Activity: 2702
Merit: 2053
Free spirit
April 30, 2020, 09:34:02 AM Last edit: April 30, 2020, 10:21:58 AM by Globb0 |
Don't worry, you can think of a good conspiracy to blame on why millions didn't die and we aren't even halfway to the amount of deaths of a good flu season.  Oh fuck off please
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
April 30, 2020, 09:40:41 AM |
UK just had the worst week for extra deaths since the Hong Kong 'flu of winter 1970. Friends, relatives, colleagues, young and old, all dead without a chance to say goodbye. It's a sad business.
Lambie Slayer
April 30, 2020, 09:41:47 AM |
... brace yourselves for disappointment, it's a set-up before the major down leg that is coming in stocks then probably bitcoin also when the vicious 2nd wave of the virus is unleashed. They are setting everyone up for maximum despondency and despair so you are begging for the vaccine. It's all a big mindfuck game and bitcoin is part of the play too.
You honestly thinking that? Not sure..... You're wrong, buddy. Again.
What you see is not an ordinary boom-bust cycle. It is not an ordinary wave going back and forth on the shore. It is a giant tsunami wave on the horizon. The hyperinflation tsunami will be upon us this year just after US elections. And this time the biggest bubble is the unit you use to measure the bubbles. The Dollar itself is the biggest bubble! This is why in the next couple of months if there is any deflationary pressure it will be very modest.
The virus hysteria is a circus set up to justify money printing and dilute responsibility!
... I hope I'm wrong but watching you young guys get all excited is giving me a bad feeling I've seen this movie before ... gold market in '96, asia crisis in '98, Sept. 11 and GFC 2007/08, euro crises 2011. These bastards are not going to go without a major shitfight and you've got to be prepared mentally for that. Boogey man out to get me. Im scared as always.Bitcoin is going to fuck up their shit bigly so they will use every shitty trick in the book to break your spirit. They are insane in how much they are prepared to lie, steal and fuck up our nations and the planet to stay in power ... including spreading a global virus even ...? I like Bitcoin but Im so scared out of my mind that I keep getting rekt shorting it because I cant sift through fake news and bogus models without peeing my pants and drinking the doom kool aid. I keep losing money doing this but I cant brake the cycle. Slayer tried to help me but I was to upset and disturbed to see.... again, I hope I'm wrong and bitcoin blows their corrupt game back into hell where it came from but don't expect it to happen easily. At least when I lose money shorting I know that the elites who scare me w propaganda wont be happy. Still hate losing money shorting though, hope to god I can make back what I lost with a second wave of doom. I'm hearing the second wave shitstorm is getting ready to be unleashed so the timing of the bitcoin rally is highly suspect and looks a little contrived. Hope for the best, prepare for the rest. Go bitcoin.My brain really can't process that this is a nothing burger. Ill concoct bizarre narratives to justify my fears, but we all know Im just scared of so many things.Fuck off craptotourist, gubmint cabal cunt agents like you are the rats bitcoin was made to poison. Cryptotourist, I deserve the humiliation you and Slayer put me through but at some point I hope you guys will teach me to be a better man and face my problems with more courage. Then I could see things more clearly and stay away from losing money on silly doom bets. No worries bro, first we will break you down, then build you up. Its the best way for you to learn. Everything is gonna be ok.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 2053
Free spirit
April 30, 2020, 09:42:07 AM |
UK just had the worst week for extra deaths since the Hong Kong 'flu of winter 1970. Friends, relatives, colleagues, young and old, all dead without a chance to say goodbye. It's a sad business.
and then I have to come here and see twats gloating over the numbers of dead or not FS burn the lot of you!
Lambie Slayer
April 30, 2020, 09:43:29 AM |
Don't worry, you can think of a good conspiracy to blame on why millions didn't die and we aren't even halfway to the amount of deaths of a good flu season.  Oh fuck off you cunt You have hurt my vagina with your obvious and true observations, damn you! Sorry buddy. You will be ok, just stop shorting. 
