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241  Economy / Speculation / Re: Will this stack make me a USD millionaire? on: May 05, 2024, 09:40:58 AM
I don't feel like 2025 is the year for bitcoin and that you'd be able to hit that million by that year with just 7 bitcoins, I'd say that it will be around 2030 or higher before you can hit that number, maybe you also need to focus on other things too, there's the fact that you can have that USD if it's enough to try and get yourself to move to a country that has a really favorable exchange rate with USD like the tropical countries in Asia, South America or maybe even in some Caribbean countries, find other ways to make money not just your work to increase your bitcoin investment and you can easily reach millions in USD if you do that.
242  Economy / Speculation / Re: What is going to happen with Bitcoin now? on: May 05, 2024, 09:06:40 AM
Don't look at it in the short-term, bitcoin will bounce back even higher, think of the negative things that are happening to the bitcoin market as a bowstring of a bow and bitcoin price is the arrow, the more intense the pull is going to be then the more higher that the arrow will shoot out and sometimes the bowstring pulling takes a long time to get release that some people don't want to see it anymore but that's the mistake because bitcoin always eventually pumps in prices no matter how much the negativity is going on for now. Bitcoin will continue to grow and there's not much those negative stuff can do about it, those will all be over in months and then bitcoin will recover, don't make the mistake of listening to fud spread by people who hate bitcoin, they're not going to get anything out of it and you'll lose everything when you listen to them.
243  Economy / Economics / Re: Economic Implications of War on Individuals on: May 05, 2024, 07:51:58 AM
- do you have any survival tips during war period?
- are there any business that I can do during a period of war so as to sustain my family? Can I still budget, save and earn in Bitcoin?
- What is the economic impacts on individuals with families and how do I sustain them during war period.
  • At the very start of the war if you can do it and you've got the money, do your best to seek asylum as quickly as possible but this will only be a thing that you should do when you're directly affected by the war erupting, if you're not affected at all or the proximity is too far, probably stay calm and watch the news update to the developments of the conflict, maybe stock up on non-perishable foods to make sure that your family won't be starving or something like that.
  • The best business that you can do is transportation or logistic services but that comes with the risk that you'll get caught in the cross fire because the higher the pay, the higher the risk that you'll have your services requested on the frontlines.
  • Normal movement of the market is going to be affected the most, once your in that state, there's little thing that you can do, if you've prepared for it before the war started near you or in your country then you wouldn't worry too much about this and you'd probably need to learn how to manage what's given to you when the rationing starts.
244  Economy / Economics / Re: Take care of your money and learn to save. on: May 05, 2024, 07:16:08 AM
Don't learn to save, learn to invest because that's much better than just letting your money stagnate in your bank account when there's the potential that it can grow when you invest it into something, remember that if you're presented the opportunity to invest especially if it's crypto, just go ahead and take it, there's no harm in going for that and it's probably much better for you to do it anyway. Regarding taking care of your money, best thing to do is to spend on your needs first then splurge just a little on your wants, remember that life isn't always about money, and if you don't live a little using the money that you earn, you're probably susceptible to break down and depression that would affect your life in the worst of ways, and you can prevent that if you just live a little.
245  Economy / Economics / Re: Ever dreamt of turning your passion into profit? on: May 05, 2024, 06:39:56 AM
As much as I like that idea, I really don't want to do that because I'm going to be seeing that I'd be hating that passion no matter how much I'd love that, money is a pollutant in my opinion and if I'm doing something that I'm passionate about then that means that I want some peace of mind and that will never become a thing when people order the stuff that I do for fun when I decide to make a profit out of it, sure there are some passionate people that would be able to turn it into a profit but I'm the kind that would rather starve than take away what makes my life more chill and bearable. There's also the fact that not all passion filled hobbies are profitable in the long-term anyway.
246  Economy / Economics / Re: Money and wealth is Energy know this first on: May 05, 2024, 05:53:10 AM
I mean honestly who would not want to gain wealth at a faster rate? We all want to be rich and we all want to be rich right now. If I had some chance to get rich right this very moment I would take it with no hesitation.
Which proves my point that if there's an easy money opportunity that presents to us, it's not right for us to do some kind of hesitation or setting aside just because we've been conditioned to believe that easy money is too good to be true. Good thinking that when there's the opportunity, you'd take it, that's how it should be anyways.

