coffeecoin (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 11, 2014, 12:25:12 AM |
he is a jokeman  That's quite an interesting "cion" you got there  well, it's not mine actually and i'm not interested in it at all just wanted you guys know about it Because we really needed another coffee coin... should of been latte coin lol Indeed, although I'm curious where he's going to go with it.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
July 11, 2014, 03:37:36 AM |
Why is my money after replacing coffeecoin2.0 - Wallet has not been confirmed, always Unvonfirmde?
coffeecoin (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 11, 2014, 04:53:14 AM |
Why is my money after replacing coffeecoin2.0 - Wallet has not been confirmed, always Unvonfirmde?
Update to version 2.0.1 if you haven't already. You can tell if you have 2.0.0 if you're stuck at block 25,000. The link is at the very top of the OP.
coffeecoin (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 11, 2014, 12:11:42 PM |
CFC2's been added to the voting list of BTer. Vote now!
Sr. Member
Activity: 392
Merit: 250
Looking for shmexy coins!
July 11, 2014, 01:05:51 PM |
Any plans to stop the 100 CFC PoW blocks or at least to reduce them? This was meant to be a 100,000,000 supply coin and now we are at 108 mil already. You can go down in history as the first developer to increase the initial coin production. Others usually look for ways to decrease it.
July 11, 2014, 01:08:47 PM |
good dev,lol~
July 11, 2014, 02:34:31 PM |
When POS start working?
July 11, 2014, 02:36:24 PM |
CFC2's been added to the voting list of BTer. Vote now!
I want to vote CFC2 but it need BTR
coffeecoin (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 11, 2014, 03:27:44 PM |
Any plans to stop the 100 CFC PoW blocks or at least to reduce them? This was meant to be a 100,000,000 supply coin and now we are at 108 mil already. You can go down in history as the first developer to increase the initial coin production. Others usually look for ways to decrease it.
POS coins are inflationary, meaning they never stop producing coins, so no, I wouldn't be the first developer to increase the coin supply, but rather one of many  . But to answer your question, yes we do plan to disable POW. I've been trying to get in touch with Orangecoin's dev (the guy who coded CFC2) these past few days to discuss it with him. Take a look here and you'll see why:!extraction POW/POS does, in fact, create coins at a faster rate than just pure POS. An option I discussed with one of our frequent contributors was to destroy however many coins are created through POW once we disable it. To what end, though? As I've mentioned before, POS coins are inflationary so the coins would eventually re-enter the supply in the future. Try this for an experiment: open the wallet of your favorite POS coin, type "getinfo" in the debug command line, wait for a couple blocks, then type "getinfo" again and compare "moneysupply" and you'll see what I mean. When POS start working?
The first POS block (as far as I know) hit the network on June 30; it's already working  Now the question is whether it can sustain the network without the help of POW.
July 11, 2014, 05:35:48 PM |
Any plans to stop the 100 CFC PoW blocks or at least to reduce them? This was meant to be a 100,000,000 supply coin and now we are at 108 mil already. You can go down in history as the first developer to increase the initial coin production. Others usually look for ways to decrease it.
POS coins are inflationary, meaning they never stop producing coins, so no, I wouldn't be the first developer to increase the coin supply, but rather one of many  . But to answer your question, yes we do plan to disable POW. I've been trying to get in touch with Orangecoin's dev (the guy who coded CFC2) these past few days to discuss it with him. Take a look here and you'll see why:!extraction POW/POS does, in fact, create coins at a faster rate than just pure POS. An option I discussed with one of our frequent contributors was to destroy however many coins are created through POW once we disable it. To what end, though? As I've mentioned before, POS coins are inflationary so the coins would eventually re-enter the supply in the future. Try this for an experiment: open the wallet of your favorite POS coin, type "getinfo" in the debug command line, wait for a couple blocks, then type "getinfo" again and compare "moneysupply" and you'll see what I mean. When POS start working?
The first POS block (as far as I know) hit the network on June 30; it's already working  Now the question is whether it can sustain the network without the help of POW. CFC just hit 4 Satoshi... it's a shame.
July 11, 2014, 05:45:41 PM Last edit: July 11, 2014, 06:15:54 PM by bestsponsor |
 My wallet is unlocked. There's a lot of coins. Shows me - estimated time of generation of coins - 0 second. But I got nothing this week. POS is not working. wallet 2.0.1
coffeecoin (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 11, 2014, 08:55:24 PM |
 My wallet is unlocked. There's a lot of coins. Shows me - estimated time of generation of coins - 0 second. But I got nothing this week. POS is not working. wallet 2.0.1 I assure you, it is. Have some patience  If you check the block explorer here:!extraction you'll see that POS blocks are coming in, just slowly in comparison to POW. As I've said before, I'm going to get with the coder about that when I can get ahold of him.
Activity: 952
Merit: 1000
July 11, 2014, 11:01:38 PM |
I got my POS 10th of July.
coffeecoin (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 12, 2014, 01:50:36 AM |
Any plans to stop the 100 CFC PoW blocks or at least to reduce them? This was meant to be a 100,000,000 supply coin and now we are at 108 mil already. You can go down in history as the first developer to increase the initial coin production. Others usually look for ways to decrease it.
