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March 03, 2025, 04:19:39 PM *
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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 5 (3.4%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.1%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.6%)
>$100K - 86 (58.1%)
Total Voters: 148

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26741230 times)
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Last of the V8s
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May 02, 2020, 07:06:34 PM The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger
What can we trust? Why is the 'information ecology' so damaged, and what would it take to make it healthy?

Rabbit hole stuff. To be clear, finding it intriguing but pretty hard going.
What's wrong with blogs people? or even books? You're so clever, write stuff down.
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Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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May 02, 2020, 07:07:16 PM

Of course, the four-year fractal comparison is helpful to figure out where we are at in the cycle and if we are ahead or behind previous four-year periods.

For some reason, I like to also see the cross asset comparisons in order to attempt to appreciate what might be going on between asset classes in terms - and those kinds of charts might shed light on debunking some un/correlation claims - I mean comparing bitcoin to the stock market and gold.

I also understand that sometimes the cross asset comparisons could be presented in various ways that might cause them to seem a bit jankie in terms of how long is the time horizon for the comparison - so what is the starting point for a possibly meaningful comparison, and of course, the longer the time horizon, the more likely that bitcoin is going to outperform almost any other cross comparison asset - but in the short term there may be some correlation and even under performance in bitcoin - which really does not even seem to be the situation, currently... of course, if the starting point were to be bitcoin's December 2017 top, then that would reflect more negatively on bitcoin, but would likely not be a very representative starting point.....  But maybe the beginning of 2017 would be a more or less fair starting point, which would have been around mid-point of the early UP cycle (and around the price point where BTC broke back above its 2013 highpoint).

More or less as you say, but in part I wanted to compare the graph with:

Bitcoin Price Yearly Average Nears All-Time High Above 9K Pre-Halving

Bitcoin’s yearly moving average price is, therefore, at around $9,000 for only the second time in its history.

Bitcoin’s yearly moving average price is about to break an all time high.

Here you go:

To see if the average adjusts to 9K.

Yeah... fair enough, VB1001... Using yearly averages for comparison of each of the asset classes would be a decent kind of comparison attempt that attempts to take out some of the shorter-term price movement noise...

Based on looking at that chart that you highlighted regarding how bitcoin's yearly average had gone up from below $1k in early 2017 to something that is approaching $9k today, I am thinking that I might need to adjust my proposed starting point to attempt to make matters a bit more fair in terms of the ability of other assets to attempt to compete with bitcoin, that is surely likely to continue to be on an s-curve adoption phase.

Anyhow, personally, I am thinking that there could be some unfairness that favors bitcoin if we go back too far, because bitcoin is very likely in an s-curve adoption curve, while other asset classes are mature.. So maybe if we go half way up the 2017 curve, then that would be more fair for the comparison of bitcoin to other assets.. .maybe starting with bitcoin in around the $5k arena... and then go from there and see how it plays out.. Sure bitcoin is still likely to win, but at the same time, we don't really know bitcoin's future with any kind of certainty, either.. even though a lot of us who continue to be btc HODLers and accumulators are likely continuing to recognize the ongoing asymmetric bet nature of bitcoin;.. that is likely (surely not guaranteed) to continue to blow the other asset classes out of the water - even if we try to create comparison charts that give traditional asset classes a considerable degree of benefit of the doubt.

For sure, also, anyone who is currently considering to start investing in bitcoin, today, has to consider what are bitcoin's current dynamics (for example, is bitcoin in a bubble?) and go from current starting points, rather than presuming that merely because bitcoin has gone through great historical cycles that future cycles are going to play out very similarly as the past cycles.
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May 02, 2020, 07:08:48 PM

Opposite direction corn
Yeah again $8850 Sad
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May 02, 2020, 07:12:40 PM The War on Sensemaking, Daniel Schmachtenberger
What can we trust? Why is the 'information ecology' so damaged, and what would it take to make it healthy?

Rabbit hole stuff. To be clear, finding it pretty hard going.
What's wrong with blogs people? or even books? You're so clever, write stuff down.

That requires the ability and intent to read, which is, sadly, becoming more rare these days.
Now, it's also the f-g Zoom.
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diamond-handed zealot

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May 02, 2020, 07:14:02 PM

The question is: if someone mouth something close to you while having no PPE, what to do?

rifle butt to the face

then put the boots to 'em

this is why I don't go out...on advise of council
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I fix broken miners. And make holes in teeth :-)

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May 02, 2020, 07:16:04 PM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

Here is a real life situation for you...
Was standing in front of a window to deposit something (came out for the first time in a few days, apart from walking around)
The 'tard to the left (not a protestor) had his mask hanging at his belt while loudly proclaiming something...
I had some cheap mask on (as the pic said, potentially just 30% protection).
Did not pay much attention...but today have scratchy throat..took some vits, we shall see.

The question is: if someone mouth something close to you while having no PPE, what to do? Do I politely tell him to STFU, or do I tell him/her to move away or be silent (if retreat is not possible).
Or do i simply think positive thoughts?
Choices, choices.