We all want faster wealth but greed will only just put us below the land. Especially with holding, it’s really a test of time and patience. You can gain a lot but it won’t be fast so I understand if it can be frustrating at times.
Obviously that's going to be the case, it's called patience after all, that means that it's going to take a long time and a lot of hard work to be able to see some kind of success, there's no way that you don't want that to be the case that when you wait and there's nothing there for you. Yes, we want the faster wealth but my point isn't to take all of that opportunity because some of them are really too good to be true and are likely scams, that's why I advocate to be smart about it and not just choosing willy-nilly.
247  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: The reason why you shouldn't force someone to invest in bitcoin. on: May 04, 2024, 11:53:49 PM
It's pretty obvious why you shouldn't force someone to invest in bitcoin and I think that it's the same for almost any kind of interaction, it would also make you the bad person in the conversation because you'd get some kind of manipulative vibes and people really don't like it when you dictate what they should be doing since it's totally unhinge and stupid. Also, forcing someone to invest in bitcoin is kind of like using the same polarity of magnets, the more you try to force them then the more likely it is to go away so be careful how you do the convincing because there's a thin line between forcing and introducing. You need to make sure that you're not also that obsessed about them investing, that's creepy.
248  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Why do casinos require users to verify their identity through a KYC policy? on: May 04, 2024, 04:51:16 PM
Here's some of the reasons that I can think of:
  • They might be preventing the use of multiple accounts which can lead to the abuse of bonuses and privileges, casinos are dealing with money after all, it's a bad idea to not be a vigilant business owner for something like this.
  • This should've been the first because this is the biggest reason but I'm half drunk right now, they do KYC to prevent potential money laundering being committed in their website/casino, after all when they don't prevent it, they're going to be the one that's going to be squished in the middle during the prosecution. Launderers use mules to fake bets and gamble a little and then bring out the money that's left to make it look like you've quit gambling on your first, second, or third gamble and once they let it through that, they're going to consider it as a clean money.

There's probably more that I've never mentioned but this two are the major ones that came at the top of my head reading at this thread.
249  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Double your money and quite on: May 04, 2024, 04:14:38 PM
It seems too easy to say when we talk about doubling the money we had from winning gambling but in reality we do the opposite I mean instead of stopping, we chase our losses. 😅 This is what was commonly had happened and maybe still happening right now. Most of the time I can see gamblers doubling their losses rather than doubling their winnings and that's quite accurate than the other one.
Exactly, they make it seem like it's easy to double your initial money in gambling when literally every game that's available for you to play to is almost always have their odds stacked against you, it's really weird for people to keep on fantasizing about doing these strategies when there's no chance that they've probably done it or that they've made it, most people that say this don't provide the proof which is weird, shouldn't you be providing that automatically since you're confident about it?

Don't get me started on chasing losses, that's the biggest thing for newbie gamblers, they thought that their last game that has given them a small win is a signal for them to continue playing when in reality it's a trap.
250  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: In Your Country Who Gamble More? Young Ones or Elderly Ones on: May 04, 2024, 03:27:05 PM
Such a polarizing question, where's the middle aged ones? I'm sure that if you add it, they're definitely the highest number of the gambling population in my country but if it were only the two, I'd say that it's the elderly, we may see more young people gambling on the streets but they're not that many, you just see the same kid probably gambling on different places, elderly gamblers do it in casinos, they do their thing where they can get their drinks, enjoy the ambience and if they're the perverted old man kind, touch the butts of hostesses in the casino, basically sexually assaulting them, plus the elderly got more money because most of them if not all are pensioners.
251  Economy / Economics / Re: Also consider your mental State of health while investing for wealths. on: May 04, 2024, 09:22:54 AM
Whatever you stated is all common sense op. However, most people invest without thinking about their mental health for even a second thanks to their desperation to earn more money as soon as possible.

The ones who wisely consider their mental health when making big financial decisions are part of the minority based on what I observed.
Not going to say you're wrong but those desperate people in my opinion are quiet a few in between, there's not a lot of them over the years, maybe when bitcoin first started pumping in price, it was the case but now at the present times? I don't think that's the case anymore, people have learned and they know exactly that there's risk involved in investments, the people that are desperate for money have stopped coming to invest because they don't want to make the same mistake again, they're the people that have been slandering bitcoin as a dud and the same people that will hear about their misfortune with bitcoin that have the same mindset as them wouldn't even step foot into bitcoin investing in the the first place.
252  Economy / Economics / Re: Russian ruble is scam on: May 04, 2024, 08:05:13 AM
Even if it defaults, the influence of Kremlin is still there and Russia will continue to be one of the superpower nations, the people will starve but it's not a big deal for Putin as long as he's alive, I'm sure that there's going to be more defaults in the near future, that's how they reset things right?

