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6181  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 25, 2018, 01:54:01 AM
Creating money does not necessarily decrease buying power.  You seem to have an oversimplified understanding of monetary policy.  Yes if you increase money supply without increasing economic output then you decrease buying power, but in this context, that only happens once the economy is already running at full capacity. Running at full capacity means all of the economy's resources are already put to use and you have more money chasing fewer goods.   When the money is being used to put people to work and create businesses, you won't see this effect until no more resources (employees, buildings, or raw materials) are available to be purchased.   You should fear deflation just as much as inflation and having resources sit idle is not a good thing for the economy.  Also, the our purchasing power has been in steady decline for decades.  Have you never noticed the debt?  People only mention it as a doomsday scenario when we talk about using the new money to help people instead of using it to help large corporations.   Its really not that big of a deal if the economy is doing well.

Yes the reform policies I am suggesting would take place within the current system.  Thats the point. Its within reach.  Current tax code is not very cooperative friendly and actually makes them pretty much illegal in a lot of states.    Those would need to be updated as well to treat worker cooperatives as nonprofits.  There aren't many lawyers who have the training to deal with cooperative disputes either.  Very unfavorable right now yet there are still very successful worker cooperatives because the model is so superior.

As usual, it couldn't be that you are wrong, no I simply have a "oversimplified understanding of monetary policy". Its not that you provide little to no support for your arguments, it is just that I need to look it it from the position of your mental gymnastics to understand it.

Lets put aside over 100 years of your ideology actually resulting in the systematic removal of property rights, then redefine the laws of economics so that inflation magically now doesn't reduce buying power because "the economy is already running at full capacity" whatever the fuck that means. Your next statement is just word salad in a sad attempt again to give yourself a facade of authority by jibbering off some economic buzzwords in a nearly meaningless order that are in direct contradiction to what would happen under the inflationary solution you propose.

You then proceed to make vast baseless generalizations and postulations without referencing anything at all to back up your rambling senseless attempt at justifying this failed ideology. The existence of debt does not invalidate Capitalism or support the idea of Socialism. I also don't like corporate handouts any more than I like Socialist handouts. Just because they can get away with it does not validate your own ideology.

Creating a larger monetary base is MATHEMATICALLY PROVEN TO DECREASE BUYING POWER. This isn't something you can deconstruct your way around. Its not that big of a deal until Socialism burns up the remnants of the resources created under the previous Capitalist system, then it is a huge fucking problem. Sooner or later you run out of people to rob.

What if all building owners refuse to lease to your socialist co-operatives.  But instead will operate their own businesses hiring people at $5/hr?

What you are going to do?  Where you are going to get the building to operate your socialist co-operative?

You are going to confiscate the private property sooner or later.  Just be honest about your plan. 

If your socialist workers want to buy the building, they have to come up with the money (gold or bitcoin as your socialist money will not be worth much) and buy it from the owner.  Then they can operate whatever business they want.  There will be nothing socialist about it.  Just a bunch of guys working in a limited partnership arrangement.

Unrealistic hypothetical. In the real world, large amounts of real estate sits idle.   Real estate developers don't operate businesses. Thats just not the way our specialized economy is set up.  Landlords just want reliable tenants.  They gain nothing by letting their property sit idle while they continue to pay taxes on it.  Once the cooperatives starts accumulating money, they can put profits into a fund to buy their own building. 

People aren't going to take the 5 dollar jobs.  Its an illegal wage and those businesses would fail anyway.

Oh he is being unrealistic? That is cute. In the real world companies holding large amounts of real estate that is not in use get tax cuts that effectively reduce their property taxes to zero. Yeah, you are right, who ever heard of speculative investment in real estate right?
6182  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Brexit propaganda campaigns same as trump campaigns on: November 24, 2018, 11:34:05 PM
Nope, it couldn't be that the world is having a populist revolution... nope that is too simple. What makes more sense is that Russia is propagandizing the world!

Some people should wake up to the threat that China poses, and the non-threat that Russia poses.

