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301  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 11, 2022, 07:59:50 PM
That is right, I am trying very hard to believe he just thinks he is doing some kind of patriotic work, helping his friends in the military or something like that, but if the guy is really believing all that... I do not feel capable of de-programming someone with that level of brainwash on-line.

Except you're been brainwashed much more than him Smiley

Sure, let's have a look at your stuff there:

So why do Russians execute Ukrainian civilians now?
Remember one simple thing, and if you have a bad memory, then write it down and read it every day before breakfast instead of morning prayer - a Russian soldier will never shoot at civilians, he will rather shoot at his commander who gave him such an order. Therefore, absolutely no one in Russia believes in cheap Ukrainian propaganda fakes, it is simply impossible because of the peculiarities of our mentality.

I always say: if Germans killed as many Americans and Englishmen as they killed Russians,
there would be no Germans today...well, maybe few kept in ZOOs

Look what they did to Japan or Vietnam for much less casualties

Yep yep... we all know your arguments: Americans are bad, it is ok to kill and destroy because Americans are bad and they did it first and Americans are bad and Iraq and Syria are bad so it is Ok if civilians are killed because Americans did it first... and the world is bad, so it is ok to be bad.

Result: Putin is not responsible, it just the world.

You said you were Croatian? It is difficult to believe. Croatia and probably yourself if you are who you say you are only exist because they decided to intervene.

It was a big mistake for Ukraine to torture and execute Russian prisoners of war on camera. I personally know people with combat experience who a month ago had a neutral or even negative attitude towards this operation, and now they are ready to take up arms again.

Ukrainians will suffer...but I don't think you should blame them...outside factors want Russia to bleed, and they'll help Ukraine,
but they're not interested in Ukraine fast win, they want both sides destructed as much as possible
Sowing as much hatred is one of goals

Yeh, it is not Putin, he is just doing what he has to do because the americans did it first and the world is bad... all the hate is created by someone else outside that want bad stuff for Russia. It is completely unrelated to the guy sending a 200k strong army into Ukraine, that is all right.

Result: Putin is not responsible, it just the world.

e.g. Why would Ukraine attack a train station that is critical to reinforce their troops.

Why would Russia attack station with rocket made to kill people, and not with one that would destroy
train station? Damage to station itself is negligible.
Russia instead supposedly used rocket made to damage their reputation

Remember Assad? That stupid guy always gassed his own people when it was politically worst moment for him.
(or at least USA media wanted us to believe that, but UN investigation told otherwise)

Yeah again, America is bad, Al Asad is just a good guy that never killed civilians, he just did what he had to because Americans did it first and because the world is bad so it is ok if he kills and destroys...

Result: Putin is not responsible of supporting Al Asad, it just the world.

Mmmm....I am starting to see a pattern here...

See? You're so brainwashed, its unbelievable
How can you support people who torture POWs, and then burn them alive?

Look up false equivalence.

You are supporting people who gang rape 14-year-olds, cut their tongues out, and burn them alive.

BTW, this is not war according to Russians. It is a special terrorist operation.

Ukrainians are just punishing terrorists who terrorize their civilians.

Ukrainians don't go out to Russia, gang rape Russian civilians, and burn them alive.

If I was on the front lines in Ukraine, I would not take any Russian POWs.
Waste of time torturing them, or burning them alive, IMHO.

Bad optics, it is better for Russian soldiers to become heroes, with 7.62 between their eyes.
302  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 11, 2022, 02:59:33 PM
So why do Russians execute Ukrainian civilians now?
Remember one simple thing, and if you have a bad memory, then write it down and read it every day before breakfast instead of morning prayer - a Russian soldier will never shoot at civilians, he will rather shoot at his commander who gave him such an order. Therefore, absolutely no one in Russia believes in cheap Ukrainian propaganda fakes, it is simply impossible because of the peculiarities of our mentality.

