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Author Topic: [ANN][XCN] Cryptonite - NEW Thread | 1st mini-blockchain coin | Bounties!  (Read 216019 times)
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July 28, 2017, 09:38:24 AM

in bter, we can directly trade XCN to BTC !
Cause in btc38, we HAVE TO trade in XCN in CNY first, and then CNY to BTC

So I guess the best option would be with bter, rather than btc38 ?
you can not withdraw btc from bter! this option is disabled there.

Strange, when I click on BT withdrawal, it shows me the right form to to this, without error message

ps : Anyway, I have a pool problem. with 38 MHS, suprnova report me only 10 XCN / hour, when whattomine gives me 32 XCN / h !
What's the point ?
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July 28, 2017, 09:47:31 AM

Strange, when I click on BT withdrawal, it shows me the right form to to this, without error message

ps : Anyway, I have a pool problem. with 38 MHS, suprnova report me only 10 XCN / hour, when whattomine gives me 32 XCN / h !
What's the point ?
You'll get an error when you try to withdraw.
Whattomine is wrong.
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July 28, 2017, 09:51:24 AM
Last edit: July 28, 2017, 10:27:44 AM by ManuBBXX

Strange, when I click on BT withdrawal, it shows me the right form to to this, without error message

ps : Anyway, I have a pool problem. with 38 MHS, suprnova report me only 10 XCN / hour, when whattomine gives me 32 XCN / h !
What's the point ?
You'll get an error when you try to withdraw.
Whattomine is wrong.

More than wrong lol ! I thought XCN mining very profiteable according to whattomine, but in fact, not that much..
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July 28, 2017, 11:07:05 AM

but seriously, the wallet needs fixed, and we can all see how much $$ you have in your donation address... well at least someone got rich off this coin.

pallas (OP)
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July 28, 2017, 11:25:37 AM

but seriously, the wallet needs fixed, and we can all see how much $$ you have in your donation address... well at least someone got rich off this coin.

I had a couple developers look at the "slow acceptblock" issue, they were tempted by the bounty, but in the end they did not submit any valid solution. Money is still there for whoever wants to take the challenge.

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July 28, 2017, 12:02:56 PM

I see a new pool, but it doesn't seem to hash, is it still testing?Looks like who mining some blocks before.
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July 28, 2017, 12:04:09 PM

 Angry For this day I have 14 blocks good and 12 blocks - orphans (50%). It's very bad deal. This hasn't happened yet for this moment.
pallas (OP)
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July 28, 2017, 12:07:19 PM

I see a new pool, but it doesn't seem to hash, is it still testing?Looks like who mining some blocks before.

Nobody is mining on it ( because payouts are not working. The operator said he would fix it and give the coins, but no update so far.

pallas (OP)
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July 28, 2017, 12:34:49 PM

Angry For this day I have 14 blocks good and 12 blocks - orphans (50%). It's very bad deal. This hasn't happened yet for this moment.

Orphans may look bad when you mine, but what counts for you is how many of them you get, compared to the other miners.
I.e. if everybody gets 50% orphans, you aren't losing anything. Block time will still be fulfilled and new coins shared among miners, according to their hashrates.

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July 28, 2017, 01:36:44 PM

Moнeткa cкopo бyдeт yжe нe выгoднoй для мaйнингa, пo cpaвнeнию c дpyгими (нoвыми), a paзpaбoтчики вce oткaзывaютcя oтдaть в cвoбoдный дocтyп oптимизиpoвaнный мaйнep. Ecть тaкoe пoнятиe, кapмa. Пытaeтecь кoгo-тo oбмaнyть или нaжитьcя нa ниx, пoлyчитe yбытки в дpyгoм. B oбщeм вaнгyю, eщe нeдeлькa, дpyгaя и мoжнo пepexoдить нa дpyгиe мoнeтки, a этy cнoвa pallas бyдeт peaнимиpoвaть чepeз гoдик кoгдa вce пpo нee зaбyдyт. Oбиднo чтo из-зa жaднocти paзpaбoв мaйнepa пoгибнeт тaкaя xopoшaя мoнeткa. Oтдaли бы мaйнep, пoпyляpизиpoвaли бы eщe бoльшe этим мoнeткy. Hoвыe мaйнepы, a тaм и тpeйдepы пoдтянyлиcь бы нa биpжy нy и oбъeмы выpocли бы в paзы нa биpжax.
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July 28, 2017, 02:22:12 PM

Moнeткa cкopo бyдeт yжe нe выгoднoй для мaйнингa, пo cpaвнeнию c дpyгими (нoвыми), a paзpaбoтчики вce oткaзывaютcя oтдaть в cвoбoдный дocтyп oптимизиpoвaнный мaйнep. Ecть тaкoe пoнятиe, кapмa. Пытaeтecь кoгo-тo oбмaнyть или нaжитьcя нa ниx, пoлyчитe yбытки в дpyгoм. B oбщeм вaнгyю, eщe нeдeлькa, дpyгaя и мoжнo пepexoдить нa дpyгиe мoнeтки, a этy cнoвa pallas бyдeт peaнимиpoвaть чepeз гoдик кoгдa вce пpo нee зaбyдyт. Oбиднo чтo из-зa жaднocти paзpaбoв мaйнepa пoгибнeт тaкaя xopoшaя мoнeткa. Oтдaли бы мaйнep, пoпyляpизиpoвaли бы eщe бoльшe этим мoнeткy. Hoвыe мaйнepы, a тaм и тpeйдepы пoдтянyлиcь бы нa биpжy нy и oбъeмы выpocли бы в paзы нa биpжax.
What optimized miner? SP_MOD? You must write this message to creator of miner, sp_, not in this thread then.
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July 28, 2017, 02:51:29 PM