China is pro-globalist though so they get a pass.
6183  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism is destroying us. on: November 24, 2018, 11:23:18 PM

Socialism kills innovation, it demotivates people, it kills any progress.  It equalizes the outcomes.
Just to be honest, stupidity of the government has nothing to do with its declared economical policy.
Just compare china to north korea or japan to mexica, and you will see what do I mean.

Eh, that is not completely true. Yes stupidity can corruption can exist under any form of policy, Socialism and Communism just make it exceptionally easy for them.
6184  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: November 24, 2018, 10:59:22 PM
This thread is not about ''you couldn't argue against this proof that the government is breaking the law'' It's about vaccines, I thought you were actually smart, my bad. I don't need to argue against it, we already established that yes, they did not have those reports. Those reports are however not the only safety reports for vaccines, the government has provided thousands of other safety reports throughout the years.

Well it is rather convenient you get to exclude evidence that is counter to your position because it does not fit within the specific narrow band of discussion you unilaterally deem as valid now isn't it? Especially now after pages of you denying it even happened, now that you want to use it as a personal attack claiming I have no argument, it is not up for debate is it? As in every response, you include the usual ad hominem so your comments don't seem totally ineffectual. 

Once again you unilaterally deem this fact irrelevant after denying it even happened. It has been established after I poked holes in your usual fallacious argument and forced you to admit it, and this is you trying to now feel like you got a "win". I never claimed those were the only safety reports, so again I don't need to defend your arguments.
6185  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 24, 2018, 10:51:37 PM
I don't think we should take people's property at all.

Resources already exist.  
Goods and services come from labor.
Money is created with a key stroke.  

1. The supermarket in a community closes down
2. All workers are out of a job
3. Workers form a solid cooperative business plan
4. Government approves business plan and grants cooperative initial operating costs
5. Supermarket functions with workers sharing the small profits on top of their fair pay.

Notice the supermarket was not stolen from anyone but now the workers own it.  Steps 3-5 could be repeated for new businesses.  Steps 1-5 could be repeated when businesses a community needs close down.

Eventually you end up with an economy that addresses the needs of the community and is completely owned by workers who also live in that community.

Resources already exist, and they already have owners. Goods come from NATURAL RESOURCES as well as labor. You can not print resources no matter how much money you print. Also if you knew anything about economics you would know simply creating new money results in inflation by debasing its buying power. This is nothing but a form of theft from current note holders of the currency you create more of.

You claim you are for protecting people's property rights, yet you advocate for an ideology that will do so with zero explanation of how they will come into control of these resources without stealing the rights of others. Some one still owns that supermarket property before the workers magically acquire it. If you are suggesting they pay for it, then nothing in your hypothetical is prevented by the current standing system of Capitalism. Not only is Socialism not needed, it is really just what everyone else calls "Capitalism".
6186  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: November 24, 2018, 06:28:51 PM
Rofl, I don't think you understood what he said. It's like me saying the average height in USA is 5'9 and frogs are animals and then yelling HARD FACTS!!111 But what was the point of any of those ''hard facts'' what's the conclusion?

You do whatever mental gymnastics you need to to feel better about yourself. You stated "you nutjobs will just say the same old, ''it's fake'' ''it's a hoax'' ''those statistics are made up by the government'', and I never said any of those things. You don't get to make up arguments then demand I support them. Its more like me making documented statements of fact, you not having any good reply so you have to attribute bad arguments of others to me. Any conclusions I made I had previously already clearly stated.

You never made any statement, this thread is about vaccines and if they work or if the government is poisoning us, you never made your position clear, you are clearly afraid to do so, sorry to say but you are almost worse than badecker at this point, at least he is not a pussy.

I made plenty of statements, specifically regarding the fact that the government is not meeting its legal obligations in safety reporting as shown by the FOIA suit discussed earlier. Who the fuck made you the grand arbiter of what positions I must take? You are just pissed you can't write off every argument I make as a conspiracy theory like you do with him.

That's not an argument. The government doesn't meet its legal obligations regarding many things many times, it doesn't mean vaccines are harmful on purpose which is what is being argued here. I still don't know what your position is at all, you just came here and said some stupid things about scientific theories and then went on saying the same thing over and over again, thinking that you are way smarter than the others LUL :^)

Stick to your other discussions, this isn't for you...

