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Author Topic: Hashrate RX 470  (Read 135082 times)
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September 11, 2017, 10:23:46 AM

is Mvddc that we edit at Polaris (kind like 1050/1100) usable in real life or is it for some gpu only? And what max Mvddc that safe?
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September 22, 2017, 05:59:44 AM

is Mvddc that we edit at Polaris (kind like 1050/1100) usable in real life or is it for some gpu only? And what max Mvddc that safe?

You can't edit it at all - any change does nothing.
I see. Is there any chance we can add more volt to that gpu memory?
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September 24, 2017, 04:22:12 AM

After mod my bios on nitro+ 8gb oc
I only get 26+ M/s
Withoud mod was 22+
How do i get 30 M/s?
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October 02, 2017, 10:37:47 PM

saffire 470 nitro
bios mod 1500 straps up tp 2000
900mv/1100 core
900mv/1750 mem
25.5 hash
when i move mem clock to 2000 i see a decrease in hash rate? 
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October 03, 2017, 08:01:34 AM

After mod my bios on nitro+ 8gb oc
I only get 26+ M/s
Withoud mod was 22+
How do i get 30 M/s?

You need to mod the memory frequency.
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October 13, 2017, 04:35:55 PM

What’s the secret to get the asrock h81 to recognize all 6 gpus in Windows 10?
Have seen merging drivers, converting windows to EUFI from legacy.  Neither has worked for me.

I got 5 saffire rx 470’s running five at 143 mhs at 690 watts. Won’t recognize the 6th card
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October 14, 2017, 02:29:57 AM

What’s the secret to get the asrock h81 to recognize all 6 gpus in Windows 10?
Have seen merging drivers, converting windows to EUFI from legacy.  Neither has worked for me.

I got 5 saffire rx 470’s running five at 143 mhs at 690 watts. Won’t recognize the 6th card

There is no secret. Often the issue is a bad power supply that cannot supply enough power for more than five cards.

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October 21, 2017, 10:56:31 AM

What’s the secret to get the asrock h81 to recognize all 6 gpus in Windows 10?
Have seen merging drivers, converting windows to EUFI from legacy.  Neither has worked for me.

I got 5 saffire rx 470’s running five at 143 mhs at 690 watts. Won’t recognize the 6th card

You may need the 6+GPU mod.
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October 21, 2017, 11:26:16 AM

anyone had try rx 470 without output GPU, in my country only available to buy rx 470 without output
is it any different hashrate with or without output, need advice, thanks

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October 21, 2017, 11:38:44 AM

The AMD mining cards? BBT did a live stream on those.
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October 25, 2017, 06:08:14 PM

My best result so far

ETH only

Sapphire Nitro RX470 4GB x 6

Each Card 25.4MH

Whole Rig 152MH

Power Draw is 640W on the wall

Running for weeks

Hi sir
You have ROM basic memory hynix Rx 470 sapphire 4gb nitro oc??
Please share it here
Very thanks
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November 16, 2017, 11:22:10 AM

I modded my ASUS-RX-470-DC2 4 GB Elpida memory.

ETH: ~28,6 Mh/s,  @1050 CoreClk, @2000 MemClk
XMR: ~774 h/s,     @1050 CoreClk, @2000 MemClk
with 1100 MHz CoreClk the ETH speed is ~29Mh/s, but the power consumption will increase from 110W to 122W.

Donate if you like it !
BCN: 1FWETSVyGEu16iYhNiqfiQcPErttkk9CHm
ETH: 0x3FDC3976147CF1e146fB9e1163C576e11b7016Ab
XMR: 49k3ziCLEi4DFMAS4mc17y7FyPKGNFPPLexue5ohMm5NC2zhhQbu2FH1hHmZtZ8q4i81MMtcCfTgpDb kg9NucKzP5CxDN5m
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February 20, 2018, 07:58:06 PM

Hi guys!

I am new in this and until now I have read all the different discussions regarding these may kind of GPUs RX 470.
I have also just bought my first rig: 6pcs of XFX RX 470 8 Gb (Hynix) - RX-470P85BDB - link with all details here:

The rig is already configured to run SMOS, pool solo mining for ETH.
I have begun this with some money borrow from my friends that I will need to return each month - hope to manage this Smiley

So, after almost a month of testing different ways of OC them to be more stable (only from SMOS OC mode - they do not have Bios mode changed), I have the following feedback and questions:

- The cards seem to work more stable as following: core 1105 and mem 2105, core undervolting at 900 with stage 4 (from SMOS OC Control Panel)101
- They are running all between 27,70 - 27,77 Mh/s at 53°C - 61°C, meaning a total of approximately 166,5 Mh/s. I have also used core 1150 and mem 2150 (total 171 Mh/s) but seems to work more unstable from the pool chart.

