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1841  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Criptomonede vs bani digitali emiși de Stat on: January 31, 2023, 10:25:12 AM
Eheheeee, ce vremuri erau cand era Dragnea la putere. Uiti si ca daduse lege pentru dublarea alocatiilor (dublare care nu a avut loc nici pana in ziua de astazi) si pentru marirea punctului de pensie cu 40% (care, de asemenea, nu a avut loc)? Deci nu doar ca dadea din gura, omul chiar dadea legi! Imi amintesc ca in perioada aceea eram tare curios cum o sa si plateasca tot ce primite.
Pai era simplu: prin devalorizarea accelerata a leului. Daca 1 euro se facea 10 lei, din devalorizarea la 50% putea sa "creasca" toate veniturile si alocatiile cu 40% si tot ii ramaneau 10% pentru alte idei/proiecte. Matematica este simpla!

Cand era Dragnea aproape sa ajunga presedinte era o gluma ca o sa ne imbogateasca pe toti si o sa faca salariul de 1000 EUR sa ajunga la 10000 lei.
Dar, cum spuneam, masa votanta nu intelege...

Apropo de asta, mi-am amintit de un banc. Bancul e bun, dar in contextul in care-l spun in contextul actual, devine trist. Ras-plans!

Un prieten s-a dus la psiholog deoarece credea ca are un picior mai scurt. Psihologul l-a lamurit ca celalalt picior este mai lung... Acum este fericit!
La fel si cu pensiile si salariile: ni se spune ca nu sunt ele mici, ci ca sunt preturile mari. Alta viata, nenicule!

sper ca totusi justitia sa nu fie complet sub bocancul politicului
Chiar crezi ca nu este? Smiley
Partial, este. Complet, nu stiu, sper ca nu.

Si eu sper Smiley

Ţi-am mai pus câteva merite acolo

Multumesc  Roll Eyes

m-a întristat să văd cât de puţin interes există faţă de cele mai serioase şi realiste subiecte de discuţie.  Am intrat pe discuţia începută de tine pe internaţional şi e trist să vezi că doar participanţi ai ChipMixer şi BestChange au fost interesaţi să răspundă.

Adevarat, acum am observat si eu... incredibil!

Mulţumim pentru topic, Gazeta.

Ma bucur ca a fost un material interesant de citit Smiley

Când s-o decide 'uie' să lanseze moneda digitală europeană, să avem linguri pregătite pentru pomană.  Că lumea o să înghită la rahat cu găleţile.

M-a amuzant maxim formularea! =))) Desi e de ras-plans situatia...

E impresionant şi foarte dezamăgitor cât de uşor acceptă lumea orice i se spune să gândească şi nu am nici un fel de speranţă că lumea va înţelege de ce Bitcoin e superior monedei pe care uie sau orice altă putere o va lansa.

Pai... vezi bancul pe care l-am scris mai sus. Fix asa o sa fie.

Păi du-te în orice hipermarket şi vezi cine are avantajele mai mari.  Cine stă mai puţin la coadă.  Aberez dacă spun că în ultimii trei-patru ani de zile a devenit tot mai dificil şi costisitor să alegi cash în faţa cardului?

Nu, ai perfecta dreptate. Si eu am observat asta... In zonele unde sunt case de platit cu cardul e mai mereu gol...

O monedă o să ofere libertate, cealaltă va pretinde să ofere siguranţă învăluită în monitorizare permanentă a fiecărui individ.  Vor fi două extreme, dar noi vom fi luaţi drept singurii extremişti.

Si ostracizati. Mult, mult mai mult decat acum.
1842  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Lightning Network: intrebari / schimb de opinii on: January 31, 2023, 09:43:51 AM
Daca se transmit tranzactii doar intr-o directie, mai devreme sau mai tarziu canalul nu va mai putea transmite tranzactii fiind epuizat "depozitul" pe baza caruia functiona, "depozit" legat de banii din care fusese creat canalul. (Sper ca nu am explicat prea rau).

Da, da, inteleg si are sens ce spui. Dar asta nu explica, totusi, ce spune IntimitateaG ca a patit... Cine stie...?!

Si in rest, da, ruleaza ca un strat si se realizeaza "offline" tranzactiile. Ma rog, "offline" e un fel de a spune... sunt offline fata de reteaua Bitcoin dar, tehnic vorbind, tot intr-un mediu "online" se fac, nu? Ca altfel nu ar avea cum sa se transmita sumele intre parteneri  Cheesy Cel putin eu asa vad lucrurile. Dar la un moment dat tot se face si o postare "online" sau on-chain", adica in blockchain-ul Bitcoin. Cred ca asta tine strict de dorinta celui care creeaza canalul...

Fusesem interesat de BlueWallet, dar m-am lecuit. Tocmai am citit pe Reddit ca LN pe BlueWallet nu merge chiar ca in filme.

Si cu asta avem o problema-n minus. Au mai ramas 149 de nelamuriri pe care le mai avem de rezolvat cu LN-ul Smiley

Asa ca o sa ma uit ce stiu Eclair si Muun, poate ca le dau o sansa... De partea cu rulat nodul meu sunt inca foarte departe.

De Muun nu stiam. Dar nu vrei sa incerci si celelalte portofele recomandate in topicul international? Ma refer la Phoenix Wallet, Breez Wallet, Blixt Wallet.

