
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
The Cryptocurrency never sleep
December 26, 2017, 12:10:29 AM |
This scary correction has finished.HODL
 In some of my monitors I see that VERGE is from an hour that is doing + 13.65% and I'm not never scared 
Donate XVG D81b7RwqrG6jmiRPzLmGDubDYxvqL4kL2r BTC 1cE98SsJKpFADdDLsAsJ429fRK67dWKoN

Activity: 210
Merit: 11
Try again
December 26, 2017, 12:22:01 AM |
hype XVG this time
Full Member
Activity: 146
Merit: 102
Invest into $XVG $PND $PAC $LDOGE
December 26, 2017, 12:26:19 AM |
Fake news about that developer theam left the project just on days when everybody offline for christmas a prepared action, that helped some whales to buy all panic sellers coins.
Christmas is time when devs also what to have some time for themselfs and can't answer so quickly.
Invest into $XVG $PND $PAC $LDOGE created by people changing the world and unchaining money for freedom and privacy
Do not support Premined ANTI-coins like $XRP $XLM $ADA $TRX $IOTA killing FREEDOM of money
December 26, 2017, 12:31:22 AM |
Watching all these fake news about dev leaving the project 2 months ago makes me laugh... Shows how easy it is to manipulate the market, especially when there's lots of uneducated, weak-handed people believing anything coming their way. Will see how it turns out eventually.
December 26, 2017, 12:32:50 AM |
Verge is dropping like a rock! Back down to 5 cents is where its headed, hahaha
Says the guy who few days ago was asking what bounties and airdrops are ( link )  Your opinion is worth nothing. Ignored. The FUD in here is amazing. Whats with the sudden deluge of people knocking coins in their own ANN's?? 

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
The Cryptocurrency never sleep
December 26, 2017, 12:43:34 AM |
I think MCAFEE want tu switch money from XVG TO NAV or SIA   What do you know about a wheat field? To me it does not seem that it is not a great Farmer one who collects before the ripe wheat ah ah ah ah
Donate XVG D81b7RwqrG6jmiRPzLmGDubDYxvqL4kL2r BTC 1cE98SsJKpFADdDLsAsJ429fRK67dWKoN

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
The Cryptocurrency never sleep
December 26, 2017, 12:51:37 AM |
24H 1H 7D
18 Verge $2.639.444.833 $0,203416 $544.548.000 14.390.483.017 XVG -25,86% +32,15 +222,45
Donate XVG D81b7RwqrG6jmiRPzLmGDubDYxvqL4kL2r BTC 1cE98SsJKpFADdDLsAsJ429fRK67dWKoN
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 12:53:45 AM |
Again perfect time to buy, its a solid project and whales know it, they just try to benefit as much as they can, buy not before gets 30 cents.. 1 dollar end of january.
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 12:54:28 AM |
fckkkkk i sold all mine in panic and had a huge losssss .....
How does it feel now did you buy the garbage back ? You just have to hold buddy or not buy at all  I think the Project is lost but hey still lots of pump left somebody just made a lot of money I guess  To bad is was not me
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 01:01:22 AM |
I got in around 55 sats only 2 weeks ago and was lucky to sell most of it around 2k. Bought back at 800 now and don´t regret it at all.. don´t know much about the project other than it´s making my bags heavy
December 26, 2017, 01:12:19 AM |
im so sorry my xvg-mg pool was mining wrong chain few hours we are try to fix it now please waiting a moment we will back quickly thx
December 26, 2017, 01:14:28 AM |
I got in around 55 sats only 2 weeks ago and was lucky to sell most of it around 2k. Bought back at 800 now and don´t regret it at all.. don´t know much about the project other than it´s making my bags heavy Nice work  I did similar and filled my bag up good during this dip 
Activity: 19
Merit: 2
December 26, 2017, 01:21:32 AM |
Hi guys, it's my first post in this thread and forum. at this point, if I sell, I'll loose about 40% of my btc money. it breaks my heart but I'm fine with it. it's the best way to learn. I would like to find what went wrong so I would like to ask some questiones: 1. is this project alive and real? 2. where do people get news about dev didn't communicate with team for 2 months and the marketing team quiting? (any official info) is it possible? with all the news and gaines of this coin - it happend maybe week ago? so why 2 months? yes I know I could send them a message but if the're bunch of crooks such information would be useless 3. last but not least - why wraith protocol isn't mentioned in the road map on the official site? that's scares me most. or I'm seeing wrong or it's called different in the road map? if anyone is so kind to reply please reply your information with it's source so I know yor not a troll and don't want to me to sell you cheap coin. atm vere large amount of volume is bought cheaply so for now I'll HODL but anyone has some instight? sorry about my grammar 
December 26, 2017, 02:32:05 AM |