Well again, I am glad we have you here to tell us what merits discussion. I don't know what we would do without you. I know you are still annoyed that I proved you are repeatedly using logical fallacies and character attacks because you couldn't argue against this proof that the government is breaking the law. You will get over it. Your pathetic attempt at gaining conformity via ostracization is again demonstrative of how you would rather use logical fallacies and personal attacks than have a legitimate debate.
6187  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 24, 2018, 06:22:20 PM
I have no idea how you think people can do that when most people don't even own fields, animals, or modern capital (the means of production).  Our entire criticism of capitalism is based around the disconnect between labor and capital.    

Oh, I see so people are entitled to land, animals, and capital now? Who's property rights do you have to violate to provide this capitol to these people by force? Don't tell me no force is involved, because if it was voluntary it would be called charity. Socialism requires taking property rights of some to give to others. This is not even debatable, it is a law of economics. Because of this Socialism will inevitably degrade into totalitarianism as the pool of people who can be robbed shrinks ever smaller until the working class begins eating itself. The only disconnect is in your brain stem where you claim you can entitle people to capital without taking rights from others.
1.  It was you who said this is ALREADY being achieved.  Please explain how it is being achieved.

2. Socialism doesn't require taking property rights of some to go give to others.  Some socialist systems use that means to the end of worker ownership, but the one I subscribe to only distributes new wealth to the workers who generated it.  Over time, it is the workers who accumulate wealth.  

When you have absolute beliefs about things and say something always happens, it leads you to being close minded regarding said issue.  The idea that you just happened to be born at a time where society has reached a point where everything functions optimally and cannot be improved is naive.

Yes, I said people already have the right to work their own land and raise their own animals. Everything else is bullshit you made up to try to speak for me because the only way you can argue with me is by literally making shit up, pretending I said it, then arguing against that instead of my actual arguments.

Socialism ABSOLUTELY DOES require taking property rights by force. You claim everyone is entitled to all this capital, but you never seem to be able to explain how all this capital they are entitled to just comes into existence magically. SOCIALISM REQUIRES THE STATE TO TAKE PROPERTY IN ORDER TO GIVE IT TO OTHERS THEREFORE IS INHERENTLY TOTALITARIAN.
*Entitled to* has a specific meaning. You have now changed the quote to fit what you meant which is fine, you clarified it, but don't act like I made up the original quote or you saying it was already true.

Capital can be purchased.  New capital is always purchased.  Land can be purchased.  Anything currently owned by one person can be purchased by a group of people.    Yes if you wanted to instantly transform into a socialist economy and quickly move towards communism, then the government needs to take pre-existing capital but socialists in my school of thought realize that fast transitions are not feasible. 

I already explained government financing but you skipped over it.   The government finances capitalism all of the time.  TARP, the auto bailout, and amazon is getting 2 billion dollars to build an HQ2 they were already going to build. 

Yes, entitled to does have a specific meaning. I didn't change anything, you invented an argument for me and I clarified my position to refute you speaking for me.
I see so, if the taking of other people's property rights is slower that makes it ok? Well that is different!

You haven't explained government financing AT ALL. You stated government will give subsidies and entitlements to groups as if those resources just appear with a pen stroke. I haven't skipped over anything. YOU CAN NOT EXPLAIN WHERE THESE RESOURCES WILL COME FROM. Just claiming you have is not good enough. Government handouts have nothing to do with Capitalism (except that Capitalism pays for them), and just because they are beginning to be corrupted with Socialist policies is not proof they are working or a good thing.
6188  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Gender dysphoria & ''Age dysphoria''? on: November 24, 2018, 06:15:09 PM
Its not adequate for determining the things its supposed to determine.  If it only works for 80% of the population, then it is failing a lot of people. 

"Things it is supposed to determine", well that clears things up. You are making these conclusions based on one incomplete and self contradictory study?

This ENTIRE ARGUMENT is a red herring designed to distract from the fact all of your arguments are based on Marxist deconstructivist Postmodernist dogmas.

