Out of pure curiosity. What's your opinion on Kosovo?
Should it be an independent country or not?
If Kosovo conducts an open referendum and decides to be independent as a result of it, yes.
This same reasoning applies to Basque land, Catalonia, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Chechenia.
On the other hand, Yugoslavia functioned well as a multi-ethnical country before external forces started to brew ethnicity and religious conflicts. The question of Kosovo should not have been here in the first place, but the history had been written, and not in favour of people living on that land. I read a story about two Yugoslavs, one Muslim and the other of Slavic descent. They were neighbour through many years with no particular disagreements. When that whole craze started in the 90-s they ended up on the different sides, shooting at each other. Later when this interview/story was written down, they both were sitting in the same pub, retelling the events and wondering what came over them in the first place. They said it felt back then as if they completely lost their minds...
Some pre-referendum new from Crimea: a band tried to purchase rubber batons, shields and Berkut uniforms. According to the arrested members, they were to violently attack peacefully protesting Tatars tomorrow, posing as Berkut militia and sparking ethnic conflicts.
PS: I am not so much pro-Russian, as pro-human. Policies should be consistent and fair. So far Russia's conduct with regard to the whole Ukranian business has been fair, lawful and above-board, what cannot be said about NATO/US/EU.