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Author Topic: [ANN] profit switching auto-exchanging pool -  (Read 829892 times)
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January 12, 2014, 10:03:34 PM

What pool is everyone moving to?
The biggest issue I see here is the pathetic alternatives

NOBODY here wants to mine a single coin. We use multipools for that reason.

hashcows is a joke. Hacked and still all fucked up.
Multipool still makes YOU exchange (using cryptsy-ripoff which I wouldn't trust with 1 cent)
that other new one has zero hashpower....

so what are the alternatives???
Show me 1, just 1 fucking alternative that auto exchanges for btc just as easy as middlecoin does.

There is actually one other pool for lazy fuck like you.

However the other pool I found with 2-3x larger payouts is still secret.

lazy? Then why are you here too, dipshit?
Yeah, keep your other 3x larger payout pool "secret" lmao
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January 12, 2014, 10:04:14 PM

I really hope pool size has halved when stat server is back online.

Everyonme should start listening on tealover from now on.
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January 12, 2014, 10:04:54 PM

I really hope pool size has halved when stat server is back online.

Everyonme should start listening on tealover from now on.

HAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaa hhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaah hahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhah ahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahh ahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahah haahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahh aahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHA hahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahh ahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahha hahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahah ahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhah aHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahha ahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaa hhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAha hahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhah hahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhaha hhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahah haahhahahhaahhahhahaHAhahahahhaahhahahhaahhahhaha
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January 12, 2014, 10:04:59 PM


Somebody has PMed me H2O's personal details including name, home address, where he went to college, a picture of him, and more details on him.

He works as a video game programmer and he plays lots of MMORPG video games. He is 32 years old and lives in California (ANOTHER LIE, he told us he lives in the midwest) His name is Eric. I won't give his last name yet.

This pool is NOT his "full time job" like he said. HE LIED TO YOU ALL. 1 LIE MEANS YOU SHOULDN'T TRUST HIM ANYMORE. He has a full-time job as a video game programmer.

1 quote from H2O on a different website recently is "Video games are pretty much my life right now."

I have sent him a PM to try to work things out. I will give him 24 hours to reply before taking further action.

Jesus Christ lighten up. if he has a full time job that explains the lack of information.... Stop being a jealous douche and spend some time off the internet! You seem like the kind of person who could really use it.

He told us that running THIS pool was his full time job. H2O is full of lies. The house of cards is about to fall.
Oh because a load of information you got from a random guy on the internet is going to be correct XD Even if it is true everyone lies everyday Tongue Hell i know i would to a bunch of random people ive never met and complain a lot if it made my life easier
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January 12, 2014, 10:06:10 PM

Iìm testing this. Not automatic coin exchanghe however

Roll a dice FOR FREE every hour, and win up to $200 in btc ---> CLICK HERE

Tip me using the LIGHTING NETWORK! -->
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тσ ¢σιи σя иσт тσ ¢σιи?

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January 12, 2014, 10:07:56 PM

Wow Simon. Just wow.

"I am not Dorian Nakamoto."
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January 12, 2014, 10:08:10 PM


Somebody has PMed me H2O's personal details including name, home address, where he went to college, a picture of him, and more details on him.

He works as a video game programmer and he plays lots of MMORPG video games. He is 32 years old and lives in California (ANOTHER LIE, he told us he lives in the midwest) His name is Eric. I won't give his last name yet.

This pool is NOT his "full time job" like he said. HE LIED TO YOU ALL. 1 LIE MEANS YOU SHOULDN'T TRUST HIM ANYMORE. He has a full-time job as a video game programmer.

1 quote from H2O on a different website recently is "Video games are pretty much my life right now."

I have sent him a PM to try to work things out. I will give him 24 hours to reply before taking further action.
You really are just an asshole.
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January 12, 2014, 10:10:24 PM

For one im a very honest person, and i like to belive others are honest too...

I don´t understand why H02 would lie about these... I don´t really care about if it is his full time job or part time...
What i do care is some kind of point of situation, some word to the "MOBS", about the state of the pool, ideas, some kind of explanations, etc...

From what is recieving per day, even if he could not reply for himself, he should delegate to someone else...
What i feel is that we are all here alone, and when someone says something about this lack of profissionalism, some guys, just unload all the hate and bickering on others...
If we all unite in the same cause, the service will only get better not worse... H20 need us, and us need his service pool...

This is not just a one way going... like Shut up and take the money every day... no questions asked...
With growth comes responsability...

Best regards to all...


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January 12, 2014, 10:10:55 PM

Creating this Twitter account is a step in the right direction in terms of a better support system, hopefully he will use this every other day to report on what he's working on/fixing. Obviously he's read the comments here and is trying to make the support a little bit better, so fingers cross it works.
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Activity: 37
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January 12, 2014, 10:12:39 PM


Somebody has PMed me H2O's personal details including name, home address, where he went to college, a picture of him, and more details on him.

He works as a video game programmer and he plays lots of MMORPG video games. He is 32 years old and lives in California (ANOTHER LIE, he told us he lives in the midwest) His name is Eric. I won't give his last name yet.

