UPDATE: To answer my own question here. The latest Crimson drivers 16.12 has turn back on the signature checking. So stick with 16.9-16.11. Secondly it appears that over time the amount of overclock on the memory on my RX470 Sapphire 8gb cards has slowed down. This is causing the system to flat not boot. I had to experiment with slower and slower memory timings to get it working again. So still a mild overclock on the memory, but a big decrease from what it was using and working well with. So my ROM's suddenly were not working. Retuned a ROM and have it working for the time being. Have to keep an eye on it to see if I need to tweak it some more.
So if you suddenly start having weird behavior you may need to take another look at your ROM's. I still have another rig happily running on that old ROM. So something to do with the cards not able to handle the same speeds as before.
HELP! I need someone to sanity check me here. I have a rig that I decided to throw a couple more GPU's in it. I has been running with a custom rom this entire time. I built this back last summer.
I thought I had documented all the steps to do the flash, the drivers etc, but apparently I was wrong. After adding the 2 new cards and flashing them to the same rom as the others one by one. I assumed since nothing else had changed it would come right back up after the reboot.
Well it turned out there was going to be a battle getting all the boards recognized and the system to boot. Finally get it to post and all the boards to be seen by the OS, but all of the devices show the exclamation mark next to them and won't load. Spent several hours messing with it. Upgraded the drivers to the latest from AMD. Still no dice.
So out of frustration I put the stock roms back on the boards and finally after some mucking around for a while I got the system back up on stock roms and hashing away.
So I try again this morning to flash the boards to a known good custom rom and I am back into the same mess with exclamation marks next to all the cards in device manager. So here are my steps. Please tell me what I am missing. Is there a newer atikmdag.sys file that I should be using? I am using one from August.
1) remove all cards but 1
2) boot into windows
3) flash card with desired rom, load up atiwinflash with admin
4) Click load and select new BIOS > click program
5) wait...screen will hang for about 30-40 secs
6) on confirmation box close
7) in device manager right click GPU and uninstall

9) card should be redetect but now you are in vga mode as it will fail to load driver.
10) hit windows button and power then holding shift click restart, select troubleshoot, adv, restart options, click restart
11) hit 4 on option screen
12) now in safe mode replace the ati file you need into c:\windows\system32\drivers\atikmdag.sys (overwrite).
13) Use the dseo13b.exe to sign the atikmdag.sys file.
14) bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
15) hit windows button and power then holding shift click restart, select troubleshoot, adv, restart options, click restart
16) select option 7
17) you should now boot up with mod driver and mod bios all working...if not you did some thing wrong. go back to step 9