So why do Russians execute Ukrainian civilians now? Why do they kidnap and kill the administration of the towns and villages that they occupy?

And what if I will not want to give up my weapons? Or want to have Russians in my country?

Can Ukrainians ask the Russians to leave?  Or do they have to shoot them between the eyes?

What if Ukrainians don't want to talk, do business, or have anything to do with Russians or Russia?
Do you think they would get the message and leave in peace?  Or would they have to leave in pieces?

What this war did, it made a lot of people really mad at Russia, and Russians, there will be no normal relationship between Ukrainians and Russians after this war is over.

All wars end.  This one will lead to the permanent separation of Ukraine and Russia. Too much blood has been spilled.

Russian culture will be permanently erased from Ukraine. No more Russian statues, cemeteries, or plaques.
The Russian language will still be spoken by some, but new generations will only speak Ukrainian.

Russia has created a real enemy for generations to come. From an otherwise friendly country. For what? Grand delusion of the Soviet Union?
I don't know how events in Ukraine will develop, the future has a probabilistic nature and there are always more than one options. I think the scenario of this operation was developed in the strategic planning center and it has a dozen stages (assuming that the second stage is now underway), with a lot of branches in case of various response options of all involved and interested parties and existing centers of power in the world. I will try to outline in general terms the option that seems to me now the most probable. Ukraine has already lost Crimea, DPR and LPR, just deal with it. Romania will not get Transcarpathia, and Poland will not get the Lviv region - under no circumstances will there be territorial concessions to Europe, let them wipe their drool - they will not receive gifts from Russia. If Poland does not heed the exhortations of NATO and turns its back on Ukraine, it will receive a knockout blow from Russia of such force that NATO will immediately begin to taper to the west. I think there will be no special problems with the entire left bank of the Dnieper, this part of Ukraine is mainly Russian-speaking and pro-Russian. After the defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass and the cleansing of the bunker near Azovstal in Mariupol, the question will arise of what to do with western Ukraine, where anti-Russian sentiments are very strong and "demilitarization" by Russian forces can easily turn into a mass genocide. I think here even the active peacekeeping participation of a third conditionally neutral side may be required, and for this China seems to be the most suitable candidate. China has a large, well-trained and disciplined army, and China's army is severely lacking in combat experience amid its evolving conflict with Taiwan (I think China last saw combat in 1979 or so). So there is a greater than zero chance that the Chinese army, supported by precision-guided missile strikes from Russia, will be engaged in the demilitarization of western Ukraine in order to continue to stop the supply of weapons from the West. Ukrainian 600 thousand infantry without the support of armored vehicles and aircraft for China is a light snack, not exceeding its natural population growth per day.

The Russian warmongers make one simple mistake in that they think that most Russian-speaking Ukrainians are pro-Russia.
They have this 1991 worldview that Eastern Ukraine is pro-Russia, and Western Ukraine is anti-Russia. The fact is that even in
the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas, the majority of Ukrainians are anti-Russia, never mind the rest of Ukraine.
How do you think the territorial defense was formed in the Eastern part? Was there any town anywhere in Ukraine where Russians were

It is hard to be pro-Russia when your family members are raped, hanged, and tortured by Russian soldiers. When your wife was gang-raped
then her tongue was cut out, stripped naked, and burned alive, or your 10-year-old was raped by a gang of drunk Russian soldiers, it would be
hard for YOU ( to be pro-Russia regardless of what language you speak or how brainwashed you've become. Unless of course you are a psychopath and don't give a shit about anyone. Psychopaths are in minority, even in Russia.

As for redrawing maps of countries, I don't think any of what you are suggesting will happen. It is just a wet dream of Soloviev types.

Russia will be the pariah state into the foreseeable future.
303  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 11, 2022, 07:23:02 AM
You and I are talking here, and the soldiers on the battlefield are doing their job. And the Russian soldiers are doing their job well. Europe's monetary and military aid will not help Ukraine against Russia, just as it has never helped Europe itself.