Si da citisem ca cineva, nu mai stiam ca e LV, are o oferta de asta pentru testat LN. Oi ajunge si acolo, in functie de cat timp am pentru teste

Okay Smiley Cand mai ai vesti, te asteptam.
1843  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Pro Hash si Cryptoland -- ATM-urile fantoma on: January 31, 2023, 09:34:31 AM
Nu ar fi stricat sa iei un numar de telefon ca sa potin intreba din cand in cand si sa nu bati drumul.
Am gasit un numar de telefon pe Internet... O sa incerc si sa sun acolo, sa vad daca este valabil numarul.

Chiar am sunat!  Grin Am gasit numarul pe CoinATMRadar. Am intrebat cand o sa fie pus in functiune aparatul, dar interlocutorul o tot dadea de gard. Ca sa-i scriu pe WhatsApp (pentru saxydev: oațap)), ca daca am Telegram... Eu il tot intrebam cand va fi functional ATM-ul, iar el imi tot dadea solutii alternative. Intr-un final a spus ca are probleme cu exchange-urile si de aceea nu e aparatul functional. Ca nu i se aproba conturile... ca nu-i leaga niciun exchange aparatul la reteaua lor... ceva de genul.

Acum urmeaza partea interesanta. Cheesy

Am rămas însă eu cu dezamăgire după ce am văzut a treia poză.  După primele două, credeam că ai descoperit un Exchange care să realizeze tranzacţii la ghişeu.  Fără electronice, fără camere băgate între ochi.  Deja mă gândeam cu ce să mă îmbrac să le fac o vizită!

Partea interesanta este ca omul era insa nerabdator sa ma ajute. Sa ii spun ce suma vreau, ce moneda etc. A spus ca practica un comision de ~5% la vanzare si ~4% la cumparare (de la el catre client). Deci clientul cumpara de la el cu pret de 5% peste CoinMarketCap si ii vinde cu 4% sub CoinMarketCap. Dar nu era batut in cuie. A zis ca variaza si in functie de suma si moneda.

Ca sa revin insa la ce scrisese IntimitateaG, cum omul imi tot spunea ca ma ajuta si sa "vin la ei", am intrebat "Unde?". Ce credeti, mi-a spus ca la exchange. Deci, draga IntimitateG, se pare va dorinta ti-a fost indeplinita Smiley Sper ca vestea este buna pentru oricine!

Tranzactia este OTC, din moment ce omul nu are legatura cu exchange-urile, deci ar trebui sa ai anonimitate maxima. Ramane doar sa te feresti si de camerele dinauntrul exchange-ului Smiley

Alternativ insa, ti-l recomand totusi pe Razvan. S-ar putea sa obtii un comision si mai bun de la el, mai ales luand si in considerare parteneriatul dintre voi, care, din ce observ, tocmai s-a infiintat. Cu ocazia aceasta te si felicit pentru afacerea reusita Smiley

Si asta in conditiile in care, pe site, este mentionat in continuare. Seriozitate maxima. Le-am trimis un email
Ca idee, desi au trecut 4 zile, inca nu mi-au raspuns. Poate nu a ajuns inca email-ul de la mine sau or fi prea ocupati baietii...

In continuare, niciun semn de la Pro Hash. Ii intereseaza maxim de clienti. Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce s-ar intampla daca ai avea vreo problema cu un aparat al lor si ar trebui sa-i contactezi.

Fking hell, omule ma disperi.

Valeu, pazea! Ferea! saxydev dispera! Ce ne facem, ce ne facem...?!
Apropo, ce inseamna "Fking", ca nu gasesc cuvantul in niciun dictionar. Sau, ca sa vorbesc pe limba ta, ce ansiamna "Fking"?

unde este cryptoland la un moment dat a fost bancomat de la shitcoins (firma din polonia)

Si era greu sa te exprimi coerent din prima si nu in dodii?

repet [...] toti romanii care jucai

Nu te mai repeta... mai bine scrie coerent si corect. Nu uita, la inceput de propozitie prima litera trebuie sa fie majuscula; substantivele proprii se scriu si ele cu majuscula. Iar conjugarea verbului "a juca" la modul indicativ, timp imperfect (acesta este un timp verbal, nu fac referire la conditiile meteorologice, in caz ca la asta te gandeai), persoana a III-a, plural, gen masculin, diateza activa, este "jucau", nu "jucai". Romanii jucau. Asta pentru cultura ta generala.
1844  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: Discutie despre PI network on: January 31, 2023, 08:24:29 AM
Autorităţile române cred că nici măcar acum nu şi-au făcut în totalitate treaba legată de OneCoin.  Dacă în alte ţări ţeapa nu mai prea dă roade, la noi încă se fac seminarii (
Cum frrrate asa ceva?!

Mi-am adus aminte de ce nu trebuia sa ma mir. Este totul in regula cu autoritatile noastre. Probabil ca prin 2070 vor lua niste masuri.

Dacă până acum a reuşit să scape de ei, m-ar mira dacă după ştirea de azi nu ar lua măsurile necesare să dispară iar din vizorul serviciilor.  Are o căruţă de bani, oare să fie atât de greu?

Eu mă aşteptam să aflăm abia peste câteva decenii că a fost găsită undeva sub un alt nume, cu operaţii estetice care să îi schimbe înfăţişarea suficient cât să nu mai fie recunoscută.

Am cercetat mai bine articolul. Titlul este inselator sau, in orice caz, nu reflecta realitatea:

FBI's Most Wanted Crypto Scammer of $4 Bn Ponzi Scheme Finally Found In This Country

Cautand pe Google "OneCoin CEO Ruja Found", am dat de un site mai de Doamne-ajuta mai pertinent decat Mai precis, am gasit un articol scris de BBC. Aparent, ideea ca a reaparut bulgaroaica s-a nascut de la faptul ca a fost pus la vanzare un apartament de-al ei din Londra. Si, conform unei legi din respectiva tara, care obliga la transparenta, s-a putut observa ca apartamentul pus la vanzare ii apartine. De aici si speculatia ca a fost gasita. Nicidecum insa.

