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2441  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 23, 2022, 09:18:30 PM
to paxmao

On top of it, on the ridiculous attempt to make it look like if US were giving any credibility to the "nazi-terrorist" arguments
Did you deliberately ignore the part that Azov was recognized by the US Congress as a neo-Nazi group and Congress banned the supply of weapons to them?

The Nazi argument is irrelevant to the war, Putin could not care less about the ideology of the people that he kills and this discussion is only for the internal propaganda market and to cover up an unjustified war of invasion and aggression.
Too many events preceded this invasion to call it as you do it. Briefly, in 2014, an unconstitutional coup took place in Ukraine, forcibly removing President Yanukovych. Then one million people in Kyiv decided for a country of 45 million how it should live. This did not suit many Ukrainians and they decided to protest. Protest movements were strongest in eastern Ukraine, where there is a large Russian-speaking population. In some places, these riots were brutally suppressed, especially in Mariupol and Odessa, where 42 people were burned alive.


Nobody outside Russia (probably not that many inside) thinks that this war has anything to do with Nazism (Putin himself is behaving much more like the Nazi Reich and his army like the Wehrmacht).
There are reviews of many journalists and bloggers from different countries that this war is connected with Nazism.


If Putin decides to treat POW as terrorist, the young and unprepared Russian soldiers sent to the front should not expect anything else.
You are obviously confusing something. These are Ukrainian soldiers torturing Russian prisoners of war. The exchange fund in Ukraine now has from 150 to 400 captured Russians, while there are already more than 6,000 captured Ukrainian soldiers.


Under Putin, Russia is acting as a terrorist state and it is to be expected that is granted the same "courtesy" as he has with the adversary.
Bold statement, what is it based on?



Do not die for Putin.
Do you sincerely think that such beliefs can influence someone in Russia? Do you think how many Russians read you here, especially those who are now fighting at the front?


Senate approved 40 Billion USD in help to Ukraine. That is the US view on the matter, putting the dollar where their mouth and the public opinion are.
This is not public opinion at all, the issues of Ukraine and, in general, armed conflicts between nations are now worrying people in the world (including the United States) much less than the problem of inflation.

I just noticed on the strategic map that if either Kherson or Melitopol fall Crimea may simply not have any water. The supply would be cut. Some maps even give a larger advantage to Ukraine in the South, calling contested some of the areas that Russia is taking for granted.
You may not know, but the Ukrainian government cut Crimea off from fresh water in 2014. The Russian government managed to solve this problem then.


Crimea is a contested territory that belongs to Ukraine and is under Russian occupation.
If Ukraine considers Crimea its territory, then why did the Ukrainian authorities in 2014 cut off the access of fresh water to the peninsula? Isn't this a crime against its own population? Can you explain further how the issue with Crimea is fundamentally different from Kosovo?


Even Putin understands the consequences of using any form of nuclear weapon.
The fact that he "declares" a territory "Russia" means that he would be drawn inevitably into a choice: Use nukes to defend it (with a corresponding response) or loose face. A third options is to be killed by his own circle.
You probably didn’t notice that even the American press already admits that Ukraine will most likely be forced to come to terms with the loss of territories, including Crimea. If you harbor unrealizable illusions about the return of the lands, then this will only lead to even greater sacrifices.


Interesting, you dare to question representativeness in Ukraine - that basically got rid of an imposed Putinian leader - when you have been living under the rule of Putin for two decades. I think you should actually ask Ukrainians how to get rid of despots.

RE gas imports, there is no doubt that Europe uses plenty of NG from Russia and that is very difficult to replace it in the short term. Have no doubt that it can and will be replaced progressively during the next few years. The dependency created since Chancellor Schroeder is now on its way to disappear and Russia will become a country that no investor will touch with a ten foot pole.

On the Nazi argument, again:

- There are nazi groups all over the world including Russia, US, UK, Germany... I do not see Putin complaining about it. Because it is not the real reason and has never been. Putin does not care about Nazis. He is using it because it provides and ideological coverage for his actions. This war, as all the war in history, related to power, control and politics. Again, the stance of US is very clear on this conflict. I dare to say they are the only winners on this war.

- US may consider that Ukraine may need to come to terms. What those terms are will, as in all wars, be dictated by what is the situation on the ground. Crimea was cut-off from water after 2014 and it can happen again. Russia's solution was to send water by sea an it failed spectacularly.

