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1181  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Joe Biden is President of the United States of America on: June 27, 2021, 01:16:44 PM

Lots of people are mad, but don't confuse madness with blindness. Most of the Dems are simply blind. If they would open their eyes, and think a little, they would become Reps... or Libs. Many of them have.

Trump was an exquisitely crafted and tuned tool against so-called 'left' wingers, and he got stunning results.  The mention of his name sent idiots into an almost literally blind fury and they lost an semblance of coherence or reason.  Anything that was not desired by the power structure (say, treating 'covid' with effective medicines, the lab created virus hypothesis, etc) could be torpedoed just by having Trump pretend to say some words about it.

The most amazing thing to me is that Trump was HIGHLY culpable in some really bad stuff.  Treason against the country of the U.S. for one, but there were many more.  Not one time in Trump's four years to I remember any 'left winger' even brush on the stuff which were actually problematic.  Their complaints fell into two categories: Trivial and absurdly untrue (e.g., he was an 'anti-semite'.)  The simple reason for this is that the 'left' and the 'right' are exactly the same at the top, and most of the peeps are led around as easily as a cow with a ring through it's nose.

1182  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: June 27, 2021, 10:22:55 AM
These two 'doctors' must be from the same 'medical school' as our friend Dr. <chuckle> OilEo here:

I wonder how many of the people on this board went to 'med school' here?:

1183  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do not trust everything you see in the internet on: June 27, 2021, 09:47:21 AM
I don't even trust everything I see in real life.

My own mother could be standing in front of me telling me something and I would question it.

That's the idea.  Get kids to question their parents, but absolutely not the corp/gov conglomerates (pharma/media/etc 'public/private partnerships') who actually run the world.   The few posts (of your few posts) indicate that you are something of a poster-child for this in paradigm.

Lots of people's parents are old enough to remember the 'old normal' which are not sufficiently aligned with desirable new-norms.  Inducing questioning/rejection of parents is a second-best to just taking the kids away into state custody, but doing so causes backlash and has actually led to the fall of socialist regimes historically.  It's been the proverbial 'straw that broke the camel's back' in some cases.

A related problem is that parents are instinctively protective of their kids health, fertility, etc.  It's wired in, and there is only so much the corp/gov can do with the wiring if it is not caught early enough.  Older generations who developed before the current technology was ready suffer from this programming defect an OTA upgrades are not available.  Yet.  The corp/gov state has kind of the opposite interest than do parents; people who are mentally damaged can be easier to control, and ones who are physically damaged are better consumers of pharma products.

1184  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: June 27, 2021, 03:20:50 AM
I think the people who think COVID-19 is a scam are the ones who have been scammed.

There is no world where 90% of medical professionals in the world got together to sell a scam.

It's not a coincidence that the 2-10% of medical professionals who question the legitimacy of COVID-19 are deep into other conspiracy theories.

I think COVID is mostly a scam... Not sure how that could have possibly scammed me.

Most medical professionals get paid from one place, the government.  The smart ones play along with this shit.

Well over 90% of medical professionals in the 1920's thought that black people had special sicknesses... hence, segregations (America)!  See how well medical bullshit ages?

Back in the late 1800's I think it was, some doctor theorized that keeping a facility, surgical instruments, etc, somewhat clean could reduce infection.  He had a wing of a hospital under his management and imposed what was for the time a high level of hygiene.  What happened?  Well, the mortality rate in his wing was something like 1/3 what it was in the industry and the rest of the hospital.  Most of the reduction in deaths were from a low rate of sepsis in his areas.

So the doctor was hailed as a hero!  Right?  Hell no.  He was hated by his peers and hassled by administration.  As I recall he was eventually kicked out of the hospital.  Ironically he himself died of sepsis in the end.  It wasn't until after his death decades later that they started mopping floors and cleaning surgical instruments and the guy's  contribution to medical science was even acknowledged.

Doctors tend to be among the most closed-minded and conceited people in the world.  The more people worship them as some sort of God's who fell to earth, the bigger their heads get.  Not all of them of course, but 'covid' has demonstrated that the percentage of worthless piece of shit scumbags in the medical system is distressingly high.

