What is more profiable to mine nowadays? Monero or Boolberry?
None are profitable is you pay electricity more than $0.05/kWh.
Depends on your hardware.
My basement rigs are 4x 750ti + an i7-4770 CPU (plus or minus a bit depending on the rig). Stock clocks. I mine BBR on the GPUs and XMR on the CPUs.
Each rig is profitable if I were to sell all of the coins I produce (I'm not selling the BBR). My USD profit would be a whopping $0.38 / rig / day.
Riches abound! grin. (Now, when you count that each rig cost almost $1500, you might note that this is a terrible waste of capital and time. But that wasn't really what the OP asked.)
OP, benchmark your system and figure out the right thing to do on the CPU and GPU independently. I suggest starting by looking at the way I do it, with XMR-CPU + BBR-GPU, but whether BBR or XMR is better on the GPU depends on your hardware.
I've turned off my AMD cards, because they're a loss vs. the power cost.