Being rich is having money: being wealthy is having time
Time and money are negotiable.
One of the key truths in life is that each of us has a certain amount of time that is, for all intents and purposes, set. It's the one thing you really can't buy more of, but you can use what time you have to the greatest extent possible.
In my world, I can do something myself, or pay someone else to do it for me. If I enjoy doing it, why pay someone else. If I don't the question becomes can I do something more valuable with that time while someone else does the thing in question.
Case in point: Last weekend I needed to replace the fan and other belts on my 928. I also had to weed the garden, it really needed it. So I used Takl to find someone to weed the garden for a hundred bucks while I spent some of the time replacing the belts (something I enjoy) and drinking seltzer in the hammock (something I enjoy) while this person did the weeding (something I enjoy less). It would have cost $500 plus an hour dropping off and picking up the car for a mechanic to do it, so I came out ahead and prevented a decrease in my net worth. That made sense.
I like the concept of jungle time: If that recharges you and allows you to come back to the world to make more money then it's a good thing. Myself, I like to invest money in the finest swiss tools and reflow equipment; I can then use that to fix miners and stuff to make more money. Buying cheaper things is doable, but the lost time dealing with crappy tools prevents me from making more money (well, bitcoins).
Interesting thoughts. I may never buy a new car or house, but that's mainly because I derive pleasure, fulfillment, and enlightment from fixing stuff and keeping it running. As long as the pleasure outweighs the cost it's good. When the cost outweighs the pleasure it's time to get rid of the car or house or tool.
I like this thread, makes me think. Good use of my time, even with all the ass eating and race baiting.