March 30, 2014, 01:43:00 PM |
www.Hashrate.org is on fire i cant believe how much nxt has been mined, no wonder the alts are on the way down. keep mining ppl  *how much Nxt  * >> How much altcoins has mined ( and after converted to nxt).I do not know the answer to your question as i can only see the stats that are available @ www.hashrate.orgmaybe the site owner could provide some numbers regarding total amount of each alt coin that has been mined as a community. is this what you mean?
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1043
#Free market
March 30, 2014, 02:00:32 PM |
www.Hashrate.org is on fire i cant believe how much nxt has been mined, no wonder the alts are on the way down. keep mining ppl  *how much Nxt  * >> How much altcoins has mined ( and after converted to nxt).I do not know the answer to your question as i can only see the stats that are available @ www.hashrate.orgmaybe the site owner could provide some numbers regarding total amount of each alt coin that has been mined as a community. is this what you mean? This number : 41,614 Nxt wasn't mined , but PAID ! ...
Sr. Member
Activity: 490
Merit: 250
I don't really come from outer space.
March 30, 2014, 02:07:16 PM |
... 992 characters. Should work, shouldn't it?
That part looks good. I'm guessing its an encoding or decoding issue somewhere. Don't have time to look at it right now, but I can take a look in several hours.
"An awful lot of code is being written ... in languages that aren't very good by people who don't know what they're doing." -- Barbara Liskov
March 30, 2014, 03:23:10 PM |
... 992 characters. Should work, shouldn't it?
That part looks good. I'm guessing its an encoding or decoding issue somewhere. Don't have time to look at it right now, but I can take a look in several hours. [/quote oh i see you. you were correcting me. yes look how much nxt has been earned using www.hashrate.org
March 30, 2014, 03:28:27 PM |
WOW BTC getting raped at the moment!  Does anybody have info about the Chinese government ban? If this ban is truth and it happens how will this affect BTER and NXT in there? Any danger we can lose all our NXT in BTER if we have them?
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1098
Ian Knowles - CIYAM Lead Developer
March 30, 2014, 03:44:16 PM |
Does anybody have info about the Chinese government ban? If this ban is truth and it happens how will this affect BTER and NXT in there? Any danger we can lose all our NXT in BTER if we have them?
Unfortunately the way things work in China is that *no-one really knows* (apart from those actually *in power*). If you are at all worried then I would advise moving coins *offline* until after mid-April - it's very hard to say what will happen then but the "Chinese New Year" *deadline* did not see anything stop at all.
March 30, 2014, 03:52:31 PM |
Does anybody have info about the Chinese government ban? If this ban is truth and it happens how will this affect BTER and NXT in there? Any danger we can lose all our NXT in BTER if we have them?
Unfortunately the way things work in China is that *no-one really knows* (apart from those actually *in power*). If you are at all worried then I would advise moving coins *offline* until after mid-April - it's very hard to say what will happen then but the "Chinese New Year" *deadline* did not see anything stop at all. Thanks Ian
March 30, 2014, 04:29:02 PM |
comparison matrix enhancemend request
to prevent later discussion with compared coin dev i suggest to add a timestamp and an additional sentence below the matrix to make clear this comparison is not written in stone but currently valid and will updated if nessesary.
e.g. at the title. ----------------------------------------------------- CRYPTO COMAPRISION FEATURE MATRIX [1]
[1] created: (timestamp) all informations are collected as precise as possible if some informations outdated pleased provide new data. -----------------------------------------------------
does this additional enhancement makes sense? as soon sepehr has finished the basic matrix i would like to extend that matrix with an additional bounty to nearly all cryptos if possible and store the list into a database at the blockexplorer, where users can compare these cryptopairs via a form. as far as i know there doesn't exists any crypto feature comparison list on the net, at least not in a usefull fashion.
to ensure a fair comparison and prevent later discussions with other cryptos why we didn't list a feature etc., the above, initial matrix could be posted into all other crypto threads (just a link) with an neutral and objective feature information request.
of course i don't mean to spam other cryptos threads but just a neutral request and a link to the current matrix to give them the chance to reply and make the comparison as fair and actual as possible and sure, many users will see this matrix and perhaps some devs don't like to see it but what else can we do, to provide as acurate data as possible other than asking other coins directly for data to prevent later discussions if any?
again, this is not to show all other users how featureless thier coins are but to collect accurate data!
another benefit is, if this complete matrix is well done the promotion team could post this to all news-sources? since i have no professional promotion background i can't say if this is ok at all, perhaps the pros could say something here.
as said, just an idea what do you think?
Nexern great idea for indirect promotion this will give every audience specific information about coin classes visually at a glance...
Nxter,Bitcoiner,Ether highlevel developer working to improve the world.
March 30, 2014, 05:29:35 PM |
Thanks bro. I wanted to get some feedback from everyone. My goal is to speak at the Las Vegas conference in Oct so I'll probably see Vitalik again.
Let me just say that "Turing complete" is *just that*. Nxt AT will be "Turing complete" so *anything that Ethereum can do* will also be able to be done using Nxt AT (subject to API restrictions which you could think of as *sandboxing*). Where Ethereum has *got things wrong* is that they are going to make *every tx Turing complete* which is *costly*. Nxt is actually *smarter* to leave *normal txs* just being done as quickly as possible. Bump for this information 
March 30, 2014, 05:41:46 PM |
Good to see nxt is green and broke through the 0.00006200 mark. 
Jr. Member
Activity: 98
Merit: 1
March 30, 2014, 05:44:45 PM |
I'm getting reminded over and over again:
The big fat initial stakeholders will be fucking with the mid-level and small holders for a long long time.
It's like we're pissing into the wind blowing into our direction. Yes you'll be yellow but you still won't understand chinese.
Chinese? What is know Chinese? 
March 30, 2014, 05:56:55 PM |
could do with asking cryptsy to add nxt to there newly added usd markets
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1199
March 30, 2014, 06:04:44 PM |
I attended the Satoshi Square meetup in Dallas, TX last night and did a talk about the differences between NXT & Bitcoin - very nice indeed! I read it. Inetresting. Thanks for sharing!!!! Good luck to you!
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
☕ NXT-4BTE-8Y4K-CDS2-6TB82
March 30, 2014, 06:44:35 PM |
Great. +1440 You should work about your explanation of the asset exchange. 
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1010
March 30, 2014, 06:46:55 PM |
I see 2 (two) green candlesticks! Keep posting!
March 30, 2014, 07:00:21 PM |
I see 2 (two) green candlesticks! Keep posting! yes emule cmon dude BS us all the way to the moon
Activity: 2408
Merit: 1004
March 30, 2014, 07:05:19 PM |
nxt price is going up now and will still goining up these week
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1199
March 30, 2014, 07:07:30 PM |
nxt price is going up now and will still goining up these week
How you are so sure about it? So u suggest to buy some NXT?
March 30, 2014, 07:08:44 PM |
"Aphrodite Coin" developer (supposedly for Cyprus) already dumped 670K premined on exchanges.
Well, he has 21 million more to go.