Activity: 22
Merit: 0
March 05, 2018, 06:42:40 PM |
@Lolliedieb Hello, thank you for this miner. I have 2 rigs, on nvidia rig, with 8 gpus of mixed models (1060 - around 10KSol/s,1070 around 17KSol/s, 1080 almost as 1070 but little less ,1080ti around 22-23 KSol/s), miner is working fine. But on the amd rig (5 vega 56, around 17-18 KSol/s per card) I'm having problems with random gpu getting 0 hash after some time (1 of 5 gpus). Can you fix this or just make miner close itself when detect 0 hash so that loop in the script can start again?
What OC settings are you using on 1080Ti ? I tried this miner, but it's not stable on my setup, and I cant get around 84kSol/s (6 x 1080ti) when I disconnect Teamviewer, and 95kSol/s when TV is connected.... 22kSol/s per card sounds great. my resalt GTX1080Ti 17-18.5k 1080 13-14k 1070 11-12k 1060 8-9k on windows 10 with G3930 RAM4GB how do you gain much more hashrate? extreme overclock? Ececceнo )
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
March 05, 2018, 06:49:53 PM |
@Lolliedieb Hello, thank you for this miner. I have 2 rigs, on nvidia rig, with 8 gpus of mixed models (1060 - around 10KSol/s,1070 around 17KSol/s, 1080 almost as 1070 but little less ,1080ti around 22-23 KSol/s), miner is working fine. But on the amd rig (5 vega 56, around 17-18 KSol/s per card) I'm having problems with random gpu getting 0 hash after some time (1 of 5 gpus). Can you fix this or just make miner close itself when detect 0 hash so that loop in the script can start again?
What OC settings are you using on 1080Ti ? I tried this miner, but it's not stable on my setup, and I cant get around 84kSol/s (6 x 1080ti) when I disconnect Teamviewer, and 95kSol/s when TV is connected.... 22kSol/s per card sounds great. my resalt GTX1080Ti 17-18.5k 1080 13-14k 1070 11-12k 1060 8-9k on windows 10 with G3930 RAM4GB how do you gain much more hashrate? extreme overclock? Ececceнo ) I have 16 GB DDR4 overclocked to 3GHz, I don't know if it have any impact, but I use this rig sometimes to play wolfenstein All 1080ti are overclocked: gpu +100, memory +1000 (cards are already factory overclocked, OC versions). Ambient temperature where rig is located is 5-10 C, I guess it helps with cooling a lot
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
March 05, 2018, 08:20:10 PM |
That could be it... I have Celeron G3930 with 4GB or RAM It seems this miner depends much on CPU
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
March 05, 2018, 08:40:52 PM |
miner for me is stable Tnx i have 3 card 1060 6g = 10700 2x 1050ti =6200 its good
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
March 05, 2018, 08:49:56 PM |
That could be it... I have Celeron G3930 with 4GB or RAM It seems this miner depends much on CPU Also have CPU i3-7100.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
March 05, 2018, 09:46:51 PM |
My miner crashes unexpectedly using suprnova pool. The cause of the crash is unknown, but it is more frequent than before. v 0.13 beta/GTX 1080/Windows 64bit
Activity: 49
Merit: 0
March 06, 2018, 03:50:43 AM |
miner crash a lot on windows 7 and 10,but very stable on untubu
Activity: 195
Merit: 15
March 06, 2018, 07:13:38 AM |
@Lolliedieb Hello, thank you for this miner. I have 2 rigs, on nvidia rig, with 8 gpus of mixed models (1060 - around 10KSol/s,1070 around 17KSol/s, 1080 almost as 1070 but little less ,1080ti around 22-23 KSol/s), miner is working fine. But on the amd rig (5 vega 56, around 17-18 KSol/s per card) I'm having problems with random gpu getting 0 hash after some time (1 of 5 gpus). Can you fix this or just make miner close itself when detect 0 hash so that loop in the script can start again?
What OC settings are you using on 1080Ti ? I tried this miner, but it's not stable on my setup, and I cant get around 84kSol/s (6 x 1080ti) when I disconnect Teamviewer, and 95kSol/s when TV is connected.... 22kSol/s per card sounds great. my resalt GTX1080Ti 17-18.5k 1080 13-14k 1070 11-12k 1060 8-9k on windows 10 with G3930 RAM4GB how do you gain much more hashrate? extreme overclock? Ececceнo ) I have 16 GB DDR4 overclocked to 3GHz, I don't know if it have any impact, but I use this rig sometimes to play wolfenstein All 1080ti are overclocked: gpu +100, memory +1000 (cards are already factory overclocked, OC versions). Ambient temperature where rig is located is 5-10 C, I guess it helps with cooling a lot hum, my 1080Ti is overclocked cc+150 mem+300(on linux 600) pl 65. need more PL and mem clocks.
