I was wondering what the plans are with DMD.
As far as I can see current activities are:
- Get on MintPal through voting
- Get merchants that accept DMD
Is there anything I missed. I like the work that has already been done on the wallet and the website.
Is there anything being developed at the moment?
Are there any marketing plans (articles, media)?
I have been bagholding a while now, and I don't mind. I would like to average down, but at the moment I don't see many reasons to buy more DMD. So any light on future plans would be appreciated.
Diamond development appears to be stalled, however, this is only a wrong illusion. At the moment we are working with our partners on two projects.
One of them is not software related and would directly add value and usability to Diamond. This is for most part 3rd party dependent and is quite a complex project from managemental, investment, logistical and technical side.
We cannot influence the speed of the development, nor we would want to as some things are better be done with high degree of care. From our side Diamond is ramping up its network stability and security, we'll be adding many more permanent seednodes and permanent minters in different places of the world to make the network secure as this is one of the requirements made by our partners.
The second project is our top heavy gun, the plans we had been developing even before the latest release. Whatever it is going to be is kept secret as we want to be the first and don't need anyone undermining our efforts. The outcome of this project would be a Diamond Stabilization Mechanism that would ensure price stability and fulfill one of our main objectives to make Diamond an attractive medium of wealth storage free from malicious market manipulation or periodical miners dumping.
So as you can see I cannot provide you with anything too specific, because
1) the first project is out of our control for most part and we won't be commenting on someones work, but we believe that it will be finished in a short term -once it's done we will for sure inform you
2) second is our baby which we want to keep secret on which we could in my estimation count in medium term - this will be big so you would not miss it once it arrives - and we are extremely determined to get it going
The above explanation might not be satisfactory to some but at the moment we cannot comment much more than this.
When it comes to "Are there any marketing plans (articles, media)?" .. all the above things are interconnected, if they both work out as we're anticipating they would, it wopuld change the image of Diamond quite significantly. We have made strategic decision of not spending the foundation's funds right now as they could be better utilized when the time is right.
There's also always a question of adding Diamond to more exchanges.. Diamond is a unique coin with slow issuance mechanics so even if we were added to many exchanges there simply wouldn't be enough volume to trade with. We have just passed 0,5 million coins - unless the price was high enough and trades would be done with fractions of Diamond.
Community may I ask you. Apart form what has been said above what other changes would you like to see implemented in Diamond?
What is you vision of ideal Diamond?(Please exclude suggestions of anonymous transactions for a moment.)
Your feedback and opinions are important to us.