Explicatia apare aici:

But now, neither the UK police nor Ms Ignatova herself are behind the sale of her Kensington pad. Instead, it is prosecutors in the north-west German city of Bielefeld, the BBC can reveal.

Better known for its Dr Oetker headquarters and 13th Century castle, quaint Bielefeld is also home to economic crime specialists, who are leading European efforts to prosecute the OneCoin ringleader.

Deci cam asta e treaba... "CryptoQueen" e bine-merci in continuare...
1845  Other / Archival / Re: Another fake bitcoin giveaway? on: January 30, 2023, 08:25:37 PM
Having said the obvious, a week after he promised to pay the prize within 24 hours, it did not detract me from appropriately tagging the account.

You did it before I did it  Grin

I was waiting for seven days to pass before tagging the user, thinking that 7 days are a decent time to wait. However, since you made first step I decided to make the second one, thus now Rbah has two negative feedbacks. Anyway, there are only a few hours until 7 days are met therefore it's okay to give him the feedback since now.

It's very possible for Rbah to be same with Mitch212. There are too many similarities between them. Anyway, this is less important. What matters is that users did not let themselves tricked anymore into jumping with merits on shady giveaway organizers. It seems that the lesson was learned.

(Of course, in case the organizer finally appears and offers a good reason for being online that much; in case he will also make an official rolling; in case he will also pay the prize -- then I will remove my feedback. But there are very small chances for this to happen.)
1846  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Be careful with saxydev; he is a scammer on: January 30, 2023, 03:53:51 PM
The service like what dkbit have offered (the link he sent), I offer myself a better version but for free to check on TRX and for less than 3$ on subscription for BTC/ETH. Check my thread again.

This is irrelevant for the deal. You two made a deal which implied dkbit98 to present an example of a free service, without talking anything about the quality of the respective service. And he provided what he had to. You, on the other side, scammed dkbit98.

Too many replies to quote or answer to everyone.

Oh no... poor man, he is overwhelmed...

I think I reacted fast to dkbit and modified and kept in the post the fact that I modified, for the critics, it is no shame to realise when you are wrong or about taking the bait for something stupid or which can be used against you.

Correct. it's no shame to realize you are wrong, that you did the wrong thing, that you took the bait for something stupid and so on. But when you realize that you also have to take responsibility for your actions and pay for them. If you drive while being drunk and Police stops you, then you may realize what you just did. However, realizing the fact is not synonymous with paying for doing the wrong thing. If you realize you just drove while being drunk, you still have to pay the sanction given by Police, they may still take your driving license etc. Similar to this case, you realize what you did was wrong. Now pay what you owe to dkbit98 and move forward and try to not scam people anymore.

@NewslletterBitcoin give us the law which makes it illegal, year and furthure modification. There is not such a law.

That would be the second time when you say "there is no such thing".

Dude, there is not such a service for free anywhere.

You are pretty jumpy with this "there is no such things". Last time you used it you got yourself in a ~2300$ debt.

I wanted to reply to this topic but at a moment the thread was locked

That's just another lie. I never locked this topic.

at that moment I realised no matter how much I am in good faith, I was made a criminal for them.

Good faith? You acted with good faith? Looooooooooooool!

And hell yeah, my 400th post on this forum

Congrats for reaching this great number! Make sure you post it here: Announce your rank up, merit or any achievements that makes you feel great!

Belkin1986 left today a red flag on saxydev's profile
That's Untrusted feedback from a Newbie without Reference link. It lacks evidence.

True. Yet, if you look again, you'll also notice that it is also the second untrusted feedback saying saxydev scammed someone. True, the other feedback does also not have a reference link. And curiously, saxydev also accused his accuser of being a scammer (however, the reference link he provided shows nothing relevant). Theese feedbacks may not be, indeed, circumstantial evidence.

However, in Romania we have a saying: "there is no smoke without a fire". In our case, it would mean that these feedbacks would not appear just like that, out of nowhere. Maybe there is a grain of truth inside them. Of course, everybody can also say "maybe not". But seeing what saxydev did in plain sight to dkbit98, this could add some traction to the accuses he received as untrusted feedbacks.
1847  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: January 29, 2023, 06:01:48 AM
Avem un concurs nou!

Fun, fair and transparent BTC giveaway

Se poate castiga: ‎0.00061600 BTC.

Organizator: iwantmyhomepaidwithbtc2

Poate participa oricine daca are minim 5 merite. Extragerea o va realiza un membru cu reputatie al forumului. Organizatorul sustine ca va mai organiza si in viitor tombole similare.

Participantii trebuie sa se inscrie folosind urmatorul formular:

BTC addy:

Concursul a fost organizat ca un raspuns pentru cel similar organizat anterior de Rbah, dar care s-a dovedit a fi teapa.

Premiul ar fi 50$ in BTC, extragerea va fi in data de 24, iar alte reguli nu sunt, nici legate de conturi noi si multiple, nici despre cum va avea loc extragerea.
Am mai avut concursuri de astea, nu trebuie sa ne facem mari sperante, dar pe de alta parte, nu e mare lucru sa postam o adresa si sa vedem ce se intampla.

Din pacate, concursul acela s-a dovedit a fi o inselatorie similara celei din septembrie. Pe de alta parte, sunt increzator in acest concurs nou Smiley
1848  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Lightning Network: intrebari / schimb de opinii on: January 27, 2023, 10:24:54 PM
Din cate stiu nu avem in sectiunea romaneasca vreun tutorial de LN, dar nici acesta nu se doreste a fi un tutorial, mai ales ca eu sunt cel care intreaba.