Another choice are homeless, which are dime and dozen at the intersections.
As we know, at least half of them are infected.
Do I help a fellow man in a calamity or do I drive away, windows closed, AC turned on inside only?
What a bummer.

maybe will buy a chunk of btc...just in case.

P100 respirator. Yes they look a bit silly (not so much anymore) but they do provide real 100% protection on particles down to .3 microns which includes this virus. And asbestos. I wear one when shopping as does the wife because if I come across a mouth breather like Pence I can be certain I will not die due to his stupidity.

Problem now is I have a limited supply of replacement cartridges. Yes the ones in the units are fine (and I only wear them around people) but when I was planning I was thinking NBC which would have a much lower half life problem then a stupid virus. On the positive side I have a huge stupid HEPA air filter here in the house I can cut up to make new filters for the cartridges.

I can see why the "Christian" dominionists would complain about wearing masks and distancing: Their idea of a proper apocalypse is for people to all turn on each other, ripping and rending so they can come out on "top" and be "in charge". People cooperating and helping each other screws that whole model up.

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May 02, 2020, 07:23:08 PM

The question is: if someone mouth something close to you while having no PPE, what to do?

rifle butt to the face

then put the boots to 'em

this is why I don't go out...on advise of council

OK..I need to start wearing them boots  Grin
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Activity: 3248
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I fix broken miners. And make holes in teeth :-)

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May 02, 2020, 07:28:55 PM

rifle butt to the face

then put the boots to 'em
Interesting thought: I could rig the flamethrower to shoot a 5 foot burst. That could work really well if I had to travel to say Florida: I was both following the law, enforcing the law, and standing my ground.

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May 02, 2020, 07:38:17 PM

<incorrect quote deleted>
Interesting thought: I could rig the flamethrower to shoot a 5 foot burst. That could work really well if I had to travel to say Florida: I was both following the law, enforcing the law, and standing my ground.


hey, No fair!
Those are NOT my words in the quote..they are jojo's  Roll Eyes.
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diamond-handed zealot

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May 02, 2020, 07:39:33 PM

For this purpose, I recommend these Swedish pattern logging boots, from White's out of Spokane, without hesitation.

Last of the V8s
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May 02, 2020, 07:40:23 PM

bit ghey
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May 02, 2020, 07:47:20 PM
Merited by lightfoot (1)

bit ghey

no, I have the ghey ones also though

go well with the camo miniskirt, for industrial strength treehugging mind you...
Last of the V8s
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May 02, 2020, 07:50:56 PM

lol that's very nice
kilts aren't gay
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May 02, 2020, 08:35:22 PM

bit ghey

Whey Ghey.
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May 02, 2020, 08:41:26 PM
Last edit: May 02, 2020, 08:52:51 PM by OutOfMemory

Reminds me of that buffalo boots on all the raves of the mid 90's.
Even some guys wore them, not sure if they all were ghey.
But, you know, honestly, imho, all in all... at least... a... lil... bit ... ghey.
The boots looked good on tall women, though  Cool
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diamond-handed zealot

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May 02, 2020, 09:02:05 PM
Last edit: May 02, 2020, 09:23:59 PM by jojo69

suit yourselves

nothing like a leather reinforced vibram sole for curbstomping mouthbreathers though

also available in corks, but urban environments wear them down pretty fast
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May 02, 2020, 09:31:48 PM

Uh. And also politics. It's all about image. It is necessary to not wear masks.

It's necessary for politicians to look like idiots?

The premier of Ontario thinks otherwise. You don't see him anymore without a mask. He figures he's buying votes.
Masks look idiotic. MORE IMPORTANTLY, we instinctively do not trust people who hide their face. Especially politicians. There is no possibility that Trump will begin to wear a mask. He knows how humans work.
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May 02, 2020, 09:35:02 PM
Last edit: May 02, 2020, 09:48:00 PM by OutOfMemory

suit yourselves

nothing like a leather reinforced vibram sole for curbstomping mouthbreathers though

also available in corks, but urban environments wear them down pretty fast

I was on doc marten's for almost a decade. The rubber sole is more comfortable on longer walks and when running, after they finally broke in. Switching to a new pair was blood and pain. These where like curbstomper standard back then. Color-coded lacing, of course  Cool

EDIT: Gawd, now i remember the boots the nazis were wearing: bulldog (iirc). Hard, black rubber sole, leather insole, army grip style. They were faster in winter, when the marten's became slippy to run with. But the bulldog sole got hard as rock in cold weather, you wouldn't want to run too far wearing them. They looked way more aggro, though.

BTC c'mon bullflag! complete! BTC
Let's see how strong resistance really is!
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May 02, 2020, 09:44:56 PM

This is where mine come from.

I've had a pair even since my teens and they last 10+ years with a heel change somewhere along the way. Fit like a glove and I wear them everyday.

Last of the V8s
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May 02, 2020, 09:49:49 PM
Merited by infofront (1)

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