You continue to spread lies and misinformation here, and I have no idea why. The Russian invasion has already failed in its primary objectives, and is being reorganized to accomplish secondary objectives, the so-called "phase 2". However it will also fail, and all that will remain in the end are the thousands of lives that were lost in vain.
In modern armed conflict, the one who controls the airspace usually wins. Russia took control of the air in Ukraine in the first hours of the start of the operation, it was then that everything was strategically over for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. That is why, for the entire first week since the start of the operation, Zelensky asked and even demanded that NATO close the airspace over Ukraine - because this is a key moment. Turkey has not joined the economic sanctions against Russia, but as a supplier of Bayraktars, it has done more for Ukraine than the US and Europe combined.

The only real advantage of Ukraine now is a noticeable quantitative superiority in manpower. If the third wave of mobilization is successful, Ukraine can, in 2-3 weeks, bring the strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to 600 thousand soldiers and gain an advantage of 2-2.5 times over the number of Russian troops in Ukraine, together with the people's militia of Donbass. This is a noticeable advantage, and for defensive battles in urban areas - even overwhelming. And the difficult course of the cleansing of Mariupol shows this well. I am writing this paragraph so that you understand that I am not driven by naked jingoistic patriotism, but by a fairly sober understanding of the situation. Now reread the first paragraph again, because this paragraph does not cancel it.
What do you think will be done with Russian-speaking Ukrainians who do not want to be part of Russia, and who do not want a Russian puppet government in Ukraine?

Genocide? Concentration re-training camps in Siberia?

What exactly is the plan?

I am not even talking about the Ukrainian-speaking population, we all know that Russia just wants to exterminate them.

My question is to YOU.  What do YOU think needs to happen to Russian-speaking Ukrainians who are anti-Russia?
I think nothing terrible will happen to them, neither mass genocide, nor concentration camps in Siberia, nor torture in the dungeons of the KGB, nor even hard labor in uranium mines. In Russia, in your kitchen at home, you can drink vodka with your friends and scold Putin as much as you like. Putin's rating was very low, it seems, in 2018, when he signed the law on raising the retirement age, although he had previously promised not to do this. The rating of the ruling party "United Russia" is still not too high, the people have not forgiven them for this. In general, people in Russia are very far from politics, well, except for taxi drivers (there is even a saying "it's a pity that everyone who understands politics is already working as taxi drivers and hairdressers"). People don’t hate Ukrainians either, if they don’t jump in front of you shouting “moskolyak to gilyak” and they don’t have a tattoo with a swastika on their forehead. There is rather a misunderstanding of how a fraternal country could lose its original identity in just one generation, ruin a powerful economy and industry inherited from the collapse of the USSR, and turn into an agrarian appendage of Europe with mass glorification of Bandera and the SS division "Galitchina", mixed with gay-parades. So don't worry about the Russian-speaking Ukrainians, or even the Ukrainian speakers - it's just that Russia will take away from you all the weapons more powerful than a hunting double-barreled shotgun and arrange a show trial of the Nazis, so that neither you nor others would be disrespectful. And then live as you want, God will be your judge.

So why do Russians execute Ukrainian civilians now? Why do they kidnap and kill the administration of the towns and villages that they occupy?

And what if I will not want to give up my weapons? Or want to have Russians in my country?

Can Ukrainians ask the Russians to leave?  Or do they have to shoot them between the eyes?

What if Ukrainians don't want to talk, do business, or have anything to do with Russians or Russia?
Do you think they would get the message and leave in peace?  Or would they have to leave in pieces?

What this war did, it made a lot of people really mad at Russia, and Russians, there will be no normal relationship between Ukrainians and Russians after this war is over.

All wars end.  This one will lead to the permanent separation of Ukraine and Russia. Too much blood has been spilled.

