The market is so freaking dumb right now, so I am not sure if it is pure giddiness, but would not be surprised if some economic number would really stink tomorrow and "stahs" reverse, pulling down btc as well. These were 2k out of 'nothing'. We shall see if it holds or not. I give it 50:50, but @Marcus could be right about a trap.
That's what I am afraid of. Pure speculation. Can you make money from this? You can but how long that rollercoaster will keep going. Doubts and doubts. This is gambling to me.

In the last month Central Bank of TETHER added another 2 billion USD to its balance sheets increasing it by %50. It is nearly 6.5B USD.
Now somebody tell me Central Bank of Tether created that 2 billion because people demanded it and paid 2billion real USD to buy it from finex.
Nope, I am not playing this game. Good luck to whoever is still in.
You might wanna ask, why is there a problem with Tether printing while FED does the same thing with USD? Well... FED owns the USD, not Finex.
One thing that makes you better than roach is that you are continuing to invest in bitcoin in a dollar cost averaging way.. around $50 a week; however, in order to stay with those kinds of narrow (and likely even you know are bullshit conspiracy perspectives), you might need to sell all of whatever BTC you made in order that you can lock in those $250 worth of profits that you made in the last 24 hours, or so.
You should realize, by now, that there are a lot of guys here who have figured out ways to largely profit from BTC's almost inevitable volatility, so you are not going to gain too many friends if you start going down the bitcoin bashing road because even though there is a lot of volatility, there tends to be more UP than DOWN, even though you want to emphasize the DOWN because that is all that you can see, currently.
We see a decent BTC price rise of more than 20% in 24 hours and around 2.5x in about 6 weeks, and you believe that you are substantively contributing to the conversation of the thread (in any kind of informative way) to be poo pooing and denigrating those actual bullish movements.... yes, poo poo them.. poo poo them and try to find some narrow and nonsensical sets of facts that you want to fantasize to explain some kinds of conspiracies, manipulation and just make no sense largely because you can no longer appreciate the actual profits that come from BTC (even measuring in dollars) that can be generated from such BTC price movements if you had been able to figure out any kind of moderate ways in your practices...
Of course, you cannot do any kind of meaningful or sensible moderation in your approach now, because you hardly have any bitcoin to work with.. You hardly have shit, and therefor, you hardly have any flexibility in what you can do.
It is a corner that you have painted yourself into, which is one in which you have limited your own options, even though you know about bitcoin (but you are just being stubborn because you are too god-damned overloaded with dollars.. You are not balanced, but you are trying to act as if you are the balanced one in these here parts.
Many of us are not going to be able to relate to you, here.. because we are likely a lot more balanced in our approach than you.. Maybe some of us are not completely balanced, but many of us have prepared a lot more for either BTC price direction... down or up or sideways...
And maybe instead of being like a roach-like creature who had sold too much BTC, too soon, you are closer to jonoiv, who is not totally opposed to BTC, but just cannot figure out when to get in, exactly... gosh, that must not feel good, to be close to either roach or jonoiv...
Of course, there are some other potential examples of bitcoin naysayers that you are close to, yet even while each of these creatures who sold too much too soon have their (your) unique circumstances, so we cannot take those individual attributes away from you or the other similarly situated individuals, who are waiting for downs that are quite unlikely to materialized in any kind of way that is even close to what you seem to be currently imagining to be within reasonable possibilities... and in the meantime, your failure / refusal to adequately prepare for up causes you many opportunity costs that you fail/refuse to recognize as actual factors.