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761  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 'Trump Designates Antifa "A Terrorist Organization"' on: June 01, 2020, 03:44:44 PM
mark my word, trump will soon get the democrats to be publicly considered as the dirty and racist and unamerican party, and then he will end the 2 party system and make america a 1 party dictatorship like china
762  Other / Politics & Society / Re: American society has gone completely nuts. on: June 01, 2020, 06:54:11 AM
isis shot hundreds of people deliberately in iraq, to establish their brutal chaliphate.

and people in the weste didnt really reacted,

now a single man dies on in a law inforcement malfunction and people all protest and loot.

america and the entire west is broken regarding its understand what matters.

the way westerners thing and operate is extremly dangerous. people are completely nuts.
763  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Wanted - 'old-normal' nation on: May 31, 2020, 08:10:42 PM
a good nation. is one without idiots

take for instance certain people that think viruses are not real and people dont die and call it a scamdemic to try and promote people to go on protests..
the trolll of all this is the ones that promote 'scandemic' want the protests and riots to trigger government reaction to then try to make the government implement stricter rules.

i said this many weeks ago. and it seems idiots dont realise they are the cause of their own restriction.

if someone asks to nicely to stand 2metres apart and try to get food delivered rather then try dry humping every person in a store.. life would be peaceful.
but no.. idiots GET TOLD(yes its not their original thought they are repeating other idiots) to go against helpful advice. which then makes government need to intervene more for the protection of the majority that are trying to be safe.

idiots dont think for themselves and just allow themselves to be swayed by some media article that has subliminally or not so subtly told them what to do.

these idiots are easy to spot because they use certain buzzwords that are popular in certain troll/media sources. you can tell because if you question them they cant come up with a independent answer or even a well researched answer. they just want to copy and paste someone else's opinion.

these idiots should never be allowed in a new nation designed for be 'worth a shit'

people that think these riots are about racism dont realise its mostly white fox news viewers that get angry.
its organised by 'for profit' trolls that need donations for their brand.

but i bet the idiots reading this wont realise this is about them. they wont even have the brain cell required to realise their mistakes, and realise its time they change. but instead. have that angry itch desperate to hit the reply button and play the victim card

so if your still reading this. dont reply. just realise your post history contains alot of this scripted buzzword crap of troll rhetoric from someone else's thoughts. and realise you need to stop and take some time to actually have an original thought.

remember. other people have been telling you to risk your criminal record, your health, your employment by telling you that you should protest/riot. but i bet you wont see them standing next to you. they will stay comfortable in their faux media studio or in their basement typing away.

so again dont reply. just dont be part of the sheep nation. then and only then will you start to see the nation thats worth a crap. (when you stop being part of the idiot nation)

heres some more advice
if hospitals are filing up with new patients with a new disease. but you prefer to read scripts that its a scam.. the thing your reading is the scam.
if your seeing someone die due to a cop. but you prefer to read scripts about historical events 70 years ago as the cause. what your reading is the scam.
if your being told to risk your health, being told to risk getting a criminal record, being told that while no one has ever shot at you. to buy a gun and threaten to shoot people. what your reading is a scam.

media is prolongated sense, unfortunately...

So far it seems that the two best bets might be Switzerland and Iceland.  Sweden at least did the right thing vis-a-vis lockdowns, but they are so overloaded with their own set of deficiencies predating the scamdemic that I wouldn't really consider it.

Don't know much about the situation in Iceland but Switzerland used to be consider a safe haven especially with their banking system, until they were pressured into submission by the international Jewish lobby supported by the US.

The same lobby is now trying to put pressure on Poland.

In both cases the media was trying to show Jews as victims and countries that hold this former Jewish property as debtors, which they were not.
According to the international law, abandoned property is taken over by the state.
The case proves that your property can be taken away from you if enough outside pressure is put on your country, even when a country used to be seen as safe and independent like Switzerland.

As for Swedes, they showed no spine during the migrant crisis. They do what the Union demands of them.