Russian culture will be permanently erased from Ukraine. No more Russian statues, cemeteries, or plaques.
The Russian language will still be spoken by some, but new generations will only speak Ukrainian.

Russia has created a real enemy for generations to come. From an otherwise friendly country. For what? Grand delusion of the Soviet Union?

304  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 11, 2022, 04:23:50 AM
It was a big mistake for Ukraine to torture and execute Russian prisoners of war on camera. I personally know people with combat experience who a month ago had a neutral or even negative attitude towards this operation, and now they are ready to take up arms again.

You mean that some Russians do not support Putin's war? And some of them were your friends?
Yes, they are still my friends. You don't have to think the same way to be friends.
What do you think will be done with Russian-speaking Ukrainians who do not want to be part of Russia, and who do not want a Russian puppet government in Ukraine?

Genocide? Concentration re-training camps in Siberia?

What exactly is the plan?

I am not even talking about the Ukrainian-speaking population, we all know that Russia just wants to exterminate them.

My question is to YOU.  What do YOU think needs to happen to Russian-speaking Ukrainians who are anti-Russia?
305  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 10, 2022, 07:21:32 PM
So.. question, has Russia cut off internet access to the rest of the world?
RosKomNadzor selectively blocks some sites, including this one. Block bypass is technically simple and there is no punishment for it, because there is no corpus delicti.
Article 29 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees everyone freedom of thought and speech, the right to freely seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information in any legal way; freedom of the media is guaranteed; censorship is prohibited.
Thus, I have access to any open information on the network, no matter Russian, Ukrainian or Western.

Is so, how is Be's propaganda getting out?

If they have it would imply Be is not in Russia, despite the obvious distaste for western freedom?
Geographically, I am now in Russia.
306  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Putin could nuke Ukraine like US nuked Japan on: April 10, 2022, 02:30:43 AM

While it's not possible that Putin will do that. Dropping a nuke will only make more enemies for Russia and there might be no diplomatic talks anymore. This will just trigger the nuclear power countries to go to war when right now they are just looking away. He is already winning by just choking the gas supply. The skirmishes are what he will do since it's about who is going to last long as sanctions take effect. Putin will not do it, he does have a strategy for everything and thinks of consequences.

no it won't putin will justify it with same situation like the US with japan, why should he allow this to escalate the woke west will go after china with same manners like they now go after russia, they will not respect state authorieties they don't mean anything for the woke corrupted west.

Let me guess, he will say that Ukrainians did it on themselves, and Russia will open an investigation and prosecute responsible Ukrainians.
307  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 08, 2022, 10:14:26 PM
I would be grateful if people from Ukraine and Russia could comment this video
(and point what's possibly wrong/untrue):

He is an apologist for state terrorism.
308  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 08, 2022, 03:32:02 PM
I don't think that's how missiles work, but if it's really the same then it was in possession of DNR, wasn't it?
Three weeks ago, a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile flew into Donetsk, they managed to shoot it down, but there were still casualties. In Kramatorsk, they did not even try to shoot down the rocket and the cluster munition went off right in the thick of people at the station.

I think Ukraine just doesn't want civilians to leave Kramatorsk to the east, they want to keep using the tactic of hiding behind civilians as human shields. In this area, a blow to the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Russia is brewing, there are rumors that a fresh armored corps has been brought up from Kursk.

Ok then, one debunked lie at a time.
In your fantasies, you can debunk anything. It is quite easy to determine with great accuracy where the rocket came from, it was fired from a distance of 45 km southwest of Kramatorsk.


You are the victim of Russian propaganda.

Anyway, the solution is to cancel Russia, stop ALL trade with Russia, and kill all of its soldiers.

Anything else would not eradicate this cancer.