This pool is NOT his "full time job" like he said. HE LIED TO YOU ALL. 1 LIE MEANS YOU SHOULDN'T TRUST HIM ANYMORE. He has a full-time job as a video game programmer.

1 quote from H2O on a different website recently is "Video games are pretty much my life right now."

I have sent him a PM to try to work things out. I will give him 24 hours to reply before taking further action.

Jesus Christ lighten up. if he has a full time job that explains the lack of information.... Stop being a jealous douche and spend some time off the internet! You seem like the kind of person who could really use it.

He told us that running THIS pool was his full time job. H2O is full of lies. The house of cards is about to fall.
Oh because a load of information you got from a random guy on the internet is going to be correct XD Even if it is true everyone lies everyday Tongue Hell i know i would to a bunch of random people ive never met and complain a lot if it made my life easier

The personal details they sent me have been verified as accurate. They were very easy to find actually and will be released if H2O doesn't reply to my private message within 24 hours. He just logged in and didn't reply, so I already think he won't reply to me in the future either.
Why dont you release your personal details aswell? You obviously wont have anything to hide and of course if anyone found you had to 1 lie we should ignore you. After all "1 LIE MEANS YOU SHOULDN'T TRUST HIM ANYMORE." Dont be a douche and share someones personal infomation because the key word there is personal. Why not move to another pool and stop stressing out? Life isnt all about a computer you know!
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January 12, 2014, 10:13:13 PM

Ohh FFS tea lover serious get lost man. If you have such a problem why don't you just disappear? You motives for still sticking around are disingenuous (google it)

If you are so convinced about your thoughts ... You clearly enjoy being robbed. Why don't you leave your keys in your car next time you step out. Or maybe you've not saved up your pennies for a car yet.

Anyone can find out his name, address, email, get down off your soapbox. Why don't you come back online when you hit 18.
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January 12, 2014, 10:14:02 PM

Tealover is a prime example of someone who jumped off a ship, swam to another ship, and is butthurt that he isn't making the same profits.  If Tealover was actually mining on another pool and making great profits, you can be sure he wouldn't be trolling in this thread like a maniac.  I would suggest that he's a shill for another up-coming auto-switching auto-trading pool, but I am pretty sure he doesn't have enough brains for that.

SimonG: LOLOLOLOLOL.  You are very funny.

Tealover: seriously, newb... nobody cares if you have his contact information.  Congratulations?  What did you PM him anyway?  A ransom demand, huh?  Why are you so butt hurt?
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January 12, 2014, 10:15:45 PM

Simon g has a magic pool with 2x - 3x payments, it actually multiplies your hash power into magic coins then sells them for double bitcoins!!
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January 12, 2014, 10:21:37 PM

And stats are back... looks like that incline outpaces the prior part of the day too.  Woot Woot.
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January 12, 2014, 10:24:05 PM

And stats are back... looks like that incline outpaces the prior part of the day too.  Woot Woot.

Not quite... the unexchanged went up, the balance didn't. The unexchanged didn't go up enough to exchange it for a decent return. Out of that 129 unexchanged BTC, we might get paid 60-80BTC out of that.
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January 12, 2014, 10:26:05 PM

And stats are back... looks like that incline outpaces the prior part of the day too.  Woot Woot.

stats are back but red line is still not moving, h20 is taking all of your money but you're too stupid to understand it. Right now he's sitting in front of his computer laughing at you.

From now on I will be taking invite requests to my pool. It will cost 0.1 BTC but payouts are 2x as much average day and 3x if you're lucky. PM me here if you are interested.
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January 12, 2014, 10:28:04 PM

How did you find his twitter? There's no mention of it on (just checked)

Magliette ed adesivi Bitcoin e criptovalute, spedizione gratuita in Italia Grin
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January 12, 2014, 10:28:24 PM

And stats are back... looks like that incline outpaces the prior part of the day too.  Woot Woot.

stats are back but red line is still not moving, h20 is taking all of your money but you're too stupid to understand it. Right now he's sitting in front of his computer laughing at you.

So tealover made a new account a few weeks ago because he was tired of his scammer trust?
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January 12, 2014, 10:30:06 PM

Somebody has PMed me H2O's personal details including name, home address, where he went to college, a picture of him, and more details on him.


I was just watching the Discovery Channel and found out who is "tealover"! It is no a he or she, it's actualy a monkey! You should all listen to him and forget that you actally have a brain Wink

Seriously, guys, I have been following this topic for weeks to keep an update of what is going on with middlecoin, but now I'm here just because you guys really makes me laugh. Keep it up, because there is nothing better then a good laughter before going to sleep Wink

And h2o, thanks for leaving this topic and switching to Twitter, just make sure you'll keep us updated via Twitter!
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Activity: 1212
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January 12, 2014, 10:31:22 PM

And stats are back... looks like that incline outpaces the prior part of the day too.  Woot Woot.

stats are back but red line is still not moving, h20 is taking all of your money but you're too stupid to understand it. Right now he's sitting in front of his computer laughing at you.

From now on I will be taking invite requests to my pool. It will cost 0.1 BTC.

It has moved now and stats (at least mine) have been updated. Geez, you guys are pretty fast screaming SCAM!
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