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Author Topic: Why are so many people against bitcoin?  (Read 19370 times)
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December 20, 2017, 08:23:37 AM

I know some people who against Bitcoin just because they don't understand what is it in real.You know there is some people who don't want to learn new information,Of course there are a lot of reasons.
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December 20, 2017, 08:30:44 AM

Many people oppose bitcoins, because they didn't experience the joy of making money, and they saw no evidence of this. They are busy, they are against bitcoin, and this is not their specialization.

Definitely! They wouldn't get that feeling of opposing in bitcoin if they know the benefits that biycoin gives to its users, traders and investors. They tend to against in bitcoin that's what they know, they know nothing about bitcoin but a scam but they made a big mistakes in their life that they missed thus chance to get a easier way of life through bitcoin.

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December 20, 2017, 08:34:12 AM

Many people oppose bitcoins, because they didn't experience the joy of making money, and they saw no evidence of this. They are busy, they are against bitcoin, and this is not their specialization.

Definitely! They wouldn't get that feeling of opposing in bitcoin if they know the benefits that biycoin gives to its users, traders and investors. They tend to against in bitcoin that's what they know, they know nothing about bitcoin but a scam but they made a big mistakes in their life that they missed thus chance to get a easier way of life through bitcoin.
Well I guess there's so many people who are against in bitcoin because they have know nothing about bitcoin, because the are lack of knowledge about bitcoin. Actually on first I heard bitcoin it is hard for me to believe and keep on asking that thus it totally existed? But my friend explain it to me and it enlighten my impression towards bitcoin and I guess that's what also those people needs, we should explain to them what bitcoin is.
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December 20, 2017, 08:39:28 AM

Many people oppose bitcoins, because they didn't experience the joy of making money, and they saw no evidence of this. They are busy, they are against bitcoin, and this is not their specialization.

Definitely! They wouldn't get that feeling of opposing in bitcoin if they know the benefits that biycoin gives to its users, traders and investors. They tend to against in bitcoin that's what they know, they know nothing about bitcoin but a scam but they made a big mistakes in their life that they missed thus chance to get a easier way of life through bitcoin.
Well I guess there's so many people who are against in bitcoin because they have know nothing about bitcoin, because the are lack of knowledge about bitcoin. Actually on first I heard bitcoin it is hard for me to believe and keep on asking that thus it totally existed? But my friend explain it to me and it enlighten my impression towards bitcoin and I guess that's what also those people needs, we should explain to them what bitcoin is.
Yes, I believe so that those people who are against in bitcoin is they don't have get the right explaination of bitcoin. The only thing we could do to them is explain it clearly to them the meaning of bitcoin, make a precise and easy to express and at the same time easy to understand meaning of bitcoin. And also tell to them what and how bitcoin helps us personally so that we didn't just explain to them instead we also help improve their financial aspect.
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December 20, 2017, 08:48:08 AM

they truly don't comprehend what is Bitcoin is about, that like how it works and the conceivable advantages that they may get, they simply should be shared through particular subtle elements and a profound seeing with the goal that they will comprehend it gradually in light of the fact that not all individuals are high scholarly or a past student that they can without much of a stretch see about bitcoin. Everything I can state is only a little tolerance if still don't functions admirably it about time to allow them to sit unbothered.
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December 20, 2017, 10:27:39 AM

People will always hate what they dont understand. Combine that with some jealousy and you have first class hating Smiley.
Jessy Mediola
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December 20, 2017, 10:37:35 AM

I'm trying to understand why are so many people against bitcoin?  is it the innovation that scares them? the feeling of staying behind? the fact that that money will go to the wrong hands?

i think because those people have past experience about scam , or maybe because they think negatively or maybe because money is not their thing. All of this maybe the possible reason why they are not engage or why they don't want to be here. And as well as the earning system it is kind of unbelievable. Well after the brief discussion about this maybe theur mindset will change.

