Hmmm wondering if they are migrating servers or if they did the dip.
In the process of migrating servers.
I can take some screen shots of conversations between me and support if you'd like.
Its been a year since I sparked up a hosting packages with namecheap.
I had to renew my hosting package for websites because it was the one that expired first.
I renewed hosting cpanel and websites...but ToshiDesk wasn't on that hosting package.
So right now I'm working with namecheap on a backup for the TohsiDesk cpanel and I will import the ToshiDesk content into the renewed website and just pay for one hosting package instead of two.
Its not that serious as I will fix it asap.
Work is still being done on the ETNA side.
I can screen shot conversations between me and them today as they have been updating the tickets Ive been submitting.
No need to dip guys, I put way too much into this already.
I have held back on doing the 60K distributions to the 3 owners including myself for right now.
I've personally been buying a few MTR here and there soaking up the stakes people are selling.
Please bare with us as we continue to work on ToshiDesk and MTR as a whole.
More updates coming soon,