This Russian imperialist ideology will not die until its architects, planners, and executioners are killed.
309  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Finland is next on: April 08, 2022, 02:58:02 PM
Next is finland if try join with nato
But if they dont join its more dangerous but before joining only possible to attack then juridically putin is correct nato cant get involved directly b4 nato paperwork not done.
Also finland have huge debt burden and if they try to borrow more consumer prices will hit to sky in finland due to inflation the war btw willl be perfect waymoney to cover up financial problems fin have currently debt bubble and real estate bubble and mortgage bubble war will help to reset all and prices of assets can come down again

The Sakos and Tikkas in private hands will take care of Kacap varmints.

Finland has the best snipers in the world.

Russians will be dropping before they hear the sound of the bullets.

I own Sako 85, it can easily take Kacaps to 1500 m range.
310  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 07, 2022, 06:32:55 PM
Geneva convention uh?

While all 196 countries comply with the Geneva conventions, in 2019, Russia withdrew itself from Article 90 of protocol 1. This article expects the country to oblige and comply with any international fact-finding mission.

I wonder why. You see, the only proof of Putin following the Geneva convention is... your word.

Did US sign it? Or you holding Russia to higher standards than US? Big powers are fighting, war is hell, innocent people that are stuck in the middle die. So far civilian deaths are relatively low for the war this size.

One side dominates control of the media, so huge efforts are extended to keep up the moral and try to manage surrenders. Top generals are sacked for treason, mayors declared traitors, videos of military police roughing up alleged saboteurs in civilian clothes, 500k Ukrainian refugees went to Russia etc... Who really cares what's proven true/false in few months, when you need to survive today. Ukraine needs more Russian Warship Go Fuck Yourself moments, just as Russia needs more videos of tictoc battalion doing cool things

I do not hold anyone to a particular standard other than not providing misleading information. It Putin is saying there are no crimes, I, with the information I have currently, disagree.

In so far as I am concern, US presidents and troops have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity and denied it. That does not give others the right to do the same.
Ok so Russia doing the same shit US and NATO did. Big powers do what big powers do, wage wars for sphere of influence. All are shit. I'm assuming you're a logical person, and addressing the issue starting with the biggest offenders? And being objective you covered demolition of Raqqa the city about the size of Mariupol, how many children, women, elderly died? How many maternity wards, hospitals, kindergartens were bombed there, what percentage of infrastructure was left standing? How does it compare to Mariupol, in term of civilian casualties?

From a practical perspective, the US is not threating Europe and, for me, Attacking a democracy is not the same as attacking a despotic regime.

Oh boy, really hoping you didn't mean that. So gov just needs to convince average TV watching population that the regime is despotic, and that somehow makes killing their children better? Dehumanizing opponent is part of every warfare, and we're watching unprecedented levels of this here, i expect lots of books written about psy ops, and media coverage of this war after this is all over. Do you not see the irony in your own words, by your logic Russians are justified because they're fighting Nazis, a despotic regime. Is DPRK, Democratic Republic of the Congo are democracies (after all, it's in their name), Uzbekistan, Hungry a democracy, where is a cutoff? Care to rate democracy in Ukraine? If you can judge school bombings by their level of "democracisness" would you be able to rate a bunch of them if i provide examples?

500k Ukrainian refugees went to Russia etc...

Sure, and millions of people "went" to Siberia and other exciting places during Stalin's "pacкyлaчивaниe".

Care to look up how many mixed Ukrainian/Russian families lived in Ukraine? How many held dual citizenship (even though Ukraine doesn't seem to allow it), how many of those predominately Russian speaking cities in east Ukraine on the boarder with Russia had family/relatives in Russia that can shelter them? Let me know what you find

I've seen (can't find the source, sorry) a more insane variation of this with regards to Mariupol:

"This is not genocide against Ukrainians because Russian forces are killing Russian (or Russian-speaking) civilians".

Well one of the main units assaulting Mariupol is from Donbass, lots of Units (navy) is from Crimea, which Ukraine and majority of the world still considers to be part of Ukraine, so how could it be genocide??? Surely you're not just parroting talking points by mass media, and can explain which category of people is being targeted for you to think it's a genocide?

