May 09, 2018, 07:48:38 AM |
Because i do believe that it will pump much more than before so this is the best time to hold your altcoins and if you hold them you will get a lot of profits if you cut the lose of your portfolio and sorts
Activity: 114
Merit: 0
May 09, 2018, 07:49:21 AM |
If that is old altcoin, I will not be in a hurry to sell it, because chances are its value will continue to rise. It's different if it's new altcoin or ICO coins I'll sell it soon because I'm afraid if it holds it too long then its value will go down.

Activity: 418
Merit: 10
"simply getting the job done"
May 09, 2018, 07:58:36 AM |
To me, the bravest person is the one who holds the altcoin for a long time. So those who already sell altcoin too fast, because there is a sense of panic in him. They are afraid the price will fall at any time.

Activity: 560
Merit: 17
May 09, 2018, 09:16:21 AM |
I tend to sell half of my alts when I recive the bounty, since i have had a lot of bad experiences . For example I had tokens which where very fine but adter a month they got hacked and robbed, I lost 70% of value.
Activity: 58
Merit: 0
May 09, 2018, 04:14:26 PM |
When I read the news and I understand that this is a lie, but many people when they find out they suddenly start selling coins. In this case, I'm not always sure that the coin will be able to recover after such a dump and also I'll sell it off, too
Activity: 126
Merit: 0
May 09, 2018, 10:23:28 PM |
Selling altcoins soon sometimes depends on different circumstances. For instance , I invested in an ICo and after it launched on exchange, it was selling below ico price then I didn't sell because I understand the downtrend of the market, and the project is suppose to launch a roadmap that will drive up the price but they kept postponing the roadmap and missed the timeline about 3times, so I realise the project is not serious and I had to sell off the coin and looking back I don't regret I did that.

Activity: 171
Merit: 50
Crypto will save my kids!
May 09, 2018, 10:37:00 PM |
recently I like to pick and hold for long term as the short term has proved to be a wrong move for me. also I'm planning to keep what I can earn with bounties and I'm always carefull what projects to pick and mostly are a long term holding token/alt.
May 09, 2018, 11:15:07 PM |
for myself I just follow Altcoin's movement if the price goes up I sell it and vice versa if the low price I buy it.
May 09, 2018, 11:18:33 PM |
people hate losing so as soon as they see that red candle they sell, are they have there stop/loss triggered ive found it better to hold coins you really believe in, i dont try and do that short term profits stuff not worth it in my opinion.
Activity: 106
Merit: 0
May 10, 2018, 04:14:32 AM |
Many people just put to much money in crypto . So when the price is falling or the price stop to grow, they start to panic and sell the coins. I never invest more than I can and even if I lose everything that would not really hurt. I do not sell my coins so easy.
Activity: 208
Merit: 0
May 10, 2018, 04:19:05 AM |
I am selling my altcoin so early sometimes depends of the quality of the coin. We all know some coins would just pump when it enters the market then massively dumps after a week of so even within a day sometimes. We could sell it early then buy back at low price. I have bitwhite before which mooned when it enters the market. it was over 1000 usd in value when it it the market for the week. then dumped very hard afterwards. its value right now didn't even reached 100 usd. Very unlucky me for holding.
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
May 10, 2018, 02:19:26 PM |
I sold it because i need money for my everyday living and to give some money to my parents. I will not sell it unless i dont need money. The next tokens that i will recieve, i will hold it for sure.

Activity: 336
Merit: 12
May 10, 2018, 04:39:29 PM |
Most people are guided by the instincts when buying a coin. They buy a coin if its price rises, and they sell a coin if its price falls. In the first case, they are driven by greed, in the second - by fear. I think that this is wrong and more often it is necessary to do the opposite. We need to think a few steps forward.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
May 11, 2018, 05:06:07 AM |
Personally, I do not sell altr coins that were bought as long-term investments. Someone sell altcoins at the beginning of the price drop. And then they are bought again at the bottom. thus increasing the number of coins.
Kyo Kusanagi
Activity: 124
Merit: 0
May 11, 2018, 05:13:19 AM |
I didn't sell any cryptocurrency I had, and when Ethereum fell to $400, I bought it. I think it will have a lot of upside in the future, so I believe I can get a good return.
May 11, 2018, 05:21:57 AM |
people are selling their coin very soon because they are waiting for the price to come up again. Because if the coin is currently released on exchange the price will dump because of the bounty hunters so if they sell their coin immediately they would not be able to earn a good income.
Full Member
Activity: 301
Merit: 100
Next Generation Antivirus
May 11, 2018, 05:28:23 AM |
I sell some altcoins quickly. If I do not see any prospects in the coin, or the team does not follow the road map, then I sell my altcoyin. Also I can sell coins, which have a competitor with a lot of advantages. But most often I keep coins for a long time.
Activity: 132
Merit: 0
May 11, 2018, 05:32:21 AM |
I think most of them are panic selling. They only care about the immediate interests without looking at the future of the cryptocurrency they buy. I don't think we should sell the coins in the hands of current price fluctuations.
Activity: 266
Merit: 0
May 11, 2018, 05:45:11 AM |
Because after the releasing of the coin the price is its peak so other people will sell them for good but some other will hold until the coin reach the right amount of price.
Handsome Boy
Copper Member

Activity: 812
Merit: 12
I ❤ ₿itcoin and Ethereum
May 11, 2018, 05:57:06 AM |
because I think the profit I get is enough, so I sell my altcoin and start investing in the new ICO,