For people who want to mine with their wallet + Cgminer
First you need to create a file .bat in the same folder as your windows wallet coin2.
coin2-qt.exe -printtoconsole -debug -listen -bind= -upnp -server -debug -printtoconsole -rpcuser=user -rpcpassword=userpwd -rpcport=14022 -rpcallowip=192.168.1.* -rpcconnect=
Change the -rpcallowip with the range of your IP , if your network is 192.168.0.xx change it by 192.168.0.*
Then launch your wallet by your fresh .bat file, once your wallet is ready and sync with the block chain, you can mine with your favorite "cgminer".
If you launch it locally ( localhost ) you can use this cmd line, warning the "-l k112x2,K112x2" this is used for GTx 660 ( 2 cards ), you can change it related for your card.
cudaminer.exe -o -u user -p userpwd -t 2 -C1 -l K112x2,K112x2 -i 0,0
Second example, is launching a drone from a computer with a ATI amd card ( 7950 ) :
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o -u user -p userpwd -I 20 --scan-time 1 --queue 4 --no-submit-stale
Do not forget to change the IP for , as this is the IP Adress used for the wallet launched with the .bat file.
Totally i do around 290 Khash by GTX 660TI and around 640 Khash with the AMD 7950.