500k Ukrainian refugees went to Russia etc...
Like going to Russia was free choice for most of them... And when there is war and your life is at question, going to Russia is probably better option than die.

There's always a choice. Unlike Bandera, I think my grandparents would have higher chances staying in a war zone than trying to go to Nazi Germany. It's an oxymoron to claim genocide when hundreds of thousands of people go to the country supposedly committing said genocide.

Russians have a solution to the Ukrainian question. The 'solution' was openly posted on the RIA website.
311  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Has Russia committed War crime? on: April 07, 2022, 04:05:26 AM
There are so many lies about this war, coming out of the media, that nobody can be certain of what is really going on.


We are sure about one thing: Kacaps keep dying in droves.
312  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 06, 2022, 04:16:07 PM
So what do we have so far...

  • No dead civilians, they're actors, waving their hands.
  • But if there are dead civilians then Ukrainians killed them.
  • But if Russians killed them then we'll call the victims "nazis" and it's ok to kill them.
  • But if they're not nazis then Americans have killed civilians so it's ok to kill civilians.
  • But if it's not ok to kill civilians, they provoked Putin so it's their own fault.

Did I miss anything?

- "Russian soldiers are in Ukraine on a peaceful mission so they could not have killed anyone."
- "Russian Federation did not invade Ukraine."
- "Russian army provides security for the civilians and delivers humanitarian aid."
- "Russians did not kill those people because Russians did not stage this fake massacre."
- "Russians could not have killed them because they were Russian speakers."
- "Russian soldiers did not kill them because they run out of ammunition."
- "Russian soldiers did not kill them because they did not see any civilians in Bucha."
- "Russian soldiers did not kill them because they were too drunk to aim well."
- "Russian soldiers did not kill them because their guns jammed."
- "Russian soldiers did not kill them because they were too busy packaging and loading all the loot they have collected."
- "Russian soldiers did not kill them because Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin did not order the killings."
313  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Has Russia committed War crime? on: April 05, 2022, 08:54:34 PM
IMO this was a war crime and the West will condemn it, but the question is: will they have the balls to go all the way and isolate Russia? For instance, Burger King and many other Western companies continue to operate there. Countries like Hungary still support Russia and help them finance their war. Is this going to change after this genocide? I doubt it.
I don't believe in full isolation of Russia. All these sanctions is painful for them, but West don't have balls to hit where it hurts most - embargo on Russian oil and gas. C'mon, some countries are ready to pay for gas in rubles. And yeah, there is still many foreign companies continue to operate in Russia

Those thousands of people who got beaten and thrown in jail at anti-war protests did not want the genocide to happen and would not want you to put them in the same group along with people from the street polls.

Maybe it's not correct to say that all Russians support war, but it's safe to say that majority of them support it. Even independent polls shows that support to Putin increased to over 80% since start of war. Though, probably you will get different results if you will ask whether you support war in Ukraine, or do you support special military operation in Ukraine. I think these polls use second name.

And that is the crux of the problem.

The West does not fully understand how this Soviet regime operates, and how evil it is.

Everything the West (and ordinary Russians) hear from the Soviet regime is lies.

This system cannot be defeated by the West by just talking or imposing sanctions.

You need to physically kill and cut out this cancer.  Anything else is just postponing the inevitable.

Euroasian empire from Lisbon to Vladivostok. Do you think I am kidding? 

That is what some Duma politicians are openly talking about.

What this war did, and the response of the West to it is created and emboldened the Soviet hardliners and they come out now
and demand action. So I am afraid nukes will start flying.
314  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Time to help Ukraine push back on: April 04, 2022, 11:42:59 PM
In my view, it is about time for US and Europe to start providing Ukraine with the right equipment and support for their army to be able to push back Putin's army back into Russian borders. Let's make sure that this war is the last one he dares to wage and we will all, including Russians, be safer and, one day, more prosperous.