Buna initiativa cu acest topic! Am sa ma alatur si eu discutiei, cu cateva ganduri si, poate, raspunsuri.

am zis ca nu ar strica sa avem un schimb de opinii aici, mai ales ca in sctiunea internationala fie o sa se bage vreunul sa ma trimita la topicul cel mare si exagerate de stufos (parerea mea), fie sa inceapa sa zica ca "LN nu e BTC" si.. stiti povestea si personajul.

Bine gandit, referitor la faptul ca ai anticipat cum ar fi urmat acolo discutia.

Intrebarile ar fi cam asa:
Ati folosit careva LN?

Spre rusinea mea, nici eu nu am folosit pana acum. Am citit despre LN, la inceputurile sale, apoi am mai studiat din cand in cand, insa, rescunosc, fara a ma implica activ in cercetari. Stiu despre LN ca lucreaza ca un strat anexat retelei Bitcoin, care nu functioneaza mereu online, de aici avand si tranzactiile aproape instantanee. Platile se fac prin niste canale de plata si, cand se cumuleaza mai multe plati, posesorul unui canal poate opta sa publice online respectivele plati. Poate ma insel, dar asa cred ca functioneaza, in principiu, sistemul. Aditional, LN permite si denominatii sub 1 satoshi. In plus, ofera si mai multa anomintate, neavand tranzactiile publicate pe blockchain (sau nu in totalitate).

Din ce portofel ati folosit (local, sau cu cont pe vreo platforma? In caz ca ati folosit local, aveati serverul vostru local sau de pe net?)

Din ce am vazut de-a lungul timpului, un om pe care il respect foarte mult si care are si o expertiza mult superioara multora (inclusiv mie), folosea Eclair. Daca nu ma insel, acesta este si portofelul "oficial", cel care a fost dezvoltat de echipa care a creat si LN. Poate ca ar fi o sugestie buna sa incerci cu acesta?

Aditional, intr-un topic international se mai sugereaza si

No-coiners: Strike

Bitcoin newbies: BlueWallet

Regular users: Phoenix Wallet, Breez Wallet, Blixt Wallet

Advanced users: run your own node Smiley

Inteleg ca nu esti interesat de Blue Wallet, dar ai putea incerca sa te joci cu celelalte.

In afara de aceasta, ai putea apela la LV, in cadrul aceluiasi topic din care am introdus hyperlink-ul de mai sus, pentru un mic imprumut (1000 satoshis). Imrumutul este pentru o saptamana si nu necesita garantare a fondurilor. Astfel, poti testa si cum functioneaza propriu-zis platile.

Din pacate, mai multe nu stiu sa iti spun. Sunt si eu curios sa vad ce mai scriu si altii Smiley
1849  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Criptomonede vs bani digitali emiși de Stat on: January 27, 2023, 09:52:04 PM
Multumesc de postare. Mi-a aratat ca uitasem complet sa-i raspund lui Gazeta Cheesy

Similar, si eu aproape ca uitasem sa raspund aici Smiley

Nu m-ar mira sa plateasca pe unii inclusiv sa posteze inclusiv pe bitcointalk in favoarea banilor digitali emisi de stat(e). Vad unele postari (in sectiunea internationala) care ma duc cu gandul ca poate ca deja au si inceput asta...

Postacii exista de mult timp la noi in tara si, de-a lungul anilor, au impanzit diverse forumuri sau site-uri unde erau permise comentariile, pentru diverse "mismasuri": propaganda politica, sustinerea unui candidat au a altuia, defaimare si asa mai departe. Deci, cu siguranta, dat fiind ca fenomenul exista si exista si oameni cu state vechi in aceasta meserie activitate, se va apela la ei cand va fi cazul. Am sris cu font strikethrough "meserie", insa nu stiu daca este gresit sa consideri asa totusi... In fond, postacii sunt platiti pentru ce scriu pe Internet.

Eii,, aia cu titluri de stat sunt relativ putini. Sa vezi in randul pensionarilor. Imi spune mama, e jale.. ea este practic (aproape) singura de acolo (din acea mica localitate) care intelege ce i se intampla. Restul exulta de bucurie ca PSD-ul le-a marit pensia. Ce conteaza ca si marita, tot nu le ajunge?

Ma bucur sa aud ca dansa este constienta de adevarata situatie... Cine stie?, poate va reusi sa mai deschida ochii unor cunoscuti.

Cand era Dragnea aproape sa ajunga presedinte era o gluma ca o sa ne imbogateasca pe toti si o sa faca salariul de 1000 EUR sa ajunga la 10000 lei.
Dar, cum spuneam, masa votanta nu intelege...

Eheheeee, ce vremuri erau cand era Dragnea la putere. Uiti si ca daduse lege pentru dublarea alocatiilor (dublare care nu a avut loc nici pana in ziua de astazi) si pentru marirea punctului de pensie cu 40% (care, de asemenea, nu a avut loc)? Deci nu doar ca dadea din gura, omul chiar dadea legi! Imi amintesc ca in perioada aceea eram tare curios cum o sa si plateasca tot ce primite. Din pacate, nu am reusit sa imi aflu raspunsuri la curiozitati, ca l-au incaltat baietii si cei care au venit dupa el au avut grija sa anuleze toate legile emile anterior Smiley

sper ca totusi justitia sa nu fie complet sub bocancul politicului

Chiar crezi ca nu este? Smiley

Cred ca este aproximativ asemanator si in State cu faza asta. Dar na, la noi e mai simplu, nu vezi ca ne conduc doar tractoristi cu diploma copiata? (Cu scuzele de rigoare pentru tractoristi, am avut si eu in familie si este o munca onorabila, cat timp se ramane la tractor.)

