October 19, 2017, 08:14:21 AM |
I guess I was expecting too much from the vega what concerns mining speeds. There were fairytales that speed of mining ethereum will be 70+ m, even 100m. And in the end we got a card that is extremely difficult to make to work in the rig with more cards stable. Which max undervolted has problems with overheating on many algos, etc etc. In the end, I think that Vega is good only for avoiding 

Activity: 146
Merit: 10
October 19, 2017, 08:50:47 AM |
I guess I was expecting too much from the vega what concerns mining speeds. There were fairytales that speed of mining ethereum will be 70+ m, even 100m. And in the end we got a card that is extremely difficult to make to work in the rig with more cards stable. Which max undervolted has problems with overheating on many algos, etc etc. In the end, I think that Vega is good only for avoiding  I like vega cards. 1900 hash XMR @ 150w per card. And all stable more than week. 5 miners in total: 4 with gigabyte and 1 with sapphire vega 56 cards. Instead 9 miners each with 6x RX480 ( in total 54 cards ) there are just 5 miners now ( in total 20 cards ). Power consumption is roughly half, hashrate is just 2,5khash lower.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
October 19, 2017, 09:26:00 AM |
I guess I was expecting too much from the vega what concerns mining speeds. There were fairytales that speed of mining ethereum will be 70+ m, even 100m. And in the end we got a card that is extremely difficult to make to work in the rig with more cards stable. Which max undervolted has problems with overheating on many algos, etc etc. In the end, I think that Vega is good only for avoiding  For ETH it's easy to config and it has better perf/watt than RX 4xx-5xx series.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
October 19, 2017, 09:53:15 AM |
Vega with XMR is the best GPU for mining.... the matter is the maximum 4 gpu per rig and linux support would be great also
What happens when you mine more than 4 VEGA-s? As I've seen the HBCC is somehow working on other 2 cards but instead of 14GB memory, it says last 2 have 11GB memory which is more than te stock 8GB. So somehow it works partly. I'm using the freshly released fall creators driver which sucks on monero hashrates. If you use more than 4 Vega cards in a rig, God will smite you instantly - leaving a small crater where your house used to be. I'm still alive. 4 Cards with enabled HBCC do 1900, other 2 1200. 10000 hashrate for the 6card rig @ 1100W. I think I can get 1100W lower by finetuning.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
October 19, 2017, 10:00:44 AM |
I have a few rigs with more than 4 Vega 56 in them
No neighbours have died though.. sad..
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
October 19, 2017, 11:40:00 AM |
I have a few rigs with more than 4 Vega 56 in them
No neighbours have died though.. sad..
What are you mining with those? Currently these are the stats for the 6 vega 56 card rig: ETH: 262MH/s @ 1150W, XMR: 10000H/s @ 1100W (probably I can go down to 1000W) These stats into whattomine --> ETH: $10.25/day, XMR: $11.67/day ($12.01/day @ 1000W) If 6 card HBCC were supported then $13.56/day @ 1000W Currently I'm staying on ETH, but considering change to XMR
October 19, 2017, 12:52:40 PM |
Not sure the profitability is there with the Vega to be honest. I do like the idea of having less cards though but the increase in RAM puts me off as I am on DDR4
October 19, 2017, 12:57:09 PM |
Not sure the profitability is there with the Vega to be honest. I do like the idea of having less cards though but the increase in RAM puts me off as I am on DDR4
That's why I'm very happy with my old workstation I use as a rig, it came with 32Go :-)

Activity: 71
Merit: 10
October 19, 2017, 02:09:07 PM |
Vega with XMR is the best GPU for mining.... the matter is the maximum 4 gpu per rig and linux support would be great also
What happens when you mine more than 4 VEGA-s? As I've seen the HBCC is somehow working on other 2 cards but instead of 14GB memory, it says last 2 have 11GB memory which is more than te stock 8GB. So somehow it works partly. I'm using the freshly released fall creators driver which sucks on monero hashrates. If you use more than 4 Vega cards in a rig, God will smite you instantly - leaving a small crater where your house used to be. Unless you roll 20 on your saving throw.
Activity: 1510
Merit: 1003
October 19, 2017, 02:23:42 PM |
If you use more than 4 Vega cards in a rig, God will smite you instantly - leaving a small crater where your house used to be.
And seriously - do you have this "more then 4 Vega cards" problem on your custom linux environment?
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
October 19, 2017, 02:32:03 PM |
I have a few rigs with more than 4 Vega 56 in them
No neighbours have died though.. sad..
What are you mining with those? Currently these are the stats for the 6 vega 56 card rig: ETH: 262MH/s @ 1150W, XMR: 10000H/s @ 1100W (probably I can go down to 1000W) These stats into whattomine --> ETH: $10.25/day, XMR: $11.67/day ($12.01/day @ 1000W) If 6 card HBCC were supported then $13.56/day @ 1000W Currently I'm staying on ETH, but considering change to XMR Eth + Dcr I don't know how you can get 262mh, my cards don't hit 40mh each, most hover around low 30s with default bios/settings. Though i have to profess I haven't had time to tweak much. More concerned about getting more machines up. Haven't look at XMR, but might explore once I clear my backlog and start tweaking. I'm more interested if we can migrate out from Windows to Linux as I can't get the nix drivers working after the 4th card, boots into Windows with 8 just fine

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
October 19, 2017, 02:32:42 PM |
i agree, 280/290 are making more sense, if you have chea electricity, otherwise 10XX SERIES. Nvidia may actually pull the trigger on Christmas with Volta and if AMD will not have any response they will fall 2 gens behind.... doh! I lost my hope for VEGA completely by now. Our most popular pc part store had like 5 cards total since they went on sale, this is retarded, curious why amd did not start collecting prepaid orders ahead of time, war on miners sounds like bs to me...
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
October 19, 2017, 03:12:24 PM |
Say what you want about Vega, but it is the best card for mining.

