Hello felixando, I'm watching with interest!
My technical knowledge is very limited, but if you need someone to bounce ideas off, go ahead
Some questions I have:
Also - this is a bit beyond my knowledge, but for zkSnarks do you need an initial setup?
ZCASH - this is one of the big flaws:
https://z.cash/blog/the-design-of-the-ceremony.htmlIt's kind of "hand-wavy" and very concerning for the currency itself. It doesn't seem like it's concern for privacy, though, but could be used to generate counterfeit currency.
"The problem is, if an attacker were to get a copy of that corresponding private key, they could use it to create counterfeit Zcash. That is the only harm they could do with it — they could not violate anyone else's privacy nor steal other people's Zcash."
EDIT: On a second thought, this probably wouldn't be an issue for DAG due to no-mining scenario?
This is an interesting question. I'm pretty sure that RSA needs a ceremony one way or another. Do you plan to use the results of the ongoing ceremony 2.0 over at Zcash? That looks like it may be a way to go. (I also like the idea to use a botnet, but this isn't exactly ethical…).
Monero has this built-in ability to add a short tag/message to a TX, which is supposed to help identify the TX for the receiver. I think this is kinda neat. In addition to Moneros basic utility as a means of identification, in a DAG scenario, this might be used as a built-in ultra-private messenger, which could be very interesting, I think.
Do you plan to add more people to your team at some point? I think most coins with small dev teams suffer from a kind of "technical centralization", which can lead to problems in some cases.
Regarding distribution models:
There is a reason why there is no standart procedure for this. Every Airdrop model suffers from some flaw, be it the "rich getting richer" thing or be it that sign-up lists are easy to spam with multiple sockpuppet entries. In the end, you will make some people unhappy and others happy. I kinda like the Byteball approach, although I think that such a long distribution phase adds no value to the tokens or the process. Something like that; having an Airdrop based on holdings at a given time, but with the need to sign up somewhere looks like a way to go.
And if you are afraid of "Big Fish" getting a bgger piece of the cake, consider this: a) If they signed up proactively, they are somewhat interested in your project, b) they somehow managed to get the funds they hold, so c) they might be interested and able to make your coin go up (if that is of importance to you).
Anyway, looks like you are going in an interesting direction here. Good luck and a happy new year