Moнeткa cкopo бyдeт yжe нe выгoднoй для мaйнингa, пo cpaвнeнию c дpyгими (нoвыми), a paзpaбoтчики вce oткaзывaютcя oтдaть в cвoбoдный дocтyп oптимизиpoвaнный мaйнep. Ecть тaкoe пoнятиe, кapмa. Пытaeтecь кoгo-тo oбмaнyть или нaжитьcя нa ниx, пoлyчитe yбытки в дpyгoм. B oбщeм вaнгyю, eщe нeдeлькa, дpyгaя и мoжнo пepexoдить нa дpyгиe мoнeтки, a этy cнoвa pallas бyдeт peaнимиpoвaть чepeз гoдик кoгдa вce пpo нee зaбyдyт. Oбиднo чтo из-зa жaднocти paзpaбoв мaйнepa пoгибнeт тaкaя xopoшaя мoнeткa. Oтдaли бы мaйнep, пoпyляpизиpoвaли бы eщe бoльшe этим мoнeткy. Hoвыe мaйнepы, a тaм и тpeйдepы пoдтянyлиcь бы нa биpжy нy и oбъeмы выpocли бы в paзы нa биpжax.

any "optimized" miner will not give you more profit, because everyone will have it. You will get only more power consumption and heat. So your profit will be lower. If you dont like xcn you can go mine zcash etc. I can't say that xcn is more profitable during long time - there are a lot of problems - bad calculators, bad pools, exchanges with broken wallets etc. Most of my rigs mine zcash.

Upd. And, please, write english on english forum, you can pm russian or write russian on russian bitcontalk section. Thank you.
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July 28, 2017, 03:22:34 PM

btc38 still not repair wallet, as and nova....
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July 28, 2017, 03:24:57 PM

Moнeткa cкopo бyдeт yжe нe выгoднoй для мaйнингa, пo cpaвнeнию c дpyгими (нoвыми), a paзpaбoтчики вce oткaзывaютcя oтдaть в cвoбoдный дocтyп oптимизиpoвaнный мaйнep. Ecть тaкoe пoнятиe, кapмa. Пытaeтecь кoгo-тo oбмaнyть или нaжитьcя нa ниx, пoлyчитe yбытки в дpyгoм. B oбщeм вaнгyю, eщe нeдeлькa, дpyгaя и мoжнo пepexoдить нa дpyгиe мoнeтки, a этy cнoвa pallas бyдeт peaнимиpoвaть чepeз гoдик кoгдa вce пpo нee зaбyдyт. Oбиднo чтo из-зa жaднocти paзpaбoв мaйнepa пoгибнeт тaкaя xopoшaя мoнeткa. Oтдaли бы мaйнep, пoпyляpизиpoвaли бы eщe бoльшe этим мoнeткy. Hoвыe мaйнepы, a тaм и тpeйдepы пoдтянyлиcь бы нa биpжy нy и oбъeмы выpocли бы в paзы нa биpжax.

any "optimized" miner will not give you more profit, because everyone will have it. You will get only more power consumption and heat. So your profit will be lower. If you dont like xcn you can go mine zcash etc. I can't say that xcn is more profitable during long time - there are a lot of problems - bad calculators, bad pools, exchanges with broken wallets etc. Most of my rigs mine zcash.

Upd. And, please, write english on english forum, you can pm russian or write russian on russian bitcontalk section. Thank you.
What price was 3 years ago? 1 year? two months ago? and today. price down and down and down and not someone want to but xcn. Sad, but not long left to mine it.
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July 28, 2017, 03:53:48 PM

btc38 still not repair wallet, as and nova....

Nova definitely needs to do something about that wallet problem.

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July 28, 2017, 04:20:48 PM

What price was 3 years ago? 1 year? two months ago? and today. price down and down and down and not someone want to but xcn. Sad, but not long left to mine it.

XCN/BTC   Sell   Exchange   0.00001850BTC   2014-08-16 20:47:02
XCN/BTC   Buy   Exchange   0.00000092BTC   2015-09-30 19:21:20
XCN/BTC   Sell   Exchange   0.00000338BTC   2016-09-01 13:23:09
XCN/BTC   Buy                  0.00000009BTC    2017-03-23 06:38:52
pallas (OP)
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July 28, 2017, 05:00:21 PM

btc38 still not repair wallet, as and nova....

I'm in talk with both to fix the problems.

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July 28, 2017, 05:54:55 PM

btc38 still not repair wallet, as and nova....

I'm in talk with both to fix the problems.

Any ETA on btc38 ?
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July 28, 2017, 06:37:23 PM

Listing in Cryptopia will make all of you happy. Just somebody have to sacrifice ~1 BTC. One of the SIGT community did it and now it is one of the most popular coins.

We can make a donation address for listing on cryptopia
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July 28, 2017, 07:16:32 PM

Payouts on are now fixed !
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