In some ways all nations are deteriorating somewhat. But Switzerland still has some great thinkers. Andreas Kalcker is one of these He has clarified the cure for Covid for us


Switzerland seems nice on paper, but in the end you are still in the middle of Europe. They are tying to be something else but in the end just the very similar to the EU.

Iceland is very wealthy, and very remote. I think it's a good place to step back from the craziness in the world. No wonder Bobby Fisher choose that country to chill out  Cheesy Depends if you are into a cold place or prefer the sun. Also on how much money you have, which languages to speak.

In the end if the developed nations keep failling, I would prefer an island in the middle America or South America. You definitely get more for your money, but with a higher security reason.

St. Helena would be perfectly remote and a much better climate.

icelanders also will get pissed of, about foreigners exploiting their isolation from the madness of the broken third world.

[moderator's note: consecutive posts merged]
764  Other / Politics & Society / Re: racist cnn hides behind police it has backstabed for decades on: May 30, 2020, 01:25:36 PM
They should have just let them burn the place down, they helped create this situation with their rage bait after all.

ofc they did, police shouldn have protected racist cnn,

it backstabs police runs a witchhunt on them, russia could easily spark an americawide outrge with a black and a white actor one dressing as policeman in the us, and retard cnn would spread it and start nationwide discussion on racism
765  Other / Politics & Society / racist cnn hides behind police it has backstabed for decades on: May 30, 2020, 12:25:15 PM

racist cnn gets trashed by the supposed flyod mob,

and calls police for its own protection which it has backstabbed for decades.

even in the current case it generalises the brutality of a single policeman and spreads suspicions he was supposedly racist etc.
766  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Save The People Dying Up With hunger on: May 30, 2020, 09:16:56 AM
Nepal is a poor country and about 40% of the population falls in the hand-to-mouth category. Due to the Corona virus, Nepal government has forced lock-down all over the country without any proper supply of foods. The lock-down has been now for over 60 days and on-going which makes it difficult for poor to survive. Many died due to hunger and more will die than corona virus. So, I stepped forward, formed a community team and helped as many as we can in my local area with the fund we had. During that time, we realized that there are many to be helped and so, I am here asking your help to help us supply them food. Lets join our hands and save as many poor as we can!! Please come forward and support humanity!! Here is a brief youtube-video showing the real Nepal: Please watch this video to feel the real Nepal.

Nepal has 77 districts in total. I want to cover at least Parsa and Bara district for as many days as possible. Food expenditure is around 0.7-1€ per person per day. Around 1.3 million population lives in Parsa and Bara district collectively. Around 40% of that population needs our help immediately. So far, 36 people have done suicide due to hunger according to this news report in Bara, Parsa and Rautahat district However, this number is very less as most of them are not recorded and hence, the real number of death is relatively high. Please help, we need your support!!! Together, we can save some lives!!

Please donate as much as you can. I hope that there is still some humanity left inside us. Bitcoin community banner will be used while distributing foods to the poor.

BTC address: bc1qrd5ekgnx950pqmhkasuzxwffmdhmcsrjcgpmya

Eth address: 0xd5A86117FeB1C1c147B801ECA789f8746Ccc9904

Eth tokens: 0xd5A86117FeB1C1c147B801ECA789f8746Ccc9904

feeding starving africans is completely pointless they have destroyed the productive infrastructure that once fed them, stop wasting your ressources on them, listen to the muslims, serve no one but god, cheers!!!
767  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 30, 2020, 08:45:44 AM
We don't need no stinkin' cops to protect us... except from ourselves.

So in a sense, you agree to a no authority type of environment or in political context, an anarchy type of society.  Given a situation that there is no one that would enforce authority except ourselves, what about those who cant do that (people who cant defend their homes because they only have a knife and the looters have an AR-15). Do those people who cant protect themselves deserves to be looted? Do Target corporation deserve what happened to one of their branches because of the riot?

such an environment will not exist, its not possible, there is always a pyramid of power, in whatever form. besides all worthly authority is false anyway ultimately god is in power.