- You can throw whatever prisoner numbers - the fact is that you do not know the exact figures - but that is irrelevant to the point: if you spread news of mistreatment of Ukrainian prisoners or them being judged for their ideology you are asking for retaliation. And, yes, Nazism is just a ideology not a crime in itself, as Communism or Capitalism.

I am fully aware there there has been conflict in some of the regions where there is a significant presence of people of Russian background. This has been encouraged by the Kremlin because, again, gives an edge of power and political grip on the region. If not, it would probably have been solved or at least not become an open war. Russia had de facto armed 2 army corps and that can only end in war.

On the topic of who reads this thread, I am sure soldiers in the front are most likely cut-off from communications - although there may always be some filtrations. However, anyone in Russia with a VPN - and that tends to be the young - has access to this forum. I am talking to them, to their families, friends or people they trust. They have the right to know that they are fighting for nothing, that the war is unnecessary and that the military leadership is so pressed by the Kremlin that the soldiers are being sent to die without hesitation on suicidal attacks, unprepared and lacking any intelligence over the enemy. Also, they will be facing modern artillery and weapons from the west used by an army that is defending its homeland, not just trying to fulfil the pathetic ambitions of a gangster that has little left to live.

Do not trust the official media, they will just give you a dose of Vodka with anaesthesia. Look our, check other sources and above all do not let them lie you into dying for Putin. Live, f*ck, grow and die old.

2442  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 23, 2022, 08:40:55 PM
to TwitchySeal

Yoohoo, Putin isn't invading Ukraine because of Nazis.  The whole Nazi thing is just an excuse.  

"Just an excuse", you say?
Here are the fighters from the Azov Battalion who have been carrying out punitive operations against the population of Mariupol since 2014.
During the surrender, they undressed and showed to the camera their tattoos with images of Adolf Hitler, his quotes and the SS symbols.


Yo men, I've live in 'hoods where even the nigga guys wore those tatoos. Are ma'boys at risk of being putinified?
2443  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 23, 2022, 12:34:47 PM
Putin's Chechens are TikTok bloggers, 3rd line groups, mostly involved in clearing areas, robbing, raping, and torturing.

Kadyrovite clown fights trees, Rambo style:

He will get fined for PFUI (Pretending to Fight Under Influence)
2444  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 23, 2022, 11:01:56 AM
This is the type of crap Russian official media viewers are getting everyday

"If Russia had wanted, they could have dealt with Ukraine in hours, it is just that we pity the people there". Seriously, it takes a very particular mindset and brainwashing to get anyone to believe that while the Russian young and unprepared soldiers are now rotting up inside thousands of plastic bags or ensuring a great harvest of wheat for the next season. When people catch up with reality in there is going to get ugly.

The Russians who are actually being butchered know better
2445  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 23, 2022, 08:16:34 AM
Azov practicing for next Eurovision (or is it donetsk people's republic court )

Oh Tash... you are always giving more and more incentives to the Ukrainian army to treat POWs with decency and kindness. I am sure all the captured Russian soldiers are now thanking you for this.

For me, this is not a surprise. Putin already sacrificed a full submarine crew just to avoid asking for help. Why don't you go die for him?

MOSCOW -- In August 2000, the nuclear submarine Kursk left a port above Russia’s Arctic Circle for naval exercises on the Barents Sea. Not long after departure, one of the torpedoes on board the vessel exploded in its hatch, killing most of the 118 crew members and sending the wreck, along with 23 survivors, hurtling to the seafloor.

The blast was picked up on seismographs across Europe, but the Russian Navy made no public acknowledgement of the catastrophe. President Vladimir Putin, then just over three months into his first Kremlin term, continued vacationing on the Black Sea and made no statement about the Kursk for more than a week until his reluctant return to Moscow.

The Norwegians and others were calling in with offers of help. But he did not want them to uncover that everyone was dead, and so he just refused the help -- which, of course, made everything worse.”
2446  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 23, 2022, 07:34:28 AM
^^^ Russia doesn't need anything from outside. They can manufacture anything that they need. So, if nobody else wants Russian goods, who cares? They will develop Siberia for themselves, and outdo the other nations of the world.

All that messing with Russian finances by cutting off Russia from the world is for naught. Next time the world messes with them, we'll all see them in force.


What are they waiting for? Ohhhh.... I know, development requires investment. Has not Siberia been there for a while... when development BA? When lambo?