1185  Other / Politics & Society / Re: COVID-19 MRNA BIOWEAPON, IVERMECTIN, & THE IMPORTANCE OF VITAMIN D on: June 26, 2021, 08:47:58 AM

A statistical error in the estimation of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D was recently discovered; in a correct analysis of the data used by the Institute of Medicine, it was found that 8895 IU/d was needed,values%20%E2%89%A550%20nmol%2FL.

Yes, I've said that many times. Current guidelines prescribe a maximum of 800 IU. It gives me food for thought. There can always be calculation errors, but this one, which has been known for a long time, leads to underdosing. As I commented in the thread on vitamin D, this leads to higher sales of medicines and more profits for the pharmaceutical industry.

Btw, does anyone know why I can't open pubmed articles? I've tried with different browsers, I've also googled about the subject and I can't solve it.

Both the summary (above link) and the full article:

open fine for me in SE Asia with firefox built from source code on a unix-like system.

1186  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid-19 Vaccinated people will die in 2 years on: June 26, 2021, 04:33:29 AM
I don't believe mainstream media outlets.

Not at all surprising.  I am currently in one of the least 'educated' places I've ever lived, and the neighborhoods which are the most impoverished are the ones who are making the best 'my body, my choice' decisions.  Somehow they mirror the decisions arrived at the the _retired_ industry scientists and Nobel prize laureates who suggest to be very very wary of these gene therapies.  Go figure.

It's the 'educated' middle management (including about 99% of the medicos) who are leaving a yellow puddle over the 'dreaded covid', terrorized by the clown-shoe propaganda, and rushing to get 'their' injections.

Whenever I think I cannot get more amazed at Orwell's precience (in this case, the dichotomy between the 'educated' middle management classes and the 'masses' vis-a-vis compliance with big-brother directives) I am wrong.


BTW, here is a new one:  Ryan totally rag-dolls the Politifact 'fact checkers', Yahoo News' real-time revisionism, etc:

1187  Other / Politics & Society / Re: British Airways confirms four vaccinated pilots have recently died... on: June 25, 2021, 06:29:33 PM

You can fact check the fact checkers yourself.  They cite their sources.   (try clicking on the words that look a little different or have a little squiggly line underneath)

Yup.  Their 'source' tends to be the idiot who generated some tweet with some semi-related content that they can use as the strawman to 'debunk'.  To be sure such idiot tweets do exist...and if they don't it's easy to generate one.

The so-called 'fact-checker's game-book is not that hard to figure out if you are an analytical person.

1188  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid-19 Vaccinated people will die in 2 years on: June 25, 2021, 06:21:19 PM
Since we are getting about 1,000 deaths per month from vaccines as shown by the official VAERS report...

and since the Harvard study shows that VAERS is getting less than 1% of the vaccine adverse reaction reports...


Speaking of, I mentioned earlier that 1) the deaths might be reported at a different rate than the non-fatal adverse reactions, and 2) there might be a hyper-sensitivity leading to better reporting rates.

I've heard credible insiders say that medical staff are being highly discouraged from filing VAERS reports for the covid jabs...and many medicos have never even heard of the system anyway.  Thus, the rate might even be worse than it was in the old-normal days.

OTOOH, it could also be that individuals filing probably is up, and there are organizations like Bigtree's who will help people do so.  So we are back to the possibility that the rate might be better again.  Hard to know.

From what I hear, every page of the system has a big fat warning that false filing is a federal crime.  I've not heard of anyone being prosecuted for filing false reports so I doubt that it happens very much.  Certainly not enough to account for the giant gaps in the numbers.  It's also interesting, and totally non-surprising to hear that the web interface is horibly buggy and makes it very easy to lose one's work and data if you wait to long on a page or whatever.

consider the following:

The USA alone will have a reduced population, down to as few as less than 100 million people. What is your strategy to maintain your life if the population gets that low? REALLY. It's a possibility. What are your plans now while you are still depending on most of the 5/7ths of those who will die in the next 5 years, for when they are gone? Will you be going cave man style?