Activity: 104
Merit: 10
October 19, 2017, 03:35:05 PM |
Not sure the profitability is there with the Vega to be honest. I do like the idea of having less cards though but the increase in RAM puts me off as I am on DDR4
I have 3 Vega FE which is RAM bound on 32GB, only sees 23GB HBCC (one card sees 32GB for 2150H/s), I'm upgrading to 64GB at the weekend 
October 19, 2017, 03:44:19 PM |
Anyone know how to lock down the Fan speeds on a Vega 64?
Use overdriventool or wattman and set the min and target/max fan speed and apply

Activity: 115
Merit: 10
October 19, 2017, 04:18:07 PM |
Is there stable intensity above 1800/1600 at all? I didn't have to restart the rig for more than 2 weeks at these. Then yesterday, I somehow lost 100H/s and I thought - lets do it and restart. Applied some higher intensities - first 2016/1600. Then 1900/1600. But I keep getting crashes after a while. Also, at 2016/1600, the cards had worse hashrate than at 1900/1600. Still, if I have to restart and reset every few hours, that ain't gonna cut it, 50-60H/s on top of what I was getting at 1800/1600 makes not much sense if its not stable.
How's the situation with your Vega rigs guys?
Also - is there anyone using 4 Vega + 2 Nvidia cards, that can share some wisdom on the matter ? What nvidia, what programs etc. As I dont think we are going to get new drivers, and I can simply forget about using HBCC on all 6 cards in the rig ...
P.S. Talking about Vega 64.
October 19, 2017, 04:23:40 PM |
Is there stable intensity above 1800/1600 at all? I didn't have to restart the rig for more than 2 weeks at these. Then yesterday, I somehow lost 100H/s and I thought - lets do it and restart. Applied some higher intensities - first 2016/1600. Then 1900/1600. But I keep getting crashes after a while. Also, at 2016/1600, the cards had worse hashrate than at 1900/1600. Still, if I have to restart and reset every few hours, that ain't gonna cut it, 50-60H/s on top of what I was getting at 1800/1600 makes not much sense if its not stable.
How's the situation with your Vega rigs guys?
Also - is there anyone using 4 Vega + 2 Nvidia cards, that can share some wisdom on the matter ? What nvidia, what programs etc. As I dont think we are going to get new drivers, and I can simply forget about using HBCC on all 6 cards in the rig ...
P.S. Talking about Vega 64.
I'm using this nvidia miner: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1707546.4980 and using msi afterburner to set the tdp and core clock for the nvidia. I use 2016 and 1736 intensities for vega
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
October 19, 2017, 04:36:54 PM |
I have a few rigs with more than 4 Vega 56 in them
No neighbours have died though.. sad..
What are you mining with those? Currently these are the stats for the 6 vega 56 card rig: ETH: 262MH/s @ 1150W, XMR: 10000H/s @ 1100W (probably I can go down to 1000W) These stats into whattomine --> ETH: $10.25/day, XMR: $11.67/day ($12.01/day @ 1000W) If 6 card HBCC were supported then $13.56/day @ 1000W Currently I'm staying on ETH, but considering change to XMR Eth + Dcr I don't know how you can get 262mh, my cards don't hit 40mh each, most hover around low 30s with default bios/settings. Though i have to profess I haven't had time to tweak much. More concerned about getting more machines up. Haven't look at XMR, but might explore once I clear my backlog and start tweaking. I'm more interested if we can migrate out from Windows to Linux as I can't get the nix drivers working after the 4th card, boots into Windows with 8 just fine Vega 64 bios mod. The best i can get with stock bios is 39MH/s.

Activity: 104
Merit: 10
October 19, 2017, 05:11:20 PM |
Anyone know how to lock down the Fan speeds on a Vega 64? [/quote
I created a custom fan profile using afterburner so that it goes to 80+ at just over 40C

Activity: 104
Merit: 10
October 19, 2017, 05:18:10 PM |
Is there stable intensity above 1800/1600 at all? I didn't have to restart the rig for more than 2 weeks at these. Then yesterday, I somehow lost 100H/s and I thought - lets do it and restart. Applied some higher intensities - first 2016/1600. Then 1900/1600. But I keep getting crashes after a while. Also, at 2016/1600, the cards had worse hashrate than at 1900/1600. Still, if I have to restart and reset every few hours, that ain't gonna cut it, 50-60H/s on top of what I was getting at 1800/1600 makes not much sense if its not stable.
How's the situation with your Vega rigs guys?
Also - is there anyone using 4 Vega + 2 Nvidia cards, that can share some wisdom on the matter ? What nvidia, what programs etc. As I dont think we are going to get new drivers, and I can simply forget about using HBCC on all 6 cards in the rig ...
P.S. Talking about Vega 64.
single Vega FE will do 2150H/s using two x 2016 at 32GB Ram but add more the rate drops. When I had 16GB I got a lower rate so I'm hoping 64GB will get me all 3 at 2150H/s. seems to be proportional to HBCC size which is proportional to system RAM. I work away from home so will try at the weekend