Hi Nxt community,
It is after 2 am local PST time and I have been awake for 20 hours. I will post tomorrow both here and nxtforum.org with more specifics from Coinsumm.it. I have found an exchange in a Nordic country and another exchange in Mexico who both expressed interest in adding NXT to their exchanges. I will need to refer Nxt developers to both of those contacts to assist in exchange integration.
This thread will continue to serve as a potential learning and entry point for Nxt. Nxt as a community needs to continue to educate, welcome, and assist new Nxt users. Education is very important, nearly as important as a good user interface. The Nxt community should keep this thread operable to welcome new users. Good night everyone!
Do you mean
https://bitcoinnordic.com?I was going to contact them, so this is great!
We should also consider
https://bips.me , who are also based in Copenhagen.
If we get them on board, I have a marketing plan in mind that could make a huge win-win-win for all parts.