- This Week - 06 June 2016
>Since March 2015 - Our passion is POS mining!<
Our 15 month in business
** Weekly Data
- Earning rate 0.51% per week (26% per year), down 0.01%.
- Current values: Altcoins 28 BTC / Invested BTC 122= Diff -0.77%, down 0.02%.
- XRA holdings are 1.80% of the available supply.
Bitcoin has risen over 11% in the past week offsetting the decline in the rate of earnings. We recommend you take advantage of this increase to convert your earnings to fiat and lock in your gains.
Another week, and Leroy Fodor still insists that his StakeMiners website is a business abiding by all laws. Further, Leroy insists that his passion is PoS altcoin mining in spite of there's no mining involved, just Leroy repositioning his Investards investments to desired PoS altcoins, one of which he now owns - RateCoin - steadily increasing his position with his Investards' moneys. What a fuckin' racket!
What's better than coming across as a retard by expressing percentages incorrectly once? Consecutively expressing percentages incorrectly twice even after months of driving the simple math into Leroy Fodor's fuckin' head.
Last week's earning rate: 0.52% per week (27% per year).
This week's earning rate: 0.51% per week (26% per year)[, down 0.01%].
Once again I'm gonna take it upon myself to learnt this delusional fuck Leroy Fodor who claims to have earned a B.B.A. from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. My attempt will use an example that perhaps he and his RateCoin partner, Chantha Owen Lueung, can relate to.
You have 100 fish in a solar-powered duckweed pond behind your duplex in Yonkers, NY. 27 of the fish speak fluent Fishish. In percentage terms that means that 27% (not .27%) of the fish speak fluent Fishish. You eat one of the Fishish-speaking fish. Expressed in percentage, what is the decline (27 to 26) in the number of fish currently speaking fluent Fishish?
Originally, 27 Fishish-speaking fish.
Minus 1.
1/27 = 0.03703703703.
0.03703703703 expressed in percentage is 3.703703703% - NOT 0.01% (obtained by subtraction).
Checking the math, 27 X 0.03703703703 = 1, 1 as in the number of Fishish-speaking fish that was eaten.
2 Weeks ago: - Current values: Altcoins 32 BTC / Invested BTC 122= Diff -0.74%, unchanged.
Last week: - Current values: Altcoins 30 BTC / Invested BTC 122= Diff -0.76%, down 0.02%.
This week: - Current values: Altcoins 28 BTC / Invested BTC 122= Diff -0.77%, down 0.02%.
YOU GOTTA BE FUCKIN' KIDDIN' ME! According to Leroy Fodor, 0.77 - 0.76 = 0.02.
HAHAHA This fucker failed minus class. I guess I have to first learnt Leroy how to do minuses before I once again tutor him on percentages.
You have 77 fish in a solar-powered duckweed pond that speak fluent Fishish. You eat one. How many fluent-speaking fish do you have after you eat one?
77 - 76 = 1
Checking the math, 76 + 1 = 77.
NOTE: If you put one of them dot thingies between the 7 and 6, you must do the same between the 7 and 7 of 77 if you want to subtract them, i.e., 7.7 - 7.6 = 0.1. Same true if you put the dot thingy in front of 76 and 77 (77 and 76 if you like seeing the big number first), thus .77 - .76 = .01. Q.E.D. (that's Latin and way above Leroy Fodor's head, hence not taking the time to translate until he learns his percentages)
Back to the percentage lesson.
StakeMiners Ponzi Investards invested 122 BTC, invested being a loose term - they gave their moneys to Leroy Fodor so that Leroy can lie to them as to what's really being done with their moneys. What a fuckin' racket! Investards investments are now worth ONLY 28 BTC, thus they collectively lost 94 BTC. For those playing at home scratching their heads as to how I arrived at that figure, I minused: 122 - 28 = 94 (with apologies for going from depicting single-digit numbers to double-digit numbers to triple-digit numbers so quickly).