However he managed it, Putin did good to get these people working for 'mother Russia' rather than against it.

In Putin's ledger, Chechenia is a cost not an income. These are not willing allies - they are there until the flow of money and military support stops.

Thanks to Patrick Lancaster there does exist footage of the Chechen SF in action, and they are somewhat impressive.  Decades of hard won experience behind most/all of their commanders and obvious high morale among the fighters.  Well equipped for modern combat as well.  That's a pretty tough combination to go up against.
I met early reviews of the DPR militias about the Chechen special forces at the beginning of the assault on Mariupol, they say these crazy people arrived with machine guns and began to conduct reconnaissance in combat. ...They seem to be very happy about it.

Yet all to be wasted by a poor leadership sending them over and over in suicidal attempts to achieve impossible targets set from Moscow, by a man that has no combat experience and fancies himself being pictured in "camouflage" pants. War is so easy and sweet alike for you keyboard chairborne units and the guy in his 70s that has nothing left to do in life but to let others die for nothing.

Machine guns your ass. Just artillery over civilians on a daily basis. The only good thing is that we now know that the glorious Putin's army requires 3 months of shelling (and dying) to take a well defended position. This war will bring Russia to a recession unseen since the USSR times.
2447  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 22, 2022, 11:55:51 PM
Interesting documentary from inside Russia. Check out how "strong is the rouble" and how "everything is ok".

Yep... that is the "best performing currency" and the new "petrorouble" that can either not buy what you want because the shop is closed or it will buy the stuff for nearly double of what other people pay outside the glorious Putin's Tzardom. Keep your roubles under the pillow... what could go wrong?
2448  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 22, 2022, 09:07:49 PM
This if to you, young Russian men: If you do not stop this you will be sent to die for Putin. He is 70, he does not care at all if you live or die and the leaders that will send you to your death know that you are inexperienced and will be facing an experienced and well supplied army that will do anything to defend their land.

Do not die for Putin.

This is for you, young and not very Ukrainian men: little depends on you - you will be sent to die for Zelensky. The people of Ukraine chose him as their president because he promised peace in Ukraine. He lied and now you are sent like cannon fodder to die in the Donbas, fighting with machine guns and hand grenade launchers against the elite units of the Russian army, with rockets, artillery, aircraft and tanks.

Don't die for Zelensky.

This is for machine guns and hand grenades, sure

The US just deepened its commitment to Ukraine by $40 billion
The Senate approved a massive military, economic, and humanitarian aid package.

Sorry to tell you, but this knife does not cut both ways. Ukrainians are fighting for their right to not be governed from Moscow and for a future among the most developed nations in the world, Russian soldiers are dying for nothing - if not for the delusional fantasies of a 70 year old guy that just cannot tell reality from fiction.

Do not die for Putin.

Russian mothers, did you raise your sons and daughters to be sent to kill, rape and murder and then die a horrible death away from home?
Don't be so nervous. You might think the Russians are driven with sticks to participate in this operation. There is no mobilization in Russia, people for the most part live a normal life. Professionals seem to be doing quite well, it's their job and it pays well. ...

I think you are very confused about who is getting nervous and trying to paint a picture that is simply not true, but I will make it a bit more clear for you:

- It is perfectly know that Russia runs conscriptions, and on this situation they can be send to die for Putin in Ukraine.

Spring conscription is under way in Russia, fuelling anxieties that young men will be sent to Ukraine’s front lines.
Russia’s annual spring military draft is under way, and with the war in Ukraine entering a third month, human rights advocates say pleas for help to avoid military service have increased

Nobody believes your Psycho in Chief Shoigu - and who can blame them, after even denying that Russia is at war with Ukraine when everybody knows it.

- Young Russians are effectively being conscripted. That is why many police locations and recruiting centres are suffering attacks by Russians inside Russia.

Videos posted online show men wearing hoodies and balaclavas attacking what they say are recruitment centres with Molotov cocktails – a Russian street weapon and symbol of anti-establishment resistance.

- Even pro-Russian bloggers and leaders are criticising  the deplorable leadership that is sending regiment after regiment of unready soldiers to their deaths in useless offensives.

Kotenok even had a dig at Russian television coverage. "If you want to sit in a warm bath and 'fight' softly and soothingly, then you are welcome to the television. There you will find a lot of things for the delight of your ears and eyes,"

And you are somehow trying to say that, with what is known now about the deadly western weaponry being supplied, the massive economical and intelligence support from the US, the videos showing how full tank columns are obliterated with no possibility of scape, the thousands of dead that are being hidden by the Chief Psychos of Putin's army, the young Russians are flocking to go to a war to burn alive inside the tanks or be killed in the worst possible manners.