You are arguing on behalf of the current system of measuring age, which assumes everyone ages exactly the same rate.  Everyone turns 18 in exactly the same amount of time.  Everyone turns 35 in exactly the same amount of time.  If we are using those ages to determine when someone has reached, cognitive and psychological maturation, we are assuming everyone matures at exactly the same rate.

 By you being so absolute in your suggesting that this never be changed, it is not putting words in your mouth to say that you agree with the archaic system of exactly 18 or 35 laps around the sun representing maturation.  You are saying at 17 and 364 days everyone is a child then magically on their 18th birthday and no a minute sooner everyone instantaneously becomes an adult. 

Which argument did I skip?  I know you skipped mentioning telomere length as a measurement of aging.

All I am saying is there has to be a better method and that better method will be developed and implemented in the future. 

I am arguing on behalf of keeping the existing working systems in place until people like YOU who advocate something new CAN PROVE USING EMPIRICAL DATA that the changes will result in improvements. You can't do that, all you can do is make relativist arguments of a nature that simply questions everything until nothing is relevant while providing no substance of your own to stand on. I didn't say this should "never be changed" I said YOU HAVE THE BURDEN OF PROOF to demonstrate positively with EMPIRICAL DATA that a change should even be attempted. Telomere length is a biological process and has nothing to do with the psychological maturation of humans. This is just a lame attempt again at giving your arguments a superficial facade of science.

If you don't stop speaking for me I am going to have to teach you a lesson. You are doing this nearly EVERY STATEMENT you make now. Speak for yourself, not for me.
6189  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: November 24, 2018, 06:01:12 PM
Rofl, I don't think you understood what he said. It's like me saying the average height in USA is 5'9 and frogs are animals and then yelling HARD FACTS!!111 But what was the point of any of those ''hard facts'' what's the conclusion?

You do whatever mental gymnastics you need to to feel better about yourself. You stated "you nutjobs will just say the same old, ''it's fake'' ''it's a hoax'' ''those statistics are made up by the government'', and I never said any of those things. You don't get to make up arguments then demand I support them. Its more like me making documented statements of fact, you not having any good reply so you have to attribute bad arguments of others to me. Any conclusions I made I had previously already clearly stated.

You never made any statement, this thread is about vaccines and if they work or if the government is poisoning us, you never made your position clear, you are clearly afraid to do so, sorry to say but you are almost worse than badecker at this point, at least he is not a pussy.

I made plenty of statements, specifically regarding the fact that the government is not meeting its legal obligations in safety reporting as shown by the FOIA suit discussed earlier. Who the fuck made you the grand arbiter of what positions I must take? You are just pissed you can't write off every argument I make as a conspiracy theory like you do with him.
6190  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: November 24, 2018, 04:22:51 PM
Rofl, I don't think you understood what he said. It's like me saying the average height in USA is 5'9 and frogs are animals and then yelling HARD FACTS!!111 But what was the point of any of those ''hard facts'' what's the conclusion?

You do whatever mental gymnastics you need to to feel better about yourself. You stated "you nutjobs will just say the same old, ''it's fake'' ''it's a hoax'' ''those statistics are made up by the government'', and I never said any of those things. You don't get to make up arguments then demand I support them. Its more like me making documented statements of fact, you not having any good reply so you have to attribute bad arguments of others to me. Any conclusions I made I had previously already clearly stated.
6191  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Brexit propaganda campaigns same as trump campaigns on: November 24, 2018, 02:27:30 PM
Nope, it couldn't be that the world is having a populist revolution... nope that is too simple. What makes more sense is that Russia is propagandizing the world!
6192  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 24, 2018, 02:24:55 PM
I have no idea how you think people can do that when most people don't even own fields, animals, or modern capital (the means of production).  Our entire criticism of capitalism is based around the disconnect between labor and capital.    