To determine what percentage of moneys Investards lost you first do the divide thingy arriving at a number, then moving the dot thingy two places and adding the percentage thingy - % - like thus:
94/122 = .77049180327 or 77% (ever so slightly rounded down - rounding numbers is an advance course, not teaching it here unless I'm paid 35 BTC). Leroy incorrectly expressing 77% as 0.77%.
Now, let's do the week-over-week lost expressed in percentage which Leroy depicts as a 0.02% (0.01% if he had done the minus thingy correct which I've demonstrated above).
Last Week: Investards lost 76% of their investment.
This Week: Investards last 77% of their investment.
77 - 76 = 1 (look familiar?).
1/76 = 0.01315789473.
0.01315789473 converted to percentage is 1.315789473% or 1%, again a 35 BTC teaching fee applies if you're interested in learning how to round numbers. As a bonus, I'll teach how to round up AND down. Spoiler alert: the digit 5 plays an important role.
So, it's 1%, not 0.02% (or 0.01%) reflecting how much value Investards lost in their original investment since last week, but luckily Leroy Fodor has an explanation as to why such is the case.
"Bitcoin has risen over 11% in the past week offsetting the decline in the rate of earnings."Translated: StakeMiners Ponzi PoS altcoins are tanking, including our RateCoin, but thanks to the
0.11% 11% rise in the exchange rate of bitcoins, you're now receiving less bitcoins than you would have last week. Luckily, we here at StakeMiners have a unique offsetting solution below via evoking Quark - Exit to fiat, fiat is fun, exit right now, don't walk run!
"We recommend you take advantage of this increase to convert your earnings to fiat and lock in your gains." - (Unspent) $ 0.60
18c1KNmYmDmvBrtAmBUkRopjiBahLWfYie - (Unspent) $ 0.60
1KJnuFXhW1o3SzgEjKibKhZBoiTwFRdwjU - (Unspent) $ 0.60
1PLzbm48tC3pw7VtNtTR5iskSn4t583T3r - (Unspent) $ 0.60
12nz7S8hM4J9WKHLBzMC3Uiup1K6DjjkWZ - (Unspent) $ 0.60
1Fwpy91umoX7D9u9ju7Td4fK7WCbSz1ZwW - (Unspent) $ 0.60
1MduawM7Ub9QMX4jbvMDwx3iNCALTTvSdt - (Unspent) $ 0.60
1MinyyX7JWqgqyZEKN7ZZhHVynHj5nVYxp - (Unspent) $ 0.60
1JnJTzt4K38wd7ZCFC5evYo9b18TNNhYfG - (Unspent) $ 0.61
3PzLjhnaELpncGkkNGmbmQH5rZ6uV6W8m7 - (Unspent) $ 0.61
18aGUWLybkVe4rvDMs9qn8Ji5KBbTsridB - (Unspent) $ 0.61
1HLju9XZMiq2KsUv1DPPk8peKk4pnZvUBT - (Spent) $ 0.62
1EWDwFd5hAExrf1pF6V7Ff5dGvD23ZgpH1 - (Unspent) $ 0.64
1DhnQq1yZB3SyEzDLcqnoW1KUGsAowxZ7p - (Unspent) $ 0.66
1Aet4FyFrCjuY6Pohzda3o1PMzikAZmJAj - (Spent) $ 0.67
1MtJk5HRaos6mfN2hcPyc3xAu3nDfe2fex - (Spent) $ 0.69
