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Author Topic: Any word on amd vega hash rates?  (Read 202767 times)
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November 12, 2017, 02:18:26 AM

anyone see a grey screen and crash when running more than 2 gpu on cast?

on a single gpu it works fine, but when i add more grey artifcats then crash,tried two separate motherboards
it only does thiswith the aug23 blockchain drivers , the ronbin hood ones dont crash but 1500 hs vs 1950

I hit a similar problem, but it was the same with XMR-Stak or Cast.  I have a MSI X370 and could not get past three GPUs without a blue screen/crash.  Changed risers, cables, Vega cards, PCIe slots, settings, on and on.

Finally solved it:  Used DDU to strip everything out.  Went directly to Microsoft's site and downloaded the fall creators update (takes a while).  That loaded the non-blockchain drivers and for the first time I could mine with 5 Vegas on that motherboard (but slow speeds).  Uninstalled the newest drivers, reinstalled blockchain drivers.  It's all good now.
hmm i tried this several times, I have a window image that alrrady contsins the fall creators update included and did this with a fresh install still the same deal, Ill try it again i guess , thanks

Have  you tried newest amd in compute mode? With rx 4xx/5xx there is no need of blockchain driver anymore.

I tried those drivers, had problems too

following Romis instructions i did a clean install, this time though i did not give the default driver time to install, I ran gpedit.msc and disabled the windows updates and driver updates in Immediatley rebooted the box.

then i installed the Aug 23 blockchain drivers and with this clean update i could go into Amd settings and turn off crossfire.

now i can run 5 cards or more on the

New issue:
4 vega 56 1250/1065 run at around 1980hs but the last card seems stuck at 1800 no matter what the mem settings
also doing 850 core and 950 mem voltages

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November 12, 2017, 11:20:42 AM

Hi guys,

Can you get more than 4 cards working at the same time on same mobo?

Thx in advance
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November 12, 2017, 12:07:59 PM

some people here claim (and i believe them) that 6+ is doable. i'm on 2 rigs @ 4 56's each...maybe on day i\ll put all of them on a biostar btc+ and have one mobo spare
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November 12, 2017, 01:10:09 PM

Can somebody using Gigabyte Vega 56 flashed to 64  please share the settings /reg file mod, overdriven tool tweaks which can make them run stable at decent hash rate? I ve spent quite some time fiddling with them and already getting quite annoyed. 

I got 6 cards in total, all Gigabyte  Vega 56, successfully flashed to Gigabyte Vega 64 air ( rom  taken from techpowerup site). 
Two Vegas are put on Asus X370 board , 16gb ram, risen 5 1600 cpu.,  ssd, win 10 64 home, disabled win updates, AMD blockchain drivers .
Using the 1100MHz HBM @ 905mV  reg file  from the reddit thread- Monero and Vega - the definitive guide  was absolute failure, crashing the system immediately when mining starts  with stak xmr.  Using the 1050MHz HBM @ 905mV reg modding also was not successful.  Did it several times following exactly the guide, doing DDU of drivers, restore points etc, etc.
Finally tried the OLDComers fixed reg from his second youtube video and the Vegas came to live although at hash rate about 1600 h/s. Been running stable for more than two weeks though.  In Overdriventool  P7 is set to 1407- 870,  P3 is 1110-850.

Exactly the same two Gigabyte Vegas put on Gigabyte Z270p-d3 board, G4560 cpu, 16gb ram, ssd, win 10 64 home,  disabled win updates, AMD blockchain drivers,  failed at the settings of  all regs! both 1100 and 1050 from the reddit thread even the OLDcomers' reg  which runs successfully on the AMD board resulted in crashes or very high power consumption.
Used other settings in Overdrive n tool  (combined with the OLDcomers' reg ) P7 1270-920, P3 1100-910 and managed to get them running at about 1600 h/s .

Similar story  when having two Vegas  run on Biostar H110 board, g4560, 8gb ram, ssd, win 10 home.  able to run at P7 1270-920, P3 1100-910 and failing at all other settings.

Trying to run 4 Vegas on the Gigabyte Z270p-d3 board resulted  in xmd stak throwing an error message
Error CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE when calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel for kernel .....

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November 12, 2017, 02:21:27 PM

Just ordered myself one of these:

At $132 with GPU included and no need for risers, it was too good to pass on!

I intend to slap 6x Vega 56 on it.