Activity: 2254
Merit: 3150
₿uy / $ell ..oeleo ;(
April 30, 2020, 09:46:03 AM |
I don't post here often, but with this 2k rise from yesterday I think this is the place to ask what the hell happen? I gave up on searching here almost 20 pages from yesterday til today. What caused this insane 2k bull run in matter of a day?? I was thinking yesterday to sell at 8.5k and wait for the correction, good that I had no time to set my sell.
Good to see you here. But you won't find any reasons for massive swings. The fact that you look for reasons yet also contemplate trading is worrisome. Thanks dude, In the "normal" market often such big swings are results of some events. Of course the crypto market is more unpredictable and volatile, but basically should is driven by the same rules. I understand that there is a FOMO right now but what trigger all that?
April 30, 2020, 09:56:10 AM |
Fuck off craptotourist, gubmint cabal cunt agents like you are the rats bitcoin was made to poison.
LOL. You are the poison r0ach, not BTC.
Activity: 3920
Merit: 2349
Eadem mutata resurgo
April 30, 2020, 09:58:33 AM |
hi Lambie " AIDSFlu" slayer (thanks for that special early days 'freak out' leak btw, you amateur) ... it's all coming back to HIV/AIDS military virus research and lab recombinant retroviruses that have been contaminating vaccines for over 30 years ... and the huge cover up for the hundreds of billions of dollars of legal losses if the truth ever came out. Fauci, Birx and Redfield are crooked gubmint HIV researchers (US Army Ft. Detrick) going a long way back. They are intimately knowledgeable with the specific proteins involved in the receptors (spike protein) of the SARS-CoV-2 'coronavirus' ... GP120, GaG found in HIV ... that the Indian researchers got pressured into 'retracting' there are 3 main strains of SARS-2. A is mild, B is 2-10 times lethal than 'flu, C is up to 20-50 times more lethal than 'flu.
April 30, 2020, 10:03:58 AM |
Can we not have the COV19 talk?
Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion
That goes for all of ya.
Activity: 938
Merit: 2540
April 30, 2020, 10:06:53 AM |
Well, people laugh at bulls, but they are always prepared. $9,237 The coffee is very good this morning.  This bull is starting to get nervous. $1,600 in 24 hours is feeling like a bit much, and maybe there is an end of the month thing going on? I am not complaining or changing anything that I usually do in terms of incrementalism, but still a bit nervous about such a quick (one day) 21.6% price appreciation, while at the same time, appreciating some bears getting reckt.  8K. today we will have battle  I also wasn't expecting this sudden upward move, I think it would be safer to consolidate 8K a few days, but Badger has these things. 
Lambie Slayer
April 30, 2020, 10:07:23 AM |
I don't post here often, but with this 2k rise from yesterday I think this is the place to ask what the hell happen? I gave up on searching here almost 20 pages from yesterday til today. What caused this insane 2k bull run in matter of a day?? I was thinking yesterday to sell at 8.5k and wait for the correction, good that I had no time to set my sell.
Good to see you here. But you won't find any reasons for massive swings. The fact that you look for reasons yet also contemplate trading is worrisome. Thanks dude, In the "normal" market often such big swings are results of some events. Of course the crypto market is more unpredictable and volatile, but basically should is driven by the same rules. I understand that there is a FOMO right now but what trigger all that? Hey man, there is nothing wrong with looking for reasons. Its a meme around here to say that nobody knows anything, but obviously some money is smarter than the rest. As for the big recovery, imo its just shorts getting rekt from drinking the doom kool aid and not understanding that Coronavirus is a long term nothing burger with flu like death rates.
A lot of people bet big on the doom so they have a vested interest in telling everyone else to be sad about a bunch of old people that die in similar numbers of these pesky viruses each year. Truth is they are mostly sad about their shorts, they don't cry on their pillow when 50+ million people die each year, so don't fall for their crocodile tears about .4 percent of those 50+ million deaths coming from a virus with a flu like mortality rate.
