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Question: Weekly closing price (Mar. 9, 2025):
<$75K - 0 (0%)
$75K to $80K - 0 (0%)
$80K to $85K - 1 (16.7%)
$85K to $90K - 1 (16.7%)
$90K to $95K - 3 (50%)
$95K to $100K - 0 (0%)
>$100K - 1 (16.7%)
Total Voters: 6

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26742042 times)
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May 06, 2020, 05:14:40 PM

yes, did not know how to conjure it from my keyboard.
It is a perfectly normal letter located right next to the L your keyboard must be missing some keys.

No such thing on US based regular PC/Mac keyboards.
yes as i said missing some important letters
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May 06, 2020, 05:15:09 PM

I always wanted to change my legal name to Not Applicable
I wanted to name my firstborn drop table.

Trader-in-the-fecal-matter-of-animals has always been a personal favorite if perhaps unwieldy Shoal sobriquet.
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diamond-handed zealot

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May 06, 2020, 05:24:17 PM

ahh, good old bobby tables
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Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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May 06, 2020, 05:36:37 PM
Merited by Last of the V8s (1)

You know, something I realized this evening:

If (and this is an if) my company were to order me to go back into the office, because I have bitcoins I can tell them to fuck themselves. Been thinking about this and realized that people may be asked to choose between their job and their life....

I'm glad that choice is a simple one to make. And bitcoin is a part of that. Wealth gives you the freedom to make decisions, and I can't think of a more important decision one can make.

You have ‘f*ck you money’, a powerful weapon that can be used when really needed. They say it is good for your career as well because you can say No and speak your mind. People in debt are dependent and therefore predictable silent worker bees, just as companies and banks like it.

I agree with this idea in theory, but surely there may be a lot of guys that have "almost 'fuck you' money" rather than enough to really and realistically be able to say fuck you.

I am not blaming anyone because it takes a long fucking time to reach actual "fuck you" status, and the system is kind of designed in such a way that makes it really difficult to really say fuck you, until you are overly prepared.  In other words, your cushion has to be really BIG because on an ongoing basis we are so tempted, also, to be indebted to the man in one way or another because we tend to want to live beyond our means.

perhaps we need a new term for a somewhat lesser amount, like say a "piss off" amount of wealth.

That's probably a pretty good idea, because many of us likely realize that there is no real "all or nothing" in this world, but there may be a lot of dissatisfaction that comes from striving towards an end goal that might never be achieved... however, that should not mean that we should not attempt to be in a place in which we are enjoying ourselves at a lot of points along the way.

Accordingly, we don't necessarily need to be able to say "fuck you" to the man and to be totally enabled to live on either passive income or in some citadel or island that we control in order to be happy, and each of us should be able to recognize that we always have a kind of island, but sure having more wealth gives us way more options within our own island.

So, for example, any of us who has 6 months to 12 months to even 1-2 years saved up in one form or another (whether we are referring to our bitcoin stash or some traditional investments or a combination of these), then we are going to be way more empowered to either say "no" to any employer who might be putting us in what we believe to be an unsafe situation or at least be able to negotiate better terms because we have more options.  So, even if that is not complete fuck you status, it could be something that is working in that direction, and gosh.. might be difficult to figure out, too, when "piss off" status might be achieved.

i should explain (or try to). i am not at "fuck you" level. my cushion is not huge. but it is wide (diversified). to the point where when covid blew the economy away and my traditional investments tanked (and corn to a point too) i didnt blink an eye. about the only thing i did was double check my reserves and tweak them a bit.. as lightfoot (i think) mentioned, a year long pandemic was not in my plans. and im no doomsday prepper, i just do like to be prepared for what i can foresee.

That is totally prudent and reasonable, and I would wager that a lot of us were in similar circumstances regarding feeling some need to tweak (or at least think about what we have in place, exactly) in order to figure out if our previous plan is sufficient to deal with what appeared to be somewhat changed circumstances, and gosh some of us might have panicked in regard to some of our assets, and we know of at least one seemingly pretty severe situation in regards to panicking in regards to considering bitcoin as part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Certainly, the amount of cushion that we had created for ourselves is going to help to some extent, and for younger folks a cushion does not always have to do with having a shit ton of assets, because young people might not have a lot of assets built up, but they have time and skills, and so sometimes they are able to leverage in terms of their time and skills rather than their built up assets.