Oh, I see so people are entitled to land, animals, and capital now? Who's property rights do you have to violate to provide this capitol to these people by force? Don't tell me no force is involved, because if it was voluntary it would be called charity. Socialism requires taking property rights of some to give to others. This is not even debatable, it is a law of economics. Because of this Socialism will inevitably degrade into totalitarianism as the pool of people who can be robbed shrinks ever smaller until the working class begins eating itself. The only disconnect is in your brain stem where you claim you can entitle people to capital without taking rights from others.
1.  It was you who said this is ALREADY being achieved.  Please explain how it is being achieved.

2. Socialism doesn't require taking property rights of some to go give to others.  Some socialist systems use that means to the end of worker ownership, but the one I subscribe to only distributes new wealth to the workers who generated it.  Over time, it is the workers who accumulate wealth.  

When you have absolute beliefs about things and say something always happens, it leads you to being close minded regarding said issue.  The idea that you just happened to be born at a time where society has reached a point where everything functions optimally and cannot be improved is naive.

Yes, I said people already have the right to work their own land and raise their own animals. Everything else is bullshit you made up to try to speak for me because the only way you can argue with me is by literally making shit up, pretending I said it, then arguing against that instead of my actual arguments.

Socialism ABSOLUTELY DOES require taking property rights by force. You claim everyone is entitled to all this capital, but you never seem to be able to explain how all this capital they are entitled to just comes into existence magically. SOCIALISM REQUIRES THE STATE TO TAKE PROPERTY IN ORDER TO GIVE IT TO OTHERS THEREFORE IS INHERENTLY TOTALITARIAN.
6193  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess who is Sicker? on: November 24, 2018, 02:10:39 PM

Oh please do go back into my statements in this thread and quote EXACTLY anything I stated that is not a hard fact. I will wait. All your horse shit that you are attributing to me, that I never said does not count.

And just FYI, grampy TS, I'm over 50.

Adult diapers count as short pants too...

For the sake of aurgument, let's grant that you have this unique ability to emit exclusively rock solid facts and nothing but.  So what?  What are they even good for without some sort of a hypothesis to test?

You've got some puzzle pieces to play with but you don't know what to do with them because you don't understand the concept of a puzzle...or more likely are conditioned to deny the existence of such a thing or at least have an allergy to the act of working on one.

You many get lucky and live to be my age, but it is more likely if, somehow, you become a little bit more skeptical.


BADecker is coming through with more and more hard-hitting facts.  I followed one of his links to a story about the so-called 'Spanish Flu' of 1918.  Even before I was a 'conspiracy theorist' I'd read about some oddities with that one.  Some years ago I was reading a hypothesis that since it originated in Ft. Riley where they where raising a lot of livestock for the war effort it probably came from that operation.  It was news to me that the Rockefeller Institute was also there and busy injecting some of the troops with horse pus in order to see what happened to them.  Not terribly surprising news though.

And when did I say either of you were wrong? Who said it was a unique ability? This is simply the method of debate I choose. How about you stop mindlessly postulating about my personal character and level of conditioning and get back to the topic at hand Captain Shortpants?
6194  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Gender dysphoria & ''Age dysphoria''? on: November 24, 2018, 02:04:31 PM
I didn't say anything was irrefutable or proof nor did I say we should be revamping laws.  Remember "start to think about"....

The article and graphs do show that our current system of measuring age is adequate by averages only and inadequate for many individuals.  The last graph shows % of each age group scoring at or above mean level for 25 to 30 year olds.  How is it adequate for the 20% of 10-21 year olds scoring at the 25-30 year old mean level?

I am well aware everything you said is refutable. Adequate FOR WHAT? You specifically referenced the presidency, and suggested that 35 was an arbitrary age limit, so yes you did suggest we should be reexamining laws. You mean "start to think about" IE allow me to pre-indoctrinate you so that when people like you DO try to pass laws I will not resist?

Yes cognitive, social, and emotional intelligence develop differently and very important which is another reason I said they should be viewed separately.  I already outlined that in the previous post.   I completely agree with you that experience is acquired with passing of time and interacting with others.  I just strongly disagree with you on the notion that the specific time necessary is exactly the same for every individual.  Keep in mind that the source is speaking in generalizations not absolutes as demonstrated by the data in their graphs.  This debate really boils down to if we want to treat people as statistical generalizations or individuals. 