Activity: 2702
Merit: 2053
Free spirit
April 30, 2020, 10:12:16 AM |
Don't worry, you can think of a good conspiracy to blame on why millions didn't die and we aren't even halfway to the amount of deaths of a good flu season.  Oh fuck off you cunt You have hurt my vagina with your obvious and true observations, damn you! Sorry buddy. You will be ok, just stop shorting.  No. You disrespect the memory of friends lost.
Activity: 3822
Merit: 11104
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
April 30, 2020, 10:14:15 AM |
rdbase must have pulled an all-nighter to stay up & win the Vegeta competition. No sign of him since he posted to win it  He must be asleep.
Activity: 938
Merit: 2540
April 30, 2020, 10:15:01 AM |
I don't post here often, but with this 2k rise from yesterday I think this is the place to ask what the hell happen? I gave up on searching here almost 20 pages from yesterday til today. What caused this insane 2k bull run in matter of a day?? I was thinking yesterday to sell at 8.5k and wait for the correction, good that I had no time to set my sell.
Good to see you here. But you won't find any reasons for massive swings. The fact that you look for reasons yet also contemplate trading is worrisome. Thanks dude, In the "normal" market often such big swings are results of some events. Of course the crypto market is more unpredictable and volatile, but basically should is driven by the same rules. I understand that there is a FOMO right now but what trigger all that? 3 Key Factors Why Bitcoin Price Exploded to $9.4K OvernightThe three main factors that catalyzed Bitcoin’s recent rally are record-high spot exchange volume, a breakout above historical resistance levels, and a noticeable rise in institutional demand.
Spot exchanges drove Bitcoin to $9,500, not the futures market to the article, spot exchanges were one of the triggers, I don't know if this is the cause but the resistances seemed like butter.
Lambie Slayer
April 30, 2020, 10:17:57 AM |
Its time to start calling the Flu, "Just the Coronavirus bro." That way when people get scared of the Flu, we can use this phrase to remind them that like the Coronavirus its not very deadly and they should just carry on with life and refrain from shorting King Bitcoin. Also I think when Flu season comes around, nurses should dance in Tik Tok videos bc they have nothing to do, then it will set peoples mind at ease like when Coronavirus season came around. hospitals face a ‘war zone’ of flu patients — and are setting up tents to treat them via Imgflip Meme Generator
El duderino_
Activity: 2800
Merit: 13888
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
April 30, 2020, 10:27:46 AM |
Activity: 3920
Merit: 2349
Eadem mutata resurgo
Just the AIDSflu bro
... just run out and catch AIDS, said no-one ever. Blood-clots, strokes, heart attacks, immune system fucked ... this thing is just getting started and they want you all to catch it. The second wave will be the deadliest, Antibody Dependent Enhancement cytokine storms (google it) have been designed in to this bioweapon so it might be v. messy.
For the record: I've never had a bitcoin trading account, never shorted bitcoin. Mined some in 2010-11, wrote an outline how-to build first GPU homebuilt miner bought a few in 2011, committed code to bitcoin-core and other crypto open source projects, on bitcointalk for 9 years, named the 'satoshi', invested in some bitcoin start-ups, minding my own business mostly. You do the credibility math.
Activity: 938
Merit: 2540
April 30, 2020, 10:30:35 AM |
 Well it depends how you look at it, I would say that the needle is getting closer to green, yesterday morning the index was 26.
Lambie Slayer
April 30, 2020, 10:33:37 AM |
Don't worry, you can think of a good conspiracy to blame on why millions didn't die and we aren't even halfway to the amount of deaths of a good flu season.  Oh fuck off you cunt You have hurt my vagina with your obvious and true observations, damn you! Sorry buddy. You will be ok, just stop shorting.  No. You disrespect the memory of friends lost. Id like to pretend you disrespected someone I know who died but truth is you didn't.
You don't know my friends or what they died of. You certainly weren't telling them to fuck off or call them cunts. isn't a mourning thread. We cant bring back those 650,000 Flu victims, it was their time and part of the cycle of existence. But I will celebrate the fact that Coronavirus is less lethal than the flu as Bitcoin pumps. 