April 17, 2014, 01:00:54 PM |
Seriously, all those invested are nuts. Think no one really tried the beta and believed that others doing beta testing and everything is fine. Come on! no whitepaper, no technical info, no website, how can you invest such a huge sum? Everyone wants to be rich overnight like NXT shareholders. Nothing wrong with that, but take some serious caution
i didn't invest the BTC is here. But all kinds of investments all have risk, maybe this one will be successful. I sent 0.3 btc, but I agree with you that all investments have risk and author will keep working
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
April 17, 2014, 01:59:16 PM |
The IPO has ended 24 hours, and the DEV has not shown yet. It's absolutely abnormal. His last activity is April 16, 2014, 08:11:05 PM. He did not leave any message. I send a pm to him before the end of ipo, but got nothing.
It's certainly odd that dev hasn't made a recent post considering the IPO has recently ended. I would expect a post stating the IPO is now over, and summarising the IPO (BTC invested direct and escrow, plus anticipated qora per BTC). Plus updating the first post so nobody tries to invest. But nobody should have expected it to launch right after IPO. Dev stated clearly that this wouldn't be for at least two weeks: The release will not be for atleast 2 weeks but should be within a month. There is still lots that needs to be done to make it a little bit user-friendly.
When is the claiming shares phase expected to start?
On the release which should be within a month. That looks just like time to pack things up and disappear. how many BTCs were invested rather scammed?
1 satoshi was too much if you ask me. But the last numbers was ... 84 BTC ? Seriously, all those invested are nuts. Think no one really tried the beta and believed that others doing beta testing and everything is fine. Come on! no whitepaper, no technical info, no website, how can you invest such a huge sum? Everyone wants to be rich overnight like NXT shareholders. Nothing wrong with that, but take some serious caution As always any investor can ask for a refund before the release.
April 17, 2014, 02:09:29 PM |
Seriously, disappear?
Activity: 1106
Merit: 1000
April 17, 2014, 02:10:23 PM |
Seriously, disappear?
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
April 17, 2014, 02:40:25 PM |
http://www.ecoinfund.com/images/logo.jpgWebsite | Twitter | BitcointalkHi,Qora Community We have added Qora to ECOINFUND vote list.( http://www.ecoinfund.com/vote) Multi-language Alt-Coin Exchange,Fast, Secure and Trustworthy. Big ECC GIVEAWAY before 20.AprilTweet this green text on your own twitter account then recive 20ECC( ECC Details); ecoinfund.com |New Exchange,multi-language support,Earn 20ECC(fee shares) by every retweet before 20 April,don't miss the train! Pls post your twitter link and Ecoinfund ID on our bitcointalk thread or pm us. ECF Coin (ECC for short) is the fee share program launched by Ecoinfund. Ecoinfund will commit 50% of trade revenue to ECC program. (highest on market) Giveaway more infomation: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=501030.0Happy trading !
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1000
April 17, 2014, 02:45:42 PM |
Cool! We have beta + new logo + voting page on exchange. Only dev disappear 
April 17, 2014, 03:25:56 PM |
Cool! We have beta + new logo + voting page on exchange. Only dev disappear  But if you do the math and sum this up but subextract the missing dev .. you have 0.
April 17, 2014, 03:49:18 PM |
April 17, 2014, 03:50:27 PM |
Dev appear yesterday, but make no post. Waiting him today. I sell all my coins and invest all my BTC in this, my pockets are completly empty So, if it's a scam - I'm a bankrupt  if so , you still can depend on your wife ..lol
April 17, 2014, 03:52:17 PM |
Just sent PM to Anon...I kinda want to give the dev another day or so but probably just request funds returned....1BTC
I asked Anon to post instructions on this thread about signing txid to return monies.
April 17, 2014, 04:56:49 PM |
I asked Anon to post instructions on this thread about signing txid to return monies.
I understand why we need to sign a transaction to release coins to dev, but why would we need to to that to have the money back? Unless we're asking to send it to different address. I think he can just tsend money back. Quite possibly the case...I've not been in this situation yet

Activity: 77
Merit: 10
April 17, 2014, 05:47:04 PM |
Author Paolu? Author Paolu how I do tuhao ah! ! I do not believe 
Sr. Member
Activity: 350
Merit: 250
Vires in Numeris
April 17, 2014, 06:01:20 PM |
heres a good one from last week: so funny how these nxt cultists have to spam every topic :p are you guys really that scared of new altcoins? after 6 months nxt still hasnt been able to add decimals or address validation lol :p
I think that nxt fans feel scared of these currencies, eg eXo, Qora, eMunie, NXTL, because all of them have potential to take NXT's place. Don't let your recent investment in this project cloud your vision. You are both biased. You invested so admitting any uncertainties would mean admitting an error in judgment. This IS shady, there are many unknowns. Has anyone actually reviewed the code to make sure its not just the NXT source? Oh right! we can't because the dev has obfuscated the code: It is very easy to create a clone with the current code so it will be obfuscated.
Irony much? AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE STOP INVESTING DIRECTLY TO THE DEVELOPER! SEND YOUR BTC TO THE ESCROW!Look, i try to help, but I can't help you if you are a fucking retard and don't listen to what I say. (I'm not speaking to anyone in particular, just everyone who invested directly)
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1001
April 17, 2014, 06:18:19 PM |
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1001
April 17, 2014, 06:23:13 PM |
Dear Qora, I don't want to believe that someone who came up with such cool coin name can be a scammer, but if you are, could you please change the first post in a way all honest, respectable and decent scammers do  I've spent the whole day yesterday hitting F5, have mercy.
April 17, 2014, 07:55:53 PM |
One good soul should create proof of being scammed coin;)
NXT makes the Difference My nxtforum account : bitme
April 17, 2014, 08:13:28 PM |
Dear Qora, I don't want to believe that someone who came up with such cool coin name can be a scammer, but if you are, could you please change the first post in a way all honest, respectable and decent scammers do  I've spent the whole day yesterday hitting F5, have mercy. Cool name? How avout visacoin? That was a real good name , and look how that ended. While i'm no investor I do hope the dev comes aback and delivers something... anything.
Activity: 1106
Merit: 1000
April 17, 2014, 08:17:36 PM |
Qora is online now.
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1001
April 17, 2014, 08:42:30 PM |
Dear Qora, I don't want to believe that someone who came up with such cool coin name can be a scammer, but if you are, could you please change the first post in a way all honest, respectable and decent scammers do  I've spent the whole day yesterday hitting F5, have mercy. Cool name? How avout visacoin? That was a real good name , and look how that ended. While i'm no investor I do hope the dev comes aback and delivers something... anything. I don't like visacoin. It's like mastercardcoin, applecoin or fordcoin. You just take any well know brand and add "coin". And Qora is unique. Btw I lost 1 btc on Visacoin. My first investing experience )
qora (OP)
April 17, 2014, 08:42:39 PM |
Quick reply before I go through the last 10 pages and try to answer everyone`s questions.
The last few days I had to deal with a lot of pm`s taking several hours every day just answering them. Bitcointalk limiting me to one message every 2 minutes did not help.
Now that the IPO is over I hope things will calm down and I will be able to focus more on the development on the project.
The beta is still available and I hope people will keep giving feedback about it until the release.