It is quite a symptom that, in a country where free speech can get you into jail, there are many voices that say "stop this madness".

Do not die for Putin.

Rumor has it Russia is facing the possibility of losing Crimea.
Russia Could Actually Lose Territory Amid Ukraine War Disaster

This is an illusion, and a very dangerous one for all parties.
Ukraine will not be able to regain Crimea under any circumstances, since Russia's nuclear doctrine states that it will use nuclear weapons if the Kremlin decides that the existence of the state will be threatened.

A few months ago we all thought we'd be waking up to news of Zelensky dead and Kyiev occupied by Russian forces.  At the time, Russian failure and retreat within a few weeks seemed much less likely than Ukraine ultimately regaining some of it's land that was seized in 2014 today.

Crimea is a contested territory that belongs to Ukraine and is under Russian occupation. Even Putin understands the consequences of using any form of nuclear weapon.

The fact that he "declares" a territory "Russia" means that he would be drawn inevitably into a choice: Use nukes to defend it (with a corresponding response) or loose face. A third options is to be killed by his own circle.

2449  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 22, 2022, 08:49:02 AM
This if to you, young Russian men: If you do not stop this you will be sent to die for Putin. He is 70, he does not care at all if you live or die and the leaders that will send you to your death know that you are inexperienced and will be facing an experienced and well supplied army that will do anything to defend their land.

Do not die for Putin.

This is for you, young and not very Ukrainian men: little depends on you - you will be sent to die for Zelensky. The people of Ukraine chose him as their president because he promised peace in Ukraine. He lied and now you are sent like cannon fodder to die in the Donbas, fighting with machine guns and hand grenade launchers against the elite units of the Russian army, with rockets, artillery, aircraft and tanks.

Don't die for Zelensky.

This is for machine guns and hand grenades, sure

The US just deepened its commitment to Ukraine by $40 billion
The Senate approved a massive military, economic, and humanitarian aid package.

Sorry to tell you, but this knife does not cut both ways. Ukrainians are fighting for their right to not be governed from Moscow and for a future among the most developed nations in the world, Russian soldiers are dying for nothing - if not for the delusional fantasies of a 70 year old guy that just cannot tell reality from fiction.

Do not die for Putin.

Russian mothers, did you raise your sons and daughters to be sent to kill, rape and murder and then die a horrible death away from home?
2450  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 22, 2022, 08:44:37 AM
Just warn people that a woman who is accused of changing the price tag in a store now faces up to 10 years in a Russian prison.

Totally not a fascist regime at all.

But you just said you would kill Ukrainians doing the same

No, he said that Ukrainians fighting for Russia would be considered enemy and be killed. Ukraine is at war with Russia, so Ukrainian nationals fighting under Russian orders are enemy combatants at best or, in my view, traitors in a legal sense, like in most countries in the world when you fight against your own people.
2451  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 21, 2022, 10:56:30 PM
Your loaded question on "rusophobia" aside, "examples of" is not equal to a widespread adoption of nazi ideology. Nazi/fascist elements can be found in any society that has a certain degree of freedom of speech. Only a few countries - Russia is among them, Ukraine is not - have adopted fascism as a policy.

Stop engaging in demagogy. The Ukrainian Azov Battalion was recognized as a neo-Nazi group by the US Congress. 40 congressmen wanted it to be also considered a terrorist entity, but this initiative didn't pass then. Azov is officially part of the National Guard of Ukraine. What other countries have Nazis officially in the army, if you know of such examples?

Yoohoo, Putin isn't invading Ukraine because of Nazis.  The whole Nazi thing is just an excuse.  

Think about it, Putin is an Ethno Nationalist and a fascist.  Why would he have a problem with Nazis?  He doesn't.  He's just calling Ukrainians Nazis to get all the boomers and Russians that want it to be true so bad they are blinded to support him.

And for every Nazi in Ukraine there are hundreds, maybe thousands of Stalin supporters in Russia, which is just as bad.  

On top of it, on the ridiculous attempt to make it look like if US were giving any credibility to the "nazi-terrorist" arguments, this is how reality looks like: - Senate approved 40 Billion USD in help to Ukraine.