March 06, 2018, 01:09:50 PM |
miner crash a lot on windows 7 and 10,but very stable on untubu
windows with RX 570 work perfect, give me 38k and for all day NOT ANY problem. Brilliant work! I am notice almost all have problem, have problem on suprnova, try mine (super hash and lower pool fee)
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
March 06, 2018, 01:12:14 PM |
Hi. I apologize for my broken English. I decided on my problem of slowing down when leaving TeamViewer. I tested on GTX 1060 and GTX 1070 Core -1950 Mhz Memory - 4400. I have on gtx 1060: 10500-11000, Gtx 1070: 16000. I throw off the miner in it two bat file. One for 1060, the other for 1070. You may also need it OpenCl.dll he is in the archive, the way C:/winwows/system32 . Thanks mnx :XLfjWk1Sw7doxMBsraN9M4JetWzKM3vqz9
Activity: 132
Merit: 11
March 06, 2018, 05:00:55 PM |
I get 13000 on both 1070 and 1080 - so can anyone confirm that the hashrate depends on the cpu? I have celerons on both of the machine thanks
Lolliedieb (OP)
March 06, 2018, 06:48:10 PM |
so can anyone confirm that the hashrate depends on the cpu? I have celerons on both of the machine
Well not in 0.21 and 0.22. Before it was very extreme, but the more recent version should not have this problems. By the way I myself also get about 13.5k on a founders edition GPU but have seen 1070 cards going above that. It depends extremely on the cards clocks, especially memory timings (rather then memory clock), so for every card there is kind of sweet spot in mem clock. I hope that its a bit more consistent with next version My miner crashes unexpectedly using suprnova pool. The cause of the crash is unknown, but it is more frequent than before. v 0.13 beta/GTX 1080/Windows 64bit
You really should not use that version any more. I have to admit that its just instable. First versions of this miner were rather like tropical fruits in mid Europe: get ripe at customer xD
Check out lolMiner 1.56, an efficient miner for Ethash, Beam and many Cuckoo-Cycle and Equihash variants for AMD & Nvidia cards at low fees.
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
March 06, 2018, 09:33:03 PM |
miner crash a lot on windows 7 and 10,but very stable on untubu
I have the exact opposite case :-(
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
March 07, 2018, 07:19:04 AM |
miner crash a lot on windows 7 and 10,but very stable on untubu
Confirmed, conf 2x1060 3gb , crashes randomly on Windows 7 x64, teamviewer bug exist ------- same conf , no changes 2x1060 3gb, runs on Lubuntu 17.10.1 no crash 6+++++ hours , no tw bug. +++++++ Hash rate 1060 3gb on optiminer-mnx 6700sol/s , on lolminer-mnx 10600sol/s Today i will install on 2x1050 mashine to check out , current on 2x1050 windows 7 give me on lolminer 5300sol/s but unstable
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
March 07, 2018, 09:58:00 AM |
I have one rig with 8 gpus geforce 1070, has anyone stable hashrate more than 13k for every card? When i start mining, the speed drops to 8k for one card. Thanks
March 07, 2018, 10:41:47 AM |
My system : RX vega + titan xp. Windows 10, blockchain drivers for rx vega, latest for nvidia. pool : suprnova
Lolminer 0.22: - when I start one instance of lolminer for each card (I have to since they are not on the same opencl platform and I can't use two opencl platform with one instance with lolminer): frequent crash or one card stop mining. - rx vega only: around 18000 kh/s with batch= 10 with mem@1100 - titan xp only : around 25000kh/s with mem overclock +500 (>6000) with --set-sleep-duration 800 (but cpu usage is high on one core). Not completely stable with 0.22 (was better with version 0.13).
On another pc : GTX 1080 ti : 21000-22000kh/s. with some mem oc.
performance is rather dependant on memory bandwith (speed and bus).
the setting --set-sleep-duration XXX seems doing the same whatever the value below 1000 (same high cpu usage, same performance).