Actually a de-populated world could have a ton of advantages for those who make it through.  If, somehow, the 'evil' forces behind this thing do get the deed done but somehow the prize slips through their grasp and the 'good' forces end up on top, things could be quite pleasant for a while.  Even if I were sure that the 'good side' would win and I would be there to enjoy the rewards, I would still fight hard against the operation.  This because it just isn't right to do people like they're doing, and there are other ways to resolve some of the very real issues that are vexing humanity.

To answer your question, though, of course I will do whatever I have to do up to and including 'going caveman style' if I had to.  I'd rather not.

1189  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid-19 Vaccinated people will die in 2 years on: June 25, 2021, 05:42:14 AM
Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated

18,000 Americans died of Covid-19 in May.
17,850 of them were not vaccinated.

853,000 were hospitalized.
841,000 were not vaccinated.

Go get your shot idiot.

I don't believe mainstream media outlets.  In the U.S., they have legal authority to flat out lie if authorized by the state department to do so, and the state department is free to do so in when an 'emergency' has been declared.  Thus, info from the U.S. is particularly suspect.

I'm a lot more convinced by one of the whistle-blower nurse who says that in her hospital, exactly 100% of those hospitalized with 'covid' have been 'vaccinated'.

In real life, I don't know of anyone in my 2 degree circle who has been hospitalized with 'covid', although I know a lot of people (including myself) who seemed to have picked up something somehow which was a bizarre illness with unusual effects.  Most of these happened months ago and in some cases at the kick-off when the 'two weeks to flatten the curve' thing started over a year ago.  I know of one person at least who was recently hospitalized not to long after getting jabbed.  Hospitalized with 'covid' of course.


I do know of a LOT of people in this 2 degree circle who have come up hot on a 'PCR test' and have been locked up in a facility.  The facilities can be an old building owned by friends/family of political figures and fixed up for the purpose.  A 'patient' gets some food and money to be 'positive' and spend 15 days in a facility so there is sometimes quite a desirable thing to come up hot.  While the 'patient' gets some money, a lionshare of it goes to other moving parts in this 'system'.  The newly minted 'molecular biology lab' won't say the cycle threshold they are using for the PCR tests, but it seems likely to be up in the 40's which is well past the point where the test is meaningless vis-a-vis 'covid disease'.

I know of one instance where a guy did NOT want to come up positive because he wanted to travel.  He was surprised to come up 'positive' because he had no health issues.  There was a lot of spraying of noxious stuff at the lock-up, and that night he developed a horrible cough which drove him crazy for a month.

The scam is not very hard to see, people.  It's also not hard to see what countries are playing it and what ones are not by looking at their declared infections and death numbers.

1190  Other / Politics & Society / Re: British Airways confirms four vaccinated pilots have recently died... on: June 24, 2021, 09:40:48 PM

As Corbett said, these (usually B&M Gates Foundation funded) 'fact checkers' tend to rely heavily on straw-man arguments.  That is to say, take something ridiculous that someone (often one of their own operatives most likely) said and 'debunk' that.  They know damn well that 99% of people are just going to look at the color code thingy at the top.

I don't remember ever seeing an open comments section on any of the 'fact checks'.   Any source of information without an open comments section is very suspect to me, and I don't use them very much for actual information about critical or sensitive subjects.

One of the few times I actually looked to find information on a 'fact check' site was when someone who claimed to be the family doctor of Bill Gates' family said that the kids were sharp, healthy, and unvaccinated.  Did the 'fact checkers' even bother to get a statement from Gates?  Of course not.  They 'debunked' the story by pointing out that the doctor was not acting ethically by exposing private medical information.  Lol!  What a joke.

So you rarely look at fact checking sites because Corbett told you to just believe him instead.  Gotcha.

Nope:  Just the opposite.  Two of the people I pay the most attention to (and sometime fund) implore people NOT to just trust what they say and do their own research.  To back it up, both are also VERY fastidious about providing links to source material for everything they talk about.

Check out how it should be done:

Note the organized sequential links to the source material, then at the bottom of the page a comments section so people can add to or challenge the information provided.

