i realized today: even gold has a certain inflation (new gold is mined every year). Inflation of that is probably between 0,5% and 5%. They are also mining more gold each year since prices are good and mining gold seems to be good buisiness.
Now, Unobtanium will soon have a smaller inflation than gold has so it should be practically more efficient to preserve wealth. Unobtanium must be one of the Top10 assets/commodities with the lowest inflation in the world. As a matter of fact it will soon have a lower inflation than gold has if that isn't the case already.
If you look at it from that angle this is an epic investement right now.
Unobtanium can be treated like a RARE commodity like gold. Yes UNO has some inflation, a very small amount to provide the network. But gold also has inflation. Probably much higher than UNOs. [too lazy right now but we need some actual/factual rates of inflation]
Uno can be considered among the "The Top 10 assets/commodities with the lowest inflation in the world."
Let's add that to the list of UNOs key features.
I would like to go so far as to say UNO can not be recreated. It was a onetime event in the space time continuum. The events that have occurred from Summer 2013 to now in the land of crypto are similar to 40-50 years in the old school financial world. First there was the explosion of 'new' alts (min,gld, mega, world, peer) but they all had hidden pre/instamines. UNO (october 2013) was a response by Blazer to these coins. Rare and Fair. But it was ignored because it was considered to be an instamine because it rapidly released coins then reduced every 6 weeks. But the mine is still producing coins. In fact most of the early large rewards have long since been sold off to investors. And series of different miners have mined the coin. Hence, UNO rewards are very distributed among miners. Now consider the fact that UNO was once held as a kind of instamine, and then look at the Top trending coins of today. Nearly half of them were 100% pow tapped out in less than 30days. That is what an instamine is. Then add in the constant fog of trends within cryptoland .. the billioncoins (doge), proof of stakes, mtgox'ings, china, regulations, media BTC bubble buzz, etc. etc.
UNO was being time tested, forged in a unique fire called 2013-2014 and that can never be duplicated. And now UNO is revealed for what it is ... Fair and Rare. Do you guys realize THAT WE ARE THE ONLY ONE CRYPTO COMMODITY WITH NON INFLATION/ 0% inflation truly future!!! WE ARE THE ONE. THE REAL ONE. THE TOP ONE.
I wouldn't say that UNO is "ONE CRYPTO COMMODITY WITH NON INFLATION/ 0% inflation". But UNO has a strong case to be able to claim 0% inflation. 1. Not POS (interest=inflation) 2. POW but low reward yield that could be considered 0% given the 'round' math ... less than 0.4% growth of the UNO supply per month? 3. cost of mining new UNO = cost of buying old UNO
HENCEFORTH newly mined UNO will never be a drag on the market price it is nearly a mathematical impossibility from this time forward.
"Made in Dreamland"
I think our devs should officially work at DREAMLAND LABS
Prominer1, you are the DREAMLAND STUDIO, the art and marketing department, that which shall inspire. And stay inspired for you are most certainly in tune with the message and meaning of uno.
PS ... I think the above graphic contains the message perfectly that we need to convey to 'non-techie' but wise investors who will start to consider BTC products but are very unable to grasp the 'technical' jargon.
Here's a big idea. Uno+Real Commodities. Say REM, rare earth elements trading co.
Here's BTC's big dirty secret ...
http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2buszp/how_many_bitcoins_are_in_the_hands_of_thieves/The majority of the coins 'could be' held by thieves. Starting with the biggest gangsters on the planet USA.gov UNO not so murky
Yet another key point on the rise to being a true store of value.