The study argued that this dilemma manifests itself when our system claims a young teen is capable of making  a cognitive decision like abortion but not capable of making a more psychologically complex decision like murder (to be tried as an adult). 

Who said anything about the time needing to be exactly the same? I didn't. This is you again speaking for me. Don't speak for me.
Oh I absolutely know you and your source are just chocked full of generalizations. Tell me, exactly what is even the point of mentioning all this garbage other than to distract from the arguments I already made that you have no reply to? As far as the LAW is concerned a universal standard IS A REQUIREMENT, because that is just how the law works. The law doesn't do subjective no matter how much psychoanalytical woowoo you throw at it.

6195  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 24, 2018, 03:42:25 AM
I can see only one difference (in general) and its the wannabe's - wannabe capitalists struggle to be socialists or even want to even entertain the fact, because they cant be fully capitalist because they are failing at it terrible and cant believe they need help.

That pretty much sums it up. Strong people are pro individualism. Weak people demand collectivism, but still want to pretend they are strong.

6196  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why are some people still skeptical about climate change? on: November 24, 2018, 03:38:38 AM
''Forced population reduction.'' The fuck? Come one bro, just admit most CO2 reduction solutions are good, you sound like a conspiracy nutjob.

Let's start off by reducing the population that denies climate change.

Ahahaha, then the rest of us can actually take care of the problem without morons like him holding the rest of society back.

So now you are advocating the genocide of anyone who does not share your ideology?

You don't know a damned thing about science.

I don't know any science? Fuck off with that shit you dumb cunt. I'm formally educated with a scientific degree. What fucking qualifications do you have you? Fucking internet troll degrees?

Alright guy; you refused to look at the evidence that I presented after stating "no evidence". You didn't refute the existing evidence and you cannot deny the evidence exists. You shoved your head in the sand. That's the reason people are skeptical about climate change because they REFUSE to see the evidence.

WHAT EVIDENCE?! Anything even remotely resembling evidence I have already addressed. If you think otherwise please do quote this mysterious unnamed evidence. FYI, just because you have a degree does not make you smart or educated. Frankly I would doubt the veracity of that statement since you think the world runs on movie physics. I have refuted anything you have presented and I am denying any solid empirical data supporting the anthropogenic climate change theory. So far all you have done is tell me it is settled, irrefutable, and I am simply ignoring it even when I have repeatedly directly addressed your every argument.
6197  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 24, 2018, 03:17:18 AM
I have no idea how you think people can do that when most people don't even own fields, animals, or modern capital (the means of production).  Our entire criticism of capitalism is based around the disconnect between labor and capital.    

Oh, I see so people are entitled to land, animals, and capital now? Who's property rights do you have to violate to provide this capitol to these people by force? Don't tell me no force is involved, because if it was voluntary it would be called charity. Socialism requires taking property rights of some to give to others. This is not even debatable, it is a law of economics. Because of this Socialism will inevitably degrade into totalitarianism as the pool of people who can be robbed shrinks ever smaller until the working class begins eating itself. The only disconnect is in your brain stem where you claim you can entitle people to capital without taking rights from others.
6198  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump won't punish Saudi crown prince on: November 24, 2018, 03:13:12 AM
@Spendulus:  I meant to say that if some kind of war happens in the future over any issue.(not on the basis of this killing! sorry for the confusion) Saudi Arabia vs Western country(Christian) or Hindus/Jews. the reason I mentioned religion here because Saudi Arabia has a key to holy places "Mecca and Medina" All they have to do is Shout " Islam is in Danger" and I can bet my life on this when I say this, Muslims around the world go bonkers on this and significant amount of people will join them for this so-called Jihad.

Saudi Arabia will get its come comeuppance...

What will America do?

Create another monster? Like Rambo type more Osama Bin Laden. We all know how that road ends, don't we? America 2 Allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. You know what I am talking.

right now they are less of an enemy than others and can wait. Others are larger threats and it makes sense to cooperate with them (until it doesn't).

What other enemy?
ISIS ? I am sure you have a good idea about What ISIS is and who created the vacuum in the first place.