I do not mean to insult or disrespect in any way but lets not put religion in the equation. I am just arguing on the statement that he gave and the sources that he provided. I certainly agree upon your claim that such environment would not exist. We need authority for the better good of the society. Although from what this incident has brought, authority was abused and should be voiced out. 

well trying to build the perfect state doesn't work because people abuse that mindset and destroy that state sooner or later like we can see with europe and the us.

listening to people is wrong in my oppinion because the people are corrupt and greedy, and they destroy all goodness to the general group (communism) for their personal gain (capitalism)

768  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 30, 2020, 06:43:57 AM
We don't need no stinkin' cops to protect us... except from ourselves.

So in a sense, you agree to a no authority type of environment or in political context, an anarchy type of society.  Given a situation that there is no one that would enforce authority except ourselves, what about those who cant do that (people who cant defend their homes because they only have a knife and the looters have an AR-15). Do those people who cant protect themselves deserves to be looted? Do Target corporation deserve what happened to one of their branches because of the riot?

such an environment will not exist, its not possible, there is always a pyramid of power, in whatever form. besides all worthly authority is false anyway ultimately god is in power.
769  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 30, 2020, 04:59:38 AM
I am not black but I understand their pain and fear for their lives on how they are treated .

The man was killed because of such a simple crime and there was no hard evidence for the crime while the other criminal who murder 9 people was arrested peacefully?

But I also agree that some are using this as excuse to loot on others and I also doesn't get the point of it.

the difference is that if you are soft on black people you encourage more crime. look what europes soft threatment of migration crime on black people gave them? only migrant crisis.

thats why there are 2 systems and they rightwise exist.

you so callled "anti racism" idiots are so out of touch with reality
Out of touch ? for real so I guess you are one of those who strongly supports racism who thinks they are more better because of their skin color or their nation?
Are you even human to start with? you are suggesting that it is okay to kill them base on their color and threat them as if they are criminal just because of their color or nationality?
Shame on you not on us who see all as a human being.

P.S try to dig harder and you would find that it isn't the first time that the officer has done it before there are also some other issue that he has been involved and killed black people.

nope i am 100% antiracist, those blacks that constantly demand stuff from other people playing the race card are the true racists,

why are people of other races like in greece forced to care for black migrants instead of their own children, the blacks try to achieve a global genocide with their begging, they want everyone to care about them but be lazy gangbangers themselves this way people of other race like for example in germany have constantly to care about black people instead of their own children,

the joke is that there is stil retarded left wing media in the west that still supports those racist savages and doesnt see the racism they are doing.

black people cannot be satisfied, they will always try to demand more, and if you throw a bunch of wolfpeople of crab people into their midst, they become discriminatory racists themselves.

an officer killing black people isn't something abnormal it is part of his jobs to hunt all types of criminals black white whatever, what you are begging for is to get rid of all police officers if they kill "black" people

and secondly the protesters commited a crime they punished all policemen for the supposedly crime/racism/brutalty of a single policemen, they generalised like racists one white policemen is racist so all must be racist.

i hope they will get an extreme punishement for their crimes. and racists like you will be block of spreading their nonsense.

PS: biden is a populist retard
770  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 29, 2020, 04:58:55 PM
We don't need no stinkin' cops to protect us... except from ourselves.

Armed residents defend Minneapolis store as looting follows George Floyd protests

Watch the video at

This one doesn't seem especially fake and staged to me.  The two guys seemws to be sensitive to certain basic PR issues but not working to some sort of a script, and they didn't say anything especially outrageous.

