The settings were provided by bitmain in the .conf file.
If you meant the
/etc/config/asic-freq file, 231.25M is not in it which obviously lies in between 237.5M and 225M, hence my questions about it's source or how it is derived.
I told you I figured it out by studying the available patterns in the oem guide.
the jumps provided are 6.25 or 12.50
so a chart was made
the key to figure this out is to see how the hex code moves with the provided freqs then try what should work in the newer numbers.
the hex code for 212.5 is 1086 provided
the hex code for 218.75 is 1106 so a jump of 6.25 jumped code 0020
so i looked for a freq that ended in 86 and 237.5 the code was 1286 so add 6.25 get 243.75 jump the 1286 to 1306
so I figured the 243.75 as 1306 the timeout was a guess as to use 16 or 17.
this is how I got
freq 243.75 and code 1306 and time out 16 now I had 1 extra working config
now look at more patterns
#option 'freq_value' '1406' #Freq at 256.25M = 512 gh uses 410 watts
#option 'chip_freq' '256.25'
#option 'timeout' '15'
#option 'freq_value' '0982' # Freq at 250M = 500gh uses 400 watts
#option 'chip_freq' '250'
#option 'timeout' '16' #option 'freq_value' '1306' # Freq at 243.75M = 490gh uses 390watts
#option 'chip_freq' '243.75'
#option 'timeout' '16'
option 'freq_value' '1286' # Freq at 237.5M = 480gh uses 380 watts
option 'chip_freq' '237.5'
option 'timeout' '17'
#option 'freq_value' '1206' # Freq at 231.25M = 465gh uses 375 watts
#option 'chip_freq' '231.25'
#option 'timeout' '17'
#option 'freq_value' '0882' #225M
#option 'chip_freq' '225'
#option 'timeout' '18' #option 'freq_value' '1106' #218.75M
#option 'chip_freq' '218.75'
#option 'timeout' '18'
#option 'freq_value' '1086' #212.5M
#option 'chip_freq' '212.5'
#option 'timeout' '18'
#option 'freq_value' '1006' #206.25M
#option 'chip_freq' '206.25'
#option 'timeout' '19'
#option 'freq_value' '0782' #200M
#option 'chip_freq' '200'
#option 'timeout' '20' #option 'freq_value' '1f07' #196M
#option 'chip_freq' '196'
#option 'timeout' '20'
#option 'freq_value' '0f03' #193M
#option 'chip_freq' '193'
#option 'timeout' '20'
#option 'freq_value' '0d83' #175M
#option 'chip_freq' '175'
#option 'timeout' '23'
#option 'freq_value' '0b83' #150M
#option 'chip_freq' '150'
#option 'timeout' '27'
#option 'freq_value' '0983' #125M
#option 'chip_freq' '125'
#option 'timeout' '33'
#option 'freq_value' '0783' #100M
#option 'chip_freq' '100'
#option 'timeout' '40'
200 = 0782
225 = 0882
250 = 0982
243.75 = 1306
231.25 = ? so these are all counting systems the patterns must repeat. the freq is base 10 the code is base 16 so what is that question mark 1206 tried it with timeout of 17 bingo worked
218.75 =1106
218.75 = 1106
231.25 = 1206
243.75 = 1306
finding 256.25 = 1406 was easy used timeout of 15 since 250 uses 16
feel free to play with the time out numbers they may be off by 1
the code in hex is correct for
I did not test lower then 200.