Can someone tell me how loud these buggers are? I need to think logistically now... Tongue
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November 12, 2017, 02:44:04 PM

Hi guys,

Can you get more than 4 cards working at the same time on same mobo?

Thx in advance

Why not go back and just read the forums? Yes its very possible, I'm running 8
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November 12, 2017, 02:56:57 PM

Hi guys,

Can you get more than 4 cards working at the same time on same mobo?

Thx in advance

Why not go back and just read the forums? Yes its very possible, I'm running 8

Asus prime z270-p

6+ Vega?
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November 12, 2017, 04:22:53 PM

I'm running 8xVega56->64 @1408/875 - 1100-875 (most) and a few only run @1100-930, however only in cryptonight.

When using equihash the power settings must be way higher (~930 on all cards) or it's not stable.

Speaking of equihash: anyone willing to share their settings ? I'm obtaining 440 sol/s/card with "monero" settings. I have not been tweaking a lot, but guess GPU needs to be higher.
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November 12, 2017, 04:53:49 PM

Just ordered myself one of these:

At $132 with GPU included and no need for risers, it was too good to pass on!

I intend to slap 6x Vega 56 on it.

Can someone tell me how loud these buggers are? I need to think logistically now... Tongue

In a friend's appartement that I use when I work, I have 3 vega's running and I cannot stand the noise in the room he lent me. I exiled them to the kitchen (we do not cook in that kitchen). A vega is louder thant the MSI 290x I have.
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November 12, 2017, 05:21:09 PM

Just ordered myself one of these:

At $132 with GPU included and no need for risers, it was too good to pass on!

I intend to slap 6x Vega 56 on it.

Can someone tell me how loud these buggers are? I need to think logistically now... Tongue

If you have to set the blower fan to 3,000 rpm+ and at that speed they are annoyingly loud.  You need to either consider water cooling, Raijintech air cooling, or locate in a place where loud doesn't matter.  You can't run these in a room that any significant other might hang out in.

Walton Chain CEO Mo' Bling: "Walton Chain will be the Qualcomm + Cisco in the blockchain industry, the ‘Google’ of the Blockchain."  It's December 1999, do you know how your shitcoin holdings are doing?  Magic 8 ball market analysis:
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November 12, 2017, 05:30:36 PM

Just ordered myself one of these:

At $132 with GPU included and no need for risers, it was too good to pass on!

I intend to slap 6x Vega 56 on it.

Can someone tell me how loud these buggers are? I need to think logistically now... Tongue

If you have to set the blower fan to 3,000 rpm+ and at that speed they are annoyingly loud.  You need to either consider water cooling, Raijintech air cooling, or locate in a place where loud doesn't matter.  You can't run these in a room that any significant other might hang out in.

Not to bad with RX Vega 56, but GPU noise does stacks as number of GPUs is increased (more GPUs the louder the rig gets).

One RX Vega 56 at 3000rpm is about 40dbs, but when you stack 6 next to each the cumulative noise output is going to much higher.
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Theranos Coin - IoT + micro-blood arrays = Moon!

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November 12, 2017, 05:43:03 PM

anyone see a grey screen and crash when running more than 2 gpu on cast?

on a single gpu it works fine, but when i add more grey artifcats then crash,tried two separate motherboards
it only does thiswith the aug23 blockchain drivers , the ronbin hood ones dont crash but 1500 hs vs 1950

I hit a similar problem, but it was the same with XMR-Stak or Cast.  I have a MSI X370 and could not get past three GPUs without a blue screen/crash.  Changed risers, cables, Vega cards, PCIe slots, settings, on and on.

Finally solved it:  Used DDU to strip everything out.  Went directly to Microsoft's site and downloaded the fall creators update (takes a while).  That loaded the non-blockchain drivers and for the first time I could mine with 5 Vegas on that motherboard (but slow speeds).  Uninstalled the newest drivers, reinstalled blockchain drivers.  It's all good now.
hmm i tried this several times, I have a window image that alrrady contsins the fall creators update included and did this with a fresh install still the same deal, Ill try it again i guess , thanks

Have  you tried newest amd in compute mode? With rx 4xx/5xx there is no need of blockchain driver anymore.

I tried those drivers, had problems too

following Romis instructions i did a clean install, this time though i did not give the default driver time to install, I ran gpedit.msc and disabled the windows updates and driver updates in Immediatley rebooted the box.