Da, vad... trist. In orice caz, paranteza aceea o facusem doar pentru a sublinia inca o data ridicolul, cum prin puterea politica poti schimba si legile matematicii, si pe cele ale fizicii, poti face orice, de fapt.
1850  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Be careful with saxydev; he is a possible scammer on: January 27, 2023, 09:12:33 PM
Although you seem biased to defend the scammer, I will try to answer you point by point.

Yes this is an alt account

I think that everybody could see that, since this is your very fist post.

from what I'm seing having a beef with GazetaBitcoin is enough enough to be marked as a scammer and Trust to be nuked

You are entitling me with a power which I don't have, never had and, most likely, never will have.

no I am not saxydev, though I am from the same region as him and OP

I also noticed that you are not him, since your English is way better than his.

Saxydevs aml service:   While it's unethical ( assuming he has access to some free tools which are probably available to anyone with a thorough search on the internet) how does it actually qualify as a scam?

My answer is the following:
1. First of all, the title of this thread says his is a "possible scammer", not a scammer

2. First sentence of this thread says again the same syntagma: "I'd like to raise awareness about a possible Romanian scammer"

3. Checking money in Romania is illegal. As I told him too (in post 10), if you are unsure, go yourself to ANAF and tell the inspectors there you are doing what saxydev does. If you'll do that I also suggest you to bring a suitcase with some cloths and basic needs as it's possible to not return home for a long time.

4. Speaking at large, many Romanians are focused on pilfering. Do you know what pilfering is? "Gainarie" -- there, you know now. Most of those which are looking for pilfering are also illiterate, underclassmen and, as their intellect did not allow them to follow a proper education (finish high school, go to a college, get a good job), many of them become interested in earning money in a easy way, doing various small thefts and so on. Being Romanian, I believe you know this pattern. Many of them are Gypsies, but there are also Romanians sharing same behavior. Some of them managed somehow to learn a bit about technology and Bitcoin and ended up here, looking for online victims.

Since I came on this forum I also found other Romanians looking for pilfering: andulolika and bekli23. Do you know them? Both are illiterate; both are underclassmen (look at how they type in Romanian and English); both are shady; both try to earn a buck from those which are naive enough to pay them. andulolika was offering translation services, while he was unable even to spell his name (and after he made death threats on the forum and self admitted he is a ban evader), while bekli23 (which has a topic dedicated to him inside Investigations board) was claiming that he can decrypt any Bitcoin wallet or that he moved ("offline", according to him) the coins generated by Bitcoin's genesis block (which are technically not movable).

So each of these guys are trying to catch a fish, with various idiocies. saxydev is just like them: he is selling for money a service which can be accessed for free on Internet and which is also illegal. But, considering his pattern, I said he is a possible scammer (in the end he showed his real character and actually exposed himself as a scammer).

To conclude, while his shitty business did not automatically mean he is a scammer, his kind of being (which is very often found in Romania) made me raise an alarm about this guy. The topic was for raising an alarm. What happened later -- meaning the way he exposed himself as a true scammer, that's another story. But the topic was created for making people aware that he could be a scammer.

Saxydevs shill of Pi token

His shills toward Pi have nothing in common with our subject. The reference I made in OP was solely for mentioning another example of where he showed how illiterate he is and what monumental stupidities he is able to write.

Regarding the Flag, it seems that while he initially said yes, after 20 minutes he went back on it, and said "no deal", so how exactly does that constitute as a broken contract when the other party of the "agreement" didn't come forward between those 20 minutes.

I will explain.

Are you basically saying that for example, I decided to buy a car, I call the dealership and tell them I'll buy X car, then I change my mind call them back and say I won't anymore, that I'm liable for it? That I've broken a contract and the dealership expects me to pay the amount regardless?

Now read again the highlighted part.

Do you sense the difference between "tell" and sign (n.b. sign the deal)? Verba volant, scripta manent. You are showing as a counter-example a situation where you say some words out of your mouth and you compare that with signing an agreement?

Obviously, if you say on the phone to a car dealer that you want a car and then you call back and say you changed your mind, nothing will happen. That's because you did not sign anything. However, if you would have signed a paper with the dealer, the verbal cancellation could not occur. Or, at least not so easy. Maybe you could still cancel after you signed, but you would pay a penalty anyway, as a cancellation policy.

Furthermore, if the call would be recorded, in this hypothetical case of yours, then your "yes" would have the power of a signed agreement and again, you would not be able to cancel anymore (or you'd pay a cancellation policy).

So, as you see, even in your case (which is not saxydev's case), even just by "telling" you'd be in same situation.

Coming back to our case, saxydev and dkbit had no cancellation policy. However, since the deal was made based on mutual agreement of the two parties, it's common sense that it's cancellation would have also to imply both parties and not allow a unilateral cancelling. And, since dkbit98 did not agree with the cancelling proposal of saxydev, this implied that the deal was still valid. Does this make sense?

Now regarding GazetaBitcoin, I've honestly always considered you to be one of the highest standing members of the bitcointalk community (at least in the Romanian section) and have always followed your articles/interviews

Thanks, I appreciate.

this is simply dissapointing, you've established an online image here, and presence, and honestly you should do better!  Saying things like " Based on his IQ, which is a number lower than the one of his shoe size"   or "He just writes idiotic stuff and, together with his level of very low education reminds me a lot of another Romanian imbecile".