Iran ? Who overthrown their democratic gov and installed the Dictator? Even supporting him for almost 27 years just for oil and in the end, Americans surprised that Why they hate the USA. Please google if you have time "operation ajax"

They are going to be used then flipped on.

That's why no country likes American's Foreign policy except few (partners in crimes) and consider America a bigger threat to world peace.

I am well aware of all these operations and ulterior motives. What you don't understand is the US and Saudi Arabia are not monolithic organizations and there are competing organizations within them working toward different goals. The USA doesn't have a monopoly on corruption, and international criminal organizations do not give a shit about any nation state. The USA is in the process of cutting these groups out, this is what the domestic conflict here is about.
6199  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Capitalism vs. Socialism - Make your argument here. on: November 24, 2018, 01:24:02 AM
So how is the goal of
(everyone was entitled to work their own fields, raise their own animals and so on)
already being achieved?

You still didn't give any explanation of this.  I read that quote as the goal of socialism and am aware of the obvious contradiction of the socialist ideal already being achieved without socialism.  I interpret the two quotes to have the same meaning and have no explanation from you to get insight to your interpretation. 

Theres no way for me to understand what you are talking about when you say something is being achieved with no supporting explanation or reasoning for why you think it is being achieved.  The cryptic one liner leaves me to assume it is because you have a different definition of "everyone", "entitled"  ,or "own". 

So you intend to argue people now are not entitled to work their own fields, raise their own animals, and so on? What? How are they not able to do this? This is what you call an argument? This is pathetic tripe.
6200  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Gender dysphoria & ''Age dysphoria''? on: November 24, 2018, 01:22:14 AM

So if you acknowledge that difference of environment and living conditions affect aging, regardless of the fact that everyone moves around the sun exactly the same way, then why is it so much of a "postmodernist" stretch to believe that there could be a way of measuring this difference in aging?

Your hypothetical is meaningless. If you have a "more accurate way" then present it. Don't sit around here advocating we just fuck around with the very fabric of society just to "see what happens" because it "might be better" with absofuckinglutely zero evidence to support your claims. You are fucking with serious things we all depend on, you need to present serious evidence to support this kind of intervention on the systems WE ALL DEPEND ON.
First, please reconsider the important phrase from my original post here.

we should start to think about the end of cosmic age.  

"starting to think about" changing something isn't the same thing as "change it and see what happens" and it literally costs nothing and is zero risk.  You act as if by having this conversation I have created a national ballot referendum "replace age with (TBD)".  You don't need mountains of evidence to "start to think about" something.  Its purely an intellectual discussion.  Remember, none of what we have would have been possible if not first imagined.

As for your evidence:  

Before knowing what type of evidence to look for, first we need to think about the important things age gives us, separate them, and measure them each individually.  This means that in the future, we could end up with multiple ages for the different things we are measuring.  Perhaps they would look something like this (feel free to jump in and tell me what age really should tell us.

1. Decline-increases with age after a certain point
2. Development- increases with age until a certain point
     a. biological development
     b. emotional/social maturity
     c. cognitive ability

For #1, we can certainly replace it with telomere length.  The telomere length gives us a way of measuring cellular age or more specifically, the degree your DNA has deteriorated.   There are already companies like Teloyears that sell kits and send you your cellular age according to statistical regression.  

This could be very useful for people who age at rates that are far different from the average.  Instead of arbitrarily saying someone is getting old when they have done 65 laps around the sun, why not say an old person is a person whose telomere length is at the point where you have determined it affects them too much?  Lets just say 6500 for now.  As you can see from the survey, there is so much variation amongst 65 year olds that it cleaerly doesn't mean much to be 65.  I'm not saying telomere length is the be all end all but that is an example of the type of thing we could use instead of time.  

For 2a there are indicators for the start and end of puberty and these are used for age of consent laws around the world but you can notice how difficult it is to pinpoint a specific number of years because of individual differences.  This, along with the same issue in 2b is why age of consent laws vary so much around the world.  This is an example of how using time actually hinders our ability to have universal agreement in society.  Some say as low as 14 and some say as high as 18.  The reality is probably that some 14s are ready and most 18 are ready.