* Questions:
- How can I reduce the actual consumption of all of the rig? I have a consumption indicator at the rig alimentation that shows 1050W.
- Is there a possibility to still improve the hashrate without modding the Bios? Being stable at the same time (if somebody has already the experience)
- If modding the Bios, this will allow me to gain both hashrate and reduce power consumption at the same time?

Any other recommendations if someone has the same type of GPUs XFX RX 470 8 Gb (Hynix) - RX-470P85BDB? I will greatly appreciate.

My best regards!
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February 20, 2018, 08:09:55 PM

I have Sapphire Rx 470 4gb Mining Ed. I get a hash rate of 860. I am mining Graft at the moment. Especially Sapphire Mining Edition cards have a very good hash rate.

Also Rx 480 Ref Gpu. Those that come with Dell ready systems also give a very good hash rate.

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March 02, 2018, 12:24:37 AM

I Have a Asus Strix 470 4gb Hynix and with Claymore v11 and PhoenixMiner i get 28.2 MH/s on ETH. Standard timings from 1:1500 to 1:2000 and -68 +20 1150 1960.
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March 29, 2018, 07:50:01 PM

sapphire rx 470 4GB Elpida
30.2 on ETH
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April 27, 2018, 12:10:53 PM

Claymore 11.6, blockchain driver. ASUS RX 470 mining edition hynix got 30.2 MH/s 1169/2050, the same elpida GPU got 29.7 MH/s 1169/2000 (and necessarily powlim 50).
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April 27, 2018, 02:14:16 PM

Hi guys!

I am new in this and until now I have read all the different discussions regarding these may kind of GPUs RX 470.
I have also just bought my first rig: 6pcs of XFX RX 470 8 Gb (Hynix) - RX-470P85BDB - link with all details here:

The rig is already configured to run SMOS, pool solo mining for ETH.
I have begun this with some money borrow from my friends that I will need to return each month - hope to manage this Smiley

So, after almost a month of testing different ways of OC them to be more stable (only from SMOS OC mode - they do not have Bios mode changed), I have the following feedback and questions:

- The cards seem to work more stable as following: core 1105 and mem 2105, core undervolting at 900 with stage 4 (from SMOS OC Control Panel)101
- They are running all between 27,70 - 27,77 Mh/s at 53°C - 61°C, meaning a total of approximately 166,5 Mh/s. I have also used core 1150 and mem 2150 (total 171 Mh/s) but seems to work more unstable from the pool chart.

* Questions:
- How can I reduce the actual consumption of all of the rig? I have a consumption indicator at the rig alimentation that shows 1050W.
- Is there a possibility to still improve the hashrate without modding the Bios? Being stable at the same time (if somebody has already the experience)
- If modding the Bios, this will allow me to gain both hashrate and reduce power consumption at the same time?

Any other recommendations if someone has the same type of GPUs XFX RX 470 8 Gb (Hynix) - RX-470P85BDB? I will greatly appreciate.

My best regards!

Setting the core voltage to 900mv in smOS (linux) does nothing. It doesn't work in linux. You can do it like that in windows and it will work, but to get the power consumption down and the undervolt to work, you have to have the undervolt bios modded into the gpu.. you can get down to 800-900w maybe even less if you undervolt with the bios and mine eth only

And yea if you edit the memory strap timings in the bios you can get increase in hashrate as well as decrease in power consumption.. You can likely get 28.5-30mh/s
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Now the money is free, and so the people will be

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April 27, 2018, 02:22:10 PM

In linux you need ohgodatool or something similar do play around with voltages, etc.  I think ethos has something like that built in.  Use windows unless you have a huge deployment to do.  You can also check out GatelessGateSharp, it modifies the memory timings live without modifying the bios. 
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April 27, 2018, 08:13:17 PM

MSI armor 470 8g hynix - windows 10 - Crimson driver
Calymore 11.6 and before
Eth 30+ MH

Claymore CryptoNote  v11.3
Monero 790 S
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