I am sorry for disappointing you. You should know though, while saxydev swore at me, I merely used a medical term for describing his condition. If you'll make some research, you'll find out that imbecility is a medical condition, not a libel. Regarding the low education of saxydev, or my statements about him being an illiterate -- just watch how he types; it's visible from the Moon. About my statement that he is an underclassman -- I admit, it's only a supposition. However, from the way he types I would bet that he is not a Ph.D. Feel free to think the opposite, though.

NewsletterBitcoin fuck off
Fuck off, you are just an idiot dear NewsletterBitcoin.
Well mr. NewsletterBitcoin fuck off.
you are the mf'er.

Perhaps you see him very well educated, uhm?

While you ended your OP with:  Although I have no clear evidence that he is a scammer, you also stated in the same OP "the scammer is willing to make deals only through PMs or Discord, not in plain sight." or "the scammer alleges that he has thousands of BTC, ETH and TRX addresses"  so which is it, wasn't the Scam Accusations thread supposed to be a place for actual scams !?

Pardon me for not repeating everywhere the term "possible" in front of "scammer".

so which is it

Apparently, "scammer" is the correct term, since he scammed dkbit98 soon after I initiated this topic.

Isn't the whole format there for a reason?  Amount Scammed, Payment Option, Proof of payment, Pm, Chat logs?

Thanks for the reminder. I will update OP with the amount scammed of 0.1 BTC.

Later edit: just did it. OP title is also updated accordingly, in order to properly reflect the situation.

Why isn't this thread in the Reputation sector of the forum, where you could have actually made a case regarding this, supposedly without the "low iq, low education" and actually do a proper analisys as you're well known for on this forum?

The thread doesn't belong to Reputation, as it's dedicated to someone which was believed to be a "possible scammer" and which later became a "real scammer".

Most dissapointing aspect, why did most of the higher trusted members participating in this thread didn't call out OP on this

Probably I bribed them all. Most likely, I bribed dkbit98 as well, for him to create the flag and also to lure poor and naive saxydev with that appealing offer, making sure saxydev will bite the bait?

is this how the Trust system should work?

Yes, like a mafia. For more information, feel free to talk to wolwoo. He was first who exposed this:

How the flag system is intended to work?

I placed a screenshot above, perhaps you missed. Let me help you out:

In this case, the damage consists in 0.1 BTC which dkbit98 did not receive from the other party, although he was entitled to receive this amount. dkbit98 was scammed by saxydev.

Do you see the highlight from the screenshot? There is the key for your question.

Why did no one other than Loyce question it?

I would not dare to speak instead of LV but, however, I believe that he did not understand the whole case from the beginning and he understood it when he said this:

I thought of it as a bet, but you're right, it was an offer.

OP: You might want to reconsider your standing and general image when you feel it's appropiate to call someone "a very low level of education" and "low iq". Since you are/were one of the most respected members here, you should do better!

Thank you for the compliments, but you tell me: how would you call someone unable to barely spell his name? A cultivated genius?

I hope I answered to all your claims. If I missed any, let me know.
1851  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: Discutie despre PI network on: January 27, 2023, 08:01:52 PM
Cunosc o persoană căreia i-ar suna familiar
Despite being a long-time lurker of Bitcoin Talk, I never took the chance to create an account myself.

Hihi! cred ca multi am inceput assa... Si - vezi? - din acest motiv si sper ca discutiile acestea sa ajunga la cat mai multi oameni si, astfel, sa se poata feri de inselatorii, fie ei utilizatori inregistrati sau nu.

Autorităţile române cred că nici măcar acum nu şi-au făcut în totalitate treaba legată de OneCoin.  Dacă în alte ţări ţeapa nu mai prea dă roade, la noi încă se fac seminarii (

Cum frrrate asa ceva?!  Shocked Sincer sa fiu, nu am mai urmarit evolutia OneCoin organelor de ancheta de cand vazusem ca bulgaroaica s-a dat la fund si e cautata de Interpol. Nu ma asteptam s-o gaseasca prea curand (ceea ce s-a si intamplat, de altfel) dar, totodata, nici nu ma asteptam ca mizera sa fie inca promovata. Aparent m-am inselat si locotenentii ei au inca destul curaj... Ai vazut documentarul acela pe care il postasem mai sus? Sunt curios daca tot Cristi Calina e la butoane in Romania... in documentar spunea ca e membru diamond in reteaua OneCoin si ca el e bulibasa la noi in tara.

Şi adevărul este că nu cred că au autorităţile oricum ce face, chit că li s-ar părea moneda Pi suspectă.  Ce ar putea să facă legat de o monedă care încă nu a creat pagube?

Da, corect. Ce imi doresc insa este sa actioneze imediat dupa ce va incepe sa creeze pagube.
1852  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Be careful with saxydev; he is a possible scammer on: January 27, 2023, 05:57:03 PM
All of us now on is on the ignorelist of saxydev.


Now the profile of saxydev is painted with trade with extreme caution.

I think now saxydev will ignore all the DT

To make sure, he will also ignore all DT2 members. At least, this is how things should be done thoroughly. Maybe DT3 too.

saxydev will create a new list of his/her trusted person. And in this way, saxydev will see a good profile of him/her. Trade with extreme caution will not be shown to him/her on his her profile.

Based on his IQ, which is a number lower than the one of his shoe size, saxydev applies the following principle for solving issues: treat the effect, not the cause. For example, if he is driving and hears a weird sound coming from the engine or from under his car, he will simply insert some cotton wool inside his ears and - voila! - no sound is heard anymore! The car runs like it's brand new!

Similar, in this case, creating a personal Trust list will certainly clear his profile. Can't be otherwise, can it?