For 2b, you could determine what it is you are looking for and replace age with the y value on the graph instead of trying to "guess" or "assume" everyones y value based on their number of trips around the sun.

  This is similar to the types of arguments used to try teens as adults.  Take a look at the 3rd graph.  Many teens have fully developed mental capacity.  Why should they be lumped in with children just because they have been around the sun fewer times?  Currently, some laws are setup to make sure no one who is immature is included while some laws are setup to make sure no one who is mature is excluded.  This dilemma could be solved if we grouped people based on cognitive and psychological ability instead of trips around the sun.

The American Psychological Association's (APA's) stance on the psychological maturity of adolescents has been criticized as inconsistent. In its Supreme Court amicus brief in Roper v. Simmons (2005), which abolished the juvenile death penalty, APA described adolescents as developmentally immature. In its amicus brief in Hodgson v. Minnesota (1990), however, which upheld adolescents' right to seek an abortion without parental involvement, APA argued that adolescents are as mature as adults. The authors present evidence that adolescents demonstrate adult levels of cognitive capability earlier than they evince emotional and social maturity. On the basis of this research, the authors argue that it is entirely reasonable to assert that adolescents possess the necessary skills to make an informed choice about terminating a pregnancy but are nevertheless less mature than adults in ways that mitigate criminal responsibility. The notion that a single line can be drawn between adolescence and adulthood for different purposes under the law is at odds with developmental science. Drawing age boundaries on the basis of developmental research cannot be done sensibly without a careful and nuanced consideration of the particular demands placed on the individual for "adult-like" maturity in different domains of functioning'-Steinberg-Cauffman/0d968616ce5fe93bf2a25f32da1cd107567cbdfd
Explains the dilemma with age and the need to separate mental development into different areas

So to clarify, when I say the trans movement, I'm referring to transgender.  Transexual movement exists to try and make transgender individuals cis-gender so they can better fit into a society that largely insists (1)gender is static, (2)binary, and (3)always easily identifiable by cis-association with genitalia at birth--- all of which are scientifically false.  Yes those three are the case for most people but transgenders ARE rare.  Fear-mongers try to paint an illusion that everyone is waking up becoming trans because its the cool new trend.  Also, I have never met a transphobic person who knows there is a difference between sex and gender.  That immediately disqualifies them from the conversation.

Uh huh. Good for them. People can identify however they like. They have a right to decide this for themselves. What they do not have a right to do is demand ALL OF SOCIETY share this identification. Sure people should respect each other, but compelling the speech of others is not respect, that is totalitarianism.

Fair enough that is your stance so it seems you would have no issue with everyone referring to you with the opposite pronouns (i assume "she her") right?

The good news is most major institutions have already made the switch voluntarily.  Its really just the internet, and conservative media where the resistance is coming from.

Another solution for both sides is to just degender everything.  Gender neutral restrooms have always made sense anyway from an economic/architectural point of view.  Small buildings don't need two bathrooms.

Again, you flood right into your Postmodernist deconstructivism. You take a couple charts from a single study and use them as a nice warm fuzzy cloak of "irrefutable science". You can't even form a defensible premise. None of your schlock above does anything to prove we should be revamping out laws to make room for "transagists", or that our current system of measuring age is even inadequate.

YOUR OWN SOURCE clearly states while cognitive abilities may be comparable they still lack social and emotional intelligence. That is quite an important caveat to that study is it not? This is the kind of experience one acquires WITH TIME. Real time. Not the concept of time. Not a drawing of time. Not the Postmodernist deconstructionism version of time. Actual time passing living and interacting with others.

Compelled speech is totalitarianism. It is as simple as that. You call me whatever you like as long as everyone else is just as free to speak about you. Reality is where the resistance is coming from. The world you live in exists only in your mind. You are attempting to deconstruct every common experience of society until everything we hold in common with each other as humans becomes irrelevant.

Your intent is irrelevant. The result is the same regardless if you act out of ignorance or are willfully disingenuous.

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