I think a lot of people experience crashes with multiple Vegas because they install the driver and immediately reboot.  The most important thing I found was that when you install the block chain driver, CLOSE the AMD installer at the end of the installation but don't reboot. Instead, use Regedit to go into the same directory as the SoftPowerPlay mod, and change "EnableAutoCrossfire" to "0" decimal value for every card -- e.g., folder 000, folder 001, folder 002, folder 003, folder 004.  Then reboot.  The pathway is listed at the top of every SoftPowerPlay mod that you download.  Turn off auto cross fire in the Registry values, and also in the AMD Relive settings application as well.

Second interesting thing I found was that it's best not to get too aggressive with your basic SoftPowerPlay settings.  Keep P7 in the 1401-1408/900-905 range; P3 in the 1050-1070/850-900 range (Monero settings).  Too far outside those values and SoftPowerPlay causes a blue screen/crash *on startup*.  Once you boot, however, you can use OverDriveNTool 0.2.1 to tweak the settings card by card and get stable performance.  But you can't always write those optimal values directly into the SoftPowerPlay table and get a stable reboot.  Just doesn't work, I don't know why, but that has been my experience.  I see people setting 5 or 6 cards to 1100 memory across the board -- no wonder your rig is crashing.  Not every air cooled Vega 56 can handle P3 at 1100.  Your base settings should be dialed back.  Then experiment card by card once your rig is booted.

You can save some time by taking one SoftPowerPlay Registry mod and copying that as several files -- RegMod001, RegMod002, RegMod003, RegMod004, RegMod005 -- edit each of those files for one particular card, e.g., edit the "000," "001," "002," so you don't have to manually do this each and every time.

Walton Chain CEO Mo' Bling: "Walton Chain will be the Qualcomm + Cisco in the blockchain industry, the ‘Google’ of the Blockchain."  It's December 1999, do you know how your shitcoin holdings are doing?  Magic 8 ball market analysis:
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November 12, 2017, 05:53:06 PM

Does anyone knows the reason of the different hashrates per card in xmr-stak (same settings obv. 1408/1100)?
I have 3 vega 56@64 rigs. Usually I get 1900-1950/card, but there is one which gets only 1750. 1750 is like a stock or a little bit lower hashrate.
I've tried to reinstall driver, tried different HBM clocks 1100,1050, 1000, different voltages and still the same. I've tried disable-enable many times.

Any ideas what to do?

Yes. Remove all monitors and HDMI dongles from your Vegas.  Then click on a window, say the AMD Relive settings program window so that it is in the foreground and XMR Stack/Cast is not.

Won't completely solve the problem but the speed on the one card will bump up closer to the other cards.  Other people have mentioned doing your build with an Intel processor with an internal GPU, and then connecting any monitor to the motherboard, not directly to a Vega card.

Or: put a HDMI dongle on Card 6 *and* plug a monitor into Card 1 or vice versa.  Don't even ask me why, just try it.  Total hash rate should be higher, but there will still be differences in the hashing values across your cards.

Walton Chain CEO Mo' Bling: "Walton Chain will be the Qualcomm + Cisco in the blockchain industry, the ‘Google’ of the Blockchain."  It's December 1999, do you know how your shitcoin holdings are doing?  Magic 8 ball market analysis:
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Theranos Coin - IoT + micro-blood arrays = Moon!

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November 12, 2017, 05:59:44 PM

anyone see a grey screen and crash when running more than 2 gpu on cast?

on a single gpu it works fine, but when i add more grey artifcats then crash,tried two separate motherboards
it only does thiswith the aug23 blockchain drivers , the ronbin hood ones dont crash but 1500 hs vs 1950

I hit a similar problem, but it was the same with XMR-Stak or Cast.  I have a MSI X370 and could not get past three GPUs without a blue screen/crash.  Changed risers, cables, Vega cards, PCIe slots, settings, on and on.

Finally solved it:  Used DDU to strip everything out.  Went directly to Microsoft's site and downloaded the fall creators update (takes a while).  That loaded the non-blockchain drivers and for the first time I could mine with 5 Vegas on that motherboard (but slow speeds).  Uninstalled the newest drivers, reinstalled blockchain drivers.  It's all good now.
hmm i tried this several times, I have a window image that alrrady contsins the fall creators update included and did this with a fresh install still the same deal, Ill try it again i guess , thanks

It is possible that your image of the Creators Update has files that have since been updated by MS.  I downloaded the Fall Creators Update live from the Microsoft website.  You don't have to wait until Windows updater schedules the update for your system. YMMV.  Just sharing what worked for me.

