March 02, 2015, 02:21:37 PM |
Right! But on the first page of this tread, bittrex is not valid because it has delisted CFC2. And bleutrade for me today seems down ... Can be closed?  Bleutrade its working for me Btw vote if you want >
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| CloakCoin | Trustless Anonymous Cryptocurrency | PoSA3 Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
March 03, 2015, 04:45:54 PM |
anyone have newest wallet link to download? i think still have some coffee in my PC 
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
March 12, 2015, 10:46:32 AM |
The dev Bleutrade confirmed my problem. he resolved since. But they delisted CFC2! 
March 13, 2015, 03:03:47 PM |
The dev Bleutrade confirmed my problem. he resolved since. But they delisted CFC2!  ?
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| CloakCoin | Trustless Anonymous Cryptocurrency | PoSA3 Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
March 13, 2015, 09:05:17 PM |
If only people would use a name and dedicate that coin to it's name. Problem is, coffee can't be grown locally very easily. The coin has PoS worknig for it, but it's lack of direct and specific purpose, without a specific eco-system and community to work with it, leads to it's demise.
What is needed is a very focused group of dedicated individuals who want to trade coffee (sellers) for coffeecoin (drinkers). But no one wants to do that... or knows how to do that.
I'm a bit of a purist, when it comes to coffee (espresso). I just paid $40, for a 1 lb. bag of Hawaiian Kona (from Coffee Bean Direct). It's grown in the USA (Hawaii) and it's a pure coffee bean (not a blend). I'm willing to pay for that kinda thing.
If we could get a "eco-system" of buyers (drinkers) and sellers (growers/roasters, etc.) who would trade coffee beans for Coffee Coin (assuming they don't peg CoffeeCoin to another currency (BTC) and that, to the USD), you could save your USD for other things and have a completely separate "Coffee Account", where you could save up CC for your coffee addiction!
I'd be all over that, like wet on water!
But with the amount of CC in existence, right now, it's trade value would be next to nil. CC millionaires make giving the coin any tradeable "value" difficult, if not impossible, because how do you determine how much is worth how much? 10K CC per pound, 100K CC per pound? It gets crazy.
If CoffeeCoin is going to be revived... we need to be willing to scrub the way things are and decide how they will be and how to get from where we are to where we want to be. If sellers are not drinkers, then trade is only a one-way street. We need to close the loop. so that a cycle of commerce is created with sellers and buyers co-existing in a mutually beneficial manner.
Essntially: "I want what you have and you want what I have". If the coffee seller has no need to use CoffeeCoin for themselves (they don't want/drink coffee for themselves), then they have no interest in CoffeeCoin, because they will never use it. You MUST create a loop. Currency does not flow in only one direction, or it dies. Having a Million or Billion of something you will never use/trade with, is a pointless venture.
Find those who can/will trade amongst themselves and your eco-system is created and will flourish...
Who cares enough to try... hmm?

Activity: 72
Merit: 10
March 13, 2015, 09:30:29 PM |
+1 Its not delisted. There have been trades on Bleutrade today.
March 14, 2015, 03:34:20 AM |
+1 Its not delisted. There have been trades on Bleutrade today. Actually it is being de-listed on March 16th as per Bleutrades notice. NOTICE: CFC2 will be removed from Bleutrade day Mar/16. Please withdraw your coins.
April 02, 2015, 12:47:04 PM |
Please add download link new wallet
April 14, 2015, 03:19:51 AM |
Is this coin still a going concern? Great brand potential!
April 22, 2015, 01:48:13 AM |
I have almost a half a mill cfc2 on bleutrade, its on the delisted tab, a lot of folks still have cfc2 there, did they not swap out/update? if you guys still have some coins to swap over getting bleu to swap them will make for a lot of happy cfc2 holders!
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1000
April 28, 2015, 11:15:44 AM |
Is this coin still a going concern? Great brand potential!
Well I was thinking on starting an online coffee shop and giving 10% off for those who using CFC2, but without exchanges this isn't a viable plan.
May 14, 2015, 02:42:43 AM |
Is this coin still a going concern? Great brand potential!
Well I was thinking on starting an online coffee shop and giving 10% off for those who using CFC2, but without exchanges this isn't a viable plan. Yea ... sad... i still love coffee
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| CloakCoin | Trustless Anonymous Cryptocurrency | PoSA3 Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
Full Member
Activity: 191
Merit: 100
Let's have fun!
May 18, 2015, 09:16:35 AM |
Is this coin still a going concern? Great brand potential!
Well I was thinking on starting an online coffee shop and giving 10% off for those who using CFC2, but without exchanges this isn't a viable plan. Great but anyone can help contact an exchange to get CFC2 listed? It seems we only need an exchange to bring this coin back. We just couldn't hit coz it was hacked. 
May 19, 2015, 04:24:29 PM |
i need wallet
June 29, 2015, 06:47:20 AM |
Good news for everyone! 
June 29, 2015, 09:33:40 PM |
Good news for everyone!  ok but i need wallet
June 29, 2015, 09:48:53 PM |
Good news for everyone!  ok but i need wallet it will be more than just a wallet 
June 29, 2015, 09:57:47 PM |
Good news for everyone!  ok but i need wallet when
June 30, 2015, 08:55:18 AM |
So, while Coffeecoin CFC2 is very good idea, but have many problems: --sync problem --block 311294 and 278841 problem --wrong stake period (9 days instead 24h) --heavy load wallet --wrong control --unstable explorer and as a consequence --delisted from exchanges.  Given this circumstance and spending a lot of effort and my own money to rewrite source code and having failed we decided make new coin wallet and swap all CFC2! -pure POS -all coins as circulation now -30 sec block time -24h stake -nice wallet based on test of time source Now coin in the test period and will be present in near future! Follow us! 
July 07, 2015, 07:53:46 AM |
Time to move ahead. Now. 