Now offering escrow for Qora
In order to use my escrow service for this coin you must be in personal possession of the private key to one of the inputs to your transaction. This is because I will require digital signatures to make a change to the status of your order. One option is to use the BitcoinQT client locally or if you prefer a web wallet is one that I know of that allows you to make digital signatures. DO NOT SEND DIRECTLY FROM AN EXCHANGE if you do than you WILL lose your coins.
Digital signatures sound complex but its actually really simple as long as you are in personal possession of the private key. You don't have to worry about figuring it all out right now, you can worry about it when it comes time to release or refund the btc and ill be here to walk you through every step if you need help.
Additionally there will be a fee of 0.02BTC or 0.9% which ever is greater.
You will be free to release the funds or receive a refund at any time at any time for any reason.
Qora has asked me to clarify this point: You will have an opportunity to evaluate the software before choosing to release the BTC to him but you must release the btc before you can receive the Qora currency. I don't think this entails a great deal of risk since it doesn't make any rational sense for him to develop a legitimate crypto but then horde its units. They only have value if they are shared.
If you agree to these terms than feel free to send to this address at any time. Thankyou and good luck!
Hi Anon136.
I have send to 0.1018 btc to you
qora IPO
because i sent the coin from exchange, so i cant give you my personal sign.