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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.7%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.3%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.9%)
>$100K - 85 (58.2%)
Total Voters: 146

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26735552 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Activity: 2758
Merit: 2560

$130000 next target Confirmed

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August 29, 2018, 08:05:51 PM

Anyone else notice we seem to be under constant dedicated denial of service attacks? Or is that just me?
me to all day
Rosewater Foundation
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Activity: 392
Merit: 254

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August 29, 2018, 08:09:56 PM

Anyone else notice we seem to be under constant dedicated denial of service attacks? Or is that just me?
me to all day
Why shut down the Deep Thinkery. All we produce is pithy memes. What do they have to gain Huh
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Activity: 3388
Merit: 1622

#1 VIP Crypto Casino

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August 29, 2018, 08:14:14 PM

Anyone else notice we seem to be under constant dedicated denial of service attacks? Or is that just me?

It's a DDoS.
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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August 29, 2018, 08:17:55 PM

Anyone else notice we seem to be under constant dedicated denial of service attacks? Or is that just me?
hence the theymos slur earlier - keep up lol

anyway (@Cunt400)
Looks like it's dying about to blow. It just won't break resistance support.
Rosewater Foundation
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Activity: 392
Merit: 254

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August 29, 2018, 08:21:33 PM

hence the theymos slur earlier - keep up lol
I thought that was because it's Wednesday.
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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August 29, 2018, 08:27:31 PM

busted  Embarrassed
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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August 29, 2018, 08:37:52 PM

The Last Supper
On the left, the developers are Luke Dashjr, Jonas Schnelli, Erik Lombrozo, Cory Fields, Peter Todd, Wladimir Van der Laan.
On the right, they are Suhas Daftuar, Alex Morcos, Matt Corallo, Pieter Wuille, Andrew Poelstra, Greg Maxwell.
Dorian S. Nakamoto stands proudly in the center
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Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748

born once atheist

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August 29, 2018, 08:43:59 PM

guys, guys

the cephalopod fetish stuff was bad enough, can we not hold forth on salad tossing please?

 I love cheap thrills.

Bitcoin pumps and the thread devolves to ass eating.
This is less than ideal....

 No, No!  I believe that is a Dutch oven daisy chain.  I plan to ask Sia is I ever meet her in person what that was all about.

Now if someone could take this meme and make it a circle/loop,
I'd be very impressed indeed...
(and definitely save it to local HD... and I bet Bob would too...)

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Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282

Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist

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August 29, 2018, 08:47:16 PM

Exchange transparency report:

*Chinese exchanges are faking their volume
*HitBtc is faking it’s volume (no surprises there, slippage has always been excessive)
*Shockingly, appears to be honest
elrippos friend
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Activity: 1179
Merit: 210

only hodl what you understand and love!

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August 29, 2018, 08:51:34 PM

Back observer BTC/USD:

Loving this one  Grin
elrippos friend
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Activity: 1179
Merit: 210

only hodl what you understand and love!

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August 29, 2018, 08:52:31 PM

via Imgflip Meme Generator

my friend , after reading this book orders it many times and give it to random friends/people or guests that visits his home place ,he says its a very good book if there is some intrest in BTC etc .... so maybe gonna have to read it as well

Nice to read, maybe some people in the future will think of this  Wink
elrippos friend
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Activity: 1179
Merit: 210

only hodl what you understand and love!

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August 29, 2018, 08:55:09 PM

He was richer than Satoshi

HISTORY: Mansa Musa, the 14th century ruler of Mali, is the richest person to have ever lived with equivalent of $400 billion

In what currency  Grin
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Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748

born once atheist

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August 29, 2018, 08:56:01 PM

Anyone else notice we seem to be under constant dedicated denial of service attacks? Or is that just me?
me to all day
Why shut down the Deep Thinkery. All we produce is pithy memes. What do they have to gain Huh

ok, so it wasn't just me.
so my suspicions are confirmed....

hacking bastards
elrippos friend
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Activity: 1179
Merit: 210

only hodl what you understand and love!

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August 29, 2018, 09:02:21 PM

Exchange transparency report:

*Chinese exchanges are faking their volume
*HitBtc is faking it’s volume (no surprises there, slippage has always been excessive)
*Shockingly, appears to be honest

Leads me to Bittrex and Cryptopia with high volumes of altcoins  Roll Eyes Shocked Grin
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Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748

born once atheist

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August 29, 2018, 09:05:36 PM

 You can get some nasty infections eating ass... 'nuff said.