14GFYBcdXY8nKVj9C9BYFt1qRcnmGudAtH - (Unspent) $ 0.72
1PJnxNXHCuq9ZKSbgtaRHovymTD9g5uEou - (Unspent) $ 0.73
1CGTRAncjAfT8bmWot8GFAg4nk9PjmnxYe - (Unspent) $ 0.74
1PzBuY36mWumyywLtxGsamEUSJTkeqEGG - (Spent) $ 0.75
1CGCoSZGEixHAkckfanw4sWYt97TZ3dEVb - (Unspent) $ 0.76
3FG5XjUHaKLU2aHqCv8eRVR8dDj8djXqab - (Unspent) $ 0.82
1FkN4UYwrYuserQVwRh7K6yPhkJ14ttNRV - (Unspent) $ 0.87
36fuFGLurQxdsGKYqcWRCubZmuhfCBAcXs - (Spent) $ 0.91
1Jks3HnJDjeze3DAUhf6D6xcF3SHQU8QXc - (Spent) $ 0.92
32qJ8gQCtTJtXXgDv4twMqCE6Dcdvxhwe9 - (Unspent) $ 1.01
39X9hjwFTViDKzYcsdFFn9uKjDw6nGLCya - (Unspent) $ 1.04
1A6oEumwT7Tc8xJeLpsa8fgbGiM8xaPSKP - (Spent) $ 1.12
19bDL6qYicULhVWokW8Ws8XDGFoqL2oHJi - (Spent) $ 1.24
1EfMVKVQAzDVrPKS9gsVCpCqevCvRKA5GK - (Unspent) $ 1.49
1wiWHtCHd6tQHKDMo5f2WSRTsnjgcakN4 - (Unspent) $ 1.64
1Aji7oQ8YqWscuK91S36ACZxfemjXEXyo6 - (Unspent) $ 1.74
16wachCFM8gvYqsJp4RKmzvynM7K7aJrqB - (Spent) $ 2.30
1LUp1RCVb1BZp4RgFXNKjjFTsoyb545dFB - (Spent) $ 2.30
15SRXM48hqiy1yTsytFLp9sipWvASbJWD7 - (Unspent) $ 2.32
1G2ygbbXTJVUP8fJnsZ3SCLEbzvppHZ3qo - (Spent) $ 2.40
1CXKvDp5iFAnLzVP6VMiXXDdnaDYRNNayH - (Spent) $ 2.45
17c5s76UzgAnh6tZdc65zFt3umfFf8JFvn - (Unspent) $ 2.50
13JzxyuyLjHVbpjxQeGTQMfmB779Jhh1GZ - (Unspent) $ 2.55
15RNyRkxBn3g3rcYGCbj7n1sFHhQkg9wPo - (Unspent) $ 2.63
12sBZ2omfZNkXaixhncR6WbmUWZkzZP1KM - (Unspent) $ 2.65
16AWSAyfVEgcpi17upJcYcsmsznjrEPP9L - (Unspent) $ 2.98
36iGhg6BLAaJhC8ob2qwEWshi9BDNegr5j - (Unspent) $ 3.08
1A76mY2g3oRuR3qjNvBUcvL5BpZfZza4hb - (Unspent) $ 3.31
1LUp1RCVb1BZp4RgFXNKjjFTsoyb545dFB - (Spent) $ 3.40
1FMvDcmAk8SjPTMjJcS6kKFJnurTBiNZQz - (Unspent) $ 3.54
178RKvKZxw9NTbJfXGCGSy89zosYh69uge - (Unspent) $ 3.88
1PfwseufrUxV1Ubs9QeYfiW3Sb3CfvdGM6 - (Spent) $ 4.45
1cFTZAwC6N83NMeYB7KNf2qfqMVhoN89Q - (Unspent) $ 5.40
I, too, recommend that StakeMiners Ponzi Investards lock in their gains via exiting their BTC positions ASAP to fiat, especially the dude on the bottom of the list above if it'll freak him out to see his last week payout fall below $5.00 to say $4.87, a NOT 0.53% decline (think subtraction like how Leroy Fodor B.B.A. thinks).
What a fuckin' racket!
If you don't like this post and think I'm a delusional fuck, then click the like button on Crypto-city's Facebook page, for Chantha Owen Lueung is still looking for its second like since he liked it first back in January 2016. It'll tickle him pink to see the page's like count double after garnering a second like with not even his new buds Leroy Fodor or Michael Zinck seem to like the page designed to give their RateCoin indirect SEO juice.