Activity: 1890
Merit: 1098
Ian Knowles - CIYAM Lead Developer
February 23, 2014, 03:40:39 AM |
1) as I can run the 0.8.0 to enable SSL? to work in the same way that came running in previous versions. What use in nxt.keyStorePath=keystore and nxt.keyStorePassword=password ??
You'll need to generate a self-signed cert now (
February 23, 2014, 03:59:07 AM Last edit: February 23, 2014, 05:04:30 PM by rickyjames |
NXT FUNDING COMMITTEE VOTE IS COMING MARCH 1Remaining eligible nominees with as-yet undeclared intentions (PM me if you want off this list): ^[GS]^, 2Kool4Skewl, Arckam_(frmelin), bitcoinpaul, buybitcoinscanada Chanc3r, ChuckOne, CIYAM Open, Cointropolis_JustabitTime, Come-from-Beyond Damelon, davethetrousers, drevil, EvilDave, ferment, Fry, hughmanwho, Jean-Luc, jl777, Kattywampus, Klee, landomata, laowai80, msin, mww nexern, opticalcarrier, Pandaisftw, PeercoinEnthusiast, pinarello, Pouncer, Ricot, salsacz SecondLeo, smaragda, Uniqueorn, VanBreuk, ZeroTheGreat
Something Zahlen said: A candidate does not need to be good at writing English. Some candidates may not have English as their mother tongue. If you're voting, don't confuse lots of writing for ability to judge the worth of a project. Remember that ultimately the committee's job is to decide which projects get funded. If you are on this list and want to be on a NXT funding committee, go here: luck to these nominees who have declared themselves candidates: NXTmarketingfund: allwelder, Damelon, Mario123, Asian Prepper, joefox, brooklynbct NXTtechdevfund: EmoneyRu, Anon136, l8orre, abuelau NXTinfrastructurefund: rickyjames
Yeah, you may have seen this before. I'll be putting it up every ten pages or so. It's one of those "legitimate, transparent process" things.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
February 23, 2014, 04:03:52 AM |
Where I can get a free HTTPS certificate, and because I can not keep using the provided by Jetty?
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1098
Ian Knowles - CIYAM Lead Developer
February 23, 2014, 04:05:22 AM |
Where I can get a free HTTPS certificate, and because I can not keep using the provided by Jetty? It is *free* to create a self-signed cert - just follow the instructions I linked to.
February 23, 2014, 04:22:24 AM |
It's not only - also our friend Tai Zen uses the word "Nextcoin" in his great videos. It's a fundamental "problem" since the beginning. Just like Lilliput and Blefuscu Egg War  I'm part of it - sticking to Nxt too.
February 23, 2014, 04:31:03 AM |
There is no other coin outside this world, that is able to run like that!
Yet. But we want competition. It's essential in a way to perfection.
February 23, 2014, 04:39:06 AM |
I've done some cleanup and created a wiki page for Nxt Site Integration. It combines all of the existing how-to guides into one spot, and it's linked from the main page of the wiki as well as the "how-to" guides page. Information has been updated to reflect the Google doc posted earlier today, and the correction suggested by CfB, related to not re-using sendMoney before verifying that the original transaction has not been altered, has been made. Finally, for all would-be wiki folks: if you want to contribute, follow these instructions to get set up. The wiki is intentionally moderated to prevent vandalism & spam, AND to facilitate language translations. No request (from a real human) for edit access has ever been denied.
February 23, 2014, 05:04:37 AM Last edit: February 23, 2014, 05:22:35 AM by Fern |
OK so i goto this site to start "foraging" ntx ---> It asks for an email and my account number that was created by downloading NRS 0.7.5. I waited 14 hours and still havn't recieve one coin let alone 1-4 as promised on the above site. I try again to put in my accnt and email at and I get an invalid request error... Anyone know whats up with this as it takes at least one coin to begin the foraging process if i understand this correctly... You probably should be aiming for about 100k NXT before hoping to 'forge' anything. Even if you don't get that much, it's really a civic duty to support the NXT network.
February 23, 2014, 05:22:58 AM |
Problem accessing /admin.html. Reason:
Not Found"
What info'd I provide?
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
February 23, 2014, 05:34:45 AM |
Insert Quote Quote from: TM on Today at 03:22:05 AM OK so i goto this site to start "foraging" ntx ---> It asks for an email and my account number that was created by downloading NRS 0.7.5. I waited 14 hours and still havn't recieve one coin let alone 1-4 as promised on the above site. I try again to put in my accnt and email at and I get an invalid request error... Anyone know whats up with this as it takes at least one coin to begin the foraging process if i understand this correctly... You probably should be aiming for about 100k before 'forging' anything. Even if you don't get that much, it's really a civic duty to support the NXT network. You are not being explicit. "Aiming for 100k" In what way? I have a mining rigs currently and have no problem with setting those up for ltc rpc btc... but instructructions on youtube or even here on this site have lead me my issue above. Please see my initial post about the above issue...