But hey, at least the UK has that whole diversity thing going for it.  Roll Eyes

well thanx for that Bob.
Guess I don't need to fix myself dinner now...

Ok folks....carry on with this ass eating thread then....
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Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688

lose: unfind ... loose: untight

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August 29, 2018, 09:06:46 PM

[ edited out]

Aye, my lambo be a rhetorical lambo, not a literal Lambo. Hell, I drive a 20 year old full-size van. Then again, my rhetorical lambo cost quite a bit more than a literal Lambo.

Hopefully, you are not driving one of those windowless vans... hahahahahaha

Hey, I am neither opposed to practicality or luxury; however, when we look at the lambo in my thinking it has a very narrow set of uses - and in that regard, I have not really been into two seaters - even though I suppose the sunday drive at the beach would be one of those uses or the sheer power or the ability to flaunt wealth because I would not believe they hold value well and are kind of a money pit for maintenance and repair expenses.

Twenty years is really getting up their with vehicles, and I really got spoiled with built in bluetooth, and some of the other improvements of modern vehicles - including ride quality.

It's on my to-do list. Just not very high.
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Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748

born once atheist

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August 29, 2018, 09:13:30 PM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

 yogi and Jay aren't swearing at each other...we are progressing folks...bullish...
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Activity: 4284
Merit: 5227

You're never too old to think young.

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August 29, 2018, 09:40:58 PM
Merited by STT (1), HairyMaclairy (1)

Being rich is having money: being wealthy is having time

Time and money are negotiable.

Too many people waste their time chasing money. Others waste their money trying to buy a little time.

I try to get ahead by trading cheap city dollars for cheap jungle time. Money comes easily here but time is always short. Down there there's lots of time but little money. When I go down I take money. When I come back I'm re-energized by the time I bought down there. That's what traders have always done, transport commodities to where there's more demand.

The trick is to have the money come to you. I believe it was Warren Buffett who said that if you're not making money while you sleep, you'll work your whole life.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11753

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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August 29, 2018, 10:10:47 PM

[ edited out]

Aye, my lambo be a rhetorical lambo, not a literal Lambo. Hell, I drive a 20 year old full-size van. Then again, my rhetorical lambo cost quite a bit more than a literal Lambo.

Hopefully, you are not driving one of those windowless vans... hahahahahaha

Hey, I am neither opposed to practicality or luxury; however, when we look at the lambo in my thinking it has a very narrow set of uses - and in that regard, I have not really been into two seaters - even though I suppose the sunday drive at the beach would be one of those uses or the sheer power or the ability to flaunt wealth because I would not believe they hold value well and are kind of a money pit for maintenance and repair expenses.

Twenty years is really getting up their with vehicles, and I really got spoiled with built in bluetooth, and some of the other improvements of modern vehicles - including ride quality.

It's on my to-do list. Just not very high.

Actually, I was never much of a new car person, until about 8 years ago.  I had never really liked the immediate depreciation aspect.  

In 2010, I had been working so much and I had really built up a decent nest egg of cash reserves.  Accordingly, when my main car was going on the fritz, I really could not justify attempting to repair it or shopping around for another used car.  I decided to go with new, and also to go with a kind of luxury brand.  The transition was really nice, and soon after taking the plunge, I was wondering why it had taken me so long to treat myself to something really nice - especially when I was using my car fairly regularly... maybe sometimes it does just take a bit of an emergency situation to cause a transition.  I suppose if my car had not gone on the blitz, and I did not really have time for diddle daddling around, I may not have taken such a plunge - there was a bit of spontaneity and simultaneous necessity for me, at that time... even while it ended up swimming in a higher kind of luxury than I had previously been used to... while at the same time, I think that it helped my social status, at the time, too... for whatever that is worth?

 yogi and Jay aren't swearing at each other...we are progressing folks...bullish...

It's a sign of complacency... perhaps we need higher pain amongst everyone in order to rise to "bullish"?
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11753

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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August 29, 2018, 10:16:09 PM

The trick is to have the money come to you. I believe it was Warren Buffett who said that if you're not making money while you sleep, you'll work your whole life.

I like this part, and it sounds good in theory while remaining difficult in practice.. unless you prepare for a decent amount of time to get to that stage of passive income... and living within your means... if your passive income increases, then your means can increase too.
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