So, giving less emphasis to built up assets does not mean that any of us should be saying fuck all to the goal of building up assets and principle in order to attempt to have more options.... and maybe not screwing things up too much by taking too rash of actions, because even people who panic sold their equities a few weeks ago might be kicking themselves a bit, even if right now they might feel some comfort if they might want to take a bit out of equities on the bounce, even if we cannot really know if equities might continue to pump, but in the end, equities might be part of the package for a lot of people and is likely to be part of the package for people who have been investing a long time, older and have diversified in ways that include some equities - that they might consider writing off as the more risky part of their portfolio.....  in the event that they choose to just let the equity portion of their portfolio ride - even if it already took a hit... but if many of us might have both bitcoin and equities, we might consider that we are sufficiently diversified or hedged because we have a decent amount of bitcoin and feel no compelling reasons to take any drastic measures in terms of even taking some value out of equities because we consider the bitcoin part that we have to be serving as a kind of ongoing decent hedge and even ongoing screwed up macro circumstances has not really undermined our bitcoin investment thesis and how much of an allocation that we have in the bitcoin direction - sure some of us might feel that we want to put more towards bitcoin and many times those are somewhat individual choices, and probably less important for those of us who have already been maintaining a pretty decent stake in bitcoin but more important for people who have little to no stake in bitcoin and accordingly are way too much under invested in that direction.. whether they are less than the 1% to 10% arena or some other amount that might be established upon a bit of prudent reflections. 

so ive been blessed enough to be able to step up my donations to the local food banks, animal shelters and church. perhaps this pandemic and the resulting mess will deplete my reserves..  i certainly wont count that out.

One thing that many of us (feeling to be more fortunate ones) likely realize when we have done a decent amount of prepping (whether financial or with other resources that we have at our disposal), is that if shit really hits the fan (which is far from certain that it will not), then there are going to be a decent amount of people who are going to be suffering way more than the ones who have made a lot of preparations.. and maybe continuing to act in various regards... ..

yeah, I know you even heard me considering some possible benefits in having a shotgun as a kind of supplemental preparation, and sure there might be circumstances in which those kinds of measures are not possible or practical, but even though some gun availability has gone down in various location - which seems to have caused a lot of upwards pressures on the prices, having decent financial resources does tend to resolve some of those problems, too.    Some people might be thinking about whether they can buy steaks and other kinds of fresh foods, but then they might also be thinking that if they buy good food, then they might not be able to buy that supplemental shotgun, either.. or if they buy the shotgun but they do not have enough for ammunition.. or they have to settle for some kind of inferior brand or design.

So, some of us might have found ourselves with our pants down a bit more than we expected in certain areas, but still in a position where we might not need to panic, we just have to consider various aspects of how to tweak our plans in terms of both where we are at, and maybe some areas that we might be a bit deficient.. and we cannot always necessarily plan for all contingencies either, especially maybe if we had not really been much of a prepper (whether talking financially or in other ways).

so i cant really say "fuck you" to this mess but i can tell it to piss off. for now.

That is really fair enough.

I had been complaining a few weeks ago about how this whole situation is affecting people from a lot of social statuses, but surely the billionaires are likely the few that have been affected less, if they have a private plane and can fly to some location that is of their choosing, in the event that they may have found themselves in some location that is less ideal.. but probably even a lot of them have been negatively affected, even if they have quite a few more options than many of us relatively more normies... .I was not even thinking about the benefits of having my own plane or a helicopter or anything like this, but seems like it could provide options in times like these, that's for sure... oh multi-millionaires might also be able to aspire to private plan status, but surely those in regular fuck-off status would not have those kinds of options, and surely those in piss off status would not even really be considering those kinds of options (except maybe in a kind of fantasy consideration or maybe they would need bitcoin to do at least a 50x from here to be able to get too that private plane level).
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May 06, 2020, 05:41:25 PM
Merited by jojo69 (1)

Best VPNs For Google Chrome in 2020

If you are concerned about privacy you should not be using Google Chrome in the first place.
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May 06, 2020, 05:41:36 PM
Merited by BobLawblaw (2)

why is wordy man so wordy
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May 06, 2020, 05:51:13 PM

Best VPNs For Google Chrome in 2020

If you are concerned about privacy you should not be using Google Chrome in the first place.

Just some VPN info.