These guys are the way the American militia is supposed to be. They are supposed to be common people rising up and doing what is right, even if they look a bit rough on the outside. When Americans get enough of government, will they do like the people of the French Revolution?


those people aren't common american's they are just a bunch of leftists haters losers and deplorables.
771  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 29, 2020, 02:47:49 PM

exactly my speech, no one knows weather the policemen was a racist, maybe he was simply a brutal guy, or a bad instructed policement, but america's crazy politicians accused him still of racism fired him and disqualified itself.
Apparently some of the officers involved, including the one with his knee on his neck had a history of using excessive force, including to the extent that the city had settled with some of the people they used excessive force on.

I don’t know if there was a pattern of using excessive force against black people, or if he was just power drunk (or if he had poor training). Those that default to saying the incident was related to race solely because the officer was white and the man was black should be strongly condemned.  

well thats a matter for research, but typical for cnn, cnn accuses now entire policing in america to be racist just because of one policemen who wasnt even racist but simply brutal and bad instructed.

this proves again the racist nature of cnn, when will this media junk finally get shut down.

but we also have to add that the population that is being policed in the usa is not cooperative like in germany it is extremly aggressive. so police has to make its point all the time, so businesses can work.

without policing there is no economy
772  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump is planning to shut down Twitter or at least control it. on: May 29, 2020, 12:29:28 PM
Personally, I think Trump is overstepping his authority. If he sets the precedent that a president can jump in and control a company, where is the limit? Why won't he jump in with his troops and regulate your life, like Communism, right in your house?

Regarding Twitter, it doesn't bother me what Twitter does. You birdbrains out there can tweet around all day long. If you don't like what Twitter is doing, quit using it. Or do you think that politics tells the truth better than Twitter?


us government is the government of the us, if a company becomes to influential, a government wouldn't be one if it would continue to be passive.

many liberal social media institutions in the west have been soft since a long time.

europe got literally punished for having a soft police on minorities.

Eastern Europe has Communism. Good, right?     Cool

jes but that doesn't mean they will accept migrants, they think those migrants are racists

Many countries accept migrants, even if they are racist. All you are saying is that they are country racist by not accepting migrants who they think are racist.

If the people don't do it themselves, the country isn't going to survive. Get rid of the police, and let the people do their own policing.


why? thats nonsense, and less efficient, a professional police can be much more efficent and productive than a bunch of crop farming people.

besides people doing their own policing will end up in anarchy and the law of the strongest like in wilderness.

developed societies have specialisations and professinals in order to be more productive
773  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump is planning to shut down Twitter or at least control it. on: May 29, 2020, 12:22:34 PM
The solution is too easy:

IFF Jewtube and Twatter censor ANYTHING at all THEN they are responsible for EVERYTHING put on their platform if it has been on-line for long enough for even one person to view it.  This because if they are editing content at all then they are not a neutral service provider and should not get the (very legitimate) legal indemnification associate with that role.

There is a movement afoot to make the internet no longer a 'real time' system.  Any content needs to be checked by AI and/or hall monitoring nannys before it can go live.  This is being pushed by the ADL to address the anti-semitism which, as we all can see, is so rampant in society that goyim without sufficient social credit scores will not be granted real-time privileges.  So, if Joogle, Twatter, and Facefuck want to go into 'content-check delay' mode, that's fine with me.  I don't and never did use their shitware platforms anyway because anyone who had their eyes open for the last several decades could see where this thing is going.

whoever then codes that AI will brainkill enslave entire generations till they rebell against it.
774  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump is planning to shut down Twitter or at least control it. on: May 29, 2020, 12:21:40 PM
Personally, I think Trump is overstepping his authority. If he sets the precedent that a president can jump in and control a company, where is the limit? Why won't he jump in with his troops and regulate your life, like Communism, right in your house?

Regarding Twitter, it doesn't bother me what Twitter does. You birdbrains out there can tweet around all day long. If you don't like what Twitter is doing, quit using it. Or do you think that politics tells the truth better than Twitter?


us government is the government of the us, if a company becomes to influential, a government wouldn't be one if it would continue to be passive.

many liberal social media institutions in the west have been soft since a long time.

europe got literally punished for having a soft police on minorities.

