About candlestick, 90% of exchanges doesn't give the Candlestick API, sorry
You dont need an API for candleticks: they are grahically created based on price fluctuations over time (and CAT already have all of that).
You could create triggers for these changes over time like for example:
TRIGGER 2: (The CLOSE 1 candle in the PAST - The OPEN 1 candle in the PAST) > 0
TRIGGER 3: (The CLOSE 2 candles in the PAST - The OPEN 2 candles in the PAST) > 0
and create PINGS or PONGS only if those triggers are matched. In this way you would make CAT aware of bullish or bearish trends.
It is not "artificial intelligence" Sampey...it is math...calculated price fluctuations over time.
Anyways i see you not interested in this discussion, all you keep repeating is "sell your copy" if you really are a "CAT customer".
@all CAT customers: i tried mates....he wont listen, yall were right.
Well, there are 3 facts to consider :
First : your approach
You can't come here, and start say "your program doesn't works" "your way to do business is not correct" and such things and then say (pretend) "i want that feature" "i want that other feature".
Result can't be different than my suggestion to sell your copy. And my suggestion is not because i get angry but because i think these fatures can comes in play in the long period and not exactly the way you wants.
And you can't say that's not possible to ROI using dynamic algorithm, because it's not true and you don't have any clue to say that. Probably you have problems using CAT, but your program could not be the problem of other users. Anyone have his strategy. And if i tell you that many person ROI cat many times you must believe me, because if you don't believe me we have no reason to stay here talk.
Second : your suggestions
Probably you think i'm stupid or something else, but you must consider the fact that CAT architecture must works with API Exchange Architectures. AND Cat doesn't works with historical data.
So if i didn't add some features is probably because it's not possible to do that.
In your example : CANDLESTICK
A Candlestick is a structure with 4 attributes :
Open/Close/Max/Min (and sometimes volume).
I have no way to calcolate MAX/MIN and VOLUME in a timelapse, API doesn't give me that info.
I Can only work on the Last Trade Price (because any exchange have a Trades Function) and this can work only if Trades info have a timestamp.
You must consider that CAT works with 16 exchanges and must be compatible with all of them.
Thirds : I continue improve CAT.
Since 2013 i released more than 70 version and i continue adding features.
A Candlestick based only on Open/Close price is already in my todo list.
But after that i need to integrate that functions with the CORE environment. It takes time....so you can't pretend to have all fast.
CAT customers know well my effort to improve CAT during every release and i continue do that.
And if you want to help me your're welcome, but you must change the way you approach the problem.
That fact that you (probably) are a CAT customer doesn't give you any right to shitty talk about me and my program.
PS : I hope our flame ends here, and from next message we could have a constructive talks