Hi guys, it's my first post in this thread and forum. at this point, if I sell, I'll loose about 40% of my btc money. it breaks my heart but I'm fine with it. it's the best way to learn. I would like to find what went wrong so I would like to ask some questiones: 1. is this project alive and real? 2. where do people get news about dev didn't communicate with team for 2 months and the marketing team quiting? (any official info) is it possible? with all the news and gaines of this coin - it happend maybe week ago? so why 2 months? yes I know I could send them a message but if the're bunch of crooks such information would be useless 3. last but not least - why wraith protocol isn't mentioned in the road map on the official site? that's scares me most. or I'm seeing wrong or it's called different in the road map? if anyone is so kind to reply please reply your information with it's source so I know yor not a troll and don't want to me to sell you cheap coin. atm vere large amount of volume is bought cheaply so for now I'll HODL but anyone has some instight? sorry about my grammar  You sir deserve a good response, not one I can really give but I will try Please forgive the Dev as I am sure that with the current rise in Altcoins he may be enjoying some time off utilizing the profits that he has gained thru his continuing support. the dev of this coin saw some problems with Doge that was searching to be in the spotlight and seeking some type of regulation for doge coin (my own interpretation) and launched this fork to be a decentralized alternative for Doge users of the time and to bring a low transaction time & low fee coin to the bitcoin community, many many community members embraced the idea and structure of the coin and it has remained a good coin for years, the Dev has not stopped putting time into the coin's future (although it could hold its own exactly as it is), I may not have been a supporter when it began but am 100% behind Verge now, the Dev has shown his support for decentralizing the worlds wealth and I believe that this is no joke, if you are a merchant please begin to accept Verge as a form of payment. 1. The project is alive and real. 2. As a decentralized coin news of it's happening's will only be broadcast when there is solid new's of progress (this is how true decentralized coins do it to keep it from being pumped) 3. Road maps are for the noobs, if it is on a map that you read you could bet that the pumpers will be reading the same thing and it's possible you will get dumped on while your sleeping - I doubt the black doggie is joking about the Wraith protocol, just might be a surprise to you when it show's up if you have no Verge. 4. Do not buy Verge on the pump news, buy it when you can in a diversified crypto investment plan and sell the news when the wraith protocol is integrated. Happy Holiday's!
Send me a message if you need me to respond to a post, or just send me some $ADA in an amount that will get my attention = addr1qx7g7vzjtk9mcljxjy0vnewaljk33m67d227d95rsak8mmjdq5erwjygc05l6vftwdzy9qd3t4 9spl5kw5k6684gfawqw9r87w
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 02:36:21 AM |
Hi guys, it's my first post in this thread and forum. at this point, if I sell, I'll loose about 40% of my btc money. it breaks my heart but I'm fine with it. it's the best way to learn. I would like to find what went wrong so I would like to ask some questiones: 1. is this project alive and real? 2. where do people get news about dev didn't communicate with team for 2 months and the marketing team quiting? (any official info) is it possible? with all the news and gaines of this coin - it happend maybe week ago? so why 2 months? yes I know I could send them a message but if the're bunch of crooks such information would be useless 3. last but not least - why wraith protocol isn't mentioned in the road map on the official site? that's scares me most. or I'm seeing wrong or it's called different in the road map? if anyone is so kind to reply please reply your information with it's source so I know yor not a troll and don't want to me to sell you cheap coin. atm vere large amount of volume is bought cheaply so for now I'll HODL but anyone has some instight? sorry about my grammar  I say it is unlikely that the project is not active. I still have a large VERGE holding and I won't sell, I think it will be $1 sooner than you think, and my gamble is for about $3 somewhere in 2018. Even if the dev got out of the project and the team did not work on VERGE anymore, the current influx of money will be a huge motivation to start on it again and get a new dev, because it proves that the coin will be bought if they just work on it. So even if there is more selling this will turn around in a few months tops. Some time ago I bought 5K NEO @ $50 it then went to the 20's, but I just din't stress, there is SOOOO much money still going in crypto and this will continue for at least months if not years. This means that almost all coins will be higher next year 99% GUARANTEED. You will make money on crypto's if you just buy one of the top 100 coins and just hold it for 1 year. Don't look at the price in between because it will drive you mad and cause you to panic sell. People are greedy so they are chasing the next pop and sell when a coin is not performing. This can work, but can also cost you money. If you want to make money guaranteed, just buy and hold a mix of 5 - 10 of the top 100 coins and you will be fine.