Why did the USA lie to the Soviet leader in 1990 when Reagan promised to Gorbachov that NATO would not expand to the east? They lied to him and now the US was implementing a plan to install military bases in Ukraine. Do you know anything about it? 
At this point, I don't think that matters anymore, if US didn't plan to build these bases, we'd probably see Russia invading Ukraine anyway and not to mention that it was a promise between Gorbachev and not with Putin, Putin wanted to claim the lost lands of the Soviet Union but that's impossible because those lands that he's claiming have their own sovereignty so Russia is still in the wrong here.
253  Economy / Economics / Re: Personal Financial Goals vs Government expectations! on: May 04, 2024, 05:30:37 AM
If you use any of the public infrastructures and you benefit in some level to the programs that are hosted by the government and you think that your government is doing just fine and they're not incompetent and corrupt then paying your taxes is probably a fine thing to do, it should always come with your financial goals, after all, it's only fair that you give back to your society one way or the other when you're getting a lot of money. Another thing that you can probably do is to give back through your taxes. Unless you're a goddamn money laundering genius or you're part of a money laundering conspiracy, you can't really avoid taxes, as the saying goes, there's only two things that a man can't avoid in their life: death and taxes.
254  Economy / Economics / Re: M2 money supply turns positive on: May 04, 2024, 04:37:24 AM
Well, as this man has said in the interview, we have an infinite amount of money and the federal reserve would never lose a lot of money. I guess that's to be expected if your country is currently funding two wars and you want to make sure that you're getting the best interest and testing all your new weapon systems there to later sold it at a really big profit, they've run out of taxpayers money a long time ago so I'm not really that surprised that they're doing it again after all, why would you not abuse that glitch when the money that you're borrowing comes from your own reserve right? That's why the US can get away with that trillions of debt without getting to the point that they're going to collapse as a country.

Source: Yahoo Finance
255  Economy / Economics / Re: Is Inflation Necessary on: May 04, 2024, 03:04:10 AM
For me, I don't think so, it's just that I don't see how inflation can benefit any of us right? Raising the prices of goods is just the reason why stocks are a profitable thing, because without inflation, their market value would stay the same and they would have the same amount of money in terms of value with everyone and rich people don't want that to happen. Imagine if there's a fixed price on everything consumable, it would be a paradise for us normal working people because our salary would be enough to buy ourselves the basic needs that we desperately need during the times when inflation was non-existent. It might also be argued that inflation (if controlled) is a sign of economic growth in a country but the only reason that you'd want the country to grow is to gain influence over other countries, you've got more money means that you can buy more bigger favors.
256  Economy / Economics / Re: Starting a business without capital. on: May 04, 2024, 02:22:54 AM
If you've got the bravado and the confidence to be able to talk to people and sell them something without making them feel irritated of you, you're probably going to make money with affiliate marketing, the only problem with this one is that not everyone can do this even those that want to become a businessman, they will have a hard time and affiliate marketing isn't for everybody anyway. Also, why would you want to start at something when it's much more easier to have the basic requirements, not everything in life is about taking the difficult path, if the easy path that will make your success more likely shows up, shouldn't you grab that opportunity? I think that there's been an epidemic of being allured that hard work equals success, that's not going to be the case in this economy and current state of the world.
257  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: 2v1 MMA fight? on: May 03, 2024, 11:27:51 PM
That's interesting to watch but it's definitely an unfair match, there's no way that any prominent promotion will promote it though. Maybe the new and upcoming fighting promotions will do it though, I've seen some fighting club do this but it's a free for all match where they put in a lot of fighters in the octagon, not sure if that's true but I've seen it featured in one of those Facebook pages.
258  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Israil Madrimov vs Terrence Crawford on: May 03, 2024, 03:36:36 PM
It's good that Terrence is exploring territory after beating Spence right now Terrence has a level of invincibility, he was so perfect in his fight against Spence if he shows the same form as he did against Errol Israil will be in big trouble.
Terrence is already 36 years he should be more aggressive to establish his legacy and a fight with the Charlos will establish his legacy and if a possible fight with Canelo is something to look forward to in the future.
Madrimov isn't an opponent that Terrence will have to underestimate, his demeanor and fighting style in my opinion looks like the kind that deceives you into thinking that you're going to beat it, plus his power seems to be much more than Terrence so I'm still on the neutral when it comes to this one, seems to me that this is going to be big fight though, really good line ups to the main event, I'm excited for the Latin fighters because it seems to me that there's going to be resurgence of more Latin fighters after all these years.
259  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: World female football. on: May 02, 2024, 11:31:54 PM
Totally agree with you on that one, we do need a thread here that talks about women's sports but there's one problem and it's not everyone's fault or something like that, the problem is that people don't really care about women's sport, I don't watch WNBA or Women's Baseball, maybe there's some people that do watch it but there's not a lot of them anyway, my point is that women's sports as much as I hate to say it, is uninteresting to many people here in the forum, maybe if you do start a thread about it, you might get lucky and people will talk about it but that's my general feeling about this thing.
260  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Streamers using demo account on: May 02, 2024, 04:40:37 PM
Totally true, remember the time when a CS:GO skin website was being promoted by Jake Paul or Logan Paul, I can't exactly remember but they did this promotion where you get to spend money to spin roulette so you can win some expensive in-game skins and then it ended up getting exposed that they've got a different account where it's guaranteed that you would get those expensive skins and then it ended with a lot of kids getting scammed by this website and the streamers and influencers that promoted them getting flamed for what they've done to deceive their viewers.
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