1191  Other / Politics & Society / Re: British Airways confirms four vaccinated pilots have recently died... on: June 24, 2021, 02:34:53 PM

One of the tools I use to ascertain the weight of a story is how fast the 'fact checkers' respond.  When they are on a story within a day, it indicates that there is a 'there there', and it is an important thing.


Yup.  It's a fall-out from 'classic' old-school pre-scientism concepts such as observation, research, and critical thinking.

Your average 'global citizen' would never think to ask about how the 'fact checkers' came into existence and who funds their pay-checks, much less what that means for their work product.  To most people, that they calling themselves 'fact checkers' makes it obvious that they are credible in checking facts.  As further proof, Google and Facebook use them!

Someones done a very good job of keeping you from realizing that all the quotes and information these fact checkers publish include detailed sources.  (try clicking on the words that look a little different or have a little squiggly line underneath)

As Corbett said, these (usually B&M Gates Foundation funded) 'fact checkers' tend to rely heavily on straw-man arguments.  That is to say, take something ridiculous that someone (often one of their own operatives most likely) said and 'debunk' that.  They know damn well that 99% of people are just going to look at the color code thingy at the top.

I don't remember ever seeing an open comments section on any of the 'fact checks'.   Any source of information without an open comments section is very suspect to me, and I don't use them very much for actual information about critical or sensitive subjects.

One of the few times I actually looked to find information on a 'fact check' site was when someone who claimed to be the family doctor of Bill Gates' family said that the kids were sharp, healthy, and unvaccinated.  Did the 'fact checkers' even bother to get a statement from Gates?  Of course not.  They 'debunked' the story by pointing out that the doctor was not acting ethically by exposing private medical information.  Lol!  What a joke.

1192  Other / Politics & Society / Re: British Airways confirms four vaccinated pilots have recently died... on: June 24, 2021, 10:09:01 AM

One of the tools I use to ascertain the weight of a story is how fast the 'fact checkers' respond.  When they are on a story within a day, it indicates that there is a 'there there', and it is an important thing.


Yup.  It's a fall-out from 'classic' old-school pre-scientism concepts such as observation, research, and critical thinking.

Your average 'global citizen' would never think to ask about how the 'fact checkers' came into existence and who funds their pay-checks, much less what that means for their work product.  To most people, that they calling themselves 'fact checkers' makes it obvious that they are credible in checking facts.  As further proof, Google and Facebook use them!

1193  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid-19 Vaccinated people will die in 2 years on: June 23, 2021, 06:47:09 PM
BTW DELTA variant will be very ferocious, many deaths

The 'VICTOR' variant has that base covered already.

Actually, the 'Golf Tango' variant would be better named.  Or Golf Mike Oscar variant.

1194  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Are you worried about the delta virus variant? on: June 23, 2021, 03:03:00 PM

It (the 'delta', aka 'indian' variant) pretty demonstrably doesn't do shit:

It's only goal in the propagandasphere is to further terrorize the idjut class give political cover for 'leaders' to keep imposing face shields on their peeps.  And that it's done.

1195  Other / Archival / Re: I'm really leaving the U.S. for a 3rd world country because of politics on: June 22, 2021, 12:31:28 PM

I had never considered Zambia.  If this guy is representative then I probably should.

1196  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: June 22, 2021, 07:35:51 AM
Found the origin of the photo, not photoshopped just another place.

Why don't you ever do this part first?

How do you know what they guy (or me for that matter) does NOT post after doing some research?  The fact that the guy follows up with a correction is laudable and something I almost never see from 'the other side.'  If anything differentiates the 'two sides', it is this propensity for accuracy and self-reflection.

1197  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: June 22, 2021, 05:34:19 AM

Well what have we here

I must say that this thing just sort of looks photo-shopped to me.  For my part, I would not spread this particular thing around without some due-diligence.  It doesn't actually make much sense that Obummer would be doing photo-shoots in such deep-state operations at that point in time.  On the other hand, right now would be to get a cheap 'debunkable' thing to 'go viral'.

At least figure out if they guy had even been to china at that time period.  This would have been immediately after gain-of-function research was chased out of CONUS (without special exemptions.)  Of course this could argue FOR it being an important enough re-boot for the prez to make a photo-op.  Whatever the case, it seems a little to convenient given the exposure of the shady research happenings of that time period (and this one.)

