill fix it now.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 01:59:56 PM |
http://www.biblepay.org/wallet/still exists, and the download link still works, you should probably remove them. edit: and a google search for "biblepay wallet" goes directly to that page Fixed - note you will have to push ctrl-f5 to see the new version tag.
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 02:16:43 PM |
It appears the most hashpower solved blocks up to 123089, so in this case I think its best to re-sync your Evo node if you are stuck on 123,000 or 123,001. Since after a while, most users are going to be syncing from zero, and approving that biblepay-classic superblock and veering on the chain with the 30,000 diff.
So please try re-syncing if you are stuck on 123,001. And also delete your banlist.dat before restarting.
I'm syncing pool.biblepay.org in Evo mode now.
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
June 02, 2019, 02:48:23 PM |
It appears the most hashpower solved blocks up to 123089, so in this case I think its best to re-sync your Evo node if you are stuck on 123,000 or 123,001. Since after a while, most users are going to be syncing from zero, and approving that biblepay-classic superblock and veering on the chain with the 30,000 diff.
So please try re-syncing if you are stuck on 123,001. And also delete your banlist.dat before restarting.
I'm syncing pool.biblepay.org in Evo mode now.
Thank you for your guidance and instructions. Right now our hash power is directed at pool.biblepay.org but it appears that it is wasted (very high error percentage). Would solo mining help, in this case?
bible_pay (OP)
Full Member
Activity: 1176
Merit: 215
Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
June 02, 2019, 02:56:58 PM |
It appears the most hashpower solved blocks up to 123089, so in this case I think its best to re-sync your Evo node if you are stuck on 123,000 or 123,001. Since after a while, most users are going to be syncing from zero, and approving that biblepay-classic superblock and veering on the chain with the 30,000 diff.
So please try re-syncing if you are stuck on 123,001. And also delete your banlist.dat before restarting.
I'm syncing pool.biblepay.org in Evo mode now.
Thank you for your guidance and instructions. Right now our hash power is directed at pool.biblepay.org but it appears that it is wasted (very high error percentage). Would solo mining help, in this case? Well actually through the night I disabled the pool, so it should not have been wasted (plus - when the client detects a bad pool connection it automatically solo mines). Its just for the last 30 mins I was re-syncing pool.biblepay, but its actually synced now, so you should be hitting the pool and be on block 123098. If you are lower could you please try resyncing? Oh, on the global error percentages yes those will update over the next 15 mins. I think they were being pulled from the classic chain.