Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 26, 2014, 04:28:57 PM |
Wait for a better future
April 26, 2014, 04:30:35 PM |
Calm down man, maybe you sold the money. if we go to 2014.04.22, you will still have your money! i have ~250k SHACoins in a wallet that will not sync. as far as i'm concerned it's pointless trying to make up stories and blame CryptoGir for the lies and deceit of the original dev. Sometimes in life, shit happens and we have to forget about it and move on.
tips 1APp826DqjJBdsAeqpEstx6Q8hD4urac8a
April 26, 2014, 04:49:55 PM |
Source code here https://github.com/SHACoinProject/SHACoinand i don`t no that is the code in first topic and do not found 600 mil in fistst block i setup more functional blockexplorer and write here found i 600 mil or no.... here last wallet from first dev Is there a different link to the new wallet? The links in the OP appear to point to the original wallet (still says v1.0 and has old logo)
https://mega.co.nz/#!WJgRAa4a!NJ72pYpOIRp554Almmao0DVjlqWCHou_illuQwYSDrc this is the new link~ first wallet https://mega.co.nz/#!3RYEBL5I!px1xbQLZM_srh0U9xs9pK05DApuA2X0PNdL7lX8ZQ7s

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
April 26, 2014, 05:23:38 PM |
provide evidence? this empty statement... In the pastebin he showed a link to the the IRC thread.. This was in the IRC log, http://imgur.com/poAZYKzAssuming that's really whats in the code, it does look like the nValue=600000100 is a 600 Million premine at height=1. I assume thats what he's talking about.. (I suppose the explorer would have had to have been modified to hide it too?) ** I'm not major tech, so maybe I'm misreading that... Maybe at least the concept behind Shacoin will carry on anyway.. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=524212.msg6405577#msg6405577
April 26, 2014, 05:39:37 PM |
provide evidence? this empty statement... In the pastebin he showed a link to the the IRC thread.. This was in the IRC log, http://imgur.com/poAZYKzAssuming that's really whats in the code, it does look like the nValue=600000100 is a 600 Million premine at height=1. I assume thats what he's talking about.. (I suppose the explorer would have had to have been modified to hide it too?) ** I'm not major tech, so maybe I'm misreading that... Maybe at least the concept behind Shacoin will carry on anyway.. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=524212.msg6405577#msg6405577[15:50:34] <CryptoGir> yes, he prob sold 300 million and has 300 million left where is Transaction ID? Address? any that can be checked? link for code which avoid this 600 m... all that i see - void words and picture without any information...
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
April 26, 2014, 05:44:25 PM |
To make things more transparent some cool guy made top 100 addresses list for me. http://coinia.net/shacoin/getbalance.php?top=100It clearly states: 1. Total coin in the system: 733 536 630.36497605 sha2. Richest address holds 397 874 484.35873902 sha (most likely premined coins) 3. Address SUf5V8bm88aRym27VDgVMGmZNySMzTSLPE received: 600000100.00000000sha and send elsewhere: 600000100.00000000 sha (most likely to the richest address) http://coinia.net/shacoin/getbalance.php?addr=SUf5V8bm88aRym27VDgVMGmZNySMzTSLPEThe owner of CryptoALTeX claims that the scammer (most likely previous developer) sold about 150-200 million coins on his exchange. That would match 600mln-200 million sold = corrupted wallet balance (397 874 484.35873902 sha). I think that we need to accept the fact that we will have about 340mln in circulation (when we cut off the wallet with 397mln premined coins), and these coins that have entered circulation as a result of fraud Must Be Considered as "good coins" people who bought it from the exchanges (including me), honestly paying for it. We need recovery plan. Here's what we can do: 1 Remove the wallet address from the system containing 397 874 484.35873902 premined coins. 2 Re-launch a coin with the new rules and explanation what happened and what has been done to recover. 3 Accept coins into the system released into circulation by the fraudster and treated them as "good coins". Unfortunately there is no other way. 4 Consider the reduction of inflation to compensate for the greater amount of coins (eg 10% flat yearly, or even less).
April 26, 2014, 05:52:03 PM |
To make things more transparent some cool guy made top 100 addresses list for me. http://coinia.net/shacoin/getbalance.php?top=100It clearly states: 1. Total coin in the system: 733 536 630.36497605 sha2. Richest address holds 397 874 484.35873902 sha (most likely premined coins) 3. Address SUf5V8bm88aRym27VDgVMGmZNySMzTSLPE received: 600000100.00000000sha and send elsewhere: 600000100.00000000 sha (most likely to the richest address) http://coinia.net/shacoin/getbalance.php?addr=SUf5V8bm88aRym27VDgVMGmZNySMzTSLPEThe owner of CryptoALTeX claims that the scammer (most likely previous developer) sold about 150-200 million coins on his exchange. That would match 600mln-200 million sold = corrupted wallet balance (397 874 484.35873902 sha). I think that we need to accept the fact that we will have about 340mln in circulation (when we cut off the wallet with 397mln premined coins), and these coins that have entered circulation as a result of fraud Must Be Considered as "good coins" people who bought it from the exchanges (including me), honestly paying for it. We need recovery plan. Here's what we can do: 1 Remove the wallet address from the system containing 397 874 484.35873902 premined coins. 2 Re-launch a coin with the new rules and explanation what happened and what has been done to recover. 3 Accept coins into the system released into circulation by the fraudster and treated them as "good coins". Unfortunately there is no other way. 4 Consider the reduction of inflation to compensate for the greater amount of coins (eg 10% flat yearly, or even less). in original blockchain? any id transactoin plz - i can`t make search for adress in my explorer?