OK, OK, you convinced me. I'll support too the tag.

Thank you, NeuroticFish!
1853  Other / Meta / Re: [WALL OF FAME] ᗌ Save your Postcount - Milestones ᗏ (UPDATED: 16. December 2021) on: January 27, 2023, 05:46:36 PM
I am not sure if this topic will be updated again, since its author is offline for almost a year now, after scamming shasan with 0.01 BTC, after having active flags on his name and after the negative feedbacks he received.

However, maybe someone else will revamp a new edition of this thread.

Until then, let me save here my new post record.

This is my 3000th post Smiley
1854  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Concursuri/tombole pe bitcointalk (sau pe aprope) on: January 27, 2023, 05:02:24 PM
A fost publicata tombola cu numarul 500 a lui Krogoth!

Iuuuhuuuu! De cand o asteptam! M-am inscris in secunda 2 imediat ce am vazut postarea de la tine. Il tot pandeam si eu dar, de fiecare data cand verificam, nu aparea nimic in sectiunea Collectibles (si o fac de 2-3 ori pe zi acum, hihi).

Si, dupa cum anticipasem amandoi, a meritat asteptarea!

Ce premiu iti place cel mai mult? Eu unul mi-as dori (1) masinuta (ca de obicei, de altfel  Cheesy), (2) card-ul cu insertia "Don't get Yogged" sau (3) portofelul hardware. As prefera aceste premii chiar si inaintea unei monede incarcate cu BTC Smiley Mi se par mult mai atractive. Desigur, n-as zice nu oricarui premiu, daca ar fi sa castig, dar cele 3 imi plac cel mai mult.

Sa fie cu noroc!
1855  Economy / Collectibles / Re: HAPPY HODL-DAYS: THE 12 DAYS OF CRYPTOMAS on: January 27, 2023, 04:55:14 PM
Package well received, thanks again, Minerjones! Smiley

If I may, I soooo envy you for those dices Smiley They look really nice... When I saw the raffle I wished from first instant to win those dices!

My son started to play "backgammon" with me for a few months now. But his "backgammon" only means to open the backgammon box, put all checkers to a side and roll many dices inside the box, in order to have many doubles, triples, quadruples and so on. He has about 21 dices now and throws all at once Smiley (He is only 3 years old...) And he's so cute when he is laughing after getting 6-6 or multiple sixes...

When I saw the raffle I wished I'd have the chance to win a dices set which I intended to use for playing with him. Maybe MJ will set this prize in the future, at future raffles though... I did not lose my hope Smiley
1856  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [FREE RAFFLE] 500Th- ฿ECAUSE I AM STILL IN A GOOD MOOD-10 ITEMS AND 10 WINNERS! on: January 27, 2023, 03:00:33 PM
02 - GazetaBitcoin

Thank you, OP, and sincere congrats for reaching this unbelievable number of free raffles!
1857  Economy / Collectibles / Re: HAPPY HODL-DAYS: THE 12 DAYS OF CRYPTOMAS on: January 27, 2023, 09:19:46 AM
11 decks of cards
770520 00000000000000000001ea900aa1ece18394eb53264f02cfaa4b943d09e2f0b2 02 GazetaBitcoin

6 comic books
770557 00000000000000000005e08ee7ed7087060953c0771ffec7b02d58c7e74e0b2b 02 Gazeta Bitcoin

After less than one month (which is absolutely incredible!!!) my package arrived!  Roll Eyes

Here it is:

The deck of card is very nice, shiny and the cards have a nice grip when I hold them in my hands. I did not read yet the comic book, but I am barely waiting to do it! And the mantis logo and the sticker were a nice addition to the package Smiley

Thank you once more MJ for this raffle which had enough prizes for almost all participants to win  Cheesy

Is it possible to make a similar one on Easter?  Roll Eyes
1858  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Be careful with saxydev; he is a possible scammer on: January 26, 2023, 07:56:23 PM
I could not understand why o much proof for the editing. ninjastic as well as image and so on. Proof could be required if it was denied and there was no mentioned edit. As we can see edit we do not need to do so much research.

This is why Smiley Besides, the scammer could also delete the post and I wanted to make sure it's still visible (here) for everybody.

Just found this thread.  What a fun read.

Yup, very fun! And, apparently I was right before, when I said

he's getting close to get a negative one. Each post he makes he's one step closer Smiley

Oh well, he did not get a negative feedback (yet), but he has a flag created against him.

Nose on that image you posted is getting bigger and bigger, and I am patiently waiting to see ''dev'' reaction


Sounds a lot like a certain Andrew Tate guy, if you ask me  Cool sorry, I couldn't resist the joke.

It was funny the way you said but the truth is that while Tate has collection of Lambos inside his garage this pauper is eating the mess from under his fingernails while trying to scam innocent people from the forum.

Being serious now, I kept thinking about this case for the last days. I was first tempted myself to create a flag against the possible scammer. I believed that a type 1 flag (or even type 2) are correct. Then I thought again and I abandoned the idea. However, after more "analyse" (/s) I truly believe now that saxydev deserves that flag.

I saw LoyceV and NeuroticFish asking dkbit98 same question: "Be honest: you never expected to be paid 0.1 Bitcoin for this, right?.

The fact that dkbit98, I, others (most likely saxydev himself too) did not really expect to end up with a payment made by the scammer to dkbit98 does not change the fact that saxydev broke the deal unilateral.