Now is time to stop "resisting" and start the ass-kicking.

Helping Ukraine with more equipment to defeat Russia will lead to a world war  3 , the only way to fight Russia is not by weapons or fight  . There are other ways to stop Russia from fighting Ukraine is by giving them more sanctions,  I think this is enough.  Fight Russia to stop the war will end up killing more innocent people.

Do you think Putin cares how you attack him, economically or militarily? There is no difference to him.

You either attack him or you don't.

The only question on your mind should be how hard you punch him, and when do you stop.

The sanctions up to this point have been pointless. Actually counterproductive.
You supply weapons to Ukraine and give $1B/day to Putin, where is the logic in that?

To have meaningful sanctions, the West should completely stop ALL trade with Russia, all at once.
This might seriously slow him down.

I would not lift such sanctions for a few decades until all Soviet dreamers are dead or out of Kremlin and the new government
is ready to trade nukes for white, soft toilet paper.
315  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: April 03, 2022, 11:00:16 PM
If there is no desire for peace there wont be any, simple as that.
5 days before it all started


I normally would not answer to your post, as they seem just links for an algorithm or pure crap, but the look of this pic is just too much. Please, on which day did WJS publish this you say?

Thats easy:

Would you be in support of war if let's say, Poland makes a request to Russia to deactivate its nuclear arsenal, and if Russia refuses, NATO
invades Russia and bombs their cities?

Would you blame Russia for refusal to disarm its nuclear arsenal?  Would you imply that they are responsible for the war that NATO started?

Same here, Russia had no business annexing part of Ukraine, they had no business telling Ukraine which political, economic, or military alliance they can or cannot join.

What they did is a war of conquest. The NATO expansion talk or denazification and demilitarization are just smokescreens.

They want to annex Ukraine to Russia. Of course, Ukraine, and 40M+ Ukrainians will reject such a 'peaceful proposal'.
316  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Has Russia committed War crime? on: April 03, 2022, 10:40:18 PM
There seems to be evidences of war crimes all over. Attacks on civilian targets, phosphorous munitions, cluster bombs used in civil areas and other less easy to document such as rape and murder.

To be honest, most modern wars do include war crimes in one way or another and yes, that includes US troop in some instances. Yet, as I said in other posts, that does not mean Putin and his generals should not be held responsible. One wrong does not justify other wrong.

Here are a few civilians, bound and shot for being Ukrainians:

In Bucha, they just uncovered a mass grave of 280 bodies of civilians shot by the Russian military before they withdrew to Belarus.

For those who understand Russian, it is not only Putin who calls for genocide, the whole of Russia wants it:

I do not think the whole of the Russian population is calling for genocide. There is support for the government no doubt, and there is little counterbalance to the official version nor any hint of free speech left after so many years of Putinism. It is difficult to express a dissenting view, yet there are many Russians that have been arrested, so not all of them are in favour of the war and certainly most people are not psychopaths that would like all Ukrainians dead not children killed.

War crimes are responsibility of those who order them and those who execute them. Having an opinion is not a war crime (nor a crime at all).
I would agree with you if we saw 100K+ demonstrations in Moscow or St. Petersburg. What we see is fringe opposition. Nothing to write home about. Just like in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s.

Smart people leave Russia in droves. What will be left are psychopaths, Homo Sovieticus conformists, and fringe opposition who cannot leave for whatever reason. Those who support Putin's regime are responsible for these war crimes.

What Russian soldiers did in Bucha is beyond comprehension. They killed thousands just in a few weeks, in one small town.
Raping women and hanging them, some were raped, stripped naked, and burned alive, killing tied-up civilians in the back.

That type of hatred towards the civilian population is on the level of Serbs' atrocities against Muslims in the 1990s, and Germans' atrocities against the Jews in the 1940s. Mass graves etc.