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December 20, 2017, 01:07:35 PM

A lot of people are against bitcoins probably because they haven't taken the time to actually research about the cryptocurrencies. Also the growth of bitcoins seems to good to be true, that’s why they may think it is impossible or that it is just a scam.
It’s true because some people are afraid from loss because they think it may be a scam or something else like that but bitcoin’s value is increasing too much rapidly if you have some proper protection of your account then there is no chance of fear or failure. You must have appropriate knowledge about of bitcoin or different crytocurriencies. If you give your little bit time to study these things then your all concepts will be clear about it. It’s quite easy and simple. 
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December 20, 2017, 01:14:03 PM

People are afraid of a new one. Bitcoin is incomprehensible. I know people who do not have a bank account, let alone spend money on BTC.
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December 20, 2017, 02:54:55 PM

I'm trying to understand why are so many people against bitcoin?  is it the innovation that scares them? the feeling of staying behind? the fact that that money will go to the wrong hands?

Maybe because some of this people didn't understand bitcoin very well. They are not convince yet and they think it's a scam, some of them are afraid to try new ways to earn more.

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December 20, 2017, 03:12:48 PM

I'm trying to understand why are so many people against bitcoin?  is it the innovation that scares them? the feeling of staying behind? the fact that that money will go to the wrong hands?

Maybe because some of this people didn't understand bitcoin very well. They are not convince yet and they think it's a scam, some of them are afraid to try new ways to earn more.
Yes some people are hate this forum because they don't know about this forum and its beneficial opportunities, but when they know about its profits they will never leave this forum because many people get more benefits from this forum and it is very good for those who are face some difficulties so they can solve their life's problems from money. 
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December 20, 2017, 03:16:46 PM

I think the one who hate bitcoin is the one who buy btc and it fails them to pump the value of the btc and it cause a big problem to them thats what i think of..
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December 20, 2017, 03:38:38 PM

The most targeted people against bitcoin are coming from
the government system, I think they are trying to stop this virtual
currency or get control of this virtual currency called bitcoin.

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December 20, 2017, 04:01:02 PM

I'm trying to understand why are so many people against bitcoin?  is it the innovation that scares them? the feeling of staying behind? the fact that that money will go to the wrong hands?

i think because those people have past experience about scam , or maybe because they think negatively or maybe because money is not their thing. All of this maybe the possible reason why they are not engage or why they don't want to be here. And as well as the earning system it is kind of unbelievable. Well after the brief discussion about this maybe theur mindset will change.
Status online scams happened in many years, that makes people always have a bad thoughts about making money online, more accurately, they hate to make money online, they do not believe it, and unfortunately, bitcoin also falls into the work of making money online, they are against it a very normal thing, we can not blame them. In addition, some components want to create bad reputation for bitcoin with the aim of making more people sell bitcoin at cheap rates, they against Bitcoin only because the purpose of earning profit

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December 20, 2017, 04:36:57 PM

Yes, thers a lot of people are against about bitcoin they are the ones who dont really know about bitcoin. And the others are the people that are afraid of investing in bitcoin because the thing that they keep in mind is this is only a scam.

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December 20, 2017, 05:28:13 PM

Very simple, because most people who are against bitcoins are ignorant of bitcoin, or they may view bitcoin as a scam. However, in fact, they were thinking wrongly, and then, they continued to cover up their mistakes by fighting bitcoins. That is the action of the idiots.
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December 20, 2017, 05:29:49 PM

They are afraid and don't believe in it...
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December 20, 2017, 05:30:42 PM

I wonder as well
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December 20, 2017, 05:41:19 PM

I wonder as well

People are against bitcoin because they are lack of knowledge about digital currency that can creat many factors making it disliking and contributing a lot hatred to itself and most of all they are passing over the innovations make some can not adopt the new trends because of a difficult to manipulate.
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December 20, 2017, 05:42:25 PM

people are against it just because they are bankers and they know they will be useless when bitcoin takes over the world!
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