April 26, 2014, 05:56:10 PM |
just accept it dude. we would be better facing the facts and moving on than making slanderous accusations and trying to deceive your way to make people believe there was not a problem.
tips 1APp826DqjJBdsAeqpEstx6Q8hD4urac8a
April 26, 2014, 06:16:43 PM |
just accept it dude. we would be better facing the facts and moving on than making slanderous accusations and trying to deceive your way to make people believe there was not a problem.
that the difficult is to provide transaction id? i can check transaction, frank123m can check transaction... 1 min to check this, but i don`t see this few hours...
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
April 26, 2014, 06:27:57 PM |
Do we have any working block explorer?
April 26, 2014, 06:37:30 PM |
To make things more transparent some cool guy made top 100 addresses list for me. http://coinia.net/shacoin/getbalance.php?top=100It clearly states: 1. Total coin in the system: 733 536 630.36497605 sha2. Richest address holds 397 874 484.35873902 sha (most likely premined coins) 3. Address SUf5V8bm88aRym27VDgVMGmZNySMzTSLPE received: 600000100.00000000sha and send elsewhere: 600000100.00000000 sha (most likely to the richest address) http://coinia.net/shacoin/getbalance.php?addr=SUf5V8bm88aRym27VDgVMGmZNySMzTSLPEThe owner of CryptoALTeX claims that the scammer (most likely previous developer) sold about 150-200 million coins on his exchange. That would match 600mln-200 million sold = corrupted wallet balance (397 874 484.35873902 sha). I think that we need to accept the fact that we will have about 340mln in circulation (when we cut off the wallet with 397mln premined coins), and these coins that have entered circulation as a result of fraud Must Be Considered as "good coins" people who bought it from the exchanges (including me), honestly paying for it. We need recovery plan. Here's what we can do: 1 Remove the wallet address from the system containing 397 874 484.35873902 premined coins. 2 Re-launch a coin with the new rules and explanation what happened and what has been done to recover. 3 Accept coins into the system released into circulation by the fraudster and treated them as "good coins". Unfortunately there is no other way. 4 Consider the reduction of inflation to compensate for the greater amount of coins (eg 10% flat yearly, or even less). Very good info. I just wonder howto create top 100. need the script. but if you use the newest blockchain, it of course have the 600 mils. and we need to use the original one to see the difference.
April 26, 2014, 07:25:40 PM |
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1022
Anarchy is not chaos.
April 26, 2014, 07:36:40 PM |
I'm very confused. I know raskul, and I'm sure he's not got the coding expertise to hack a blockchain. I certainly don't, so I won't even speculate as to how it's done. So how is it that y'all are getting different results?
April 26, 2014, 07:39:26 PM |
I'm very confused. I know raskul, and I'm sure he's not got the coding expertise to hack a blockchain. I certainly don't, so I won't even speculate as to how it's done. So how is it that y'all are getting different results?
the 'original' is most likely the 'original amended' by the first dev of shacoin? CG dug further and found the 'actual' as opposed to the 'original' i'll repeat for those unable to understand - more coins than existed were dumped on the exchange from the launch.
tips 1APp826DqjJBdsAeqpEstx6Q8hD4urac8a
April 26, 2014, 07:53:50 PM |
the 'original' is most likely the 'original amended' by the first dev of shacoin? CG dug further and found the 'actual' as opposed to the 'original'
i'll repeat for those unable to understand - more coins than existed were dumped on the exchange from the launch.
Maybe we need double-check. I am not saying that this problem will be solved here. That is why I need Top100. Open source script will be good. We can find the answer ourselves instead of by others.
April 27, 2014, 03:10:01 AM |
it would be nice to try to find a way to make current holders who payed legit bitcoin (over1.5 for myself) to be able to at least do something with their coins, whether it be stake in a new coin, or hard forking this coin. but i dont know the best plan of action. to the people accusing cryptogir of anything: please do more research. he has clearly worked extremely hard for us out their holding the coin, as well as him personally being well invested into this coin as well. we all heard of the issues from exchange owners early on, but with all the wallet bugs and whatnot, NOBODY really knew what was going on, and without Cryptogir, we wouldnt have found it out as fast as we did. the OP did a great job at keeping this POS scam going to acquire MAYBE 40 BTC. its quite sad really, because this coin was creating a nice community, but i am willing to help the fellow bagholders like myself, if their is any way possible. thanks again cryptogir!
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
April 27, 2014, 06:14:57 PM |
the 'original' is most likely the 'original amended' by the first dev of shacoin? CG dug further and found the 'actual' as opposed to the 'original'
i'll repeat for those unable to understand - more coins than existed were dumped on the exchange from the launch.
Maybe we need double-check. I am not saying that this problem will be solved here. That is why I need Top100. Open source script will be good. We can find the answer ourselves instead of by others. Is it a scam just because some one said it is? I'd rather believe the detailed evidence. At this time, I believe frank123m.