For instance, your password clue file might say:
My standard password + My throwaway password (backwards, all caps) + &#$%@ + First two sentences of first paragraph of page 19 of my favorite book (include all capitalization and punctuation) + My wife's mother's middle name + My son's favorite superhero + My favorite number times 8734 + food my wife hates (backwards, all caps) + 9-digit number stored with my paper will + 10-character password stored in my safety deposit box + . . . .
My god that is excessive.
When I create passwords, I find a quotation or sentence I like (perhaps from a graphic novel). Then I memorize it. Suppose the sentence I memorize is (taken, with slight modification, from _The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia_):
"With a single swing of the sword, the goddess Hylia rent the Earth."
Then my base password would become: WassotstgHrtE.
From here, I might add some other symbols (from a standard set I frequently use).
In any case, you get the idea. Easy to remember. Damn secure. And not some complicated mess of nuthattery. =)
Also, get an Iron Key.