pls. delete my accounts.
btc ID 3278046
doge ID
where is?
First of all, why do you need to delete accounts? As I know, it's not possible.
You can find Freedoge.co.in account ID on Refer section - numbers in your referral link is your user ID.
I am not sure, but even if account deletion is possible, accounts still should not be deleted using an anon request on this forum
If accounts could be deleted so easy like this, someone might request to delete all accounts from ID 1 to 3000000 or similar
"First of all, why do you need to delete accounts? As I know, it's not possible.
You can find Freedoge.co.in account ID on Refer section - numbers in your referral link is your user ID."
for me it's just a waste of time.
you are wrong. (I deleted my first accounts 2 years ago)
thx for the info.
"I am not sure, but even if account deletion is possible, accounts still should not be deleted using an anon request on this forum
If accounts could be deleted so easy like this, someone might request to delete all accounts from ID 1 to 3000000 or similar"
you will receive an email that needs to be confirmed.
end of the story.