February 23, 2014, 05:46:28 AM |
You are not being explicit. "Aiming for 100k" In what way? I have a mining rigs currently and have no problem with setting those up for ltc rpc btc... but instructructions on youtube or even here on this site have lead me my issue above. Please see my initial post about the above issue...
The point that is being made here is that the Nxt faucet isn't going to be enough for you to "forge" in any reasonable time frame. If you want to forge 1 block every couple of days, you need to have about 100,000 Nxt -- an investment of about $6000USD at current rates. The "mining" culture that you appear to come from is not applicable to Nxt. It's a totally different animal, and mining (AKA forging) doesn't work the same way. It's far more smart to BUY some Nxt and trade it, if you're in it for profit. I can't help "debug" why you didn't get coins from the faucet because you didn't supply very much information. What is your account number? We can check to see if a transaction was sent from the faucet, at least. Finally, I recommend you read the FAQ on the wiki!
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
February 23, 2014, 05:54:02 AM |
Is anyone else having this error with 8.0e and windows?
C:\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -cp nxt.jar:lib/*:conf nxt.Nxt Error: Could not find or load main class nxt.Nxt
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
February 23, 2014, 05:59:15 AM |
NXT FUNDING COMMITTEE VOTE IS COMING MARCH 1Eligible nominees: ^[GS]^, 2Kool4Skewl, abuelau, Allwelder , Anon136 Arckam_(frmelin), bitcoinpaul, bloodyrookie, brooklynbtc, buybitcoinscanada Chanc3r, ChuckOne, CIYAM Open, Cointropolis_JustabitTime, Come-from-Beyond Damelon, davethetrousers, drevil, EmoneyRu, EvilDave ferment, Fry, hughmanwho, Jean-Luc, brooklynbtc jl777, Joefox, Kattywampus, Klee, l8orre landomata,laowai80, Mario123, msin, mww nextern, opticalcarrier, Pandaisftw, Passion_ltc, PeercoinEnthusiast pinarello, Pouncer, rickyjames, Ricot, salsacz SecondLeo, smaragda, Asian Prepper, TwinWinNerD, Uniqueorn Utopianfuture, VanBreuk, Wesleyh, Zahlen, ZeroTheGreat
If you are on this list and want to be on a NXT funding committee, go here: luck to these nominees who have declared themselves candidates: NXTmarketingfund: allwelder, Damelon, Mario123, Asian Prepper NXTtechdevfund: EmoneyRu NXTinfrastructurefund: rickyjames
Yeah, you may have seen this before. I'll be putting it up every ten pages or so. I posted
Rep Thread: one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
February 23, 2014, 06:03:57 AM |
Is anyone else having this error with 8.0e and windows?
C:\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -cp nxt.jar:lib/*:conf nxt.Nxt Error: Could not find or load main class nxt.Nxt
I think you may have a couple of typos. Here is what works for me: "c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -cp nxt.jar;lib\*;conf nxt.Nxt Notice the semicolons instead of colons and the and the direction of the final slash.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
February 23, 2014, 06:07:00 AM |
The point that is being made here is that the Nxt faucet isn't going to be enough for you to "forge" in any reasonable time frame. If you want to forge 1 block every couple of days, you need to have about 100,000 Nxt -- an investment of about $6000USD at current rates.
The "mining" culture that you appear to come from is not applicable to Nxt. It's a totally different animal, and mining (AKA forging) doesn't work the same way. It's far more smart to BUY some Nxt and trade it, if you're in it for profit.
I can't help "debug" why you didn't get coins from the faucet because you didn't supply very much information. What is your account number? We can check to see if a transaction was sent from the faucet, at least. OK thanks for clearing that up. NXT accnt: 905231094469761347 Ill check out FAQ on wiki too.
February 23, 2014, 06:08:08 AM Last edit: February 23, 2014, 06:28:39 AM by |
Now, Nxt-e list INK/BTC INK/NXT
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1006
February 23, 2014, 06:20:19 AM |
I've done some cleanup and created a wiki page for Nxt Site Integration. It combines all of the existing how-to guides into one spot, and it's linked from the main page of the wiki as well as the "how-to" guides page. Information has been updated to reflect the Google doc posted earlier today, and the correction suggested by CfB, related to not re-using sendMoney before verifying that the original transaction has not been altered, has been made. Finally, for all would-be wiki folks: if you want to contribute, follow these instructions to get set up. The wiki is intentionally moderated to prevent vandalism & spam, AND to facilitate language translations. No request (from a real human) for edit access has ever been denied. Thanks for doing this.
February 23, 2014, 06:27:41 AM |
I've done some cleanup and created a wiki page for Nxt Site Integration. It combines all of the existing how-to guides into one spot, and it's linked from the main page of the wiki as well as the "how-to" guides page. Information has been updated to reflect the Google doc posted earlier today, and the correction suggested by CfB, related to not re-using sendMoney before verifying that the original transaction has not been altered, has been made. Finally, for all would-be wiki folks: if you want to contribute, follow these instructions to get set up. The wiki is intentionally moderated to prevent vandalism & spam, AND to facilitate language translations. No request (from a real human) for edit access has ever been denied. right, just seen this though, shall we keep as well?! I don't think we have any section for that page, only direct link.