That is the US view on the matter, putting the dollar where their mouth and the public opinion are.

Edited: I just noticed on the strategic map that if either Kherson or Melitopol fall Crimea may simply not have any water. The supply would be cut. Some maps even give a larger advantage to Ukraine in the South, calling contested some of the areas that Russia is taking for granted.
2452  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 21, 2022, 09:30:40 PM
Your loaded question on "rusophobia" aside, "examples of" is not equal to a widespread adoption of nazi ideology. Nazi/fascist elements can be found in any society that has a certain degree of freedom of speech. Only a few countries - Russia is among them, Ukraine is not - have adopted fascism as a policy.


Stop engaging in demagogy. The Ukrainian Azov Battalion was recognized as a neo-Nazi group by the US Congress. 40 congressmen wanted it to be also considered a terrorist entity, but this initiative didn't pass then.

Which means that 495 did not. You see 40 vs 495 - that is how credible your argument is. In my view, the Putin's army as of today is a terrorist organisation: invaded a pacific neighbour, destroyed schools, hospitals and a range of civilian buildings with people inside, tortures and kills to spread terror... that looks like terrorism to me.

The Nazi argument is irrelevant to the war, Putin could not care less about the ideology of the people that he kills and this discussion is only for the internal propaganda market and to cover up an unjustified war of invasion and aggression. Nobody outside Russia (probably not that many inside) thinks that this war has anything to do with Nazism (Putin himself is behaving much more like the Nazi Reich and his army like the Wehrmacht).

As said before, retaliation is a bitch. If Putin decides to treat POW as terrorist, the young and unprepared Russian soldiers sent to the front should not expect anything else. Under Putin, Russia is acting as a terrorist state and it is to be expected that is granted the same "courtesy" as he has with the adversary.

This if to you, young Russian men: If you do not stop this you will be sent to die for Putin. He is 70, he does not care at all if you live or die and the leaders that will send you to your death know that you are inexperienced and will be facing an experienced and well supplied army that will do anything to defend their land.

Do not die for Putin.
2453  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 21, 2022, 12:07:05 AM
Again, all this is good for short distance. UKR is now getting proper siege artillery, the modern ones that are accurate, fast firing and come with a range of ammo for various situations. We have already seen footage and my guess is we are going to see much more.
You are great for not losing heart. Meanwhile, 700 people left Azovstal during the day, and the total number of those who surrendered exceeded 900 people. I think the next tactical boiler will be near Avdeevka or near Lisichansk-Severodonetsk. Here and there, under the threat of encirclement of the APU grouping of about 15,000 soldiers, with Zelensky's order to stand to the death.

Loosing heart? The morale and conviction of Ukraine is 100x the Russ. It has taken your glorious Psychos in Chief months to defeat a regiment even under continuous shelling and siege. Is that how you intent to play this war?
Why not?

Because you cannot afford it.

Rumor has it

Rumor has it Russia is facing the possibility of losing Crimea.

Russia Could Actually Lose Territory Amid Ukraine War Disaster

It is not out of question certainly. I am not sure about a full loss of al the occupied territory, but there is a decent chance of them loosing it partially at least. Crimea is heavily defended but the Russ have shown their incapability to take Mykolayv and may be forced to retreat further. A few of the chief psychos have been shown the door by Putin, that is certainly a sign of how it goes. I never heard of generals dismissed when they win in modern times.

The UK update said that Lieutenant General Serhiy Kisel, who commanded the elite 1st Guards Tank Army, was suspended for his failure to capture Kharkiv.

It also said that Vice Admiral Igor Osipov, who commanded Russia's Black Sea Fleet, was fired for the sinking of the cruiser Moskva in April.

2454  Economy / Economics / Re: Using plants as a savings account on: May 20, 2022, 11:20:11 AM

Small plants have a value.   People happily give you money for small plants.  Therefore the more you have available the larger your plant savings account grows.

In times of high inflation, commodities are one of the 1st places people invest their wealth in the hope of it retaining its value. While taking delivery of barrels of oil or bushels of wheat might lie outside the budget, shipping capacity and storage space of most.

We may have other options available like small plants or trees. One interesting aspect to consider is plants and trees tend to grow physically larger over time, which only increases their value. Not only can plants be an investment but they can also appreciate in value over time, earning interest.

Nuts and fruit from trees can be sold on amazon for profit. Prices are skyrocketing at the moment. I have seen lychee fruit selling on amazon for $17 a pound. It is higher priced per unit than almonds.