POS coins are inflationary, meaning they never stop producing coins, so no, I wouldn't be the first developer to increase the coin supply, but rather one of many  . But to answer your question, yes we do plan to disable POW. I've been trying to get in touch with Orangecoin's dev (the guy who coded CFC2) these past few days to discuss it with him. Take a look here and you'll see why:!extraction POW/POS does, in fact, create coins at a faster rate than just pure POS. An option I discussed with one of our frequent contributors was to destroy however many coins are created through POW once we disable it. To what end, though? As I've mentioned before, POS coins are inflationary so the coins would eventually re-enter the supply in the future. Try this for an experiment: open the wallet of your favorite POS coin, type "getinfo" in the debug command line, wait for a couple blocks, then type "getinfo" again and compare "moneysupply" and you'll see what I mean. When POS start working?
The first POS block (as far as I know) hit the network on June 30; it's already working  Now the question is whether it can sustain the network without the help of POW. CFC just hit 4 Satoshi... it's a shame. No worries, we've been down there before. It's probably just someone that recently received their claim that wants out of CFC2. I've hired on some extra help in the marketing department since my schedule has been really busy as of late. I hope to have some good news to you all soon in regards to POS sustainability and POW removal.
July 13, 2014, 03:15:12 PM |
Oh man, I didn't make the deadline to swap my CFC1 into CFC2, crap ... is there any way now?
Are my CFC1 coins permanently decaffeinated now ... forever?
coffeecoin (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 13, 2014, 03:29:00 PM |
Oh man, I didn't make the deadline to swap my CFC1 into CFC2, crap ... is there any way now?
Are my CFC1 coins permanently decaffeinated now ... forever?
Sent you a PM.
July 15, 2014, 09:04:09 AM |
any news/update?
coffeecoin (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
July 15, 2014, 12:48:38 PM |
any news/update?
All swaps are over, everyone should now be updated to 2.0.1 by now. We've got 15,467,228.46 in the master wallet left unclaimed. As I've pointed out before, even if we were to destroy what's left, they would re-enter the money supply eventually due to the inflationary nature of POS coins. I'd like to get some input on possible uses for the remaining coins i.e. load into faucet, use for bounties, save it in Foundation wallet, etc. I'm not particularly fond of giveaways; that promotes dumping, and we don't want that. Perhaps there are skilled individuals out there that would like to put their talents to use and claim a portion of it. I'd like to put some feelers out there to see what direction the community would like to go. On the POW/POS front, we're going to have to outsource again as our original coder is difficult to get ahold of. In between work and school, it's been difficult to devote manhours to CFC2 lately, so I'll be getting with some of those sources as soon as I have time. I still have plans to load Starbucks cards for CFC2 but we need a payment processor to make the process go smoothly (hint: vote here  ). Note that these cards are country specific, and every country doesn't provide the same type of card-based services (eGift, for example), so the options will be limited.
July 15, 2014, 07:00:39 PM |
any news/update?
All swaps are over, everyone should now be updated to 2.0.1 by now. We've got 15,467,228.46 in the master wallet left unclaimed. As I've pointed out before, even if we were to destroy what's left, they would re-enter the money supply eventually due to the inflationary nature of POS coins. I'd like to get some input on possible uses for the remaining coins i.e. load into faucet, use for bounties, save it in Foundation wallet, etc. I'm not particularly fond of giveaways; that promotes dumping, and we don't want that. Perhaps there are skilled individuals out there that would like to put their talents to use and claim a portion of it. I'd like to put some feelers out there to see what direction the community would like to go. On the POW/POS front, we're going to have to outsource again as our original coder is difficult to get ahold of. In between work and school, it's been difficult to devote manhours to CFC2 lately, so I'll be getting with some of those sources as soon as I have time. I still have plans to load Starbucks cards for CFC2 but we need a payment processor to make the process go smoothly (hint: vote here  ). Note that these cards are country specific, and every country doesn't provide the same type of card-based services (eGift, for example), so the options will be limited. 1 satoshi here we come... You are a nice guy but picking the wrong developer for this coin killed it. There are people on this forum that would have made a working coin for 0.5-0.7 BTC and deliver without delays and with no need to chase them for weeks. Bittrex will delist it in a few weeks and then that's it.
July 15, 2014, 07:13:53 PM |
any news/update?
All swaps are over, everyone should now be updated to 2.0.1 by now. We've got 15,467,228.46 in the master wallet left unclaimed. As I've pointed out before, even if we were to destroy what's left, they would re-enter the money supply eventually due to the inflationary nature of POS coins. I'd like to get some input on possible uses for the remaining coins i.e. load into faucet, use for bounties, save it in Foundation wallet, etc. I'm not particularly fond of giveaways; that promotes dumping, and we don't want that. Perhaps there are skilled individuals out there that would like to put their talents to use and claim a portion of it. I'd like to put some feelers out there to see what direction the community would like to go. On the POW/POS front, we're going to have to outsource again as our original coder is difficult to get ahold of. In between work and school, it's been difficult to devote manhours to CFC2 lately, so I'll be getting with some of those sources as soon as I have time. I still have plans to load Starbucks cards for CFC2 but we need a payment processor to make the process go smoothly (hint: vote here  ). Note that these cards are country specific, and every country doesn't provide the same type of card-based services (eGift, for example), so the options will be limited. Nice to see that all claims are finished and we can start moving on new plans Perhaps you should firstly use the money to: (1) Build a stronger team: Recruit some skilled individuals to join your team (2) Use for bounties: In addition to the existing bounties for payment processor, would you please consider to add bounties for Android wallet, Mac wallet and Linux wallet? We should not limit only Windows users to hold CFC2 And now there is an urgent issue you may want to take care of: remember you did post there once to help save the Bittrex listing. Now I'm afraid you need to do it again, otherwise we will lose a large exchange for CFC2 trading after this Friday