Okay, I need to address several topics here. First, dead pools (no pun intended). Even cpu-pool.net is having difficulties. A fan of mine who also mines BTQ there sent me an email heads up on this.
Problem: You have exceeded the pools configured BTQ warning threshold. Please initiate a transfer!
My auto payout threshold is 10. I have accumulated 33. I attempt to cash out and cannot.
My response to cpu-pool.net is this:
Fix it now or else I stop mining here and produce a YouTube video warning my 26,770 subscribers not to use your service for BTQ or any other digital currency.
BitQuark cannot deploy it's own MPOS pool fast enough. We need stable pools to rely on. Please make this your next top priority.
Item 2, I agree with comments that the mining icons look cheesy. Maybe half their current size would be better. And I preferred the black medallion but I guess I'm in the minority. The new is okay but your text color should stand out more.
Item 3, I confess I have not heard any rumblings of Quarkcoin's demise, nor do I totally understand your proposed valuation method. It seems logical but how it impacts exchanges is unclear. There must remain a way to convert currencies. One thing I will say is I do trust your judgement on such matters. That's why I continue to mine BTQ, and only BTQ.