December 26, 2017, 02:39:40 AM |
Hi guys, it's my first post in this thread and forum. at this point, if I sell, I'll loose about 40% of my btc money. it breaks my heart but I'm fine with it. it's the best way to learn. I would like to find what went wrong so I would like to ask some questiones: 1. is this project alive and real? 2. where do people get news about dev didn't communicate with team for 2 months and the marketing team quiting? (any official info) is it possible? with all the news and gaines of this coin - it happend maybe week ago? so why 2 months? yes I know I could send them a message but if the're bunch of crooks such information would be useless 3. last but not least - why wraith protocol isn't mentioned in the road map on the official site? that's scares me most. or I'm seeing wrong or it's called different in the road map? if anyone is so kind to reply please reply your information with it's source so I know yor not a troll and don't want to me to sell you cheap coin. atm vere large amount of volume is bought cheaply so for now I'll HODL but anyone has some instight? sorry about my grammar  I say it is unlikely that the project is not active. I still have a large VERGE holding and I won't sell, I think it will be $1 sooner than you think, and my gamble is for about $3 somewhere in 2018. Even if the dev got out of the project and the team did not work on VERGE anymore, the current influx of money will be a huge motivation to start on it again and get a new dev, because it proves that the coin will be bought if they just work on it. So even if there is more selling this will turn around in a few months tops. Some time ago I bought 5K NEO @ $50 it then went to the 20's, but I just din't stress, there is SOOOO much money still going in crypto and this will continue for at least months if not years. This means that almost all coins will be higher next year 99% GUARANTEED. You will make money on crypto's if you just buy one of the top 100 coins and just hold it for 1 year. Don't look at the price in between because it will drive you mad and cause you to panic sell. People are greedy so they are chasing the next pop and sell when a coin is not performing. This can work, but can also cost you money. If you want to make money guaranteed, just buy and hold a mix of 5 - 10 of the top 100 coins and you will be fine. Why do you think the Dev is not Active?? Have you missed the recent post's of the black doggie?
Send me a message if you need me to respond to a post, or just send me some $ADA in an amount that will get my attention = addr1qx7g7vzjtk9mcljxjy0vnewaljk33m67d227d95rsak8mmjdq5erwjygc05l6vftwdzy9qd3t4 9spl5kw5k6684gfawqw9r87w
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 02:48:04 AM |
I will buy more and HODL!!!
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 03:30:27 AM |
Will verge wil drop to where it was 2 weeks ago at 55 sat? should i wait till that time to buy more again?
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 03:40:39 AM |
I got in around 55 sats only 2 weeks ago and was lucky to sell most of it around 2k. Bought back at 800 now and don´t regret it at all.. don´t know much about the project other than it´s making my bags heavy awesome as long u make money project is garbage
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
December 26, 2017, 03:53:13 AM |
I have a question regarding trading. I bought XVG from binance yesterday at two differnt rates. Like i bought amounts at the rate of 0.10$ and some more but at the rate of 0.25$. How to distinguish now when am selling which amounts bought at which rate, for example if am selling, i want to sell the amounts i bought at the rate of 0.25$ so i dont miss the ×10 double for the amounts that were bought at the rate of 0.10$ if it reached 1$ at any stage. How to do that or distinguish between them when selling? Plz someone help. Thanks