Walton Chain CEO Mo' Bling: "Walton Chain will be the Qualcomm + Cisco in the blockchain industry, the ‘Google’ of the Blockchain."  It's December 1999, do you know how your shitcoin holdings are doing?  Magic 8 ball market analysis:
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November 12, 2017, 09:48:01 PM

Does anyone knows the reason of the different hashrates per card in xmr-stak (same settings obv. 1408/1100)?
I have 3 vega 56@64 rigs. Usually I get 1900-1950/card, but there is one which gets only 1750. 1750 is like a stock or a little bit lower hashrate.
I've tried to reinstall driver, tried different HBM clocks 1100,1050, 1000, different voltages and still the same. I've tried disable-enable many times.

Any ideas what to do?

Yes. Remove all monitors and HDMI dongles from your Vegas.  Then click on a window, say the AMD Relive settings program window so that it is in the foreground and XMR Stack/Cast is not.

Won't completely solve the problem but the speed on the one card will bump up closer to the other cards.  Other people have mentioned doing your build with an Intel processor with an internal GPU, and then connecting any monitor to the motherboard, not directly to a Vega card.

Or: put a HDMI dongle on Card 6 *and* plug a monitor into Card 1 or vice versa.  Don't even ask me why, just try it.  Total hash rate should be higher, but there will still be differences in the hashing values across your cards.

" Then click on a window, say the AMD Relive settings program window so that it is in the foreground and XMR Stack/Cast is not."

I don't really get that. Explain me please.

I use integrated gpu, nothing connected to the vega cards.
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November 12, 2017, 09:58:20 PM

XMR seems like an OK way to get a fairly good ROI but many people have problems getting stability and it's unlikely Monero value will rise much in the short term.

I had success with ETH back in the day and have used Monero as a stopgap for a coin with more potential. My Vega 56 GPU's are ready to mine BITCOIN GOLD which launches for mining within the next 24 hours. I believe there will be more potential with that, especially after this weekends crazy Bitcoin news. Shoud get a value boost in the short term, I will mine BTG until the New year.


I'm just waiting for the pool to open up. I hope to join some of you there. :-)
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November 12, 2017, 10:08:55 PM

XMR seems like an OK way to get a fairly good ROI but many people have problems getting stability and it's unlikely Monero value will rise much in the short term.

I had success with ETH back in the day and have used Monero as a stopgap for a coin with more potential. My Vega 56 GPU's are ready to mine BITCOIN GOLD which launches for mining within the next 24 hours. I believe there will be more potential with that, especially after this weekends crazy Bitcoin news. Shoud get a value boost in the short term, I will mine BTG until the New year.


I'm just waiting for the pool to open up. I hope to join some of you there. :-)

Why would vega be better than NVIDIA for BTG?
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November 12, 2017, 10:18:38 PM

...I never mentioned Nvidia GPU's. I'm more interested in profit with the GPUs I have.

anyway, here is a vid with apparent hash rates for BCG based on previous Equihash results.

I will try to get an update on power consumption and hash rate once I start mining it. The video might not be taking into account Vegas undervolting and BIOS mods.
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November 13, 2017, 02:39:04 AM

Just ordered myself one of these:

At $132 with GPU included and no need for risers, it was too good to pass on!

I intend to slap 6x Vega 56 on it.

Can someone tell me how loud these buggers are? I need to think logistically now... Tongue

ok but  don't connect the power connector  like he did on the photos  you will burn the psu or motherboard atx power cable

if you notice he connect 6 molex&sata connector  but lol  they bridge from the same cable   Grin Grin
why connect 3 ? it s just the same than 1 lol  crazy  some poeple are really not smart

 there are 6 connector, they must all get a 12V separately from the psu for more safe (at lease not more than 2 gpu on 1 wire)  he put 3 on 1 wire  so the motherboard atx will get hot and burn

i already burn a motherboard atx connector with only 4x 270's   there where 2 bad power riser where the 12v line brun on the riser (i did not notice) then the power had to come from the motherboard atx  and 2 gpu who get the power from the atx is to much

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November 13, 2017, 09:48:58 AM

Hi Guys,

I have a very strange issue :

In "Device Manager" it show my 4 cards, but in AMD Settings I have only 2 cards and when i launch OverDrivenTool it only show 4 cards, but for 2 oh thme it says "This GPU is not supported"

Can someone have seen this kind of issue? And how to solve it ?

Thx in advance
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