I just bumped into this project and I'm shocked! What the heck is this? IoT mining? Are you serving a mining bot to hackers? We just got rid of xmr bots in spring and now you make an official one? WTF? Is this for real? I'm a fan of CN projects, but this... Who thinked that mining with a IoT device is a good idea? If you plan to get rid of a device in a month or less, go for it. Burn it down. But if you think you can use your device's CPU at full workload for months, better think again. Another thing... I see that you're using xmrig for mining, meaning it can be mined with PC CPUs and GPUs. So these miners take all the rewards. How the heck is IoT coming into play? A small router or any other device can't compare with a PC... In conclusion: IoT mining=bad decision!
What on earth?
First of all, calm down, your reaction is over the top; Constructive criticism is welcome, rants are not.
- GPU's are not as effective with this algo as they are with others (check out JCE Miner's post on the benefits of mining uPlexa);
- There is at least one real-world implementation taking place right now, with uPLexa mining using low-powered kiosks; it was never suggested that EVERY IoT device would be feasible for mining. That's what development and testing is for.
- Lots of people think IoT mining is a good idea; your viewpoint is not necessarily that of anyone else!
- Look at the project, team and performance of the coin on Graviex in such a short time. You (it appears) are looking at the entire project negatively, where actually the coin, simply as a cryptocurrency, is performing very well, and has a solid development team and community behind it. Do you not like successful projects? Do you not like money?
I am not a member of the uPlexa team, but I think other readers will be able to make their own minds up after actually putting a little effort in (talking to them on Discord etc), which it seems you haven't bothered to do.