Putin's propaganda created monsters. The whole civilized world should cancel Russia.
317  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How long Putin can continue this nonsense war?! on: April 02, 2022, 11:52:10 PM
86% of the Russian public supports Putin's war, so he will not have any political issues for a while, IMHO.

They support it because it is their fight for survival.

They may be exhausted by fighting and lose strength but if they do not fight then NATO will destroy them in the future.

NATO and the Western media are playing a major role in fueling this war. NATO and the United Nations can stop this war if they want but they do not want. The United Nations wants to gradually cripple Russia by creating economic pressure. Russia alone is not responsible for this war

If NATO is what endangers Russia, then go fight NATO or the US.

Why are you wasting your resources in Ukraine? Do you think you will be in a better position after you exhaust yourself in Ukraine?
What kind of logic is that? Your losses in Ukraine are $200-300M/day, 200-300 men/day.

"Po plan-oo" I guess, lol.

318  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Has Russia committed War crime? on: April 02, 2022, 11:21:18 PM
There seems to be evidences of war crimes all over. Attacks on civilian targets, phosphorous munitions, cluster bombs used in civil areas and other less easy to document such as rape and murder.

To be honest, most modern wars do include war crimes in one way or another and yes, that includes US troop in some instances. Yet, as I said in other posts, that does not mean Putin and his generals should not be held responsible. One wrong does not justify other wrong.

Here are a few civilians, bound and shot for being Ukrainians:

In Bucha, they just uncovered a mass grave of 280 bodies of civilians shot by the Russian military before they withdrew to Belarus.

For those who understand Russian, it is not only Putin who calls for genocide, the whole of Russia wants it:
319  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How long Putin can continue this nonsense war?! on: April 02, 2022, 11:01:43 PM
War is the last chance for a politician to stay in power, how bad was the Russian economy that caused Putin political suiside? How long is it going to take to step down from power or do Russians underestand he is just a paper tiger?! I believe in less than three months Putin's kingdom is over , what do  you think?

He can easily continue for another 1-5 years. He will completely destroy the Russian army and economy, but I think it could be physically
possible to continue for while.
Provided he will sell it as an existential threat to Russia so that Russians will go along with the 18-60 military draft.

They have lost about 15,000 soldiers and probably 60,000 wounded in the first month.

But, I think they will progress a bit more carefully, so I expect the losses will be smaller, maybe 7,500 dead/month, and 30,000 wounded/month.

They lost about 600 tanks/month, so assuming they will continue losing 300/month for the remainder of the campaign, they can easily
continue for a few more years tankwise. Fighter jets might be an issue as they have lost over 100/month.

I think their critical resource is warm bodies.
So the success or failure of Putin's adventure will depend on how fast Ukrainians can kill Russians.

86% of the Russian public supports Putin's war, so he will not have any political issues for a while, IMHO.

Economically, I think he can bypass sanctions, with third-party countries, Kazakhstan, India, Afghanistan, African countries, and China.
Sanctions will lower his revenues, but for critical components, I think he will find suppliers that
will be willing to supply him with whatever he needs for the right price ($$$).

So, the bottom line is that his revenue will decrease, his expenses will increase, and his manpower will decrease long-term.

As for ordinary Russians, well, they will go back to the Soviet times. The older generation will be able to cope with it with no problem.
The younger generation will be shocked but will keep their mouth shut, and will be afraid to speak out.

Their standard of living will be that of Indians, Africans, or Chinese.

320  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Has Russia committed War crime? on: April 02, 2022, 12:27:41 AM
This must be purely rhetorical as it's obvious to everyone, yourself included I think that Russia has indeed committed war crimes but who is to hold Russia accountable for its crimes? A country that has had free passes to lots of atrocities it has committed in the past. This would no doubt be talked about for a while and would gradually fade away

Once Putin and his henchmen are convicted of war crimes, they will be on the Interpol most wanted list, and if they leave Russia for
whatever reason, they will be arrested.

No more foreign visits, meetings, etc.
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