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$130000 next target Confirmed

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May 06, 2020, 05:51:21 PM

ahh, good old bobby tables
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Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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May 06, 2020, 06:07:14 PM

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Flippin' burgers since 1163.

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May 06, 2020, 06:09:42 PM
Merited by jojo69 (2), Torque (1), fluidjax (1)
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We choose to go to the moon

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May 06, 2020, 06:14:36 PM

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May 06, 2020, 06:32:02 PM

The MACD has just flipped green on Bitcoin’s one week chart.

Last time this happened BTC rallied 1000% in 2017 and 300% in 2019.

Don't mean to be a fud dud (or maybe I do?)

Shouldn't we start to worry, a bit?

On the weekly, we have 7 green candles in a row.  We are currently half way through the 8th... and, yes it is green too, so far.

I think that this week's candle will have to close above $8,900-ish in order to remain green, so surely we currently have some cushion, but still how many green candles can we get in a row before we start to worry... not that I am a stickler for anything having to happen based on some little candles, including a correction... because I do recognize that some of the most recent BTC price increase is getting us back to where we were at the end of February.. and the halvening can at least provide some hype, even though the constriction of the new BTC supply will likely not be felt in any kind of meaningful way in the whole of the BTC circulating supply for several months after the halvening.
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May 06, 2020, 06:34:06 PM
Merited by BobLawblaw (1)

why is wordy man so wordy

Everyone needs a hobby.
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May 06, 2020, 06:35:11 PM

why is wordy man so wordy

Everyone needs a hobby.
In lock down its best. Wink
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Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform

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May 06, 2020, 06:36:47 PM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

Not only does it show a higher type of price, but also the fact that the current expiration model is what makes it even more interesting, since it does not become a mathematical indicator that is always fulfilled, it leaves room for the fundamentals and emotions that they are so normal in the market.

Plan B's new "S2FX" model shows a much higher #Bitcoin price than previously predictedDorso de la mano con el dedo índice señalando hacia abajo

Original S2F Model estimate (2020–2024): $56K #BTC.

New model S2FX (2020–2024): $288K #BTC.

More data, DYOR, and a big thanks to
 for the thought provoking analysis.

Original Source:PlanB


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May 06, 2020, 06:53:18 PM

So dystopian...

What a knob.

I wasn't interested in the first place but became rather less interested during this recent fall with him desperately shuffling his cards saying 'guys, GUYs, the model still works. Sort of thing.'

As ever it would hit $288,000 for 0.1 seconds and then be back to five figures or less for years on end. Speculators themselves can fuck things up without government help.

I think his work is interesting but he shot himself in the foot by including price predictions. The story should have been about the cross-asset comparison framework in his last paper but since he put in $288k he basically destroyed his own thesis guaranteeing no one will care about or remember anything but that number. It's a huge red flag to me that he puts emphasis on price prediction rather than underlying cause and effect in what is billed as a scientific paper.

Almost any conversation in bitcoinlandia involves price predictions.

I don't know how anyone who is somewhat actively and ongoingly (like PlanB tends to be) involved in bitcoin discussions, rather than some detached dweeb (and there are plenty of them) trying to act like he/she understands bitcoin, can avoid it, even if attempting to present matters "academically."
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May 06, 2020, 07:04:39 PM
Merited by Globb0 (2)

So dystopian...

What a knob.

I wasn't interested in the first place but became rather less interested during this recent fall with him desperately shuffling his cards saying 'guys, GUYs, the model still works. Sort of thing.'

As ever it would hit $288,000 for 0.1 seconds and then be back to five figures or less for years on end. Speculators themselves can fuck things up without government help.

I’d rather go dark personally if Bitcoin goes $288k. Too much richness on display then.

Exactly this... criminals are going to look for big wallets and hunt down the peeps behind them...

If only there was some kind of less transparent anonymous alternative

hahahahaha... funny.... but still...

Pretty lame Globb0

 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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May 06, 2020, 07:08:15 PM

Anyone noticed that in the halving rally, BTC is outperforming the Top 10 alts? Generally, BTC move take others along and the lightweights perform better. Any speculation regarding this de-coupling?
FIFA worldcup
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May 06, 2020, 07:28:17 PM

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May 06, 2020, 07:37:02 PM

Brings back fond memories of engineering school, where any student who submitted a chart with no labels on the axes would get himself torn a new posterior orifice.
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