1198  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ^^^ You just haven't gone far enough. on: June 22, 2021, 04:16:41 AM
They've got a blind-mans-buff grope-fest going on on Philma's privately curated self-moderated thread about whether vaxxers or anti-vaxxers are going to take the hit on this thing.  I rarely comment on self-moderated wank-fest threads, and I think this open thread spawned from that one.  So...

It is pretty obvious that the same people who cooked up the virus had _earlier_ cooked up the so-called 'vaccine'(*).  This is a who's-who of Western-associated military/industrial complex actors.  They are shady as fuck, and have been involved in all kinds of past malfeasance from the anthrax stuff on down.  Now people will talk a little about Dr. Fausti's measly $3M or whatever funding the Wuhan gain-of-function research which is at least being blamed by many for the 'SARS-cov-2'.  What almost nobody will mention is that Fausti's $3M pales in comparison to the $39M which Peter Daszak's 'Eco-Health Alliance' middle-man got from the U.S. DOD.

Upshot:  Anyone who is stupid enough willingly take an injection developed by the same group of people who funded the development of the virus which is supposed to justify the injection pretty much deserved to be eliminated from the gene pool.

* Clearly, back in the early days, they didn't know if it would fly to re-label their gene therapy as a 'vaccine' and thus ride the zero-liability train associated with 'vaccines'.  Trump, in his earlier sales-pitching of this thing, used to use the word 'therapeutics' (and others) just in case.  Turned out they yes, people are stupid enough to switch to the term 'vaccine' even for a gene therapy which doesn't even provide immunity.

1199  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: June 22, 2021, 02:44:15 AM

Even Dr. Fauci seems to admit that there *might* have been some US funding that was eventually funneled into the Wuhan virology lab, but the problem that a lot of bureaucrats have to answer is why they were so reluctant to tell everybody why the US government was potentially involved in gain of function research in some shady Chinese virology lab with poor hygienic standards. The research itself was probably not nefarious, but science does come at a price of millions of deaths and irreversible economic damage. Was it short sighted to invest in gain of function research conducted by a communist government with the risk of things going sour? Or is it just the price of doing business?

Perhaps we may never actually know whether this virus got leaked from a lab or if it actually did come from a wet market. I just think there's a lot of people reluctant to conduct a full investigation because it might lead to uncovering something embarrassing.

It's about as obvious as the nose on one's face by now that the virus was made for the so called 'vaccine' and not the other way around.  That's why Moderna had a liquid injectable two days after 'downloading the genetic sequencing results from China.'  China and the U.S. worked hand-in-glove on this hoax because they are both just puppets of the banking powers above them.

The so-called 'vaccine' is in most cases just re-labeled gene therapy techniques which was designed to involve the ACE2/Spike_Protein for certain reasons.  They were ready long before Jan 2020.  (Some companies in India and China rode the gravy-train and cooked up a quick-n-dirty old-school inactivated virus vaccine because the testing protocols were designed so that anything would 'succeed'.)

The LNP component of these mRNA gene therapies are irrelevant to the 'vaccine'/virus genetics but are utterly critical as a lot of work must have gone into making them have an affinity for specific tissues (e.g., the ovaries.)

1200  Other / Politics & Society / Re: COVID-19 MRNA BIOWEAPON, IVERMECTIN, & THE IMPORTANCE OF VITAMIN D on: June 21, 2021, 07:32:55 AM
megadosing on insulin does not cure diabetes.
once you understand the basics of the negatives of megadosing insulin and the limitations of insulins benefits on diabetes. and what and how diabetes is caused. you soon learn megadosing wont cure diabeties nor cancers caused due to diabeties

I've never heard anyone say that it does.  Strawman arg.

He certainly won't. Some people think that if they go on a plane and it crashes, they will be the only ones who will be saved by taking megadoses of vitamin D and other supplements.

I've never heard of anyone who thinks that.  Strawman arg.

Maybe real arguments would be more persuasive.  Even better if you can back things up with links to real information.  Of course if you don't have any, you'll have to just go for the ridiculous strawman argument I suppose.  Knock yourselves out.

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