Lolliedieb (OP)
March 07, 2018, 11:39:26 AM |
@ol92: hmm ... have not tested much two seperate instances ... will have to do so. @ALL: Important Announcement (In particular for the early adopters of lolMiner):I grabbed all the messages of this forum thread / private messages and telegram messages from the first two weeks and finally came up with an excel sheet of names and contributions to the lolMiner success. As promised: 50% of the first month income will be for you - to get the exact amount we will have to wait till Monday (should rename it to Moneyday ^^), but here are the names of those who are eligible to claim their fraction of the fee: From Bitcointalk forum: AAile Aeon_ anatolikostis Anon11073 Atomsprengkopf beta1234 BtcBlack cocopuffs99 Dirtpaw elektrofusion7 ExEric3 farfui FuSioNmAn gaissa goedi HarleyQuinn2011 Inves kdb Kompik mareleki mikebzh44 minodow mk111 Monayman NameTaken ol92 oomurashin qwep1 r12x2 ruckus_pro salshicha Sebahl Syth TheG Timoxa886 TMacLaughlin UrsaUrsa Wa4A WinstonBlue YoloMolo yurez83 ZenoDiac
From Telegram: crodair Fabio N!hrUPk@ Racquemis Reagan Sebastian Valery
If your name is on the list, what to do?Create a new mnx address and send it to me in a private message, either here or in telegram (if you decide to do in telegram but are here in bitcointalk list do not forget your nickname). Please do so before Friday, March 16th. 12:00 UTC I think my name is missing... You contributed with sol/s report, virus check or bug report in the first to weeks (before Feb 27)? Well then also send me a private message with link to the post and I will add you if I have overseen the contribution. And how much will be payed out?I can not say jet precisely. Currently we are at about 45 MNX to be payed, but with next half week still counting this will be approx 55 to 60 in total. Also as said some posts before: unclaimed shares will be split: 50% go to the faucet and other 50% go to people who gave me an address to send to. From the splitting: 15% go to people sharing hash-rates, 4% for virus checks, 37 for bug reports (in two categories depending on details), 15% bug confirmations, 15% for providing fixes and solutions for users, 10% private testing and 4% for misc contributions. From the numbers I have till now is that least payed value will be at approx 0.35 mnx and max between 4 and 5 mnx. I hope you agree that I keep the exact amount of each one in the list closed, but every one will get a private message reply to the msg with the address where I give the transaction. So, thats it for the moment, looking forward completing v0.3 ------------ Current stats: Hash-Rate of all lolMiners out there: 49.8 Msol Market share: 52,5 % You are amazing guys, thanks for that support!
Check out lolMiner 1.56, an efficient miner for Ethash, Beam and many Cuckoo-Cycle and Equihash variants for AMD & Nvidia cards at low fees.
Jr. Member
Activity: 230
Merit: 1
March 07, 2018, 12:10:17 PM |
@ol92: hmm ... have not tested much two seperate instances ... will have to do so. @ALL: Important Announcement (In particular for the early adopters of lolMiner):I grabbed all the messages of this forum thread / private messages and telegram messages from the first two weeks and finally came up with an excel sheet of names and contributions to the lolMiner success. As promised: 50% of the first month income will be for you - to get the exact amount we will have to wait till Monday (should rename it to Moneyday ^^), but here are the names of those who are eligible to claim their fraction of the fee: From Bitcointalk forum: AAile Aeon_ anatolikostis Anon11073 Atomsprengkopf beta1234 BtcBlack cocopuffs99 Dirtpaw elektrofusion7 ExEric3 farfui FuSioNmAn gaissa goedi HarleyQuinn2011 Inves kdb Kompik mareleki mikebzh44 minodow mk111 Monayman NameTaken ol92 oomurashin qwep1 r12x2 ruckus_pro salshicha Sebahl Syth TheG Timoxa886 TMacLaughlin UrsaUrsa Wa4A WinstonBlue YoloMolo yurez83 ZenoDiac
From Telegram: crodair Fabio N!hrUPk@ Racquemis Reagan Sebastian Valery
If your name is on the list, what to do?Create a new mnx address and send it to me in a private message, either here or in telegram (if you decide to do in telegram but are here in bitcointalk list do not forget your nickname). Please do so before Friday, March 16th. 12:00 UTC I think my name is missing... You contributed with sol/s report, virus check or bug report in the first to weeks (before Feb 27)? Well then also send me a private message with link to the post and I will add you if I have overseen the contribution. And how much will be payed out?I can not say jet precisely. Currently we are at about 45 MNX to be payed, but with next half week still counting this will be approx 55 to 60 in total. Also as said some posts before: unclaimed shares will be split: 50% go to the faucet and other 50% go to people who gave me an address to send to. From the splitting: 15% go to people sharing hash-rates, 4% for virus checks, 37 for bug reports (in two categories depending on details), 15% bug confirmations, 15% for providing fixes and solutions for users, 10% private testing and 4% for misc contributions. From the numbers I have till now is that least payed value will be at approx 0.35 mnx and max between 4 and 5 mnx. I hope you agree that I keep the exact amount of each one in the list closed, but every one will get a private message reply to the msg with the address where I give the transaction. So, thats it for the moment, looking forward completing v0.3 ------------ Current stats: Hash-Rate of all lolMiners out there: 49.8 Msol Market share: 52,5 % You are amazing guys, thanks for that support! Pretty cool We waiting for v0.3 YAY ... lol
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
March 07, 2018, 12:19:36 PM |
Hi, will you implement an API ? I'll be happy to add your miner to my future monitoring app
The Cryptophilanthropist
March 07, 2018, 01:01:24 PM |
Any fix for crash in Windows 7 exception code 0xc0000005 Happens after 30-90 secs Thanks
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