Eastern Europe has Communism. Good, right?     Cool

jes but that doesn't mean they will accept migrants, they think those migrants are racists
775  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump is planning to shut down Twitter or at least control it. on: May 29, 2020, 11:20:44 AM
Personally, I think Trump is overstepping his authority. If he sets the precedent that a president can jump in and control a company, where is the limit? Why won't he jump in with his troops and regulate your life, like Communism, right in your house?

Regarding Twitter, it doesn't bother me what Twitter does. You birdbrains out there can tweet around all day long. If you don't like what Twitter is doing, quit using it. Or do you think that politics tells the truth better than Twitter?


us government is the government of the us, if a company becomes to influential, a government wouldn't be one if it would continue to be passive.

many liberal social media institutions in the west have been soft since a long time.

europe got literally punished for having a soft police on minorities.
776  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 29, 2020, 09:53:27 AM
those riots sparked by the police violence are now the true racists.

the memory in george flyod will be very destructive for black communities, as these will get have a forgery criminal as a hero

also there was an extreme generalisation of a policeman, with all police.
777  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 29, 2020, 09:38:00 AM
The amount of racism on social media against non-black people in response to this incident is appalling.

It is also disgusting how much certain politicians are trying to take advantage of the situation for their political benefit. These politicians are making race relations worse for their own political benefit.

I am not even aware of any evidence the excessive use of force was race related.

The people that are rioting and looting are doing damage to their own community (assuming they live in the area, which many of them don’t) and will only drive businesses away, and costs up for residents.

exactly my speech, no one knows weather the policemen was a racist, maybe he was simply a brutal guy, or a bad instructed policement, but america's crazy politicians accused him still of racism fired him and disqualified itself.
778  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 29, 2020, 09:36:32 AM
I am not black but I understand their pain and fear for their lives on how they are treated .

The man was killed because of such a simple crime and there was no hard evidence for the crime while the other criminal who murder 9 people was arrested peacefully?

But I also agree that some are using this as excuse to loot on others and I also doesn't get the point of it.

the difference is that if you are soft on black people you encourage more crime. look what europes soft threatment of migration crime on black people gave them? only migrant crisis.

thats why there are 2 systems and they rightwise exist.

you so callled "anti racism" idiots are so out of touch with reality
779  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 29, 2020, 09:34:49 AM

The 'killing' of Floyd looked fake as hell to me.

American society in particular has been conditioned as well as possible for 'race wars' as the (mostly Jewish) social engineers have long identified as being a useful tool.  Brzezinski,  Alinsky, etc.

Everything is under control and going according to plan my friends.  Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

usa has been in a race war since native americans started it, that where unhappy that they were not able to live in less than 1 person per squarekm
780  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Riots after Death of Man in Minneapolis Police Custody on: May 29, 2020, 09:33:04 AM
If you haven't seen, a black man named George Floyd was detained by Minneapolis police and died while an officer had his knee placed on the back of his neck.

Video here -

The police claimed that George Floyd was arrested after defrauding a business through forgery and resisted. This has prompted protests which quickly turned violent in multiple cities.

U.S. President Donald Trump reported that the Justice Department will be taking a look through an FBI investigation -

Here are some clips of the rioting -

Lady gets assaulted while defending a Target from getting looted.
U.S. Bank gets looted.
California Highway Patrol Officers Attacked.
Entire Target Store looted.

I'm not sure what the purpose of looting is nor do I see violent protests ever bridging the racial divide. The FBI is involved in an investigation so it's not like this matter is being brushed off. Violent protests across multiple U.S cities is reminiscent of the LA riots in 1992 or the Ferguson Missouri riots. Definitely looks like an overuse of force by the video and I imagine the officer that was involved will face some sort of charges. The Minneapolis police has fired the 4 officers that were involved in the arrest. Rioting is sheer stupidity and seems to always be the knee jerk reaction.

accusing the man of racism showes again the stupidity and witchhunt nature of the usa, the policeman might have been just a brutal guy.
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