Furthermore, the fact that "Deal. Let's see" was posted out of impulse and changed after 20 minutes is not a reason for a unilateral breaking of a written deal. And this is what saxydev did. Out of impulse or not, everybody is responsible for his actions. And has to respond for his actions. If I am brave idiot at a moment and decide to go in the middle of the street saying I won't be hit by any car and in the next 20 seconds I say "I changed my mind and I understand that cars may hit me" -- but just before finishing saying this a car hits me -- then what? I am allowed to travel back in time because I stepped in the middle of the street out of an impulse? No. I will go to a hospital instead (hoping that I am still alive) and I am paying for my actions, be it taken or not out of impulse.

Furthermore, the case here is not a hypothetical one as the one I wrote above. The case here has two parties, both responsible for their actions, which settled a deal together, on their own will, nobody forcing a party or the other to accept the deal. And the deal was the following:

Let me make you an offer, if I post a proof for a free service like I said you will pay me 0.1 BTC, I think this is fair offer for a guy who is so active businessman like you.

This deal did not involve any clauses such as "deal can be cancelled unilateral if a party changes his mind within 20 minutes" / "the deal can be cancelled if a party acts out of the impulse" etc. The only specified clause is the highlighted part.

Having the deal terms set, the deal was sealed here:

Deal. Let's see

At this point the deal is real, it's settled; it's written down.

Next, the party which respected his party of the deal proves the fact that he made his part and is waiting for the second part to honor his part as well:

Like I promised, I am keeping my word and I am posting one free website that is called, so I will now post my BTC address and I expect to receive 0.1 BTC you promised to send me.

The counter-party initiates the scam, by not willing to respect his part:

I have changed my mind about betting, I am sad now about it...

Again, being sad, gay etc. was not written as clause, therefore it can not be mentioned as a reason for not honoring the deal. At this point, the second party exited the deal, trying to unilateral cancel it. Furthermore, remember that the scammer already changed his mind once, at post #22. So at post 20 he accepted the deal; then tried once to cancel it, by editing his post. At post #22 he still wants the deal, only for trying to cancel it once more, after dkbit98 actually delivered his part of the deal. So he accepted, wanted out, accepted again and wanted out once more. This behavior can simply not be tolerated when it comes about written deals!

And this is the moment when (normal) consequences appear and each one has to be responsible for his own actions:

I will repeat again, you have 24 hours to send me 0.1 BTC because I sent what I promised [...]
If I don't receive Bitcoin by tomorrow I will create flag against you and give you negative feedback like I promised.

So we have (1) dkbit98, which honored his part of the deal and (2) saxydev, which did not honor his part. As a consequence, dkbit98 created the flag.

The definition of the flag says precisely what happened:

In this case, the damage consists in 0.1 BTC which dkbit98 did not receive from the other party, although he was entitled to receive this amount. dkbit98 was scammed by saxydev. Therefore I, for one, have to agree with dkbit98 when saying the following:

I did expect it and it was fair price I asked for something I delivered, and he broke agreement we made. [...]
Since I didn't receive promised Bitcoin, flag stays [...]

The following part is emphasizing even more the possible outcomes in the theoretic situation when he would actually have to sweat in order to deliver his part and, again, I fully agree:

Imagine if we made deal about anything else and I spent hours doing some work for him, than I found out he changed his mind later.

if I wanted to make a joke I would ask for much more Bitcoin from him.

Of course, it was no joke, but a written agreement. If saxydev considered it a joke then, again, it's his fault and, once more, he has to be responsible for the consequences of his actions.
1859  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: [Gesponsort von Betnomi] Gewinnspiel - Betnomi Hardware-Wallet und 0,5 mBTC on: January 26, 2023, 03:08:45 PM
I received the card today

thank you!

Vielen Dank für die Bestätigung, dass die Karte angekommen ist, gbianchi! Ich bin froh, dass der Umschlag während des Versands nicht verloren gegangen ist, da dies bei Umschlägen oft passieren kann. Ich hoffe, Sie genießen die Karte und fügen sie Ihrer Sammlung von Krypto-Gegenständen hinzu Smiley

Spoiler-Alarm: Da die Karte, die ich als Preis angeboten habe, gesucht wurde, werde ich vielleicht ein paar Verlosungen für ein paar weitere ähnliche Karten organisieren, die ich noch habe. Bleib dran! Smiley

Abgesehen davon schrieb NeuroticFish für den Fall, dass 1miau es nicht bemerkte, einige Kuriositäten, mit denen er konfrontiert war, nachdem er den Preis von Betnomi gewonnen hatte. Schauen Sie sich gerne seinen Beitrag an, und wenn Sie die Informationen für nützlich halten, können Sie sie auch hier teilen. Ich hoffe das hilft.
1860  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: $50 in BTC Giveaway on: January 26, 2023, 02:46:29 PM
I don't even trust you neither.

There is no need to trust me. What mattered was OP to be trustworthy or to elect a trustworthy member to run the rolling, instead of following the words of a Ponzi promoter.

Run your own giveaway so you can do what ever you want. 🥺

This sentence hows how few you are able to understand with that peanut brain. Nobody can do what he wants, even if it's his own giveaway. Everybody has to respect the rules of the giveaway and first one to respect the rules is OP himself! And this applies to any giveaway, not only to this one.

Your words shows that you also don't understand that you placed OP in a very delicate situation now, which may also end by having the account tagged with negative feedback. And, the more he remains offline, the higher are chances for this to happen. Under no circumstances the organizer of a giveaway can break the rules. And, in our case, absolutely no rule was respected:

(1) he did not make any rolling; (2) no trustworthy user made any rolling; (3) there was actually no rolling at all, as what that Ponzi promoter said was just an example of how a rolling works.

Furthermore, OP did not even pay the prize to the fake winner so there is one more reason for being tagged soon.
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