If food shortages hit. The value of plants, fruits, nuts and trees could rise dramatically. Which could make it a decent place to invest wealth in planning for future inflation.

Anything physical has a value really, is just a question of choosing a storage that is cheap to maintain, easy to liquidate, easy to move,... So the idea of crops may be interesting, it has to be taken with a pinch of salt. Selling food in Amazon or in any other place requires a number of licences and it is not cheap.

There are ways to invest in those asset without the "DIY" element - that would be the funds that invest in forests or agricultural land. That should work as a good proxy for these.
2455  Economy / Gambling / Re: The most rewarding referral system on: May 20, 2022, 11:12:10 AM
Referral mostly have their own rewards such as the affiliates which the referrer get a reward, token, spins and etc. if they reach a specific number of referral and of course if you know a person who really loves gambling its a good thing for the gambling casino itself at the same time with you because some of the affiliates get a small portion or percentage to the total number of deposits came from the person who make a play to the particular platform.
I think not really interested with referral reward commission trough spin bonus or token, I think why not reward commission given with coins or depending what kind coin deposit by our referral. Still not active become upline and I don't know with how much percentage reward giving each referral getting, have count depending with how much fund betting by our referral or depending when get new member and success make deposit will get commission reward based on amount deposit by our referral.

I am quite interested in any type of referral or commission, what is really important for me is that the site really delivers satisfaction for the people I am sending there. On any referral you are putting your reputation in the line, so the site must be trustworthy and able to provide some elements of honesty that make it worth your while. usually, these sites will also be serious about paying yourself when you send referees.
2456  Economy / Gambling / Re: What is the difference between Referral and Affiliate? on: May 20, 2022, 11:08:33 AM
A referral can be an affiliate or not, an affiliate is always a referral. A referral means that you will get something in exchange for sending customers to them. That something may be simply a one-off award or a percentage of the opening balance of the player. An affiliate usually means that you will be getting a cut of the customer expenses in the site or book, that is a more recurrent method of referral payment.
2457  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How can a new sportsbook gain trust? on: May 20, 2022, 11:01:28 AM
The process of gaining trust is quite complex. It requires hard work and plenty of time and there is little you can do about that. However, here are some ideas:
- Start with a community. You can build a community of interested people by sending newsletters, creating a youtube channel or delivering a podcast for people interested. They will feel they know you.
- You can also join organisations of customer assurance and quality.
- You can use a jurisdiction that has a clear law and is trustable.
2458  Economy / Gambling / Re: Themed Provably Fair Casinos on: May 20, 2022, 10:57:49 AM
Do you prefer Themed provably fair casinos or not. By themed I mean like Tower bet or bitkong style. What are some of the best themed platforms? Any new ones?

It's frankly crazy that someone would find a "theme" to be a worthwhile factor in your decision to use a particular casino or not. If that is the extent of your decision making, you better be ready to lose every penny that you put into whichever site you lose. That's fine and I guess there are a small group of people who use such sites purely to relieve some kind of boredom, but it really is a waste of money to be entertained by some flashy graphics and peculiar sounds which are created to reinforce habit building behavior. It is a dangerous path to choose and very few people can afford to be that complacent with money. You'd be much better off analyzing the odds to determine how long your money will last.

I think differently on this, themes are part of the ambience and the interest of the game and make you focus more and enjoy the experience to a higher degree. There is not that much fun if a game just delivers a result and that's it. To put an example, you can run any pc under Microsoft by using a command shell. You write, you get a text result and that's it. Does that look like an Apple at all?
2459  Economy / Gambling / Re: Gambling Brand Name Vs Site Functionality? Or Both? on: May 20, 2022, 10:53:45 AM
A brand is built overtime. If they have great functionality and design they will be retaining the clients and building brand by word of mouth and by reviews and comments on the internet. You eventually need some advertising to consolidate the brand and make the business grow at a pace to beat the competing casinos. It is a mix you need to get to be know and know for good things.
2460  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: May 20, 2022, 10:48:19 AM

Shhhh... told you not to say anything! Now all your soldiers will want one and you only got one!

The same solution has been tested by the US. The results are quite dissapointing: short range, dificult to aim, slow response to the threat... again, your Psychos will field a few unsuspecting and untrained soldiers from the eastern regions and the US and Ukraine will have free test dummies.

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